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Text Chapter 407: Solving Trouble

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    What Tanaka is worried about is the issue of the Eastern Army of Japan. The so-called Eastern Army is the force under the Eastern Japan Defense and Security Command established by the Ministry of War. The current commander is the son-in-law of Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki, who is also a famous figure in the Japanese Army.  Artillery expert General Fujie Keisuke, Suzuki Kantaro succeeded Tojo Hideki a year ago and was appointed to form the cabinet. In order to cope with the deteriorating situation and to guard against opposition in the army, he specially recommended his son-in-law Fujie Keisuke as the commander-in-chief.  The commander of the Eastern Garrison District controls part of the military power as a precaution.  In addition to serving as the commander of the Eastern Garrison Area, Fujie Keisuke also serves as the commander of the 11th Mainland Front Army. He is in charge of a total of three brigades, but each of the three brigades is stationed in various strategic locations in the Kanto Corridor.  , there are only two regiments with about 5,000 troops left in Tokyo. Although the strength is not much, it is a threat after all. Especially, Fujie Keisuke is also the direct boss of the nominal Guards Division.  Therefore, the five thousand troops under his control must be taken into consideration. What's more, since Fujie Keisuke is the son-in-law of Suzuki Kantaro, he is an out-and-out target of crusade in the eyes of Tanaka and others. At the same time, he is also a member of the Guards Division.  Once he expresses his opinion, it will have a great impact on the soldiers of the Guards Division.  Takashimasuke smiled calmly, "Don't worry, Tanaka-kun. I have already considered this factor. Someone will deal with Fujie Keisuke. We just need to implement it according to our plan."  Fujie Keisuke's face was ashen.  , looking at the dark night without blinking. Although the line of sight was only more than a hundred meters, he could clearly hear the faint sound of military boots hitting the ground in the darkness, and the thick sound that came through these sounds.  Strong murderous aura.  "Tokyo is going to be in chaos again." Fujie Keisuke couldn't help but think of this. The mutiny in the 11th year of the Showa era was still vivid in his mind. As the imperial army was retreating on the battlefield, some restless guys  It is about to start making moves again, but who can blame it? The royal family negotiated peace with the Americans in private. In addition to protecting its own interests, it did not even think about its citizens, soldiers, and generals. Such an emperor, such a  The royal family, such a leader, will anyone still be loyal to him?  Fujie Keisuke was very worried about his seventy-eight-year-old father-in-law. After the military cabinet headed by Tojo Hideki stepped down, it left a mess to the emperor. Only then did the emperor think of Kantaro Suzuki, who had been forgotten for a long time.  Name, during the February 26th Mutiny, he was attacked by rebels and hit in the head by a bullet. He finally survived and later became the Speaker of the Privy Council. He is one of the rare important figures in Japan who is still sober. He has been working hard over the years.  He suppressed the hardliners and sought a peaceful and dignified solution to the war in Asia, but until now, the emperor was forced to re-activate him when he was desperate. Perhaps this is also his greatest sorrow.  Because of this, Fujie Keisuke is very clear that his father-in-law will become a thorn in the side and flesh of some radical figures in the army, and he must get rid of it quickly. Although from his heart, he does not agree with his father-in-law's political views, Fujie Keisuke has long since  It has been clearly marked as the Suzuki faction, and he can no longer think about it. What's more, Suzuki Kantaro himself is from the navy, and he is a senior general in the army. He also has a close personal relationship with the new Minister of War Anami Yuki.  It can be imagined that the prestige and connections in the army and navy are beyond Fujie Keisuke's control.  But tonight, Fujie Keisuke no longer has the mind to think about this. The atmosphere tonight is a bit unusual. Although Fujie Keisuke can't explain the reason, out of a soldier's intuition, he instinctively felt that something was going to happen.  "Your Excellency, Commander, the 1st Guards Division has made some unusual moves." The adjutant hurried up to the roof and reported to Fujie Keisuke.  "Have you contacted them? Why did they need to be mobilized in the early morning?" Fujie Keisuke did not look back.  "The explanation was very vague. It just said that it was a normal defense maneuver." The adjutant said here, and suddenly hesitated, "But I don't think so. The latest news is that they have sealed off the royal residence area in Fukiage Ward and also controlled Tokyo Broadcasting.  "Radio station." Fujie Keisuke's body trembled suddenly, and the few stars shone on Guangguang's head, showing some traces of sweat. "Radio station." The purpose of the Guards Division's movement became clear instantly.  This guy actually wants to stop the nationwide broadcast of the Emperor's armistice edict.  Wait, Fujie Keisuke suddenly broke out in sweat. It will definitely not be that simple. Simply preventing the broadcast of the armistice edict will not have any effect, unless, unless, there is another military rebellion in which "the bottom defeats the top".  machine to eliminate dissidents and restore full military power.  ¡°In this case, my father-in-law will be the first to bear the brunt. No wonder, no wonder the big bosses of the army have been quiet these days. They are all eccentric. It turns out that they areWatching a good show unfold.  "No, I must do something." Fujie Keisuke knew very well that he could not do anything with the five thousand troops in his hands. At this time, if he wanted to mobilize the Eastern Army troops in the Kanto region to Beijing, he must  After receiving instructions from the base camp and the emperor, there is no need to ask. I can think of this, and those guys who mutinied can also think of it. They will definitely cut off the connection between the palace, the base camp and the army as soon as possible.  Thinking of this, Fujie Keisuke quickly issued an order to have an adjutant lead a small team of soldiers to rush to Suzuki Kantaro's residence and escort him to a safe area. In addition, he immediately arranged for personnel to get in touch with the base camp, staff headquarters, and palace guard troops.  .  But before the orders were distributed, the guards hurriedly came to report, and someone from the base camp was sent over.  Fujie Keisuke was in a daze. It seemed that the base camp had also received news of the changes in the First Guards Division, so he sent someone to contact him as soon as possible.  The person coming here is also known to Keisuke Fujie. He is Colonel Takeda Takeda, the senior staff officer of the General Staff Headquarters. This person is currently doing intelligence work, but he is a graduate of the Imperial Army University and is also a key member and rising star of the mainland department.  Fujie Keisuke let Takeda Takeo into the conference room. Takeda Takeda casually took out the latest order from the base camp from his briefcase and placed the briefcase under the table at his feet. Fujie Keisuke's guess was correct. The First Guards Division  Sure enough, they preemptively cut off the communication between the various units and the base camp, the Army Department, etc., and also installed high-power jamming equipment in the city, making the radio stations everywhere ineffective. Therefore, the base camp could only send personnel to make contact with the troops garrisoned in the city.  , of course, the only one in the city that can compete with the First Guards Division is Fujie Keisuke's troops.  "Your Excellency, please be careful. As far as we know, not only the Guards Division but also some soldiers from the 15th Division participated in this operation." "What." Fujie Keisuke was shocked.  "Kwantung Army." Takeda Takeo nodded, "Your Excellency, do you still remember the last batch of Kwantung Army troops that were withdrawn from the mainland?" "Didn't the base camp all review it?" Fujie Keisuke asked loudly.  "Not all have been reviewed." Takeda Yixiong said word by word: "Your Excellency, please don't forget that there are more than 10,000 wounded soldiers returning with the ship." "Could it be them." "That's right." Takeda Yixiong  His tone was extremely heavy, "It was they who gathered to participate in the rebellion and got in touch with the First Guards Division as soon as possible."  "How come they have weapons and equipment?" Fujie Keisuke said angrily.  ¡°That¡¯s unknown,¡± Takeda Yixiong replied, ¡°But I¡¯m sure that there must be their internal agents in the army.¡± Fujie Keisuke suddenly became quiet.  Takeda Yixiong said softly: "Your Excellency, you can no longer hesitate. Act immediately. The base camp has eliminated messengers and summoned the Kanto garrison to the capital. You must hold on until the reinforcements arrive." Fujie Keisuke nodded and reluctantly started to fight.  spirit, summoned an emergency meeting of Eastern Army officers.  In less than ten minutes, senior officers such as the chief of staff at the station and headquarters, as well as the commanders of the two infantry regiments stationed in Tokyo, all arrived.  Taking a look at the situation, Takeda Takeo excused himself from the meeting on the grounds that it was inconvenient to attend the military meeting. No one noticed that he did not take his briefcase with him when he went out. At this time, officers at all levels in the meeting room,  Even Fujie Keisuke was so preoccupied that no one noticed this detail.  Takeda Takeo took two followers with him, then walked out of the Eastern Army Headquarters and returned to the car he was riding in.  One of the attendants took off his hat and couldn't help but chuckle, "I didn't expect that Takashimasuke actually found you." Takeda Yixiong looked at Lin Xiaotang's proud face angrily, "Don't you know  , I am also from the Kwantung Army." Takeda Yixiong then asked: "The problem of the Eastern Army has been solved, and chaos in Tokyo is inevitable. I want to ask you how you plan to deal with the aftermath." Lin Xiaotang was very strange.  "Aftermath, why do we need to clean up the aftermath?" Takeda Yixiong almost fell down, "What, are you just watching Tokyo turn into ruins? What good will this do to you? Besides, Japan must be qualified to surrender in the future.  Someone come out and take charge." Lin Xiaotang waved his hand nonchalantly, "We'll talk about it later, I can't think of anything too far away." Takeda Takeda rolled his eyes majestically, while Lin Xiaotang looked at the other person in the car.  Raising his chin, "Huoyan, it's up to you." Huoyan raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and with his right handThe five fingers fell one after another. When the last little finger fell heavily, a deafening explosion suddenly erupted from the Eastern Army Headquarters not far away. The dazzling fire was like a huge torch, instantly lighting up the entire place.  Tokyo city.
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