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Volume 3 Chapter 8 Agreement

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    After sending a group of Japanese people into the elevator, Zeng Lizhen seemed to have not come back to her senses after they left. She stood there and said, "Mr. Shen, is it signed? Has Sony agreed to sponsor?" "Of course, the contract is all  It's signed." Shen Chong pressed the elevator button and said to the translator behind him: "There is nothing to do today. You can go and rest. Sister Zhen and I have some personal things to do." "Okay, Shen.  Sir, Miss Zeng, goodbye. " "The conference room and the hotel will be cleaned up by themselves. Don't worry about it." After the translator left, Shen Chong said, "Let's go back and change clothes. We will go to Xu Anhua and Yan Hao for dinner later."  Holding the briefcase containing the contract and walking into the elevator, she made no secret of her admiration and said with admiration: "I have been busy for more than a month and haven't done anything well. Mr. Shen, you have done it all in one afternoon."  , and the Japanese took the initiative to come to sign the contract, which is really amazing." Her tone and expression made Shen Chong feel a little embarrassed. He explained: "Momoe Yamaguchi earns the salary, Sony earns the advertising, and we earn it.  When it comes to making money at the box office, everyone makes money and there are no losers, so it¡¯s easy to do and it¡¯s nothing.  " "Mr. Shen, you put it lightly. Zhu Jiading and I tried our best to talk and beg people everywhere, but we couldn't get any sponsorship. But as soon as you made a move, you signed a contract with a big company like Sony.  Zeng Lizhen said: "Mr. Shen, I admire you so much."  " "No, in terms of the level of doing things, I'm really not as good as you.  Shen Chong shook his hand and said: "I can do it because I have more money than you. Money can make ghosts go around. Even ghosts can make things work, let alone the Japanese."  " "But this time we asked the Japanese to pay for the Japanese to provide us with work, and we did not pay for the Japanese to work for us.  " "You are wrong to think so. Money is the most powerful weapon in the world. The more you accumulate, the greater the energy. When you have hundreds of millions of money, you have nuclear weapons. You don't need to actually use your hands to make people  Others are obedient.  Shen Chong walked out of the elevator and said, "You and Zhu Jiading don't have enough money, so they can't impress people."  To be honest, on the surface, we didn¡¯t pay any money this time, but in fact, what we paid was my reputation and favor, which are still assets, but they are intangible.  " Standing at the door of his guest room, after speaking, he looked at his watch, and then said: "I will take a bath first and rest for a while. Call me again at half past five and we will go to dinner together.  "    "OK.  "Tianbao had a crazy winter vacation, and now school is about to start, so after Li Kaiyuan finished his business in Tokyo, he took her back to Hong Kong. Now only Shen Chong lives in the presidential suite, which is empty and quite deserted. " Cleaned  After taking a shower, Shen Chong changed into casual and loose clothes, then sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched Japanese programs absently while letting his thoughts run wild. In order to train his junior producers, "  In the production of "Die Hard", after he wrote the script outline, set the budget, and finalized the main creative staff, he basically left it alone and allowed them to mess around. Zeng Lizhen traveled back and forth between Hong Kong and Japan, and Shen Chong didn't know about it in advance.  The help this time happened to be in Japan, and it happened to be that he met him, and it was not within the scope of his original plan. The only thing Shen Chong cared about and was prepared to intervene in was the action scenes, to be precise, the fighting scenes.  The current action design in Hong Kong is too slow, too routine, and does not meet the requirements of the new era, so he plans to use this drama to bring the fighting to the level of the 1990s, similar to "The Black Man" or "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai"  level - in fact, the fighting style of "The Bourne Supremacy" is most suitable for this drama, but in this era of shaky camera and accelerated editing, the audience may not be able to adapt. But since you are involved, Yu Jian will do it to the end, so.  After some consideration, Shen Chong took over Zeng Lizhen's work and personally negotiated with Sony. According to the information revealed by Akio Morita, aIkmau plans to be launched in the United States in June, and June happens to be the time when "Die Hard" is planned to be released in the United States.  The release time. If Sony wants to promote aIkmau, it will naturally have to advertise heavily, and the publicity expenses and coverage will be very huge. At the same time, aIkmau is also the most fashionable electronic product in the RU era, and "Die Hard" is an urban-themed movie. The two sides complement each other.  It¡¯s a very strong personality, and this shareholder style is worth borrowing. Therefore, the contract signed between Shen Chong and Sony is not only about sponsoring the actors¡¯ remuneration, but also a package of cross-marketing agreements. For example, the crew of "Die Hard" will specifically pay for aIkmau.  Customize several explosive movie trailers, and both parties will jointly fund them and broadcast them on major TV stations. In shopping malls and electronics stores, Sony will also play this video on a loop on the TVs and video recorders used for display.  