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Volume 3 Chapter 45 Interview

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    "Nh, I'm really troubling you. You have to come all the way here for my personal matters." "Yes, this is my responsibility." Zhu Jiading handed him the document in his hand and said with an apologetic look:  "Mr. Shen, time is in a hurry. I only made a general plan and haven't had time to work on the specific details. "It's good to have a plan. Don't ask for too much.  Shen Chong motioned him to sit down, sighed, and said: "Last time, I also asked you to make a crisis public relations plan on a whim. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. You have to be responsible for attracting investment for the TV station. And  You have to be responsible for the promotion of "Die Hard" and you have to wear two hats. It's hard for you to be able to do this.  " Shen Chong asked the maid to bring tea to Zhu Jiading, then sat on the sofa, opened the document, and looked at the crisis public relations plan he had drawn up. He thought about it while reading it. He read a few thin pages for nearly half an hour. "Mr. Shen  .  "Zhu Jiading waited for him to close the document and asked cautiously: "Do you think this plan is feasible?  " "Nh, don't be restrained.  Shen Chong was noncommittal, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and then said: "This matter, whether it is big or small, has no impact on me personally, but you know that today's society is dominated by men."  , women are easily surrounded by people holding magnifying glasses, and I don¡¯t want them to be harmed.  " "Actually, according to the past practice of wealthy young men, if such a scandal occurs, either it will be dragged out to the end, the people who dragged it have dispersed, and the public has lost interest, so it will be left alone, or Yu Jian will give up and deny it.  Women have to figure it out themselves.  "Zhu Jiading is a famous good man and love saint. He said with sadness: "It's rare for Mr. Shen to be like this.  " "What's so rare? Didn't you see that I'm all covered up?  Worried, that¡¯s my current state.  Shen Chong smiled mockingly, and then said: "I read your plan, and the general idea is correct."  You said above that humans have an innate desire to pry into privacy. The more you hide something, the more closely you will be watched.  I very much agree with this point of view. We must first be open and honest, meet and communicate with the media, and guide them to report the things we want them to report. Through intensive exposure, we can reduce the public's desire for voyeurism, and then create an attention-grabbing event to attract the public's attention.  Move them away. In a few days, they will get used to it and no longer have any gimmicks. The media will no longer be interested in harassing them. I think your idea is good, so let's do it.  "Mr. Shen, your thinking is clearer than mine."  Zhu Jiading pushed up his glasses and said, "I just had a vague idea. I didn't expect that Mr. Shen would already have a plan."  " Crisis public relations was a bad term in Shen Chong's previous life, but in 19RU, it was a new concept that had just emerged. However, Shen Chong had no professional theoretical support after all. Zhu Jiading had theories and ideas. Although his plan was not perfect, his ideas were  It gave him a lot of inspiration. ¡°Nh, you have friendship with all the media in Hong Kong. Please help me arrange it.  Shen Chong touched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "This matter cannot be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the more annoying it will be."  Originally, television was the best, it was fast, and it directly faced the public, and what was said would not be reinterpreted by reporters before being released. But today is Wednesday, there are no interview programs, so you can only look for newspapers. You see  Which newspaper is better to arrange an exclusive interview with?  " ""Ming Pao" has a strong humanistic color and has always advertised neutrality, so it is a relatively good choice.  "Zhu Jiading hesitated, thought for a while, and then said: "But "Ming Pao" has little influence in Taiwan. "Oriental Daily" may be better. This newspaper can be sold in Taiwan.  ""Oriental Daily" is the flagship of the Oriental Press Group. The founders of the newspaper group, brothers Ma Xiru and Ma Xizhen, are right-wing pro-Taiwan elements because in the 1970s, they sold drugs together with the famous drug lord Lai Hao.  Arrested and charged by the Hong Kong police, they fled to Taiwan in 1977 and 1978. They are still at large until the 21st century. Although the Ma brothers absconded for drug trafficking, they did not affect the daily operations of the Oriental Daily newspaper.  In 2019, it was still the top three major newspapers in Hong Kong in terms of sales, with good credibility and popularity. ¡°Then let¡¯s contact Oriental Daily, set a time, and find a more reliable reporter.  Shen Chong scratched his head and said: "Ask H if there are any talk shows that he can appear on in the past two days. Although I am very reluctant to appear on the opponent's TV to increase their ratings, who can let our TV genius?"  The broadcast is on a professional TV station. This matter has nothing to do with movies and is not suitable for public and private use. "Okay." Zhu Jiading stood up and said, "Then I will contact you first." After Zhu Jiading left, Shen Chong went upstairs to watch.  After taking a look, he found that Li Kaiyuan was really sleeping, and sleeping soundly. He stood in front of the bed and looked at it for a while before quietly walking out.  