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Volume 3 Chapter 64 Consortium Fourteen

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    A long way away, Shen Chong could vaguely hear the sound of strong music. He said to the girl next to him: "It sounds lively." The girl was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with bright eyes and white teeth, and was quite pretty.  Wearing a pink down jacket, a woolen hat, woolen gloves, and a beige scarf, she was very well-matched, fashionable and cute, and would still be out of date even twenty years later. She said with a smile: "They are quite good.  It can be noisy." "The noisiness in the winter can invigorate the blood and drive away the cold." In the cold wind, Shen Chong shrank his neck and asked, "You used to come here to play, not often, just to play.  After a few times." The girl grabbed the pompoms on both sides of the hat, pulled the hat down, and said, "Beijing is not like Hong Kong. There are no dance halls or anything like that. Everyone just made one by themselves and played around. Sometimes it was quite fun.  "Crazy." "Youth that has nowhere to rest should be crazy." Shen Chong exhaled and said with a smile, "If you don't go crazy, you will be old." When the girl heard this, she looked sideways at him, reflected in the white snow.  Under the streetlight, her eyes were shining.  "Mr. Shen, what you just said is really good, is it poetry?" "Poetry?" Shen Chong laughed loudly. This is the golden age of literary and artistic youth in the dU era. After laughing, he said: "I am talking nonsense.  "I think it sounds very nice and beautiful. There is an indescribable melancholy and sadness about the youth that has nowhere to go. "The famous general actually has a granddaughter with a strong literary atmosphere.  ¡­ ¡°Let¡¯s put it this way.  " Shen Chong turned sideways, avoiding the cold wind that hit his face, and said: "If you are A Ming, what I just said is this: look at your conduct, you are all a big man, why are you being pretentious?  Just play, don't play, but you are a little beauty, and I can't be rude to a beauty, so I said it more euphemistically. In fact, the meaning is the same, and it has nothing to do with poetry.  " The girl let out a burst of crisp laughter. She jumped happily in the snow and said, "Mr. Shen, you are so funny.  " "Then you are wrong, believe it or not.  "Shen Chong stood in front of a building that looked like an auditorium and said: "As long as I go in, it won't be long before everything inside is quiet, and then everyone goes back to their homes to find their mothers. "I don't believe it." The girl shook her head, she bent.  Eyes said: "Only a dark-faced god like my grandfather can make them stop." "Hey" while the two were talking, a young man wearing a dark green military coat came over, holding a flashlight, and taking random photos of Shen Chong's face.  , while shouting loudly: "No outsiders are allowed in here, go away, go away" "Xu Xiaomao, is it you? I am Ningning." "Oh, it's Sister Ningning." The young man put down the flashlight and said: "  Didn¡¯t you say you went to Hong Kong? ¡°I won¡¯t leave until tomorrow.  Ning Ning pointed at Shen Chong and said, "Grandpa asked me to go with him, saying he had someone to take care of him."  " "Who is this?  " February in Beijing in 19RU was much colder than that of later generations, especially the windy and snowy night. Shen Chong introduced himself while stamping his feet: "Hello, my name is Shen Chong.  " "It turns out to be Brother Chong, sorry, sorry.  "Xu Xiaomao apologized very smartly and said: "Brother Ming gave the order and told you to go in directly when you come. It's my fault that I didn't recognize it because of my poor eyesight. Please, please come in."  "    "good.  " Shen Chong nodded, took two steps, and looked at Xu Xiaomao through the light leaking from the window. He found that he was tall but his face was very childish. He seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. He was surprised. Hearing what he just said  His social conversation was not like that of a baby with no hair, so he asked: "It's so cold outside, why don't you go in?  " "Brother Ming asked me to watch from outside, lest some unsighted people break in and ruin everyone's fun.  "On this cold night, there is no one on the street." Shen Chong gestured to his side and said, "Let's go in and play together. I'll tell Ah Ming." "Wu Ziming bullied you again.  Let's drink, sing and dance inside, leaving you cold outside." Ning Ning also said, "Go in, don't be afraid, I'll scold him to death later." "It's better not to do it, I can't sing or dance."  Xu Xiaomao hesitated for a moment, but still rejected the two people's suggestions. He took a few steps ahead, opened the thick door a crack, and invited the two of them in.  The warm spring air, the deafening music, the colorful lights, and the bustling crowds made Shen Chong stunned and overturned his understanding of Beijing. In his impression, Beijing in 19RU was a black and white photo.  It was gray, and the scene in front of him clearly told him that Beijing was a color photo, and it was bright.  This place should have been a large auditorium or theater before. It has a typical Soviet architectural style, with thick pillars and tall roof beams, giving it a strong and majestic aesthetic. The seats inside have been removed, and the walls are covered with small neon strips.  There is a disco light hanging in each of the four corners. As it rotates, it becomes colorful. At the end is a stage with several huge speakers placed on it.The vigorous English rock music was playing, and groups of men and women were swaying and dancing enthusiastically to the music. Looking at them, they were quite enjoying themselves.  "How is it?" Ning Ning said with a proud face: "This place is not worse than the dance halls in Hong Kong, right?" "It's so surprising to me." Shen Chong has never been interested in such noisy venues and has never been to a dance hall in Hong Kong.  , after he responded loudly and politely, he began to look for Li Kaiyuan and Lily in the crowd. However, there were too many people inside, the lights were too dim, and they kept flickering, which made him dizzy. After looking for a while,  He didn't find the target either, so he had to follow Ning Ning and walk towards the corner on the left, where there was a bar.  Ning Ning took off her hat and scarf, and after saying a few words to the man behind the counter, she gestured and asked Shen Chong what he wanted to drink.  Shen Chong looked at the various famous wines on the wooden counter behind him, and couldn't help but sigh. The second generations are indeed the winners in life with cheats. In his previous life, in 19UU, he didn't even know what kind of horse Remy Martin was. The second generations  I just drank it casually in RU years "Let's have a bottle of Coca-Cola." Drinking Coca-Cola in the winter is quite painful. Shen Chong just wanted to experience a piece of history. You know, in 1980, Coca-Cola was considered a rarity in the mainland.  stuff.  On March 13, 1978, four days before the signing of the Joint Communiqu¨¦ on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the United States, Coca-Cola and China National Cereals and Oils Import and Export Corporation signed an agreement in a Beijing hotel. From 1979, Coca-Cola will enter China on consignment, arranged by COFCO.  Sales, after nearly a year of hard work, with the assistance of Hong Kong Ng Fung Hong, the first batch of 30UU bottles of Coca-Cola was sent from Hong Kong to Beijing at the end of 1979, retailing for 4 yuan a bottle, and a bottle in foreign hotels.  At this time, the price can be described as sky-high.  Ning Ning, in an unusual way, ordered a can of German dark beer. She opened the ring, took a sip, stuck out her tongue, and said, "My grandpa likes this. I thought it tasted so good. It smells weird."  , It¡¯s like the wheat is burnt, it tastes really bad.¡± ¡°Chinese and foreign tastes are different.¡± At this time, there is no electronic music control equipment, either records or tapes, with gaps in between. After the rock music ends, Shen Chong is preparing to take advantage of the moment of silence.  People, but saw a person jumping on the stage, holding a microphone, and shouted loudly: "Now we invite Miss Lily from the United States to perform a dance for everyone, please applaud." Shen Chong held the Coke bottle and stood up  I got up, and then I saw Lily. She didn't know whether it was from drinking or from the heat. Her cheeks were red and she was only wearing a black tight sweater and jeans. She walked into the circle surrounded by the crowd and performed a martial arts competition with a smile.  After the music starts, they start dancing.  Lily dances break dance, which is popular in the United States at this time. This dance has very strong movements and rhythm, and is very suitable for dancing under disco lights. She has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and has excellent flexibility and explosive power, and she can easily perform difficult moves.  , coupled with a tall and beautiful figure and a pretty face, in the colorful, every move, she is charming and unparalleled in sexiness. Some of the onlookers couldn't take their eyes away, some cheered loudly, some whistled wildly, and some muttered secretly.  "This girl is so awesome." "Yes, look at her figure, long legs and big breasts. Wow, I'm so stupid. If you let me do it one last time, I'd be willing to die." "Damn, you don't want to live anymore, that's a famous brother.  The girl I brought here, let him hear it, she will have to shed her skin even if she doesn¡¯t die. ¡°So what if Ming, he dares to touch me?  " "Hey, I haven't seen him for a few days. You're a coward. Don't you know his energy?  " "Damn it, picking up girls depends on one's ability. What family background is involved? Is it him who picks up girls or his old man?  " "Stop arguing, I tell you, this girl is from Hong Kong, and I just met her.  " "I'm pre-emptive. It's boring to dance alone. I'm going to accompany her and touch her a few times. Hey, when the rice is cooked, what can A Ming do to me" Shen Chong kept holding Lily.  Treating her like a real sister, she was furious when she heard this. Seeing that the man was really walking on the stage while he was talking, he picked up the Coke bottle in his hand and hit him directly on the head.  Skills, what family background to mention, is he trying to pick up girls or is it his old man who picks up girls?  " "Stop arguing, I tell you, this girl is from Hong Kong, and I just met her.  " "I'm pre-emptive. It's boring to dance alone. I'm going to accompany her and touch her a few times. Hey, when the rice is cooked, what can A Ming do to me" Shen Chong kept holding Lily.  Shen Chong treated Lily as his own sister, and was furious when he heard this. Seeing that the man was actually walking on the stage while speaking, he picked up the Coke bottle in his hand and hit him on the head. Shen Chong has always treated Lily as his own sister.  Hearing this, he was furious. Seeing that the man was actually walking towards the stage while he was talking, he picked up the Coke bottle in his hand and hit him directly on the head.
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