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Text Chapter 1605 The Sorrow of France

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    *** The third stop of the Daqin envoy¡¯s visit to Europe was Paris, France. At this time, France was also called the Bourbon Dynasty, and the reigning king was named Louis Dieudonn¨¦ Bourbon.  ¡ËThat is, Louis XIV.  Louis XIV is perhaps the longest reigning king in the world, reigning for 72 years.  In 1643 AD, Louis XIII, who was only 42 years old, breathed his last. Louis Dieudonn¨¦ Bourbon, who was less than 5 years old, was proclaimed King of France and War in the arms of his mother Anna.  Louis XIV was young and was regent by his mother Anna. At this time, all of Europe was in chaos and ruins.  These dozens came because of the disagreement between the Protestant countries and the Catholic countries, which resulted in a full-scale European war - the Thirty Years' War.  From 1636 to 1637, Spain attacked France and the French army won.  By 1648, all parties to the war were exhausted and on the verge of collapse: the Habsburg royal family, France, Sweden, and the vassal states of Brandenburg, Saxony, and Bavaria in the Holy Roman Empire signed the West  Treaty of Phalia.  The Thirty Years' War subsided, but just after the war between European countries ended, another massive Fronde riot broke out in France. For France, this could not help but worsen the situation.  At this time, France was actually still at war with Spain (1635-1659), so it was caught in serious internal and external troubles.  France's national power has been severely weakened, and its career of imminent hegemony has been abruptly interrupted; its status in Europe has dropped to a second-rate country. This cannot but be said to be the tragedy of France.  The rebellion not only caused great social chaos, but also caused the government's military strength to decline from 150,000 to more than 50,000 due to a significant reduction in tax revenue.  The young Louis XIV was twice forced to flee Paris during riots.  When the Qin envoy entered France, the Fronde's rebellion had not yet subsided, and they were just driven out of Paris.  Zhang Haoran took 200 Marine escorts around him, as well as 500 French troops sent by French Prime Minister Mazarin to escort him to Paris.  The Fronde rebellion in France was caused by dissatisfaction with the policies of Prime Minister Mazarin, who was the lover of Queen Mother Anna, the mother of IV.  As prime minister and cardinal, he actually holds the power of France.  When Mazarin became Prime Minister, the Thirty Years War in Europe was coming to an end.  In order to meet the needs of the war, Mazarin made advances to financiers in exchange for allowing them to levy taxes and collect state revenue.  These tax collectors made huge profits from this.  When the people in other provinces were plundered and their wealth was exhausted, the government planned to squeeze the middle class and high court judges in Paris. In April 1648, the palace issued an edict suspending the salaries of high court judges in various places for four years, thus intensifying the conflict.  In May 1648, the Paris High Court united with local courts.  In the name of rectifying government abuses, he put forward 27 suggestions, declared the censors sent by the king to various places unconstitutional, and demanded strict financial reforms to protect personal freedom.  In August 1648, inspired by the victory of Prince Cond¨¦ in Lens, the Queen Mother and Mazarin ordered the arrest of three people including P. Brussels who led the movement. This atrocity immediately aroused the anger of the people.  A popular armed uprising broke out in Paris.  The insurgents built 1,200 barricades overnight, and they used "Frond" to shoot at the houses of Mazarin supporters.  Revolutionary uprisings also broke out in other provinces.  October 1648.  King Louis XIV fled.  Soon, France signed the "Peace of Westphalia" and the French army withdrew from the front line.  In January 1649, Prince Cond¨¦ led an army to surround Paris.  Because the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie were afraid of the expansion of the people's uprising, they were even more horrified when they heard that King Charles I of England had just been executed.  Then he compromised with the king.  On March 11, 1649, the two sides signed the "Peace of Ruel".  The revolting people of Paris fought against the royal army for more than three months, but finally failed.  But the sporadic and scattered struggles did not stop and have continued.  Now it is getting worse.  Zhang Haoran and the others headed south from London along the English Channel. After arriving at Seine Bay, they landed in Le Havre.  Then follow the Se River eastward to Paris.  When marching to the small town of Vernon, west of Paris, something unfortunate happened that night. In order to create chaos, the Fronde attacked the small town of Vernon at night. The five hundred French troops responsible for providing escort for the Qin mission were killed in one fell swoop.  rout.  