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Volume 3 Chapter 10 Academy Award 1

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    Haste makes waste. Although Shen Chong is very eager to figure out the video tape distribution system and TV station plan, it is now late January, and the Spring Festival will be over in more than half a month. The New Year is approaching, and in the hearts of the Chinese people,  This is the most important festival, so whether intentionally or unintentionally, the progress of many things has begun to slow down.  It doesn't matter if you put off other things, but there is one thing that cannot be put off, and that is the first Hong Kong Film Awards in 2019 The deadline for the submission of films for the Golden Horse Awards is August of that year, and the awards will be awarded at the end of the year.  This arrangement is a bit weird and does not fit in with the average audience's habit of calculating by year. Therefore, even in the age of advanced information, many people are not clear about the awarding rules of the Golden Horse Awards, thus confusing the qualifications and release time of participating films.  The Golden Image Awards in Shen Chong's plan are selected on an annual basis. The deadline for entries is March 31 every year, and the awarding time is arranged on the second weekend of April every year - April has beautiful spring scenery and a suitable climate.  And it coincides with the Hong Kong International Film Festival.  Although there is a four-month buffer time, holding a film award is not an easy task, especially the first one. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Just confirming a movie¡¯s eligibility for selection is a very headache. For example, to participate in the Academy Awards, do you need to actively sign up or can you participate as long as it is released?  Does it have to be shown in Hong Kong or does it just need to be shown anywhere in the three places across the Taiwan Strait?  Is there a certain threshold for release time and scale?  The Academy Award is a Chinese film award. If it is a co-production film, how to define the qualifications? Is it based on the proportion of Chinese in the lines or the nationality of the crew and creative staff?  After confirming the qualifications of participating films, the selection system must also be considered. Unlike Hollywood, Hong Kong does not have a complete and independent industry union, so the Oscar selection model will not work. And if a jury model similar to the three major Western film festivals is adopted, then  How many people are needed on the jury?  How are the qualifications of reviewers defined and what are the review rules?  In short, all kinds of problems are very troublesome, but they must be taken seriously. These basic rules are the core and cornerstone of a film award. Whether they can compete with the Oscars in the future depends on whether these rules are rigorous and meticulous enough and reflect fairness.  The spirit of fairness and openness.  So after returning to Hong Kong and dealing with some business matters that had to be dealt with, Shen Chong immediately summoned the director responsible for preparing the Academy Awards for a meeting - he did not personally set the rules for the Academy Awards according to his own wishes.  Instead of various systems, he established the Academy Awards Preparatory Committee early and asked his staff to discuss and come up with an initial set of rules and regulations, and then he would make the final decision.  Since there are so many salaried subordinates, why bother doing it yourself?  And if you want to ensure the authority of the Academy Awards, the rules discussed by a group of people are much better in name than those made arbitrarily by one person - believe it or not, many people believe in "democracy"  .  Besides, as the saying goes, every wise man must make mistakes. The experience of later generations may not be in line with the current situation. If the details are a little different, the results may be much different. So it is better to let the Hong Kong people of this era make their own rules. If they don't agree with them,  , he will come back for training "Mr. Shen, regarding the qualifications for the Academy Awards." After the meeting began, Chen Baisheng stood in front of a white presentation board at the end of the conference room, pointed to the text on it, and said: "We believe that three things need to be met.  The conditions are: first, it must be a Hong Kong film released in Hong Kong between January 1 and December 31 of that year; second, it must be on public ticket sales and screened no less than five times in a week; third, the film  It must be shown on 35NN film, and the duration must be sixty minutes or more. "I think these idiots have really figured out the so-called "Hong Kong movie" concept.  