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Text Chapter 1166 Negotiation

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    The collapse of the Blue Mosque brought with it the collapse of the Ottoman Empire's confidence.  This kind of attack from the sky has exceeded the imagination of the Ottomans. Some people even believe that this is God's punishment for those rulers.  Grand Vizier Copurulu Muhammad Pasha and others are still hesitating because the conditions proposed by the Qin people are really unacceptable.  Starting at noon that day, hundreds of warships lined up on the sea and launched a fierce bombardment of Istanbul. Thousands of projectiles flew across the sky and slammed into the city walls. The sound was shocking.  "If it were just this kind of shelling, although it was violent, the Ottomans were not too afraid. They also had cannons on the city walls and could also fight back violently.  To the despair of the Ottomans, Qi Qiuhong led 30 War Eagles into the air again, passing through the smoke-filled sky. The Ottoman soldiers at the top of the city could only watch as they crossed the sky above their heads and flew into the city.  Immediately afterwards, clouds of fireballs erupted from the Kubalti Hall of Topkapi Palace. The towering dome collapsed during the bombing, making a deafening noise, and billowing smoke enveloped the entire Topkapi Palace.  That night, Dou Qing, the commander of the Qin Army, was invited to the foot of the Galata Tower again. Bapreis took the agreement that he had stepped on and stared at Dou Qing with burning eyes, as if he wanted to eat him.  Skin, drink his blood.  Dou Qing seemed to have not seen him, and said calmly: "People's anger is actually dissatisfaction with themselves. Your Excellency, Vizier, you should hate your Grand Vizier, they are the ones who provoked the war between the two countries."  War. You should also hate yourself. You also chose war last night. War is always cruel. If you dare to choose war, you should dare to bear the consequences instead of spreading your anger on others. This is a cowardly act.  "After the translator translated Dou Qing's paragraph.  Bapreis almost died, but when he looked back, he had to admit that Dou Qing's words were profoundly philosophical.  He suppressed his anger and said: "It is simply a wicked person who complained first. Princess Aguli of Kazakhstan and our Sultan are already engaged. You captured my future queen of the Ottoman Empire. You are the one who started the war between the two countries!" "  Kazakh invaded our Qin Dynasty, and our Qin Dynasty sent troops to attack her. Afterwards, we only found out that a Kazakh princess was captured. If she was the queen of the Ottomans, why didn't the vizier call her the queen? " " Dou Qing was too lazy to be here.  Talking to him about this matter, without waiting for him to answer, he immediately said: "Your Majesty the Vizier, I thought you invited me here to negotiate peace. If not, please forgive me!"  It is just to gain the moral upper hand during negotiations, but it does not affect the negotiation process.  Who knows, after tonight, where will those flying devils be bombing tomorrow?  So the two sides sat down, under the blazing torch, to have a huge and heated argument about the terms of the agreement proposed by Dou Qing.  Dou Qing refused to give in, making Bapreis so angry that he almost flipped the table.  This round of negotiations did not make any substantial progress.  When Dou Qing was about to walk away, Bapreis woke up from his rage.  Nowadays, people work as swordsmen, and I work as fish and meat.  ¡°If we delay for a few more days, Istanbul may be reduced to rubble.  Now the Sultan and his ministers have to hide in caves during the day.  In addition to the huge threat to Istanbul, Hungary and Austria are also deploying troops and preparing to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack on the front line in Vienna.  The 80,000-strong army of the Safavid Empire has launched a fierce attack on the Mesopotamia, with its troops directed towards Baghdad.  In order to cope with the war, the Ottoman Empire, with its empty treasury, could only continue to raise taxes and even reach out to church funds, which made the church very dissatisfied; more and more Sipaxi cavalry lords everywhere went bankrupt, and these people took their men's money with them one after another.  The cavalry rebelled, causing smoke everywhere.  What¡¯s even more worrying is that Li Ding¡¯s 50,000-strong army is building ships in Baku, apparently wanting to bypass the Lesser Caucasus Mountains from the Caspian Sea and directly invade Asia Minor.  Asia Minor is the heartland of the Ottoman Empire. Once this area is invaded, other territories may be isolated from Istanbul. How can Baghdad resist the Safavid Empire's army? The entire empire may fall apart!  Bapreis quickly grabbed Dou Qing and started the second round of negotiations.  Article 1: The national boundaries are demarcated by the areas currently under actual control of the two countries and shall not infringe upon each other in the future.  There is actually not much to dispute about this point. The Gaoqiang cable-hole area occupied by the Qin army, if you want to let others spit it out, I am afraid I won't be willing to do it.  Article 4: Send two princesses and select 200 beauties to Daqin for marriage.  