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Volume 3 Chapter 32 List

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    Yamaguchi Momoe got up in a panic, washed up hurriedly, and then hurriedly put on her crossbody bag. After walking out of the house, she put on her headphones and listened to music. Then she felt happy and walked happily among the crowd. Finally,  Enter the Connaught Building.  "Mr. Shen." After watching the sample, Zhu Jiading said hesitantly: "This is very qualified as an advertisement, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the movie." "It does." Shen Chong controlled the projector and played it again.  During the process, he pointed at the people Yamaguchi Momoe met on the road and said: "This, this, this, they are all robbers, and the last one is the gentleman who smiled at Yamaguchi Momoe at the door of the building.  , is the leader of the robbers." "But the audience doesn't know." Zhu Jiading retorted: "In the eyes of the audience, these are just ordinary pedestrians and will not have any association with the movie." "That's right, so I'm going to shoot it.  A series of advertisements is divided into different chapters. This is the heroine chapter, and there will also be the male protagonist chapter and the robber chapter. If the three are played in turn, the audience will have an idea of ??the movie. "Creativity is very good, but this way  Now, the focus of advertising has become movies.  Zhu Jiading put down the notebook in his hand and said, "Sony may not agree."  " "Each advertisement, when played individually, is a pure aIkmau advertisement. When combined, it is a movie advertisement.  "Shen Chong played the sample film again, freezing Anthony Hopkins' elegant and sinister signature smile on the screen, and said: "Is this smile attractive enough?  "Zhu Jiading stared at the screen. After watching it for a long time, he said with conviction: "This man's acting skills have reached perfection. He is the most charming villain I have ever seen. With this smile alone, he can be selected for the Oscar.  " "You should first show this sample to Sony's contact person and see what his attitude is.  Shen Chong turned off the projector and said, "If Sony agrees, we will design the soundtrack and copywriting. If not, we will think of new ideas."  "    "good.  " "Let's go, I'll go back to the company with you.  Shen Chong randomly stuffed his belongings into his backpack. After lifting it up, he said, "I stayed up all night here and my head feels heavy."  "Mr. Shen, even Sony doesn't need you to shoot commercials in person, right?"  " "It's just a personal hobby.  " Walking out of the screening room, Shen Chong squinted his eyes to adjust to the sunlight, and said self-deprecatingly: "Originally, my ideal in life was to be a film director, but my talent was limited and I achieved nothing. The only film I made is still lying there.  Lost in the film warehouse.  "Mr. Shen has made movies?"  "    "yes.  " Shen Chong yawned and said as he walked: "It was shot in September last year. It was a mess. I couldn't get it right for a week or two. In the end, I asked Fang Yuping for help to finish it. I am the director in name, but in fact it is 80%  He did all the work.  " "Now that it's been filmed, why not show it?  " "After filming, I was so busy that I had no time for post-production.  Shen Chong took a long breath, and then said: "After the Spring Festival, find a time to cut it, and then take it to the Hong Kong International Film Festival for screening."  " "When the time comes, remember to notify me and I will go and support you.  Zhu Jiading said with a smile: "Mr. Shen dares to show it at an international film festival. It must be a good movie."  " "To be honest, I don't know how that movie is going to be.  Shen Chong smiled bitterly and said: "My impression is a bit blurry now. I can only say that the idea is good. As for whether it is good or not, we will have to cut it out and add music to it. Only then will we know."  " Back at the company, Shen Chong was sitting on the sofa in the office. After a drowsy sleep, he was woken up by Gu Liwei's notification sound. Chen Baisheng and Luo Weiming came hand in hand. "Boss Shen, look at your red eyes, yesterday.  Did you do bad things late?  As soon as they met, Luo Weiming joked and said: "Young Master, it doesn't matter if you play and sing every night, but you must pay attention to your body and keep your shape and bones in shape."  " "What a ghost, I spent the whole night in the printing factory, spending the night with film.  "They are all old friends, and Shen Chong doesn't need to care about his image. He smoothed his hair casually, picked up the tea cup, took a big sip, and then said, "If you have something to say, tell me quickly. I'm sleepy. I'm flying to Taipei in the evening.  " "We have initially drawn up a list of shortlisted films for the Academy Awards.  "Chen Baisheng took out two documents from his briefcase and said: "There is also the invitation list of the jury.  " Shen Chong took it and looked at it while asking: "Where is the list of guests and spectators for the award ceremony?  " "The guests are still in contact, and the ceremony is not yet decided.  "Luo Weiming sat on the sofa and asked: "You have to decide on the shortlisted movies first, and then you can know how many filmmakers will be present, and then the remaining seats can be allocated to the audience.  By the way, how many people from the mainland are going to attend the awards ceremony?  " "The mainland has confirmed that it will send ten films to participate in the election.  Shen Chong glanced at the list in his hand, and then said: "In this way, there are more than fifty films initially shortlisted, which is too many and needs to be streamlined."  ¡±   "In order to avoid leaving behind, as long as someone nominates, it will be included in the list, so there will be so many." Chen Baisheng explained: "After the mainland copies are sent over, our organizing committee will watch them carefully and at least half will be eliminated.  " Shen Chong nodded. After reading the list again, he said: "There were not many good movies from Hong Kong and Taiwan last year. I estimate that the ten movies from the mainland can basically enter the final review process. Assuming that one movie will  Ten people came to the awards ceremony, so leave a hundred seats for them. "It's not that exaggerated, right?" Luo Weiming flicked the cigarette ashes and said, "There were not many good movies in Hong Kong and Taiwan last year, but there were high-level ones."  It's not that there is no such thing as "Crazy Robbery", "The Soldiers" and "Butterfly Change" are all very popular. Moreover, the level of the mainland's film industry is still stuck in the 1950s and 1960s. How can it compare with Hong Kong? Those technologies  "Aren't all the awards in Hong Kong's pocket?" "There are only four film awards that attract the most attention: Best Director, Best Actor and Actor, Best Film, and the Technical Award are industry awards, and the audience is not very popular.  Pay attention." Shen Chong put down the movie list, picked up another document, and said, "You have to know that the eligibility criteria for the Academy Awards are movies released in 1979, not movies produced in the mainland ten years before.  Many films were unable to be released due to political reasons. Last year, a large number of them were lifted. After ten years of hard work, ten films were selected to participate in the Academy Awards. The quality can be imagined. " "But the mainland has put a lot of pressure on the films.  When the propaganda tool, ideology and preaching mentality are too strong, it weakens the artistic value and humanistic attributes. "This kind of movie is not popular," said Luo Weiming. "Having said that, mainland filmmakers regard filming as art.  Hong Kong and Taiwan filmmakers treat movies as food." Shen Chong picked up the pen and circled the jury list while saying: "A rigorous attitude can produce great movies, Lao Luo, do you want to make a bet with me?  Will the best film of this year's Hong Kong Film Awards go to the mainland or stay in Hong Kong? " "Okay." Luo Weiming wiped out his cigarette butt and said, "I bet that the best film will stay in Hong Kong." "Lao Luo, you will lose this bet.  "Chen Baisheng took out the cigarette case, handed him a cigarette, and said: "It is completely decided by Ah Chong who will make up the jury. He can decide the winner of the best movie with just a little manipulation.  "I'm not that dirty." Shen Chong laughed and said, "Even if Lao Luo spends all his money on gambling, it can't compare to the reputation of the Academy Awards in my heart." "It's just a nice thing to say."  "Luo Weiming lit a cigarette and said: "The quotas in the jury from both sides of the Taiwan Strait are fixed. How can you control it? Even if you can control the jury, you can't control the audience and decide who will win the final award." Shen Chongxiao.  He laughed, the system is dead, people are alive. If you really want to manipulate the awards, there are many ways. However, since even Luo Weiming believes that the Academy Awards cannot be manipulated, it means that this system is still quite credible.  "I think the jury should be organized like this." Shen Chong counted the list of jury invitations in his circle, and then said: "Mainland and Taiwan each invite two directors, two media film critics, and one professional technician. Hong Kong  There are five senior film critics, three well-known directors or producers who have not been shortlisted for awards, and two professional technicians. " "I think this ratio is good," Chen Baisheng counted for a while and said, "There are nine.  Professional film critics should be able to fairly judge the artistic value of the film. "Lao Luo, what do you think?" "I have no opinion." Luo Weiming flicked the cigarette ashes and said with a smile: "Boss Shen, say hello in advance.  "I want to be on the jury." "Five senior film critics from Hong Kong," Shen Chong said one by one, "Shi Qi, Shu Qi, Zhuo Botang, Shu Ming, and Lin Niantong, they seem to be full."  "Zhuo Botang went to university in Taiwan and is now the chief editor of the Taiwan branch." Luo Weiming said anxiously: "Even if he wants to be a reviewer, he should be a Taiwanese film critic, right?" "Well, he doesn't count, then  "Where's Brother Chen?" "Bosheng doesn't count." Luo Weiming didn't even want to be friends with him and said, "I'm not as good as him in organizing work, but he's not as good as me in film criticism. Besides, he has to go to the Hong Kong International Film Festival in April.  , How can I have time to do the judging?" Shen Chong was surprised when he saw that Chen Baisheng didn't refute, and asked, "Isn't the Hong Kong International Film Festival held in June or July?" "It's earlier this year." Chen Baisheng took a puff of cigarette.  He said gloomily: "In order to stimulate tourism, the Municipal Council moved the film festival to the Easter holiday in April." "In this way, it will coincide with the Academy Awards ceremony." Shen Chong touched his chin and said:  "It's not a bad thing. One plus one is greater than two. It has a comprehensive effect and is beneficial to both parties. By the way, I applied to hold a film festival in the name of the Hong Kong Film Cultural Center. Have you received any response?" "The Urban Council said it can be considered.  Chen Baisheng said: "Ah Chong, the Municipal Council is not the key to this matter, the key is Xu Shiren, as long as he is willing to come forward."If you talk, it's basically no problem.  " "A prominent family background,?  "The name sounded familiar. Shen Chong subconsciously repeated it, and then asked: "What does he have to do with the Hong Kong International Film Festival?  " "He serves on the Urban Council and was previously the chairman of the first screening room. He is one of the founders of the Hong Kong International Film Festival.  Chen Baisheng introduced: "He comes from a distinguished family, has a close relationship with the gambling king of Macau, and is very well-connected in the political circles."  " Hearing this, Shen Chong suddenly realized, isn't Hui Shiren the Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration who later had ties to Sun Hung Kai Properties and was arrested on suspicion of corruption?
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