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Text Chapter 1142 Strait of Hormuz

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    Seeing Li Ding's move, Li Cunzhong immediately continued: "Now that the governor of the Caucasus, Arthurius, is in our hands, the 10,000 to 20,000 enemy troops left behind in the Caucasus are leaderless and people are in panic. If we attack the Caucasus immediately, I believe it will not be difficult to quickly capture this area.  , which in turn triggered greater turmoil in the Ottoman Empire. " Another staff officer Huang Kaiqiu said: "General, the Holy Spirit sent the General to the west mainly to defeat Tsarist Russia. Ottoman is a country with a huge territory. If we continue to entangle with it,  It would be difficult to spare any effort to conquer Tsarist Russia. " "Indeed, although it is possible to easily conquer the northeastern gateway of the Ottoman Empire, it is a behemoth with a huge territory and strong military force and cannot be easily conquered.  If we are trapped in an endless war with the Ottoman Empire, then not only will we not have the energy to conquer Tsarist Russia, but it may actually benefit Tsarist Russia.  There are not many troops left to guard the newly captured East and Siberia. The area is vast and sparsely populated, and it is impossible to leave too many soldiers and horses to guard it; once it becomes entangled with the Ottoman Empire, it is almost certain that Tsarist Russia will take the opportunity to send troops and regain its control.  Occupy Eastern and Siberia.  And with tens of thousands of his own troops far away from his old friends, hanging alone, fighting to the end with a behemoth like the Ottoman Empire, the outcome is unpredictable.  If he fails, then the fruits of victory will be lost. Even if he can return home safely, how will he explain it to the emperor?  Looking back, we can see that the blood feud with Osman has already been concluded, and Arthurius¡¯ 50,000-strong army was almost wiped out. Once Osman takes a breath, he will never let it go.  This opportunity must not be missed, and time will never come again. Now is undoubtedly the best time to further inflict heavy damage on the Ottoman Empire. Taking advantage of the lack of troops in the Caucasus, quickly capture the northeastern gateway of the Ottoman Empire, and then push westward towards the Ottoman capital Istanbul.  . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? but Kosem, the Queen Mother of the Sultan, had just been assassinated and died.  The Grand Vizier Koprulu Muhammad Pasha had just taken over the power and had not yet established his prestige. He suffered a heavy blow. The domestic political situation was turbulent. When the time came, tens of thousands of troops marched towards Istanbul, the capital, with the threat of a great victory. There were even some  This might force this huge empire to fall apart.  At this time, Du Qianshi Yu Xingguo said: "The Kazakh tribes are complex, and the situation is still unstable just after they were captured. Furthermore, the east of the Ural River was designated as the territory of our Great Qin; therefore, just occupying it is not enough.  What's more important is to change the beliefs of the local herdsmen. Only in this way can long-term peace be achieved. Therefore, at least five thousand troops must be left to suppress possible rebellions. "General Lu Youguang said: "What's the matter?  Shias are killing each other in order to change each other's beliefs. Anyone who dares to disobey can be killed. Killing 20,000 people is also killing them, and I don't believe it is possible.  Several people would rather give up their lives to choose their own beliefs. "Using swords and guns is undoubtedly the fastest way to change a person's beliefs. If you don't want to change, use swords and guns to send you to see your beliefs."  But this way.  We need to leave more soldiers and horses to suppress it.  Although the Kazakh soldiers were either recruited as servants or killed, these nomadic tribes.  Even women and children can mount a horse and draw a bow, but they are still careless.  In order to preserve the fruits of victory, Li Ding said: "Then leave 10,000 troops in the Kipchak grassland." When Li Ding and Qibai went to the west, they originally had 50,000 troops. Later, Qibai drew 5,000 troops from Chechnya to seize the East.  , Siberia, and a total of about 5,000 people were drawn from various tribes.  Altogether, there are 60,000 troops.  However, some troops were left to guard strategic strongholds like Tyumen in East and Siberia, totaling about 5,000.  In previous battles, nearly 4,000 troops were injured or killed.  Now Li Ding still has 50,000 troops in his hands. If he leaves another 10,000 people, the remaining 40,000 people and the 20,000 Kazakh servants he just captured may not be reliable. If they attack Tsarist Russia again, they will have to fight the huge Ottoman Empire.  , something is indeed wrong.  Li Ding thought for a while and then said: "Let's do this. Continue to draw as many men as you can from the Kazakh tribes." Qiabai tugged the beard on his face and said: "Yes, even if you don't have much fighting power, at least you can't leave any  They are causing trouble in the rear. "No one has any objection to this. It is best to spare the time for the young Kazakhs.  