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Volume 3 Chapter 12 Premiere

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    When Apple's 11pLP was first launched in June last year, the monthly sales volume was only more than 1,000 units. After acquiring Shen Chong's electronic spreadsheet software, the monthly sales volume is now as high as more than 20,000 units.  Atari VP was launched in 1977 and sold more than 1 million units in two years until January 1979. After the emergence of a series of popular games such as "Tetris" and "Pac-Man", a  During the Christmas shopping season, more than 1 million units were sold in the United States, and in 2019, the popularity continued unabated. In less than half a year, more than 1 million units were sold, and the market share was close to 5 million units.  Warner's stock rose again and again, becoming the most popular of the eight major Hollywood film companies.  The better the performance of these two companies, the more attention will be paid to Shen Chong, who is lying on top and sucking blood. Apple is planning to go public. According to the prediction of the "Wall Street Journal", once listed, Shen Chong's stock will be worth at least 200 million US dollars.  The money he originally invested in electronic spreadsheet software was only US$100,000, which increased UU times in one year, which was a stroke of genius.  But what¡¯s even more shocking is the video game business. Atari¡¯s own games are almost uninterested, while Activision¡¯s games are more popular than the last. According to statistics from Fortune magazine, ¡°Russia  The total sales volume of a series of games such as "Pac-Man" and "Tank Battle" has exceeded 10,000 units of UU. At US$45 per game, the turnover is as high as US$900 million. This is very scary data.  We know that the combined box office of the ten highest-grossing movies in North America in 1979 was just over 400 million US dollars. In the face of such dazzling facts, Shen Chong published last year such as "knowledge economy", "software-driven hardware", "personal computers will be  "The next industrial revolution" and other remarks have been interpreted and studied by more and more mainstream media and authoritative experts, including "one of the richest super-rich people in the world", "the future world business leader", "the most popular among young people"  Labels such as "Top Ten Idols I Worshiped" were placed on his head one after another, and his name became a household name in the United States.  After Shen Chong arrived in the United States in early April, he did various things, bought bargains everywhere, invested in Coca-Cola, bought shares in Wal-Mart, and merged with four or five computer and electrical appliance chain companies. This was all very breaking news. In addition to accepting interviews with Time and Forbes  In addition to exclusive interviews with print media such as "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," he also participated in prime-time talk shows on the three major U.S. television networks. He appeared frequently, and his popularity soared, making him the king of topics. Therefore, at the premiere of "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," it was originally  He came to make soy sauce and became one of the focuses of the media. After arriving at the Chinese Theater, he was surrounded by many reporters as soon as he showed up.  "Mr. Shen, there is news that you are planning to acquire Fox Film Company and enter Hollywood. Is it true?" "Mr. Shen, you have invested tens of millions of dollars in Silicon Valley and established a laboratory dedicated to developing new film technologies.  Do you think film technology is the next gold mine? "Mr. Shen, will you participate in the investment of "Star Wars 3"? "The huge success of "Star Wars" in 1977 turned Fox around, which was almost bankrupt.  The market value doubled, creating a stock market miracle. However, most of the movies produced by Fox in the past two years have been dismal at the box office, the financial reports are very ugly, the stock is faltering, and "Star Wars" is in urgent need of rescue. Therefore, at the premiere ceremony, in addition to  Reporters from major entertainment media, as well as many financial reporters, quickly went beyond the scope of the movie.  "Mr. Shen, you have attended the Republican Party's election fundraising galas many times recently. Do you have any thoughts on naturalizing the United States? There are rumors that Reagan wants to invite you to be his presidential campaign staff. Is it true?" "Mr. Shen, it is said that Atari  The company is planning to ban third-party companies from developing games on Atari VP and is planning to sue Activision Games. How do you respond to this? "Mr. Shen, Steve Jobs believes that IHN is outdated and will be eliminated by the times. As Apple,"  The company¡¯s second largest shareholder has been purchasing IHNR shares on a large scale recently. Can you explain the reason? " Under the protection of security and staff, Shen Chong struggled through the reporters, walked into the Chinese Theater, and went up to the second floor.  , found the reserved VIP box, and as soon as he entered, Lily clapped her hands and joked: "Alan, you are so popular, you should really act in the movie yourself. The box office will definitely be a hit." "I am a humanoid money printing machine.  ." Shen Chong laughed at himself and said: "In the real world, people love money, but in the screen world, people love beauty. If I look like this, I will definitely be in trouble." After greeting a few people in the box, Shen Chong said.  Chong stood at the front of the box, looked around, and said, "When I saw the decoration inside, I thought of two words. What do you think they are?" "I think." Zhang Yonglin stood next to him and said with a smile:  "One of them must have carved beams and painted beams. "Yes, the outside is neither fish nor fowl, neither Chinese nor foreign, but the inside is very Chinese.  Shen Chong looked at the golden ceiling with the Chinese dragon carved on it and the red curtain, and said, "It's magnificent and interesting."  Zhang Aijia pointed to the side of the theater and said, "Then another word is poetic." Shen Chong gave her a??is the look you know.  The side of the Chinese Theater is very cleverly designed. It is a Chinese landscape painting wall with brown background and white stripes. It is painted with phoenixes, plum branches, pagodas and other very Chinese characteristics. The front is separated by four blue and white pillars. Between the pillars  The space is the corridor for the audience to enter and exit. Between the entrance and exit, the painting is looming, which is quite interesting as "like holding a pipa and half covering the face".  After several people admired the interior decoration of the theater for a while, Shen Chong began to show off and said, "Did you know? This theater was owned by Fox Company a few years ago." "Really?" Zhang Yonglin was surprised and said, "I  I only knew that it was built by Sid Grauman in 1919, but I didn¡¯t expect that it was actually owned by the Fox Company. ¡°Sid Grauman was the most famous performance manager and theater owner in Hollywood in that era. The theater started construction in 1926.  , built in 1919, costing more than 2 million US dollars, which was an astronomical figure at the time. After its opening, it caused a sensation in Los Angeles. The first movie to be screened was "The King of Kings". The governor and mayor came to attend that night, and the tickets were as high as 11 US dollars.  I know that even now, the ticket price of a movie in the United States does not exceed 3 US dollars." Shen Chong spoke eloquently: "In fact, when it was built, West Germany Grauman only owned one-third of the shares.  During the recession, he almost went bankrupt, so he sold his shares to a theater company affiliated to Fox. In 1950, Fox acquired the other two-thirds of the shares and wholly owned the theater. However, in 1973, Fox lost weight and took over the theater chain.  The company was sold to Tedman, and this theater was also included. By the way, in fact, the official name of this theater now should be called 'Thai Theater,' but people are too lazy to change their name, so they habitually call it the Chinese Theater." "  Mr. Shen is really knowledgeable." Zhang Yonglin praised him and said, "I think even a native of Los Angeles may not know the story." "What's so profound?" Shen Chong smiled and said, "I'm just jealous of this place.  , I wanted to buy it, so I did some research. " "That's great, Alan, I support you." Lily, who was chatting with Leslie Cheung, was overjoyed when she heard this, and turned around and said, "Buy it quickly, and I won't worry about buying it in the future.  There are no premiere tickets for popular movies." Zhang Aijia looked down at the crowded hall and asked, "This place is in a prime location in Los Angeles and it's so famous. Isn't it difficult to buy?" "It's not easy to buy."  Chong made a distressed expression and said: "The price is not a problem, but Tedman not only sells, but also buys the other 300 movie theaters he has, which is a bit troublesome." "That's really troublesome.  "Zhang Yonglin frowned and said with deep emotion: "When I hear the word bundled sales, my head gets big." Zhang Yonglin is very capable and successfully opened the business in Hong Kong in just three months.  There are more than 200 video chain stores with a monthly turnover of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. Although the profits are not much, with the refinement of management and the strengthening of monopoly status, it is only a matter of time before huge profits are made.  After the channel construction was basically completed, the expansion of content resources was put on the agenda. After all, the film and television resources in Hong Kong and Taiwan alone were not rich enough. Hong Kong was a British colony, and there was also a market for English-language films. So Zhang Yonglin turned his attention to the United States, and Shen  Chong Ye happily asked him to take the lead and try the waters in Hollywood, so he approved his application to come to the United States to acquire film copyrights. However, judging from his tone, it didn't go well.  Shen Chong had watched "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" many times in his previous life, so others were watching it intently, but he sat in a comfortable and luxurious box and half-heartedly chatted about business with Zhang Yonglin: "What does Fox think of the video tape market?"  "It's strange. Video tapes are obviously a very profitable business." Zhang Yonglin adjusted his glasses and said, "We are doing very well in Hong Kong, but in the United States, they know nothing about it, and there is not even any media coverage.  I have contacted several high-level executives who are very critical of video tapes, thinking that it will impact the profits of the film market. "This is not surprising. Americans are accustomed to being too high-minded. They think that the United States is the world." Shen Chong smiled.  Said: "I estimate that six out of ten Americans don't know where Hong Kong is. This view of Fox's senior management is very beneficial to us, and we can try to make use of it during negotiations." "I think so too." Zhang Yonglin  He was not in the mood to watch a movie. He looked at the screen casually and said: "Although Americans don't understand the video tape market, they are arrogant and cunning. We can only buy movies from three years ago, and to buy a good movie, you must have a movie with it."  Selling ten rubbish movies, almost all of them are black and white films from before the 1950s. Not only are they not famous, but the quality is also very low. No one will watch them on video tapes. " "No rush, we have plenty of time." Shen Chong said slightly.  Yixiao said: "Universal and Disney have been suing Sony since 197U, believing that the video recorder allows users to illegally record TV and movies without the permission of the copyright owner, infringing copyright and causing economic losses to them. Sony is responsible for  There is indirect legal liability for contributing to infringement, requiring compensation, and banning the sale of video recorders in the United States. Do you know this case? " "Know.  "Zhang Yonglin nodded and said: "In 1977, the Central District Court of California rejected the lawsuit of Universal and Disney. Then the two companies quickly appealed, and it was delayed for another three years. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is still hearing the case.  ¡± In 1976, the United States revised its copyright law. In the same year, Universal sued Sony, and then Disney joined the fray. In 1977, the Central District Court of California found Sony innocent, and Universal appealed. In 1981, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned it.  The first-instance judgment held that Sony had indeed "contributed to infringement." Sony refused to accept it and appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. After three years of tossing, in 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court finally ruled that Sony was not guilty and that the sale had "substantial non-infringement."  "Purpose" video recorders do not constitute "contributing to infringement." This is one of the most famous cases in the history of high-tech intellectual property. This case set a legal example for how to define "fair use" and "contributing to infringement" - Sony's defense lawyer  It is believed that video recorders are only produced to help viewers make reasonable use of their time and change the time they watch programs. It is for personal and non-commercial purposes and is a "fair use" of technological products. Therefore, the act of selling video recorders to the public does not constitute "contributing to infringement."  ". "If Sony loses this lawsuit, not only will it lose its video recorders, but also future digital products such as cameras and NP recorders will face natural legal troubles of "copyright infringement" from birth. In Shen Chong's previous life, many cases were  This judgment was cited as a defense, such as the case in 2001 when the five major record companies jointly sued Nap, and in 2001, dozens of film companies including MGM jointly sued the Pp network service provider. As a half-hearted IT migrant worker, he naturally had some interest in this case.  A rough understanding: In 1984, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Sony was not guilty, the video recorder market exploded immediately, and video tape rentals also increased, becoming the largest financial source for film companies. It has been booming in recent years. It was not until the emergence of D that the video recorder was  Eliminated. "Americans love to litigate. This case will definitely drag on for a long time, and before the final verdict is issued, Sony and K dare not mass-produce and sell video recorders in the United States, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses if sales are banned.  Shen Chong, the master of pretending, said: "So I estimate that the video tape market in North America will not become popular in two or three years, and two or three years will be enough for us to slowly lay out the layout."  " "That's what Mr. Shen said.  Zhang Yonglin was very smart and said, "So, why don't we explore the Japanese market first?"  Japan is the world's second largest consumer market and the home base of Sony and C, so there will be no trouble with sales bans.  " "You can go and try.  "Sure enough, he is a warrior who charges into battle. Shen Chong immediately agreed and said: "I asked Vivian to help you arrange a meeting with the president of Toho Co., Ltd.  "
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