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Text Chapter 4 Alley Tavern

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    Chapter 4 Alley Tavern Wu Xue once thought that these heroes either never existed in this world, or these people were not born yet.  There is no familiar Demacia, and there is Noxus.  There is no war college.  There is just the original continent of Valoran, with numerous city-states and various races. Various city-states and various races are constantly fighting with each other, and forces are constantly shuffled. Every day on the continent, there are countless  lives were lost in battle, and countless lives were born.  Powerful heroes, with their immense destructive power, split mountains and rocks.  Although the world is big, the heroes seem to be unafraid of the shackles of this world.  Seeing the broken mountains, rivers, and desolate world, Wu Xue suddenly realized one day that this was indeed the continent of Valoran, but it was not the one he was familiar with in the League of Legends game. The War College had been established.  The League of Legends has been established. All heroes fight in an extremely civilized environment in an extremely orderly environment. Even if they die in battle, they can be reborn through the resurrection platform.  This is the world before the earliest Rune Wars in Valoran.  This is a world without any order, and power is in the hands of the top nobles, who use the power in their hands.  In order to seek the best interests for themselves, these people will not care about the life and death of the people or the safety of the world.  Profit is the only persistence in their hearts.  Before the moonlight fell, Wu Xue took out another skin bag and opened it. Wu Xue came to the edge of the battlefield and selected a few corpses that looked relatively good. Wu Xue opened the skin bag in his hand.  After the skin bag is opened, a rich aroma comes out from inside.  It seemed that she had been familiar with this fragrance for a long time, so Wu Xue did not show any unusual expression on her face.  The liquid in the skin was poured evenly onto the several corpses at the edge of the battlefield.  Then Wu Xue put away the skin bag and took out two small stones from himself.  Wu Xue holds a stone in each hand.  "Kakaka!" Wu Xue slammed the two stones together with force. When the two stones collided quickly, sparks flew from the edges of the collision.  These are just two very ordinary pieces of flint.  Wu Xue aimed the direction of the sparks at the corpses soaked in the mysterious liquid. When the sparks fell.  Several corpses burned instantly.  The liquid that Wu Xue just dumped on several corpses was clearly an extremely flammable liquid.  As the corpse burned and the liquid evaporated, its rich aroma gradually began to fill the entire battlefield.  Seeing that the plan was going well, Wu Xue put away the flint.  He eliminated the traces he left on the battlefield, making sure not to leave a single trace.  After that, Wu Xue made a few sidesteps and disappeared into the distant mountains and forests.  The war is still over, and Wu Xue cannot return to his city at this time.  In order to prevent spies from hostile city-states from breaking into the city, no one can enter at will without a pass specially approved by the military.  Wu Xue has experienced this kind of war more than once in the past few years. Although this time the scale is the largest and the losses on both sides are the highest, Wu Xue is more able to speculate that the real war between the two city-states will soon end.  Because there were too many people killed, neither city-state could continue such a war with huge casualties. The only solution was a temporary truce. The armies of the two city-states each returned to their own city-states and cities to recuperate and maintain strength, waiting to fight again later.  .  Although Wu Xue is only twenty years old, he is already a four-year veteran and has profound skills in surviving in the wild.  Valoran is a world with a well-preserved natural environment. Although there are extremely powerful monsters or very unfriendly humanoid races in many areas, near the city-states, most of them are just some docile wild animals.  Animals, Wu Xue can easily hunt a lot of wild animals here.  Set up a bonfire, bake the food you brought, and if you are thirsty, you can drink spring water from the mountain.  In short, as long as you have the strength, you will never starve to death in the wild.  In fact, if Wu Xue had not wanted to rely on the corpses on the battlefield to practice, Wu Xue would not have joined the army again and again. If he was afraid of death, he would directly hide in the mountains and starve to death. People in the city-state would not go to the mountains to catch young men.  .  The battle that Wu Xue participated in during the day was regarded as the decisive battle between Talio City State and Sita City State. In the next few days, there were several small-scale battles between the two city-states, with casualties.  The number of people is only around a few hundred.  After several battles in the next few days, the commanders of the two city-states finally issued orders to withdraw their troops.  At this point, such a war that seemed to be a complete farce in Wu Xue's eyes was finally over.  Walking at a brisk pace, when Wu Xue appeared in Dark City again, it was already a few days after the end of the war. This continent was like this. The distance between various city-states was still relatively far. The cities within the city-states were built on clusters.  