This one is alsoIt's nothing. Political marriage is a very common thing in all countries and is harmless.  The most critical ones are the second and third items: Ottoman compensates Great Qin for the war expenses of 10 million taels of silver.  The territory from Sinai to Cairo was ceded to Qin and all local people were evacuated.  "Don't say ten million taels of silver, even one million taels. Now the Ottoman treasury can't get it out.  There is also the cession of the Suez region, which is the key to the revitalization of the Ottomans. Once ceded, the Ottomans will forever lose control of the east and west trade routes.  On these two points, Bapreis and Dou Qing argued with each other.  Dou Qing stopped suddenly, took a sip of water, and then said calmly: "Your Majesty the Vizier, maybe we can give your country some relief in terms of war reparations, but in the Suez area, I advise the Vizier not to pester you anymore;  You should be very clear that if the war continues, the entire Ottoman Empire will be in danger of falling apart. Will it be just the small area of ??Suez that will be lost? " When Bapreis saw that Dou Qing had slackened on the war reparations, he  He immediately turned to this article and said sternly: "Master Dou, the 10 million war compensation your country demands is too much! This is absolutely not possible. Even if we agree, the national treasury cannot come up with so much money. 500,000, we  I agree to give your country up to five hundred thousand taels, and it cannot be said to be war compensation, but to be given to your country as a dowry for the princess. ""Whether it is a dowry or war compensation, our country will not argue with you about this, but ours.  The bottom line is eight million taels, and it must not be less than this amount, otherwise there will be no need to continue the peace talks; Of course, in order to take care of your country, you do not need to take out this money all at once. You can repay it in twenty years, or you can  Use tax as a mortgage. You can even use labor to offset part of the loan. This point caught Bapres's attention. The Ottomans have a vast territory and a lot of labor.  "Yes, it is possible to use labor to compensate for the compensation." "Master Dou, please explain clearly how to use labor to compensate?" "Our Daqin may need a lot of labor in the future, one hundred thousand, or even two hundred thousand.  If your country provides us with a labor force in Daqin, the corresponding compensation can be offset based on the price of labor. There are also grain and grass materials needed by the labor. If your country is willing to provide them, they can also be converted into silver at market prices to offset the compensation.  "One hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand? Mr. Dou, what does your country need so much labor for?" "This is our Daqin's internal affairs. There is no need to ask, this matter is actually beneficial to Osman."  I never lied to you." Bapreis looked suspicious and almost forgot to continue bargaining with Dou Qing.  Dou Qing was secretly amused. I'm afraid that even if Bapreis tried to break his head, he wouldn't be able to figure out the key.  With the naval strength of Great Qin, it is completely possible to seize the port strongholds in West Africa and control the maritime trade channels in West Africa. Why didn¡¯t Great Qin do so?  That¡¯s because the ambitious Qin Emperor intended to dig a canal in the Suez area to connect the Red River and the Mediterranean Sea.  Once this canal is excavated, it will definitely require a lot of money, manpower and material resources. In terms of manpower, you can go to Africa to capture black slaves, but it is not easy to capture one or two hundred thousand black slaves.  To put it bluntly, Da Qin just wanted the Ottoman Empire to pay for the construction of the canal.  Therefore, it is impossible for Dou Qing to make many concessions to Bapreis on the cession of the Suez area and war reparations.  If you don¡¯t agree, then continue the air strikes until you agree.  ps: bow to thank Meng Xing, heartbreak, nothing to gain, guao123, joy4, 110511215817, bright moon reflects Qianjiang, Yulu Fenglin, ztydygh1, little worm, Suzhou has no general, navy bell, kttyman2005, lieren, Yu Jianzhi  Qingyun, Lianxiang Gongzi, Shadow Liuxiang 008 Tong, Sparrow Qianyuan, Qingqing Zijing, 13101322979, Muyi, Han Zhilong, chenak, Star Devouring Tutor, Blue Wing Dream, Pirate Chief, sw3805, 6939541, Tiandanxingrare,  Cry bitterly for a day, volt002, Xiaoyang Xiaoxie, ¡î•[œaHan¡î, Tianjian Wupiaoxiang, sky wave y1, Qingxiang, Binhai Hermit, Dashanwuxian, 26549045, plum blossoms everywhere, chine color soul1, Huaxia~Huangdi  , The Duke of September, Brother Liangfeng, The Climbing Dog, Refuse to Pretend, The Intoxicated Dongfeng, Ban Hu Xiaodao, Ding Xuesong, Spirit Wolf ¡î No Regrets, "Crescent Moon Soaring to the Sky", Tianshan Speechless, Coming and Going Like the Wind, Ambush,  chenhan, neither left nor right choose to take the middle road, Long Loneliness, Huan Ai Influence, Huan Zhi Yi, Xiao Dao Princess, Xiao Bao*, Autumn Divine Light, Dark Fairy, Zize Kongxue. Vote your precious monthly vote or hit  Thank you very much, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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