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Text Chapter 1090: Leveraging Strength

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    *** When the warships of Great Qin, Britain, and Portugal headed south to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, four armed merchant ships from ocean-going trading companies arrived in Portugal.  ¡ó¡ý It¡¯s hard to describe the excitement when suddenly seeing your compatriots in a distant foreign country. Many people yelled, laughed, and even shed tears of excitement.  In addition to rockets and Type 69 flintlock rifles, the armed merchant ships of these four ocean-going trading companies are equipped with various weapons such as artillery, Type 68 rifled guns, thunder, bows and arrows, and powerful crossbows.  And even though they are said to be armed merchant ships, they are actually the fastest clipper ships.  The four ships were led by a retired naval officer named Zhu Kexin.  Their destination was not Europe, but the American continent. They were one of the two expedition fleets sent by the Ocean Trading Company to explore the American continent under the instructions of Emperor Qin Mu. The other one went to South China,  Route across the Pacific; Zhu Kexin planned to go to Europe first, and then cross the Atlantic from Europe to the Americas.  For an exploration fleet sailing to a distant and unknown place, it is really the most exciting thing to meet the envoys of Great Qin in Europe.  The mission's feat of conquering Paris, France, and preparing to join forces with Britain and Portugal to attack Spain and seize the Strait of Gibraltar, each and every one of them, greatly boosted the spirit of the expedition team who had just arrived in Europe and were about to sail to America.  .  The Daqin delegation visiting Europe once again confirmed the truth: everything is possible!  Zhang Haoran and the others were also very excited. The four scissor-type expedition ships were actually armed to the teeth. For the mission that was short of troops, it would be a big help to recruit this expedition team of 600 people to join them in time.  Increase your own power.  Let¡¯s put aside the mission of exploring America for now. According to the navigation plan, we will use the amazing speed of the clipper ship.  It only takes half a month to cross the Atlantic from Lisbon to the Americas, so why not wait?  In Lisbon, Qin, Britain, and Portugal had a heated discussion and finally reached an agreement. The British and Portuguese navies, plus Da Qin's eight scissor warships, would jointly attack the Spanish navy while Philip IV was personally conquering France.  If it can defeat the Spanish navy, it will force Spain to recognize Portugal's independence and cede the northern regions of Ourense and Santiago de Compostela to Portugal.  Britain gained the area of ??Gibraltar south of Penivetico Mountain.  Daqin obtained the port of Ceuta in North Africa south of the Strait of Gibraltar, and Britain wanted to ensure that all Daqin ships enjoyed the right to freely pass through the Strait of Gibraltar at any time and under any circumstances.  Since Daqin is far away from Europe, after the British captured the Gibraltar region, the entire Strait of Gibraltar was almost controlled by the British. The British were very satisfied with this result.  So, the British and Portuguese navies had already been assembled, plus Da Qin¡¯s eight scissor warships.  A total of 128 warships headed towards the Strait of Gibraltar in a mighty manner.  At this time, Philip IV of Spain, who was conducting his own expedition, had just reached the border between Spain and France with an army of 50,000 people. He heard an urgent domestic report that the navies of Qin, Britain, and Portugal were heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar.  The "King of the Earth" broke his job on the spot, which was a jade bowl as thin as cicada wings.  So the problem is here?  The combined fleets of Qin, Britain, and Portugal had just left Lisbon. Why did Philip IV, who was far away on the border of Spain and France, receive the news immediately? Okay.  It was not surprising to receive the news that the fleets of the three countries were gathering in Lisbon. So how could Philip IV be sure that the fleets of the three countries were going to attack the Strait of Gibraltar?  This is a very intriguing question.  There is another question. Zhang Haoran wants to lobby Spain and some southern European countries to unite.  Attack the Ottoman Empire from both sides with Great Qin, so that Great Qin's strategic vision for Central Asia can be implemented faster and better.  In this case, why did Zhang Haoran unite with Britain and Portugal to attack Spain?  After defeating Spain, how can we attack the Ottoman Empire from a flank?  