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Volume 3 Chapter 14 Fury

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    With a "pop" sound, Shen Chong slammed the torn magazine in half on the conference table, and asked in a cold voice: "Who did this topic?" A bald foreigner in his fifties or sixties ignored Shen Chong's words.  Angry, he smoked his pipe, raised his right index finger coolly, and then said in a unique British arrogant tone: "Mr. Shen, is there any problem?" "Problem?" Shen Chong sneered and gritted his teeth and said: "  You're fired, get out now." The man was stunned. He put down his pipe and said with obvious disdain: "Mr. Shen, do you know who I am?" "I know you are a pig." Shen Chong said nothing.  He cursed gracefully, and then said to Qiu Siyu who was sitting at the door taking minutes of the meeting: "Call the security guard. If he doesn't leave within ten minutes, ask the security guard to drive him away with a stick." "Mr. Shen, you can't.  Fire him, he is the chief writer of our magazine." George, the co-founder of "Asia Weekly" who works under Shen Chong, said, "If he is fired, the next issue of the magazine will not be published on time."  "Next issue? There is no next issue." Shen Chong pressed his hands on the table and said loudly: "From now on, "Asia Weekly" will cease publication. A dozen editors in the conference room looked at each other, and the arrogant old man also  He put down his pipe in shock, "Mr. Shen, you can't do this.  "George stood up excitedly and shouted: "Why?  "    "Why?  Tell me why?  Shen Chong raised his head, looked at him with murderous eyes, and said: "Before the acquisition, the agreement clearly stated that any news content about Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland must be reviewed and signed by me before it can be released.  .  " He casually grabbed a piece of magazine paper scattered on the table, shook it, and said in a louder voice: "Did you show me these five pieces of shit articles before they were published?  Do you have?  " "Mr. Shen, this is an accident.  George's voice was half lowered, and he defended: "I couldn't find you at the time, and the magazine printing time was about to end, so I made a temporary decision."  "    "Yeah?  Shen Chong sneered and said: "Qiu Siyu, come here and read my schedule and see what I am doing in the three days before the magazine is released."  " Qiu Siyu immediately took two steps forward, took out a form from her briefcase, read it out according to the script, and then concluded: "On the 1st, the 13th, and the 13th, Mr. Shen will go to work at 7 o'clock in the morning and at night.  I get off work at 8 o'clock. Except for playing golf for two hours in the afternoon, I have been working normally in the office in Wan Chai the rest of the time.  " "Is there anyone delivering manuscripts to the office this afternoon?  "    "No.  "Qiu Siyu put away the form, changed a notebook, and said: "On the afternoon of this day, there were a total of seven calls and two visitors, all registered.  " "Mr. George.  Shen Chong mocked unceremoniously: "Am I invisible?"  Or is the person who submitted the manuscript a blind man?  " "This may be a work error. I forgot to send the manuscript.  An editor with an oriental face found a way for George and said, "After all, the magazine has just completed the transaction, and many procedures have not been handed over yet. Mistakes are inevitable."  " "Mistake?  You didn't send it on purpose, right?" Shen Chong sat down, flicked the paper in his hand with his fingers, and said, "You all know very well that if you send this kind of bullshit article over, I will definitely cut it off, so I will cut it off first and report it later.  Release, right?  " "Mr. Shen, I don't think there is any quality problem with this topic.  "George also sat down and said, "Please respect our work.  " "Respect your work?  Shen Chong said with a sarcastic smile: "Then who will respect my IQ?"  Who will respect my money? He slammed the table, stood up again, and said: "Come on, come on, take out the original interview records and tell me which one of Xu Xinliang, Shi Mingde, and Lu Xiulian said they were  Are they being instigated by the Mainland to deliberately cause riots? Who said they were funded by the Mainland? Who are the relevant people, anonymous people, well-informed people, and fools? " "Asia Weekly is so famous, everyone here.  You are called a media elite, but I think it is all in vain. How did you create a magazine? I was the one who discovered such a big thing in "Beautiful Island" when I went to attend the Golden Horse Awards. I asked you to go to Taiwan in advance to do interviews and special features.  After all the hard work, you have come up with such a bullshit, and you still have the nerve to tell me that you respect your work? " "And you, you, the chief writer, why don't you just get out of here?" Shen Chong became more and more angry.  Pointing at the pipe-smoking man, he shouted: "Publishing such unprofessional articles is no different from injecting potassium cyanide into milk. This is intentional business sabotage. Not only are you fired, you are also waiting for a court summons."  "Let's go." Shen Chong roared like a storm, leaving more than a dozen editors in the office silent. George, the founder and editor-in-chief, did not dare to speak anymore. After the pipe-smoking man left in embarrassment, Shen Chong sat down again, and his mood calmed down a little.  ?Come.  On October 10, 1979, Taiwan's "Beautiful Island" magazine, with non-KMT members as the core, organized a mass demonstration. Violent clashes occurred during the process, which ended with the government sending military and police to suppress it. This was the first demonstration since the "February 2nd" in 1947.  After the "Eighth Incident", Taiwan's largest civil-government conflict was known as the "Beautiful Island Incident" in history.  The "Beautiful Island Incident" had a drastic impact on society politically, socially, and culturally. It was a historical event in Taiwan's transition from isolation to opening up. It was the beginning of the disintegration of the Kuomintang's one-party dominance in Taiwan, and the beginning of the Chiang Kai-shek Dynasty.  The starting point of the collapse, such as Chen Shuibian, Lu Xiulian, Chen Ju and other members of the Democratic Progressive Party, all gained the first bucket of political capital from this incident.  It is impossible for Shen Chong not to know about such a major event, and it is impossible not to pay attention to it. He hurriedly purchased "Asia Weekly" mainly to catch up with this matter, so when he went to attend the Golden Horse Awards ceremony, he deliberately  Ask about "Beautiful Island".  "Beautiful Island" is named after Yang Zu's song of the same name. It is a stronghold for people outside the Kuomintang. It was first published in September. By the end of September, the circulation had exceeded 80,000 copies, and it was very influential in Taiwan.  October 10th is the International Human Rights Day. "Beautiful Island" magazine plans to hold a rally. At the end of November, in the name of "Celebrating the 41st Anniversary of World Human Rights Day", an application for a parade and speech activity was submitted to the government in advance. See everything.  It doesn't look like anything special.  "It's just that Shen Chong traveled through the party and knew that something big was going on, so after the Golden Horse Awards ceremony was over and he returned to Hong Kong, he immediately arranged for a reporter from "Asia Weekly" to go to Taiwan for interviews, making preparations in advance, intending to fish in troubled waters.  Many of the parties involved in the "Beautiful Island Incident" would later become big figures in Taiwanese politics. Shen Chong did this not only for the future, but also for other reasons - some of these people were from the reunification faction and some were from the independence faction.  They are still young, wouldn't it be great to take advantage of the time travelers to support the unification faction and beat the independence faction?  However, the ideal is full and the reality is skinny. Shen Chong overestimated his control. As Wang Yang said, he was too young and had too little qualifications, so many people did not take him seriously.  The things he bought were unreliable. In the first issue after the "Beautiful Island Incident" broke out, "Asia Weekly" concocted a special topic without his knowledge. On the one hand, it accused the mainland of fanning the flames and turning demonstrations into violent conflicts.  , On the other hand, it was widely reported that the people participating in the parade were thugs I have seen cheating people, but I have never seen such cheating people, so Shen Chong was very angry.  Not only was there anger, there was also a feeling of anxiety and boredom stuck in my heart.  This kind of special report that confuses right and wrong is not very lethal to Shen Chong. Over in Taiwan, the aftermath of the "Beautiful Island Incident" will continue for a long time, and there are many opportunities to make troubles. On the mainland, he only needs to show sincerity.  It's not a big problem to explain.  The key to the problem is that this is the first time after Shen Chong traveled through time that he felt that the situation was not under his control. The huge sense of loss and crisis made him restless.  Wealth accumulates too fast, and social resources and network resources accumulate too slowly. It is like a huge kite, which looks beautiful but has no foundation. A pair of scissors can make him fall miserably.  For example, this time, "Asia Weekly" is the top news magazine in Asia. Even if Shen Chong does not acquire it, it will be acquired by the "Times" group in a few years. Such an excellent media and its chief writer will produce quality products.  Such a shoddy and obvious topical bias?  "There must be someone behind it" But Shen Chong can't pursue it. It's obvious that the person behind it is either the Taiwan government or the Hong Kong government.  Fortunately, the Taiwanese government said that Shen Chong could break with them without hesitation. The magazine branch and the film branch were not big investments, and it would not be a pity to lose them. Taiwan's film market is very important to others, but to him  He said it was just a drizzle, and as long as Taiwanese filmmakers could come to Hong Kong to film, he would have nothing to worry about.  If the Hong Kong government is behind the scenes, it will be a mess.  The Sino-British negotiations have not yet begun, and the British still have great illusions about Hong Kong. The more famous Shen Chong is and the more assets he has, the less the Hong Kong government wants him to be too involved with the mainland. It is not unreasonable to deliberately cause trouble and alienate him.  Possible things - when he acquired "Asia Weekly", he held a press conference. Many people knew that this magazine was his asset, and publishing articles attacking the mainland on it was the most suitable way to drive a wedge.  Hong Kong is the foundation and cannot be lost or separated. If this matter involves the Hong Kong government, it must be handled carefully. If you do not give in, your future development will definitely be restricted. If you give in, your own national sentiments will not be able to accept it.  , Secondly, it is not easy to explain when coming to the mainland.  This is a huge problemand Shen Chong can't find a solution for the time being. He is a slave and I am a fish, so it is not surprising that he loses control of his emotions.  After Shen Chong's expression relaxed, George asked tentatively: "Mr. Shen, what should we do now?""What else can be done?" Shen Chong said angrily: "Recover all the magazines and destroy them, and double compensation for readers' losses. Xiaoyu, tell Zhu Jiading to buy me the front pages of several major newspapers in Hong Kong tomorrow. I want  "Publish an advertisement and publicly apologize." "Mr. Shen, if you do this, our magazine will suffer a lot." "It's good if you know." Shen Chong crossed his arms and stared at him and said, "Mr. George, you are the founder of the magazine. I will give it to you."  To save face, I won¡¯t pursue the matter this time. If it happens again next time, I will sue you for commercial fraud and you have to compensate for all losses.¡± ¡°And you all, remember, I am not the government.  I am your boss and your sponsor, so remember it, don¡¯t pretend to be the uncrowned king in front of me, and don¡¯t talk to me about press freedom.¡± Shen Chong stood up, looked around, and said: ¡°  When you pay wages, you will check whether the money is counterfeit, so after the manuscript is written, I will also check whether it is to my taste. If you don't agree, leave as soon as possible." After saying this, Shen Chong pointed to what he just said.  The oriental-faced man who came to George's rescue said, "I am now appointing you as the new chief writer. You will be responsible for the next issue of the magazine. Can you do it?" It was pie in the sky. The man was surprised and happy, and immediately stood up.  He stood up, nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will do a good job." "Mr. George, you are responsible for destroying the magazine and dealing with the aftermath." Shen Chong straightened his clothes and said, "As for the apology, I will do it myself.  Take charge. Xiaoyu, let¡¯s go to Xinhua News Agency.¡±
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