So the matter was handed over to Yangpu to deal with it immediately, and young men and strong men were forcibly extracted from various ministries.  Alslen said at this time: "General, why do you want me to care so much about him? As the saying goes, if you are in the abyss to envy fish, it is better to jump into the water to catch fish, whether it is Tsarist Russia or the Ottoman Empire  No problem, just hit them first. When you get to the ground, hit whoever is easy to hit. Just pick up the weak ones. "  After hearing these ridiculous words, Li Dingchu wanted to laugh, but a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then said with a sense of gain: "Sound in the east and attack in the west." Chebai immediately clapped his hands and said: "  We first took the opportunity to capture the Caucasus and announced that we were going to attack the Ottoman capital Istanbul. The Ottomans were preparing for war, and the Tsarist Russia behind the scenes must be secretly happy, thinking that we would continue to fight with the Ottomans and have no time to take care of them. " "We will take a look at them then.  If you get the right opportunity, kill him in return, hahaha." Hormuz, in the historical records of the Ming Dynasty, was called: Hormuz.  It was Qin Mu who thought the name Khrumusi was not pleasant to say, so he changed it to Hormuz.  As for why Hormuz is more fluent than Horumus, only the devil knows. Anyway, let¡¯s call it that if the emperor said so.  Hormuz is an island at the entrance to the Persian Gulf. In 1100 AD, the Arabs established the Kingdom of Hormuz on the island in the strait, hence the name of the island.  This island guards the entrance to the Persian Gulf. The narrowest point at the entrance is only 80 miles wide, so the strait is called the Strait of Hormuz.  This strait is the only water channel from the Indian Ocean to the Gulf, and is also the gateway for Middle Eastern ships to sail to the Indian Ocean; controlling this strait controls the maritime traffic lifeline of the Safavid Empire.  Thirty years ago, Abbas I captured Hormuz with the help of the British navy.  After expanding trade relations with the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company, and accumulating a large amount of wealth, they were able to get rid of their dependence on red heads, strengthened the central government, and pushed Safavid to its peak.  Now, a fleet consisting of a huge treasure ship and eight clipper warships about 60 meters long has arrived. Without looking at the flag, the huge size of the treasure ship is the most obvious sign. In this world, only one country can  Create such a behemoth.  The merchant ships traveling between the sea and Shaanxi were wary of the sudden appearance of the fleet and avoided it one after another.  This unfriendly behavior angered Great Qin Royal Navy Admiral Wei Ji. He gave an order and eight scissor warships sailed away, intercepting all passing merchant ships.  What are you running for?  Where to run?  Pay the toll!  The merchant ships of other countries can leave after paying a certain amount of money to buy their way. The merchant ships of the Safavid Empire were not so easy to deal with. All the people and goods were captured by the Royal Navy of the Qin Dynasty.  In one day, as many as 13 merchant ships from the Safavid Empire were stopped, with the cargo on board worth more than 500,000 dragon coins.  Oh, the Jade Emperor!  There¡¯s no faster way to make money than this!  The combined annual agricultural tax revenue of several provinces in Daqin is probably only this much, so how many people would have to face the loess soil and turn their backs to the genius?  If used to build treasure ships, it would be enough to build 50 ships.  Seeing that money was so easy to come by, Wei Ji and the others decided not to attack Hormuz Island for the time being, but to fish outside the strait for a few days first. Anyway, the attack on Hormuz was also to block the strait.  If we go to attack, if the war breaks out and all directions are disturbed, no merchant ship will dare to come.  After Weiji directly sold 13 merchant ships with their cargo to the merchants of Daqin, he ordered nine warships to line up in a row, blocking the entire strait like a net.  The narrowest point of the Strait of Hormuz is less than 80 miles wide, and the actual navigable channel is even narrower. With several warships lined up five or six miles apart, it can be completely sealed. Whenever a merchant ship comes, don't even think about it.  Escape.  The news quickly spread back to Hormuz Island, and the Safavid Empire fleet stationed here immediately exploded.  Is this okay?  This is the lifeline of the empire at sea.  For the Safavid Empire fleet, it is necessary to fight or not to fight, there is no choice.  Perhaps what Weiji is waiting for is the Safavid fleet taking the initiative to attack!  ps: I have been working hard to ensure normal updates these days, but it has become more and more deserted. Dear friends, please give me a piece of bread for your support. Please subscribe and recommend!  (To be continued)
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