This is another intriguing question.  The man who came to report the news to Philip IV was named Darusk. Seeing that Philip IV was so panicked, he quickly whispered into Philip IV's ear.  After hearing what he said, Philip IV asked suspiciously: "Is this true? Are you sure this is true?" Darousk looked around and whispered in Philip IV's ear again  Explaining what *** From Lisbon to the Strait of Gibraltar, you must first sail south along the Atlantic Ocean, around Cape San Vicente and then eastward into the Bay of Cadiz.  It¡¯s spring now, when the warm and cold monsoons meet in the Atlantic Ocean.  The Atlantic Ocean is not only rough, but also?When the water surface temperature difference between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean converges with the warm and humid air currents above, heavy fog often forms, covering the entire strait with very low visibility, posing a great threat to ship navigation.  When the combined fleet approached the Strait of Gibraltar, it encountered heavy fog, and the sea was covered in white. It was just approaching dusk, and the daylight became extremely dim. The combined fleet composed of the three countries had to hang up lights to prevent collisions with each other.  Of course, this kind of weather has both disadvantages and advantages. For the joint fleet that takes the initiative to attack, the advantages basically outweigh the disadvantages. It can launch a surprise attack without the Spanish fleet being aware of it.  The Strait of Gibraltar is located between the southernmost part of Spain and northwest Africa, with a length of 58 kilometers; the narrowest point is between Cape Marroqui in Spain and Cape Sires in Morocco, with a width of only 13 kilometers.  128 warships were sailing on the sea like a group of ghost ships in the foggy dusk. The sky was getting darker and darker. The warships that were farther away were no longer visible, and only the faint lights on the masts could be seen.  As the Strait of Gibraltar gets closer and closer, the atmosphere becomes more and more tense. The Spanish Armada once dominated Europe. As the saying goes, a centipede will never die. Although the Armada was defeated once by the British fleet, its strength is still there.  If this operation had been discovered by the Armada in advance, it would have been a brutal and bloody battle, and it was still unclear who would win in the end.  The flagship of General Lanbai sailing in front is the "Sea King", which is famous throughout Europe. This is the largest warship in Europe, equipped with hundreds of large and small guns.  In order to achieve a better sneak attack effect, Lan Bai suggested that the ships should be separated a little, and then the lights on the ships should be extinguished. This proposal was immediately agreed by the Qin army, and the Portuguese fleet said nothing more. Everyone dispersed a little, and then  All anti-collision lights were also turned off.  The heavy fog made the night darker, and only the roar of the waves continued to echo. At this moment, fierce gunfire suddenly came from the front without warning, boom!  Boom, boom, boom But in the night, tongues of fire were like demonic fires spouted by the devil, and the deafening roar made the entire Bay of Cadiz boil.  "Oh God!" "It's the Armada! It's the Spanish Armada!" "Oh! We were ambushed!" "Oh God, the Costa was hit!" "Sea Sovereign, look! Oh God,  The enemy's target is the Monarch of the Sea" "How the Spanish Armada accurately predicted the appearance of the three-nation joint fleet here is unknown, but at this moment they took advantage of the foggy weather and mobilized the entire fleet.  The Armada has a total of 93 battleships and has laid a perfect trap in front.  This is an arc-shaped T-shaped horizontal head. More than ninety warships opened fire fiercely, blasting the British warships that unknowingly rushed into the trap. At this time, the distance between the warships on both sides was only about a hundred meters, and all the artillery was almost  Fired horizontally; hundreds of shells flew close to the sea and hit the British warships hard, especially the Sea King, which had a huge hull and an obvious target.  It collapsed, and even the mainmast was blown off. It crashed down, causing the waves to roll, and the sound was amazing.  The Armada fired nearly a thousand shells in one salvo, which was so fierce that the British were stunned and screamed before they could react.  Pang Ning looked at the tragic scene in front of him and shouted in shock: "Turn the helm quickly! The enemy is ambushing you! Run! Hurry!" *********************  ps: Please subscribe!  Please support~ .(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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