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Volume 3 Chapter 8 Reception

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    "Every time I go to the United States, I feel like a poor man." Shen Chong, wearing a safety helmet and looking at the huge Boeing 74 being assembled, said: "Three months ago, I was a rich man with hundreds of millions of dollars.  And now, I am a big loser who owes hundreds of millions of dollars to the bank. From heaven to hell, it only takes 100 days. "In the United States, whether you are an individual or a company, if you don't owe the bank money, it means you are not successful enough.  "A tall man with a striking aquiline nose smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, I want to congratulate you. You are now a truly successful person.  "This is a joke, but the few Chinese people around did not laugh, but looked serious - for Americans, the money owed to the bank is not owed at all, it is just consumption of future income in advance, but for lUR0 years  For Chinese people, debt is always a bad thing. Shen Chong said that he owed hundreds of millions of dollars, which was a little scary. Shen Chong looked back at everyone's expressions and said to the man: "Mr. Wilson, Boeing is so successful.  , I must also owe a lot of money to the bank?  " "Of course, of course.  "This tall man is none other than Wilson, the chairman of Boeing Company. He smiled and said: "We owe tens of billions of dollars. Every airplane here and this huge factory were built with bank money.  of.  " "So, I will work harder to borrow money in the future.  Shen Chong laughed loudly and said: "When I borrow 10 billion, I will definitely be able to join the top 500 companies in the world."  " At this time, those Chinese people realized that Shen Chong was joking just now, so they laughed in response - these people were sent to the United States by the Civil Aviation Administration of China to negotiate with Boeing to rent aircraft. During the Spring Festival  During this period, Shen Chong talked about the concept of "financial leasing" with Wu Ziming. After he returned, he told his family that it immediately attracted the attention of the elders in the family who worked in civil aviation. After the reform and opening up, foreigners going to China became more and more popular.  More and more people are coming, the domestic economy has become active, and more and more people are traveling long distances. However, the road and railway construction in the mainland are very imperfect. Aircraft are the most efficient means of passenger transportation, but most of the Chinese civil aviation has six  The old aircraft of the 1900s had limited range and insufficient passenger capacity, and could not meet the needs of the new era. When Deng visited the United States in 1979, he made a special trip to Seattle to visit the six-story 747.  The assembly workshop left a deep impression on him. Shortly after the visit, his superiors approved China Civil Aviation's plan to purchase three Boeing 747s. However, a 747 sold for more than 10,000 U.S. dollars, and Civil Aviation could not afford it.  After procrastinating for more than half a year, no solution was found. Shen Chong's words just opened up a new idea for civil aviation. Aircraft financial leasing is a leveraged leasing model. Simply put, the lessor only contributes part of the money to purchase the aircraft.  Funds, the remaining money, use the aircraft as collateral, borrow from banks or other financial institutions, and then lease the aircraft to airlines. The lessor can make profits through rent and various tax incentives, and the bank can charge interest  , airlines can quickly improve their business capabilities in this way. It can be said that this financial investment method first emerged in the United States and developed rapidly after the RU era. In the 1990s, it became the preferred method for the world's major airlines to purchase aircraft. Shen  Before traveling to the past life, I had read reports that China¡¯s civil aviation purchased more than 700 aircraft from 19RU to 1999, of which the aircraft were leased. By the 21st century, almost 90% of the aircraft were  Financial giants such as Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, and Bank of Communications have established specialized aircraft leasing departments with an annual turnover of tens of billions. Shortly after the Spring Festival, Boeing Chairman Wilson visited Beijing.  , received by Mr. Deng, Boeing has its own financial company. In order to seize the Chinese market, during the meeting, he was willing to provide the most favorable plan to support the introduction of Boeing 74 in the form of financial leasing for China's civil aviation. In this way, everything is ready.  The only thing missing is a lessor who can afford a down payment. In this case, the first person to propose the concept of "financial leasing", a good relationship with mainland executives, and a high-quality asset in the United States will become a candidate that satisfies both parties.  Before the Academy Awards ceremony, Wu Ziming brought the senior management's message to Hong Kong. Shen Chong immediately agreed to provide financial help without even frowning. Aircraft financing leasing is highly profitable, with stable income and broad prospects. China's civil aviation is a monopoly.  