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Text Chapter 1157 The real blitzkrieg

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    *** Its speed is like wind, its speed is like forest, its invasion is like fire, its movement is like mountain, its movement is like thunder.  ¡ó¡ý It is not difficult to see from this passage that in Sun Tzu¡¯s Art of War, speed is very important.  After taking the Tsaritsyn Fortress and opening the southern gate of Tsarist Russia, Li Ding fully applied the essence of this section of Sun Tzu's Art of War to the extreme.  He left 2,000 troops to garrison in Tsaritsyn Lise, and then divided the troops into seven groups. Except for the middle group, which had 10,000 troops, the other six groups only had about 5,000 troops.  Each group of troops was separated by seventy or eighty miles and entered the Don River plain to the north.  Among the six soldiers and horses on the left and right, there were ten squads of 100 people each. On the vast Don River plain, countless iron cavalry were as fast as the wind, and they invaded like fire. Countless war horses roared and galloped, looting everything they passed, and the fire  All around, men regardless of age were almost killed. ?? Several people and horses move together at different times, as hard to tell as the shadows, and as moving as thunder.  Thousands of troops and horses drove the war clouds billowing and rushed towards the capital of Tsarist Russia.  Li Ding received the emperor's order before going on the expedition, not to occupy this land, but to knock the tsar to the ground completely, and then step on him a few times, so that he would never be able to stand up.  Based on this fighting idea, Li Ding had no kindness for women. The cruelty of war was clearly reflected on the Don River plain. Wherever the roaring cavalry passed, almost nothing was left except young and beautiful women.  Tsarist Russia was caught off guard. The Qin army was too fast. Many towns were at a loss until they saw the roaring cavalry.  As they were stunned, countless iron hooves rolled in like fire, turning every town into ruins.  The Qin army didn¡¯t have to worry about supplies or even the tired horses. On the rich Don River plain, there was plenty of food and horses, as long as you were fast enough.  It's all yours.  In World War II, Hitler used tanks to launch a rapid attack, which defeated the Soviet Union. It was called the Blitzkrieg.  But in fact, it took the German army three weeks to advance 400 to 600 kilometers in depth within the Soviet Union, and the average speed was only about two or three miles per day.  Li Ding and his men were one man and three horses, constantly rotating, and their advancing speed was more than five times that of later German troops, advancing an average of 200 miles per day.  This also includes the time spent killing people and setting fires along the way.  It can be said that this is the real blitzkrieg!  On the third day, Li Ding's army attacked the cities of Saratov and Horonezh at night when the Slavs were unprepared, and the two cities were burned to the ground.  On the fourth day, the army broke through the city of Tambov. The defenders of Lipetsk west of Tambov were so frightened that they collapsed without a fight. The two cities were also reduced to ruins, and more than 40,000 men were killed.  Bloody sky.  At this point, Moscow received the news, and the whole city was shocked!  The young Tsar Alexei was shocked and angry!  Over the years, he most respected the All-Russian Orthodox Patriarch Nikon.  A grand blueprint was drawn for Russia.  Nikon proposed that the Russian Czar should become the ruler of the entire Orthodox world, and that the capital of Russia should be Constantinople (the official name of Orthodox Christianity is "Greek Orthodoxy", which mainly refers to the Christianity handed down from the Eastern Roman Empire.  The traditional church. Therefore, Constantinople, the former capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, is of great significance to the Orthodox Church.  The Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia should accordingly become the spiritual leader of the entire Orthodox world.  Alexei was greatly encouraged by Nikon¡¯s idea.  And put a lot of effort into it.  But now, the Qin people are almost coming to Moscow!  If you can¡¯t even save Moscow, how can you talk about being the ruler of the entire Orthodox Christian world?  What talk about seizing Constantinople, which was occupied by the Ottomans?  It is tolerable, but what is unbearable!  With the support of Patriarch Nikon, the ambitious Tsar Alexei decided to go on a personal expedition.  This frightened the Minister of Life, Morozov, who was also his teacher, as well as Duma Secretary Pastor, Imperial Chamberlain Dirkseyev and many other ministers. After everyone learned that the Tsar was going to personally lead the expedition, they were shocked and all  Encourage Yin.  Because Russia¡¯s feuding enemies, the Polish Empire and the Kingdom of Lithuania, occupy a series of important towns headed by Smolensk and threaten Moscow at all times; therefore, most of the Russian army is on the Western Front to resist these two old enemies.  