In the plains among the mountains, only a few cities within a city-state are relatively close to each other. Generally, two city-states are far apart, so once the two sides withdraw their troops, their respective cities do not need to worry about the enemy city-state.  Soldiers came to launch a sneak attack.  A large-scale attack will be detected from a long distance, but a small-scale sneak attack will not cause any damage to the enemy at all.?What threat does it pose?  After returning from the mountains, Wu Xue had replaced his original military uniform with a set of civilian clothes that he had hidden in the mountains.  The most common coarse cloth clothes of common people.  When Wu Xue wears it, others will look at Wu Xue and not look at him again. There are many people dressed like Wu Xue. Most of these people are farmers living outside in the mountains. They come to the city to buy salt and other daily necessities.  Necessary.  The atmosphere in Darkin City was not overly depressing because many soldiers were killed in this battle. Although death is disgusting, the long-term brainwashing of the civilians by the city-state's top officials has made the people here believe that they will devote themselves to the Federation.  It is glorious and the highest honor. Under the stimulation of honor, the separation of life and death does not seem so sad.  Taking this familiar path, Wu Xue tried to avoid the pedestrians on the road.  In the dark city, the number of people Wu Xue knows is extremely limited. This situation is not because Wu Xue himself is very withdrawn, but because Wu Xue does not dare to know too many people, otherwise Wu Xue would not be able to  Continue your journey of desertion.  Deliberately lowering the brim of his hat, Wu Xue walked into a very dilapidated alley. Although it was dilapidated, it was still smaller than the main streets in the city. The two sides of the alley were open like commercial streets in later generations.  There are some storefronts, rice shops, noodle shops, butcher shops, hotels, and taverns.  Everything is available, and the decoration is not very luxurious. This is the place where common people come most often. The luxurious hotels and mansions on Central Street are not affordable for common people.  He walked straight towards a very ordinary tavern.  Entering the tavern, Wu Xue casually found a table and sat down.  "Bring me a cup of rice wine and half a kilogram of braised beef. And two side dishes." Wu Xue threw a silver coin on the table. The clerk in the hotel took the silver coin and gave Wu Xue a respectful gift.  .  "Wait a moment." The clerk took the silver coins and left. Wu Xue glanced inside the tavern and found that there were not many customers except herself today.  The only few that are not of the human race.  There are many humanoid races on the continent of Valoran, and there are even highly intelligent beasts. Compared to the world that Wu Xue traveled through, Valoran has an extremely enlightened attitude towards human races. Even this is  Wu Xue also had to grow up. Even the United States, a country that calls for human equality, did not do as well as Valoran.  Here, as long as you prove that you have advanced intelligence and sociality, then society will recognize your human rights.  There are many humanoid races living in the human world. They are the race with the largest number of humans in the Darkin City. However, there are other races such as the tauren, but their numbers are not large. The Yoders are second only to humans in number in the Darkin City.  The second most numerous human race.  Wu Xue gave the clerk a silver coin, but the clerk did not deliver the food quickly.  Considering the situation of only a few guests in the tavern, this situation was obviously not normal, but Wu Xue was not surprised. It seemed that he had expected such a situation.  After a long time, the clerk arrived late.  "Sorry, sir, there is no rice wine in the tavern, but we still have some sorghum wine upstairs. I don't know" "Well, sorghum wine is also available. Where is it, take me there." The two people came back and forth.  Skillful dialogue, to outsiders, it seems that the tavern did not inform the guest when he made the reservation because there was no rice wine, and he expressed his guilt to the guest, so he was invited to sit on the second floor.  Although the tavern in such an alley is a place where common people always come, there are also rich and poor people among the common people. The consumption level on the second floor of the tavern is obviously higher than that on the first floor. Wu Xue is wearing and dressing up at the moment.  He should be an ordinary mountain man with little money. It would be too conspicuous to go directly to the second floor.  Therefore, Wu Xuecai staged such a scene with the people in the tavern.  The clerk in the tavern is an old acquaintance of Wu Xue, and he is also one of the few friends Wu Xue has in the world.  The owner of the tavern is an old man. The old man is not human.  Although he looked similar, Wu Xue knew that the old man was definitely not a human being, and his skin color would be dark red without a human being.  Even after practicing some skills, there will be some strange phenomena on the body, but those strange phenomena will only be revealed when the skills are used. No strange phenomena can always exist.
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