He walked into the public restroom next to the stairs, washed his face, then looked in the mirror and said to himself: "Shen Chong, your heart will bleed. You are no longer a god who doesn't care about anything. From now on,  Live your life with extra caution." "Hello, Mr. Shen, I am Xie Jiaxian, a reporter from Oriental Daily." Shen Chong said while talking to the forty-year-old man in front of him.The men on the left and right shook hands and frowned without leaving any trace. In his opinion, this kind of gossip is more suitable to communicate with female reporters. Women like to pursue gossip and are easily moved by emotions. They are easy to guide, but in 19dU  In 2001, female reporters were very rare and could not be forced.  "Mr. Xie, please sit down." "Mr. Shen, thank you for giving us the opportunity to interview with Oriental Daily." Xie Jiaxian wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked very elegant. After he sat down, he put the camera on his shoulder on his feet.  Next, he took out the recording pen and put it on the coffee table. Finally, he took out his notepad and said, "Mr. Shen, can we start?" "Okay." "Is the news reported by Wanwan Daily today true?  "A small part is true, and a large part are just rumors." Shen Chong adjusted his sitting posture and said, "And their words have obvious slanderous intentions. I have already communicated with the lawyer.  "I will sue this newspaper." "Can you tell me which part is true and which part is false?" "It is true that I dated KatarIu and IvIa at the same time, and there are some things that everyone knows.  For example, the toy factory business, such as me accompanying IvIa to the United States for filming, these are true." Shen Chong put his hands on the back of the sofa and said, "As for the fake part, my lawyer will talk about it in the future, but I am not interested in talking about it now.  "Mr. Shen, can you tell me why you are dating two ladies at the same time? And they are two very good ladies." "Mr. Shen, this reason is not convincing, right?"  He smiled and said: "Isn't it true that men and women stay together because they like each other?" "But Mr. Shen, the Hong Kong government abolished the concubine system in 1971. Now is the era of monogamy. You are with two people at the same time.  It is against the law to have a relationship with a woman." "It's just love." Shen Chong crossed his legs and said, "I didn't say I wanted to take a concubine." "Mr.  Aren't you afraid of being criticized? ""Morality and stuff are just a placebo for ordinary people." Shen Chong started to talk nonsense, and said: "Nowadays, the competition in society is fierce, and many men can't even afford a house.  , of course, I have no money to support women, so I use monogamy as a cover to advocate loving only one person. In fact, it is just an excuse to cover up my lack of ability. I have the ability, can make money, and can support them, so I marry them at the same time.  They were dating. As soon as the controversial topic came up, Xie Jiaxian's eyes lit up and he asked: "Mr. Shen means that as long as a man has money, he can date many women at will that?"  " "I didn't say casually.  Shen Chong sat up straight and emphasized: "Whether I am doing business or dating, I always follow one principle, that is, you are willing to do what you want, no force, no messing around, no hypocrisy."  " "rr I made a mistake.  "Xie Jiaxian apologized and then asked again: "Mr. Shen is saying that as long as a man has money, he can date many women at the same time?  " "Not necessarily a rich man.  Shen Chong used the energy of future generations to talk nonsense on the Internet, expanded it randomly, and said: "It's okay to have power, no money, no power, a beautiful face, or a strong body, but it's okay to have nothing.  A good tongue can get by, but in short, as long as you have the ability and the woman is willing, then it's no problem.  " 19RU was far less open than later generations, and newspapers were even more serious media. Xie Jiaxian had probably never encountered an interviewee who talked nonsense like Shen Chong. He was a little stunned. He calmed down and asked again: "Mr. Shen, as a  Public figures, when you speak like this, aren't you afraid of negative repercussions?  " "What's wrong?  Shen Chong smiled nonchalantly and said, "In the final analysis, all the love, hatred, and hatred between men and women in the world are just for two things. First: Who do you eat with, and where do you eat?"  Second: Who do you sleep with and where do you sleep?  I can build ten of the best restaurants in the world, and I can also build ten of the best villas in the world. Reporter Xie, why can't I have ten of the best women in the world?  There are only two now, and they are already very restrained.  " "Mr. Shen's conclusion is quite interesting.  " "In the past few years in Taiwan, the so-called "three-room movie theater, living room, dining room, and cafe" was popular. Actually, I would say that the cafe should be replaced by a bedroom.  Shen Chong said with a smile: "No one has watched the movies in the three halls now, just because the audience found that eating and drinking every day, but not having a place to sleep, cannot vent their energy, which is not satisfying."  " "Mr. Shen is indeed a tycoon in the film industry.  "Xie Jiaxian was ashamed and said: "Let's get back to the topic, Mr. Shen, even if you don't care about moral constraints and public comments, what should Miss Li and Miss Zhang do if they know each other's existence?  "
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