The Qin people arrived too quickly, and the army on the western front had not had time to return to the defense. There were less than 20,000 troops left in Moscow. Let the tsar use this small force to prepare for the expedition?  What a joke!  Not to mention whether the 20,000 troops are a match for the Qin people, what if the Qin people suddenly come around and attack the empty city of Moscow?  But Alexey was a very stubborn young man and insisted on conquering it himself. Morozov and others?Almost all the ministers knelt in front of him and begged for a long time before he finally gave up the idea.  Half a day passed in the dispute between whether to conquer in person or not.  For Li Ding and others who were racing against time, half a day was enough for the army to advance more than a hundred miles.  When Moscow finally decided to urgently send two generals, Belekov and Petukhov, with 5,000 troops each to reinforce Tula and Ryazan, the last two cities south of Moscow, Li Ding's army had already completed the attack on Tula and Ryazan.  siege.  After the reconnaissance cavalry learned about the troops led by Berekov and Petukhov, Li Ding made a prompt decision and decided to lay siege to the city for reinforcements.  There were only more than a thousand defenders in Tula City and Ryazan City. Li Ding each sent out 5,000 troops to surround the two cities, and then sent 5,000 troops to hold off Petukhov. Finally, he gathered 25,000 troops and stormed the other two cities.  Lekov.  The 5,000 troops led by Berekov were the elite division of the Russian army. Li Ding fought bloody battles for an entire afternoon with five times the strength, and even used rockets and Type 68 rifles to annihilate the 5,000 Russian troops.  .  Berekov was defeated, and Petukhov was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his troops and fled back to Moscow.  Li Ding gritted his teeth and made a bold decision. He still left only 5,000 troops each to attack the cities of Tula and Ryazan. The 30,000 troops pursued Petukhov in a hurry and refused to let go. They pursued and fought fiercely all the way.  When Petukhov fled back to Moscow, less than 2,000 people were left in the 5,000-strong army, and it could be said that the road was full of corpses.  Moscow is right in front of you!  The garrison in the city was no more than 10,000 people. Li Ding's 30,000 troops were rolling in. The smoke and dust covered the sun. The black armor was cold and mysterious, making the people in the city terrified. Yellow Peril!  The Yellow Peril is here again!  Tsar Alexei led his ministers and generals to the top of the city in person to observe Li Ding's army.  Li Ding was also observing the city. The tall spire of the Kremlin could be seen from outside the city.  Kremlin means ¡®fortress¡¯ in Mongolian.  It is located on the Borovitsky Hill in the center of the city, facing the Moskva River to the south; the most spectacular of them is the Polygonal Palace. The outer walls of the polygonal hall on the second floor are all made of polygonal white stone, hence its name. It was once a palace  The place where royal weddings were held and where the tsar received foreign envoys.  The tallest building is the Ivan the Great Bell Tower with a white gold dome. It was built in 1505-1508 and is 81 meters high. It contains more than 50 bronze bells.  The largest bell is displayed outside the bell tower, with a height of 6.14 meters, a diameter of 6.6 meters, and a weight of more than 200 tons. Its surface is engraved with reliefs, portraits and inscriptions, and its sound can travel 50 kilometers. It is the "King of Bells" in the world.  Accompanying the King of Bells is a "King of Guns" that is 5.34 meters long, has a caliber of 0.89 meters, and weighs 40 tons.  This ancient copper-cast cannon was built from 1540 to 1586 when it was completed. Eight tsars were replaced during the period. It has not been used yet. Two or three people can climb into the huge muzzle at the same time.  This time, this "gun king" may come in handy.  With a caliber of nearly one meter and a weight of 40 tons, how amazingly powerful is it when fired?  Li Ding knew very well that it would not be easy to capture Moscow, and he did not have much time. Tsarist Russia¡¯s Western Front Army would be able to return to Moscow within a few days, which meant that he did not have much time left.  Once the Russian troops on the western front withdraw, it is almost certain that there will never be a chance to capture the city.  And this city was the purpose of his Western Expedition. The words of the Emperor of Qin were still echoing in his ears: flatten Moscow and defeat Tsarist Russia forever!  Time, the key is time, which will determine the final victory or defeat of this Western Expedition!  ************************* ps: Today I suddenly fell to the 9th place in the category monthly vote list. I am about to be kicked out of the top 10. Please help me urgently.  Brothers and sisters support with monthly votes.  Asking for a monthly ticket!  Asking for a monthly ticket!  .(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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