The administrative department is endorsed by the national credit, and there is no risk at all in doing business with it. By doing this favor, he can not only sell a favor, but also get a favor and establish his image as a super rich man.  Buying a Boeing 747 requires US$10,000, but according to the leasing plan, the down payment is only for three aircraft, and the total down payment is only US$150,000. There is no pressure on Shen Chong, but the Boeing 747 is the most famous aircraft in the world, and it is more expensive than luxury homes.  Yachts are much more eye-catching, with an absolutely high-end atmosphere and class. Financing leasing is an emerging financial concept that ordinary people cannot understand. When three 747s fly to Hong Kong, people will only say: "Look, let's buy it."  3 Boeing 74s." Who wouldn't hesitate to say this?  Who doesn¡¯t look up to you?  When wealth and fame reach a certain level, he can compete with anyoneNo one dares to ignore what he says, not even the national leader.  ¡°And with this help, his private jet was managed in Guangzhou, which was just a matter of words.  In order to celebrate the agreement and successful signing between the two parties, Wilson held a grand dinner after visiting the Boeing 747 assembly plant. The three aircraft are a small business for Boeing, but this business represents the real significance of the Chinese aviation market.  It is open to American companies, which has special political and economic significance. Therefore, not only Boeing's top executives attended collectively, but also some politicians from Washington State and Seattle, and even the White House sent a special envoy to attend.  At this dinner, Shen Chong saw the political figure he wanted to make friends with most, not the future President Reagan, but a Chinese woman - Chen Xiangmei.  Chen Xiangmei is Liao Chengzhi's niece, and her maternal grandfather is Liao Zhongkai's brother. Liao Chengzhi was in the United States for surgery, and she arranged all the food, clothing, housing and transportation. It was just an unlucky thing that Shen Chong didn't look at Liao Chengzhi every time he visited her.  to her.  Chen Xiangmei is a Chinese who is very active in American politics. In 1947, she married Chennault, the "Flying Tiger General" who came to China to fight the war. After Chennault died in 1958, she moved to Washington in 1999. In 1999, she accepted the invitation of President Kennedy and became the first  The first Chinese American to work in the White House. After Kennedy was assassinated, she joined the Republican Party and made great contributions to Nixon's presidential campaign in 1919. In 19UR, she was appointed as the Executive Committee Member and Finance Vice Chairman of the U.S. Republican Party. In 1970, she served as the Vice President of Flying Tiger Airlines.  She became the first female vice president of American Airlines. She contributed a lot to Nixon's visit to China in 1919 and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979.  Since 1978, Chen Xiangmei has paved the way for Reagan to run for president and is one of Reagan's core advisers. As we all know, Reagan was once a Hollywood actor. After he took office, he not only attended the Oscar Awards, but also introduced many policies that were beneficial to Hollywood.  The policy made the American film industry, which had been half-dead, prosperous again and swept the world in the 1990s.  As a Chinese, no matter how rich Shen Chong was, he could not influence Reagan's governing policies. He wanted to make friends with Chen Xiangmei just to get involved in things related to Taiwan.  Reagan was a Republican and a member of the Conservative Party. His campaign slogan was very tough and he was regarded as a militant who undermined peace. After he was elected president, he was worried that China would misunderstand his governing style, so as soon as he took office, he immediately sent Chen Xiangmei to serve as the president.  The special envoy went to Beijing and sent a handwritten letter to Deng Gong explaining his policy of governing. When Chen Xiangmei returned to the United States, she got another letter dictated by Soong Ching Ling and written by Liao Chengzhi. In the letter, Soong Ching Ling asked Soong Meiling to return home.  In Shanghai, the two sisters reunited, but before Soong Meiling could reply, Soong Ching Ling passed away This was a very interesting thing, and Shen Chong thought he could take advantage of it - which led to the creation of the most legendary sisters in China after 40 years.  Just thinking about getting together again makes people fascinated, not only for its historical significance recorded in history, but also for its massive political and economic interests.  Of course, this matter is very difficult to handle. Soong Ching Ling's health is not good and her time is running out. And Soong Meiling will not return to the mainland under any circumstances, but it is better to try than not to try. This kind of thing is a matter of planning and success.  In heaven, even if it doesn't work out in the end, there are still many benefits.  