The stills and characters of "Die Hard" are used for advertising. When "Die Hard" is promoted, aIkmau will be placed in a prominent position. When the crew members are interviewed, they will mention aIkmau skillfully.  When the movie is released, there will be some promotion activities such as drawing aIkmau with movie tickets or buying aIkmau to get movie tickets In short, Shen Chong came up with more than ten marketing methods that are commonplace in later generations. However,As he said himself, promoting new business models is very difficult.  The simplest method of advertising built-in movies is very rare in Hollywood at this time. For example, in 2019, when Spielberg was filming "Alien T", in order to attract some sponsorship and reduce costs, he went to find  I contacted Nmnamnamn Company and said: If he arranges for the alien T to eat Nmnamnamn food in the movie and gives him a certain amount of footage, how much money will the company be willing to pay?  You want to pay me to eat my food?  Nmnamnamn Company rejected Spielberg's plan flatly, and even felt very insulted Therefore, these marketing methods proposed by Shen Chong are very novel, and Sony is dubious about the publicity effect. The conclusion of this agreement is not as Zeng Lizhen saw.  It was so simple. Shen Chong not only had dinner with Akio Morita and discussed it for nearly two hours, but also made a lot of concessions in his interests. Only then did he finally let Sony's advertising executive come to the Hilton to sign the agreement - he only had Sony's  Shares are far from controlling the company's normal operations. In this agreement, Sony not only has to pay Yamaguchi Momoe's salary, but also pays a floating cross-promotion fee for the film based on the film's final box office figures.  Movie cross-promotion fees were very common in later generations. For example, Coca-Cola paid Time Warner US$500 million to buy out the exclusive cross-promotion rights of "Harry Potter."  However, in 19RU, this kind of fee was unbelievable, so Shen Chong did not set a minimum amount, but set a floating standard. For example, if the global box office exceeds 10 million U.S. dollars, Sony will have to pay an additional 500,000 U.S. dollars, and if it exceeds 500,000,  You have to pay 00,000 US dollars, and if it exceeds 100 million, you have to pay 5 million US dollars.  This kind of fee makes sense in terms of business logic. Paying Yamaguchi Momoe's salary only buys a built-in advertising opportunity. Marginal promotion of the movie naturally requires additional charges. Advertising on TV depends on the ratings.  When advertising on movies, of course you have to look at the box office. The higher the box office, the more people watch, the greater the influence, the better the advertising effect, and of course the more fees you have to charge.  "Die Hard" is certainly not as good as "Harry Potter", but Shen Chong also has his own advantages, that is his fame. As a budding billionaire, he is a legend, and the information that has been released recently,  For example, his company's revenue during the Christmas shopping season in the United States exceeded 100 million, such as his gold investment, and his sudden huge sum of money to purchase shares of Sony, which made his legend even higher. Sony is willing to sign this agreement  , is also a gamble, betting that his next legend can still happen.  Shen Chong also hopes to take the opportunity of "Die Hard" to give some inspiration to the producers in the company, so that they can explore film financing channels on their own that are in line with the trend of the times. Don't just stare at the box office. You must know that in the 20s  In the first century Hollywood, many blockbusters had already made back their budgets before filming - such as "Tomb Raider", with a total investment of 94 million U.S. dollars. However, as a production company, Paramount did not make a dime.  It came out and it was filmed just like that.  In the modern film industry, the most important skill of a producer is to make money through deception. Only with money can there be movies Shen Chong was thinking wildly when he heard a knock on the door and looked at the time. It was exactly half past five.  , so he stood up, turned off the TV, picked up the room card, and prepared to leave.  "Mr. Shen." As soon as she opened the door, Zeng Lizhen reported excitedly: "I just got a call from the agency, saying that Miura Tomokazu agreed to star in "Die Hard" as a friend and does not need to pay for the film." "This is good news.  " Shen Chong raised his eyebrows, looked at her, and said, "Your clothes are nice, better than the business clothes you wore this afternoon." Zeng Lizhen looked at his expression and asked, "Mr. Shen, you already knew that.  "Is this news?" "I'm not a god." Shen Chong chuckled, closed the door, and said, "I'm just mentally prepared." Seeing her puzzled expression, he explained, "Japan's economy is so developed.  They look down on us. Of course they have to offer high prices and impose a bunch of messy conditions. Now it¡¯s different if Sony is hired. Sony is a local snake in Japan and a big advertising company. The agency will not pay for an upcoming person like Yamaguchi Momoe.  The retired actress went to offend it, so the conditions were lowered. I estimate that the salary paid by Sony will not exceed 1 million US dollars. " "Little Japan is so disgusting. I will never look for Japanese people to film next time.  "Don't think like that." Shen Chong chuckled and said, "The more hateful you are, the more you want to make money from them. When you make enough, you can control the Japanese. Then who do you want to film?"  People will pay tribute like crazy."
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