The first one made Shen Chong secretly angry. You must know that the Academy Awards in later generations were trapped by the so-called "Hong Kong movies" and eventually became boring toys for Hong Kong filmmakers to entertain themselves I spent a lot of effort to get this.  This is not a rubbish award that Hong Kong people play for themselves. Hong Kong¡¯s bullshit mentality must be cut off from the root.  "I have no objection to anything else." Shen Chong knocked on the table and asked calmly, "What concept does this Hong Kong movie refer to? What kind of movie is considered a Hong Kong movie?" Chen Baisheng  He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Our organizing committee is still debating this. The main point now is that if the director is a Hong Kong person, or the production company is a film company registered in Hong Kong, it will be considered a Hong Kong film." "This rule does not apply.  Okay." Shen Chong didn't bother to look into it and said without any room for change: "Delete it and change it to all Chinese-language films." Chen Baisheng was stunned by Shen Chong's words.  A bit overwhelmed.  Chen Baisheng is an old acquaintance and the chairman of the Academy Awards Preparatory Committee. He has worked hard and has made great achievements. Moreover, he is one of the founders and organizers of the Hong Kong International Film Festival. He is not a person with simple ideas and narrow vision. This rule should not beHe proposed it.  Shen Chong didn't want him to lose face, so he looked around the conference room and vented his anger on all the members of the preparatory committee. He said loudly: "What is this so-called Hong Kong movie? Hong Kong is a big fart place.  , even including TV drama directors, there are a hundred directors, thirty or forty film companies, so many people, so many companies, I have so much time to win a film award? Why don't I buy a restaurant?  Wouldn't it be more economical to open a flowing banquet and let everyone eat and drink all night than to go home with a broken trophy? " As Shen Chong spoke, his tone became harder: "The mainland has a population of one billion, and Taiwan has a population of more than 20 million.  It adds up to more than 0 times more than Hong Kong, but you actually dare to turn a blind eye. I really admire it. I really admire that there is an idiom called short-sightedness. I didn¡¯t understand it before, but now I understand it. It¡¯s talking about people like you. It¡¯s a big joke.¡±  What's the use of having so many mainlanders? They didn't produce 50 movies last year." In the middle of the conference room, an editor blushed and argued: "We in Hong Kong produced more than 0 movies last year, just by Shaw Brothers alone.  It¡¯s comparable to their annual output, and Shuangnan Cinema¡¯s annual box office is a fraction of Shaw Brothers¡¯. ¡°It¡¯s really desperate, showing off its superiority everywhere ¡°Yeah, the mainland only produced 50 movies last year.  But their ticket price is 900 million, and the box office of more than 0 movies last year exceeded 200 million? Is this still the case last year? What about next year?  With a population of one billion, if the economy develops and the system opens up, have you ever calculated how many movies can be produced in a year?" Shen Chong sneered and said, "Besides, we are in the business of film awards, not taxes.  Not mentioning the box office, out of the 50 mainland films, at least 10 are high-quality films, and out of the 0 Hong Kong films, there are 5 worth mentioning. " "There is no need to discuss this issue anymore, I have the final say.  From now on, any Chinese-language film that has been publicly screened in Greater China, including the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, can participate in the Academy Awards, regardless of whether it has been screened in Hong Kong. "Shen Chong has no interest in getting involved with Hong Kong Can.  It was the boss who had the final say. After sitting down again, he said: "Brother Chen, please continue." "Okay." Chen Baisheng coughed twice, adjusted his thinking, and then said: "Comprehensive Hong Kong and Taiwan  According to the survey data of the local "Movie Times" and the information fed back by Rover from the mainland, last year, nearly 400 movies were produced and distributed throughout Greater China. If they were released, they would automatically be eligible for the Academy Awards.  Qualifications and selection are very difficult. Mr. Shen, I think an active registration system should be adopted. "At least 80% of these 400 movies are garbage and have no ability to win awards. There is basically no need to consider them during the selection."  Shen Chong looked at the numbers on the presentation board and said: "This is the first time our Academy Awards have been established, and they are not very well-known. If we adopt the registration system, we will miss out on many outstanding films. This situation is very detrimental to the promotion of the Academy Awards."  