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Text Chapter 1098 Watching the Fire from the Other Bank

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    *** Just when Aurangzeb and Sengha, with a total of hundreds of thousands of troops, were about to start a life-and-death battle under the city of Gurnar in Punjab, in the city of Jabalpur in the south, Orissa generals Babukan and Che  The four generals of Tisger, Hu Luo De, West Meng General Helsinki, and Chalken General Simba all found Hai Rufeng and asked him to order the continued attack to the north.  " In their view, the Dzungarian army in the north is now approaching Delhi. Forced by the situation, Aurangzeb has to continue to transfer troops from the southern front to the north. Most of the hundreds of thousands of troops originally pressed on the southern front have been transferred away.  Moreover, Delhi has just experienced a coup and must be unstable. At this time, it was the best time to advance to the north and expand the site.  Even Samantha urged: "Husband, what are you still hesitating about? Isn't now the best time to attack?" Hai Rufeng held a feather fan in his hand and fanned himself gently. He swept across Babuken,  Hurod, Helsinki, and Simba glanced at each other and said calmly: "If you want to launch an attack at this time, I will not stop you, but the governor does not think this is the best opportunity to go north, so I will not stop you."  Command the battle going north. Whether you choose another person to lead the army, or each of you to command your own country's army, it's up to you." Babken, Hurod, Helsinki, and Simba looked at each other, not knowing what to say.  It's not that they don't want to command their own country's army, but when they go on an expedition, the kings of each country have orders to absolutely obey Hai Rufeng's orders.  If Hai Rufeng were an ordinary person, that would be fine, but he was the admiral of the ocean fleet of the Great Qin Dynasty. Just one ocean fleet was enough to feed the four small countries.  Only a ghost knows whether Hai Rufeng's words are true or whether he is testing them.  If he was deliberately testing them and they really led their own country's army to the north, then Hai Rufeng would just say a word.  It was enough to make them walk away unable to eat.  The four of them did not dare to mess around, and looked at Samantha together. Although Samantha was married to Hai Rufeng, she was the princess of Orissa after all, and she still thought of her country in her heart. Seeing that Hai Rufeng wanted to  She was anxious to give up her job.  "Husband, why exactly? Why do you say this is not the best time? No matter what, you can't abandon our four countries" "Shut up!" Hai Rufeng interrupted her seriously, "I  Warning. Pay attention to your identity and don¡¯t speak for pleasure. Do you think you are still the princess of Drissa? Remember, you are now my wife, Hai Rufeng, and the admiral of the Ocean Fleet of the Royal Navy of Great Qin.  Wife, you have no other identity than that. If what you just said were heard by someone with a heart, it would be causing trouble for your husband. " "  I" "Huh?" Seeing that Hai Rufeng was about to get angry, Samantha's beautiful face suddenly turned a little white, and she quickly shut up.  Dare not say another word.  Hai Rufeng turned to Babken, Huluod, Helsinki, and Simba and continued: "Although the Mughal army on the opposite side only has 30,000 troops left, you must understand that we also only have 26,000 troops.  . Further north is the plain area of ??Pingchuan, and we will not have any advantage. Regardless of the fact that the Mughal army is invading the north, as the saying goes, the enemy will win in this crisis.  In this situation, the governor is not sure whether the 30,000 enemy troops on the opposite side will break out with stronger combat effectiveness. And the current situation is very complicated. Shashuja in Bengal Province and Murad Bah in Gujarat Province will.  I don¡¯t know what kind of actions they will take. After careful calculation, we actually have the smallest number of troops. I can¡¯t predict what the consequences will be if we rashly join such a melee. But as you said, it does look like this.  This is a rare opportunity, and perhaps the last opportunity. It may be a pity to give up, so I give the command to you. Don't worry, I will write to your king and explain it clearly. You can make your own decision.  Your king will not punish you for disobeying my orders." Helsinki said first: "Admiral Hai, do you also think this may be a rare opportunity, or even the last chance?  "Others also asked: "Yes, Admiral Hai, do you really think so?" "Admiral Hai, if you think so, why" Hai Rufeng waved his hand.  Said: "What I just said is indeed true. I was just undecided. I was afraid that I would make a wrong decision because of the hesitation in my heart, so I gave up the command of the army. You are all very experienced generals and you are very important to the local area."  The situation is also more familiar to me than me. If youIf it is feasible, just command the army to attack northward. There may be significant gains but not necessarily.  Of course, war is always full of variables, and the results may not always be good. Don¡¯t say I didn¡¯t tell you in the future.  "Hai Rufeng is basically telling the truth. If he were commanding 20,000 Qin troops, he would have the confidence to kill the city of Delhi in one fell swoop. But these 26,000 troops are not Qin troops, and they are adapted to fighting in the mountains, but not very good at fighting in the plains.  It was suitable, and the men and horses from four countries would inevitably have their own thoughts when encountering a fierce battle. Commanding such an army to march into the plains, and facing the enemy's superior strength, Hai Rufeng was really unsure.  There is another reason. He and Aurangzeb reached an agreement privately. He may not believe that Aurangzeb will abide by this agreement; but he believes that after a series of mutations, the Mughals cannot remain the original Mughals.  , will inevitably be greatly weakened, and may even form a split situation. By then, a Mughal dynasty that is beleaguered on all sides, and a Mughal emperor who is no longer strong, will he still dare to deny the agreement he signed?  He no longer directed this battle, just because he didn't want to tell the truth, but he actually wanted Babken, Hurod, Helsinki, and Simba to cause trouble for Aurangzeb. Therefore, the four people spoke ambiguously.  They were a little hesitant and didn't want to miss this opportunity, but Hai Rufeng's withdrawal made them a little uneasy. Just when they were hesitant, a big news came from Bengal Province. Shashuja suddenly proclaimed himself emperor of Bengal.  Shashuja is the second son of Shah Jahan. After the death of Crown Prince Radha Shuko, according to the law of succession from eldest to youngest, it is indeed his turn to be the emperor. Shashuja is not stupid. He is.  Under their lobbying, his father had just removed Aurangzeb from the post of Governor of the Deccan, which was equivalent to taking away his military power. How could he suddenly pass it on to him? Anyway, he insisted that Aurangzeb was treason and usurping the throne, of course.  , his guess was indeed correct, so he was dissatisfied, proclaimed himself emperor in Bengal Province, and declared that he was the orthodox. But interestingly, after Shashuja proclaimed himself emperor, he only issued a crusade against Aurangzeb.  Instead of immediately sending troops to fight back to Delhi, what was he busy with? You may not believe it, but he was busy minting money, minting coins in his own name. It seemed like this, he was the "orthodox Mughal emperor".  As if he could convince the public even more, Shashuja's proclaiming himself emperor triggered a craze for proclaiming himself emperor. Following him, his younger brother Murad Bah of Gujarat Province also proclaimed himself emperor.  Murad also claimed that he was the orthodox Mughal emperor, and he followed suit and began to mint coins in his own name. Before, Aurangzeb sent people to persuade this young and relatively simple-minded man.  Brother, he even wrote a personal letter to Murad: Aurangzeb wrote in the letter: "I do not like and do not want to participate in the management of this world full of fraud and instability. My only  The wish is to go to the main temple for pilgrimage.  But no matter what steps you take, you can consider me your true friend and ally.  We will fight against our shameful and foolish brother (Shashuja) together. Afterwards, I will go to the main temple for pilgrimage and you will take over the throne of the emperor.  ¡± What¡¯s interesting is that Murad proclaimed himself emperor on this basis! He replied a letter to Aurangzeb. The letter was very simple: ¡°Brother, since you don¡¯t want to be emperor, then I will do it. You  Now you can go to the main temple for pilgrimage, and let me handle the rest.  ¡± I don¡¯t know if Aurangzeb, who was fighting a bloody battle with the Junggar army, would vomit three liters of blood on the spot after receiving this letter ******************  ********* ps: I sincerely ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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