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Volume 3 Chapter 1 Los Angeles

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    In Los Angeles in May, the average daily temperature is only about 10 degrees Celsius, which is very pleasant.  Shen Chong was wearing a printed shirt and sunglasses, driving his convertible Porsche, listening to unknown rock music on the radio, and speeding along the coastline, feeling relaxed and happy.  Wei Jingmeng and Liao Chengzhi had a secret meeting involving military and national affairs. Naturally, a small shrimp like Shen Chong could not attend the meeting. He did not want to get involved. Anyway, being able to facilitate this matter would be a great achievement. Therefore, after arriving in Los Angeles and helping the two parties to connect, they  He threw his hands away and ignored it, and went to work on his own business.  He has been in Los Angeles for more than three weeks, mainly working on two things, one is a TV station and the other is a game console. Now that he has almost done both of these things, he is naturally happy and in a good mood.  When the Hong Kong government agreed to restart Jiayi TV, there were three main restrictions. The first was to invest at least 100 million Hong Kong dollars within six months to launch a channel; the second was to launch a channel dedicated to science and education within one year.  The sub-channel must either broadcast at least 5 hours of science and education programs on the main channel every day; the third is that before Jiayi TV is listed, it must have at least six shareholders, and the largest shareholder¡¯s shares must not exceed 40 H  Relying on one of the "Four Big Families", Lee Family and HSBC, and with the support of Shaw Brothers, one of the largest companies in Hong Kong suppressed Lai's TV. Therefore, few people were optimistic about Shen Chong's plan to restart Jiayi TV.  Before the Spring Festival, by taking advantage of the reputation of the God of Wealth, luring them with benefits, communicating with many parties, and patching things together, they managed to get more than a dozen shareholders and set up a Caotai consortium, which barely complied with the third requirement of the Hong Kong government.  There are only four major shareholders in this Caotai consortium. One is Shen Chong, who holds 39% of the shares.  , is the largest shareholder, followed by Hong Kong Commercial Radio, which accounts for 17 shares, and the third is Lin Xiufeng, the son of Hang Seng Bank founder Lin Bingyan, who is the largest shareholder of Laojiayi TV, accounting for 17% of the shares. These two shareholders use part of the cash and are located in the broadcasting  The fourth place is Li Ka-shing, who holds 1 share of the Jiayi TV Building at No. 1 Road. The remaining shares were divided up by investment institutions headed by HSBC and a few blind admirers of Shen Chong. In this consortium, although  There are more than a dozen shareholders, but the real controller is Shen Chong. Li Ka-shing's shares are just his clone.  Although Li Ka-shing swallowed up Hutchison Whampoa, he only had a small shareholding and did not have an absolute advantage on the board of directors. He also encountered resistance from the British managers headed by general manager Wei Li. The work of taking over the leadership was not going smoothly, and  Shen Chong holds millions of shares in Hutchison Whampoa and is known as the "God of Wealth". He is the leader of small shareholders and is very useful at critical moments.  It happened that Shen Chong also needed someone to cooperate and control Jiayi TV Station, so the two hit it off. Li Ka-shing invested a sum of money, occupying L's shares and Shen Chong's 39.  ¡ª Plus, just over 50 people have absolute dominance.  H has been strong for a long time and has formed a viewing habit in Hong Kong. Jiayi TV has been closed down for nearly two years. The team from that year has long since disappeared. Shen Chong and Li Xiaohe signed a gentleman's agreement not to engage in poaching wars. As a result, Jiayi TV  After the TV station was restarted, it was short of everything except money. No one had equipment or knowledge, and it was completely blank. If it still operated with traditional ideas, there would be no way out.  Therefore, he decided to go eccentric and not play a traditional comprehensive TV station, but a professional TV station with a single content.  The emblem of Jiayi TV is a ring-shaped hexagon composed of six lines at an angle of 0 degrees, which represents the "six arts" of ancient Chinese Confucianism - etiquette, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and arithmetic. Shen Chong is not  He plans to modify the logo, but in his mind, this hexagon represents six professional TV channels - music, movies, documentaries, TV series, sports, and news.  In Shen Chong's previous life, the earliest professional music channel NTV was launched on August 1, 1981. This music form quickly swept the world, changed the rules of the world's pop music industry, and made television surpass radio stations and become the center of music communication.  The first way, by the middle of the RU decade, NTV was almost as well-known as Coca-Cola. For a long time, many people regarded the abbreviation NV and NTV of NuVt as the same thing.  With the development of video tape technology, NuVt has become increasingly popular, and it is an inevitable trend to become a new music form. Shen Chong has the advantage of foresight, and he can make plans in advance, because as a music TV station, he can take advantage of his ability to travel through the party, and perform various "singing performances"  "Will", "Good Voice", "Talent Show", "Idol Show", "Singer Show", etc., the creativity can't stop NTV is a good name, concise and easy to understand, Shen Chong has already started in advance  After registering, it will be the first channel launched by Jiayi TV.  The next channel after NTV will be a movie channel. Shen Chong has the copyrights of thousands of old movies. It would be a waste not to use them. This channel is easy to open. It only takes a few behind-the-scenes talents to handle it, saving time and effort.  save money.  In Shen Chong¡¯s plan, the third one to be launched is a professional documentary channel similar to Dt - broadcasting scientific and educational documentaries, which exactly meets the requirements of the license.  