After chatting with Chen Xiangmei for a while, she asked: "Mr. Shen, who are you most optimistic about among the Republican candidates for presidential nomination?" The Republican Party has nominated a total of ten presidential candidates, but the two main competitions are  There are only two candidates, Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Opinion polls show that the support rates of the two of them are evenly matched. Each has its own merits. Before the Republican National Convention in July, who can win and represent the Republican Party in the 2019RU National Convention?  No one can predict the US presidential election.  But Shen Chong was a member of the Traversing Party, and of course he knew who the big winner was. He said categorically: "Reagan, of course Reagan." "Why?" "There is no reason." If we really want to discuss politics, foreigners like Shen Chong are definitely not the ones.  The opponent who was a veteran in the political arena held a champagne glass and said with a smile, "I heard that when Reagan was the governor of California, he bought a commercial private jet as a tool for official travel, thus becoming the first person in the United States to win a private jet.  The governor uses airplanes as an administrative means of transportation. I like airplanes, so I like him. If I have the right to vote, I will definitely vote for him. "It was very endearing to say this at Boeing, and several people around him laughed.  Chen Xiangmei raised her glass, clinked it with him, and said, "Mr. Shen, you are so funny." "I also like airplanes, but I support Bush. He has been a member of Congress, the director of the CIA, and the U.S.  The representative to the United Nations and the U.S. ambassador to Beijing have very rich diplomatic experience, especially good understanding of China, and the economic policies in the campaign plan are very moderate." Wilson took a sip of champagne and said: "Reagan's policies are too radical and may be dangerous.  It will cause further economic turmoil, and the current economic stagnation in the United States is very bad." "Mr. Wilson," Shen Chong looked at it thoughtfully.Chen Xiangmei of ?? said: "In China, there is a saying that severe illness requires strong medicine. The U.S. national debt is now close to one trillion US dollars, inflation is as high as double digits, and bank interest rates are as high as RU. More than RU00,000 people are unemployed and their wages are  The level continues to decline, and you are already seriously ill. The problem cannot be solved without drastic measures. This is like suffering from cancer, enduring the temporary pain, having surgery to remove the tumor, and you can regain your health in the future. If you continue to use gentle treatment methods,  If we drag it on, if the cancer cells spread, it will be a dead end. " "But Reagan also made many fierce anti-communist remarks. I am worried that after he becomes president, he will take a tough attitude towards China. You know, American airlines.  We are losing money and we urgently need to open up international markets. " "I am not worried about this at all." Shen Chong smiled and praised Chen Xiangmei and said: "Ms. Chen is the best China policy expert in American politics, and she single-handedly facilitated President Nixon's visit to China.  , Reagan chose her as his campaign staff, which shows that he attaches great importance to China's foreign policy. With Ms. Chen's help in making suggestions, Sino-US relations will only get better and better, and our business will only get bigger and bigger. " Shen Chong several times.  After the reception, she exchanged business cards with Shen Chong and said in Chinese: "Mr. Shen, if you are free in the future, you can come to Washington. You and my uncle have a very good relationship.  , we can be regarded as family friends. He once mentioned you, saying that you are very talented, whether in politics or business, and that you are one of a million talents. I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw you today, I realized that you are well-deserved. " "  Don't say that, Mr. Liao is just teasing me." Shen Chong was modest. He put the business card away carefully and said with a smile: "Miss Chen, you are a legend. I am very lazy. I will tell you later.  I might harass you every now and then and listen to your stories. " "That's what I want." Chen Xiangmei laughed and said, "My children have grown up and have moved out. I happen to be very lonely. I want someone to accompany me.  Nothing could be better than chatting." Before she got in the car, she turned back and said, "Mr. Shen, do you mind if I use the metaphor you just mentioned?" "Please use it as you like," Shen Chongran said in surprise.  : "That's just a simple and common metaphor, neither new nor interesting." "Bystanders know that your words just woke up the dreamer." Chen Xiangmei said sternly: "Mr. Reagan's economic policies are indeed a bit radical. The media and  The opponents are all attacking him. Although your metaphor is simple, it is very appropriate. If used at the right time, I think it will have a good effect. "
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