Fang Ge, deputy commander of the Royal Marines of Daqin, led two hundred marines, and had no choice but to face the Fronde rebels who swarmed in from the night. After the Fronde rebels rushed into the small town of Vernon, they set fire everywhere, and soon  Soon the entire town was surrounded by raging fires.  Some of the Fronde rebels were armed with swords, some with bows and arrows, and some with muskets. They rushed in following the firelight, with shadows everywhere, shouts and gunshots everywhere.  Commander Fang Ge commanded the Marines to guard the castle where the mission personnel stayed overnight. In order to prevent the fire from spreading, he ordered the soldiers to knock down nearby houses and clear out the fire zone  Minister Gore, who was specially sent by Prime Minister Mazarin to greet the Qin delegation, also ran away. His face was as pale as a ghost, and he shouted to Zhang Haoran in a hurry: "Your Excellency, Ambassador, retreat quickly, retreat to Paris  " Zhang Haoran acted as if he hadn't heard anything, and asked Deputy Commander Zheng Jie to place nearly a hundred people in the mission into two large rooms, while asking Deputy Commander Fang Ge: "Commander Fang, how is the situation?  Can we hold it?" Fang Ge held the Type 69 flintlock rifle in his hand and spat out the dust in his mouth before replying: "The enemy suddenly attacked, and it was dark at night. It was difficult to know how many troops there were, but Zhang  Don't worry, sir, unless the enemy brings cannons, they will never be able to capture this castle." Fango said it lightly, but in fact, he didn't know what to do. The five hundred French troops guarding the outside of the town collapsed too quickly.  They didn't even have time to go out to reconnoiter the enemy's situation. The enemy had already rushed into the town and set fire everywhere. They didn't know how many enemies came, what their equipment was, and whether they had artillery?  Obviously, these Fronde rebels had a premeditated plan. If they had thousands of troops and rushed to the castle, Fang Ge only had 200 troops. The walls of the castle were only an ordinary courtyard one foot wide and eight feet high.  The wall is not a thick city wall with military defensive properties; let alone an explosion, if more people push harder, the courtyard wall may be knocked down. No one can guarantee whether it can be defended by then.  What¡¯s more, since the enemy came well prepared, it wouldn¡¯t be surprising if they brought artillery. If that were the case, the situation would be even more dangerous.  The small town of Wei Xiaonong is not big to begin with. Enemies rushed in from all directions, shouting like a wave, and the silhouettes of people under the fire were like ants. The momentum was astonishing. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Suddenly a bullet was shot from the street in front, hitting the stone wall next to Fang Ge, causing sparks to fly. Nong Xiaowu, the chief next to him, asked anxiously: "Commander Fang, the enemy is coming. Order to shoot."  Come on, shoot!" "Hit!" Fang Ge was hit by gravel on his face, and his hair suddenly exploded in pain. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The rifles of the Qin army suddenly sounded like violent beans, and tongues of fire spurted out in the night, which was particularly dazzling.  The enemies rushing along the street immediately fell down one after another, letting out bursts of screams; at the same time, hundreds of rockets suddenly shot up from behind a house dozens of steps away in the west of the castle.  Like meteors flying across the sky, they shot into the castle Seeing that the situation was so critical, Fang Gebi pushed Zhang Haoran back into the house and shouted: "Rockets,  Quick!" The three Qin soldiers on the wall immediately carried rockets and aimed at the houses in Xize, and pulled the triggers, chirp!  Chirp!  ChirpThree dazzling fires flew away, and in an instant three deafening loud noises were heard. The houses in Xize were blown into dust, and the fire was everywhere.  The enemies behind the houses were either crushed to death or blown away, which was horrific. Those who were lucky enough to survive were so frightened that they ran away like wolves.  Fang Ge spent a lot of money this time. With an order, several more rockets were fired at the street entrance, boom!  boom!  Boomballs of flames rose up, like devils opening their bloody mouths in the night, blasting the swarming enemies into pieces and flying everywhere. Bloody light spread wildly, and black shadow pupils  Hitomi's street suddenly emptied out!  "Great, the enemy has retreated!" The soldiers of the Qin Army just cheered, and suddenly someone screamed: "Commander Fang, what's bad, behind, at the end of the street behind, the enemy is coming with artillery?" Fang  Ge shouted loudly, "What? Artillery, there really are artillery" ********************* ps: The third update is here, urgent  Please give me a monthly pass, a monthly pass for first aid!  I will continue to code, brothers and sisters, please spend some more monthly tickets to encourage me!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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