DI Discovery Channel was launched in 1985. It mainly broadcasts popular science, technology, history, archeology, and nature documentaries. It traveled through Shen Chong.?, this channel covers more than 160 countries around the world, has more than 450 million viewers, and is one of the most popular TV channels in the world.  At the beginning of the broadcast, you can use interesting content such as "MythBusters" and "Life Technology Revealed" to attract attention. This kind of content is not difficult to produce, as long as the idea is interesting. In the past life, "Into Science" was popular  You can also come and join in the fun After the channel is established, we can create some high-end documentaries such as "The Forbidden City" and "Beautiful Earth". Moreover, there are many real masters in the RU era, and we can also create a "Master"  Forum" and so on, leaving a valuable audio-visual material for future generations.  It will take at least two or three years to build these three channels. In two or three years, Oriental Charm will have accumulated a large number of film production talents. At that time, it will branch out from movies and enter the TV drama industry to create a company similar to HHO.  It is not difficult to find quality TV drama channels.  There is no need to worry about sports channels. In the RU era, capital had not poured into the sports market on a large scale. The Premier League was only founded in 1984, and Jordan only entered NHAPI in 1984. There was constant internal strife and almost shut down. The Olympic Games never made any money. Pp was launched in 1979.  It is still unknown As for professional news channels, although Shen Chong has already got wind that CNN, the world's first TV station that broadcasts news programs around the clock, will be launched on January 1st, he is not in a hurry to grab this record.  To do news, you need a strong news gathering and editing team, but he doesn't have one now; secondly, the United States has a vast territory, a population of hundreds of millions, a prosperous economy, and a developed broadcast communication network. News content is rich and easy to collect. Hong Kong is too small to have local news content.  Too few. It is not convenient for the mainland and Taiwan to collect news at this time, so there is no soil for the survival of news channels for the time being. It will not be too late to start one after the Sino-British negotiations are concluded.  Shen Chong was in Los Angeles. On the one hand, he was purchasing necessary recording and broadcasting equipment for the TV station. On the other hand, he was collecting music videos everywhere. When the TV station started broadcasting, there must be a lack of content resources. This kind of thing is much easier to find in Hollywood than in Hong Kong - anyway, music  Television is a new thing, and the audience's acceptance is limited. Good content, bad content, black and white, English and Cantonese, all have the same effect. This is like those newly opened online literature websites in the previous life. No matter whether they are good or bad, they first fill up the library.  As for the game console, after half a year of hard work, the Activision Hardware Department finally produced a prototype. It was similar to the Ga- in memory, but thicker and limited to the 19RU hardware environment. The cost was as high as $110, which made Shen Chong  It's a bit of a headache. You have to know that the cassette cannot be replaced with this thing. The game content is solidified in it before leaving the factory. You can't operate it by selling the hardware at a loss and then using the software to make money.  Shen Chong expected to make a lot of money from the game console. However, the cost of the game console was 110 US dollars, plus marketing and promotion fees, and logistics channel fees. It had to sell for at least 150 US dollars, and the sales volume was huge to be considered a big profit. But what about the Atari UU?  It¡¯s a big box, you can change the cassette, and the price is only 199 US dollars. It¡¯s a bit unreasonable to sell this gadget for 150 US dollars. Market research also confirmed Shen Chong¡¯s idea, and customers are not optimistic about it.  After spending a few days in Silicon Valley and pondering over it, Shen Chong gave up on his previous idea of ??trying to reduce costs and decided to do the opposite. He learned from the marketing strategies of later generations of Nokia and Apple mobile phones and asked engineers to paint the casing of the game console from plastic white to various colors.  He planted bright colors and then took them out for market research. He found that they were indeed more popular than white casings, so he intensified his efforts and asked engineers to replace all low-grade plastic casings with high-end frosted casings. Then he hired an art designer to  The casing was redesigned, optimizing various small details to make it look fashionable, elegant and high-end. Then it was taken out for investigation. This time the cost only increased by a few dollars, but the price was increased to 180, which made it more popular.  Sinking Chong felt confident, so he let the factory try to produce a few thousand units first, and then he gave them to Hollywood celebrities and their families for free through CAAR. Hollywood is the bridgehead leading American fashion, as long as they give  With good reviews, it will definitely become popular, and according to the feedback in the past two weeks, the effect is very ideal. Many people in Los Angeles are already asking how to buy this "magical and beautiful" box.  After Shen Chong ordered the mass production of GaH, he left Silicon Valley without even going to Apple's headquarters - Activision is managed by professional managers and has entered the formal stage. Its previous masterpieces continue to sell well, and the new "Bubble Bobble"  It is also very popular and can contribute a lot of profits every month, so you don¡¯t need to worry too much.  After Apple dominated spreadsheet software, it gained momentum, with sales and net profits reaching new highs. The situation was great, and there was no need to join in the fun. It just needed to get dividends on time and wait for it to go public.
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