Let's stick to the original plan. All movies released in Greater China last year will automatically be eligible to participate. When the Academy Awards become more famous, they will then change to a registration system. Now, let's create an open-minded community and earn a lot of money.  " "But 400 movies are too many, and it will be difficult to review them all before April.  "Luo Weiming, who was sitting under Shen Chong, blew out a puff of smoke and said, "Especially in the Mainland, there are some movies where we only have the names, and we don't even know who the director is and who the starring actors are, and we've never seen the copies. How can we judge them?  " "I will solve the problems of mainland movies.  Shen Chong pondered for a moment and said, "I am going to Beijing during the Spring Festival and try to get a copy of the movie before March."  " "But 400 movies is too many" "It doesn't matter, just listen to me.  Shen Chong raised his hand and said: "We are all professionals, and we all know very well that the current level of Chinese movies is not very reliable. I will quickly screen these 400 movies to eliminate the bad and retain the good."  Those who want to stay and enter the competition unit will not exceed one-tenth, and the review is not difficult.  " "What kind of quick screening method?  Luo Weiming flicked the ash from his cigarette and asked, "By the box office?"  " "That's too biased.  Shen Chong shook his head and asked: "When did "Movie Age" start developing a rating feedback system?  " "In May, after "Crazy Heist" was released.  "Luo Weiming is the editor-in-chief, so he is naturally very familiar with it. He said: "However, the rating system of "Movie Times" only collects movies released in Hong Kong, excluding movies released only in the Mainland and Taiwan.  " "After May, for all movies released in Hong Kong, we will select movies before May based on their ratings, combined with the film reviews at that time, and focus on reviewing movies with good reputations.  Shen Chong thought for a while and then said: "The movies produced in Taiwan will basically be released in Hong Kong. It's not a big problem. As for the movies that are not released in Hong Kong, most of them are Hokkien-language movies. The quality of Hokkien-language movies is not as good as that of the 1950s and 1960s."  There are no highlights in the Cantonese film fragments. If there are any leftovers, let the editor of the Taiwan branch of "Movie Times" recommend them, and that's about it.  " "What about the mainland?  ¡±  "The mainland is special, with a rigid system and a strong political atmosphere. If we don't say hello and just give awards directly, our good intentions may be treated as a donkey's heart." Shen Chong curled his lips and said in a slightly sarcastic tone: "Actually, in the month of last year, I  I¡¯ve just told the Mainland Film Bureau that they will review it themselves and then send a batch of films that have correct political stances, high quality, and reflect the spirit of the times. We don¡¯t need to worry about it.¡± Luo Weiming took the last puff of his cigarette and put down the cigarette butt.  He said very unhappily: "Mr. Shen, you are deliberately trying to trick people. You said you wanted us to make our own rules, but in the end you secretly prepared a case and even contacted the mainland. Are you treating our preparatory committee like a monkey?"  "Lao Luo, it's not that I'm cheating you, it's you that are cheating me." Shen Chong sneered and said, "Don't you still know my style of doing things? When I run a magazine, the entire Greater China circle plays along.  Not only did they distribute "Movie Times" to the mainland, but they also specially sent Rover to the mainland to set up a joint venture magazine and promote the Academy Awards. Would I only focus on Hong Kong and create a small place where Hong Kong filmmakers can only entertain themselves?  "What?" "But Mr. Shen." Lao Luo opened the cigarette case and said, "You are organizing the Hong Kong Film Awards. There are four words in front of it as Hong Kong Film." Shen Chong picked up the pen in front of him.  He wrote these four words casually on the document, then raised it up for everyone in the conference room to see, and then said: "Everyone, I don't know what you think, but to me, Hong Kong movies are just like Hollywood movies.  , is a concept in a cultural sense, not a word in a geographical sense. Hollywood is the representative of American movies, so Hong Kong movies will also become the representative of Chinese movies in the future. If in your eyes, there are only so-called "Hong Kong" movies, not  In terms of the concept of Chinese movies, it is better to resign early and change careers, because in that case, Hong Kong movies will die sooner or later, just like Hong Kong will be a dead city sooner or later if there is no water supply, power supply and food from the mainland. "There was a silence in the conference room.  They lowered their heads in thought, some hesitated to speak, and some smoked in a daze. After a while, Luo Weiming smiled twice and said: "Old Chen, please continue, talk about the next link, talk about the selection. " "The rules we set are,  The selection is divided into two rounds. In the first round, the Academy Awards Preparatory Committee selects the shortlisted films.  Chen Baisheng knocked on the presentation board, livened up the atmosphere, and said, "Then we will invite well-known film critics and filmmakers to form a jury to select major awards from the shortlisted films."  " Shen Chong nodded slightly. This rule was good. He asked: "How are the membership qualifications of the preparatory committee defined?  " "It is mainly composed of three people. One part is the editor and senior writer of "Movie Times" and "First Film Review".  "Luo Weiming said in support: "Part of it is the editor of "Chinese and Foreign Film" magazine, which Luo Fu cooperates with Zhujiang Film Studio in the mainland, and part of it is the Taiwan Independent Film Critics Association organized by Qiu Gangjian.  " "Is there a Film Critics Association in Taiwan?  " "It is the Independent Film Critics Association, not very formal, more like a salon organization.  " Chen Baisheng introduced: "Based on the Taiwan branch of "Movie Times", we organize one or two gatherings every month, and most of the members are well-known film critics in Taiwan.  "    "sounds good.  "Shen Chong picked up the pen, wrote a few lines of memo on the document in front of him, and then said: "We should also set up a film critics organization, the Hong Kong Film Critics Association or something like that, no, give it a more grand name, called China  The Film Critics Association is ready to do the preparation work for the Academy Awards, so as not to follow the truth and say that the Academy Awards are a boring product for our magazines to entertain themselves.  " "Film Critics Association, this name is loud enough.  Luo Weiming squinted his eyes and asked, "What kind of organization is it?"  Non-profit charity?  " "It's too late to organize it this year, let's talk about it next year.  Shen Chong thought for a while and felt that there was a way to play with it, so he remained noncommittal and said, "What is the charter for the formation of the jury?"  " "This is our plan.  "Chen Baisheng also lit a cigarette, took a sip, and said: "The jury is composed of twelve jurors, six film practitioners, six professional film critics, and a jury chairman is responsible for presiding over the review work.  When the number of votes for an award is the same, the chairman has the right to decide.  " "Twelve reviewers and one chairman.  Shen Chong laughed and said, "Are you going to try a murderer?"  " "The jury system has been implemented in law for hundreds of years and is worth learning from in terms of ensuring fairness.  "This won't work, the number of people is too small." Shen Chong shook his head and objected, saying: "We are in charge of film awards, not a court. Awards selected by twelve people, especially those selected by professionals, are likely to be lost to a small number of people.  It is not conducive to the authority and influence of the film award. " Shen Chong opened his briefcase, took out a stack of documents, motioned to Gu Liwei, who was taking notes, to distribute them, and then introduced: "This is Helena and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong.  Several professors collaborated to design a movie scoring algorithm. I think it is very interesting and can be used as a judge for the Academy Awards.??Reference.  "Luo Weiming got the document first. He flipped through it quickly, and then asked in surprise: "Let the audience participate in the award evaluation?  "    "Yes.  Shen Chong nodded and said: "We will publish the shortlists for the major awards in the magazine, and then collect the audience's votes. Then according to this algorithm, we will combine the voting and the jury's selection to select the final list of winners."  "The editor just now raised a question and said: "But in this case, it is difficult to ensure the fairness of the final result. The film company can spend money to buy people to swipe tickets.  " "Do you think the algorithm developed by several mathematicians cannot prevent this phenomenon?  Shen Chong pointed to the document and said: "To determine the award of an award, the audience vote only accounts for 40% of the weight, and the jury accounts for 60%. In short, this algorithm is very complex, but it can eliminate external interference to the greatest extent and ensure that  The film awards are fair and open, and I think they are worthy of consideration.  " "Boss Shen.  Luo Weiming put down the document and complained again: "The whole world knows that you are amazingly talented and have a beautiful chest. You are an unparalleled genius. Why bother us who are so miserable?"  Next time you have something to do, you can just give it directly. Don't let us study and discuss it. We can't afford to lose this person.  "
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