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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Textile Overlord of the Republic of China

Text Chapter 70 Pilot

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    Years later, Yang Shaowen began to prepare to open a cotton spinning mill in Shanghai.  As for promoting cooperatives, Yang Shaowen handed it over to the company's deputy general manager Lu Tonghai.  The Sales Department, Production Department, and Machinery Department all selected their best personnel to form working groups and went to various parts of southern Jiangsu to promote cooperatives.  Promoting cooperatives has become a long-term strategy of Fuxing Company.  It is not only the wish of General Manager Yang Shaowen, but also the common will of all employees of Fuxing Company.  After understanding the long-term benefits that cooperatives bring to the company, Yang Shaowen no longer needs to worry about everyone's enthusiasm and initiative in promoting cooperatives.  But the fact is that although employees are very proactive in promoting cooperatives in various regions in southern Jiangsu, they have not achieved any decent results after a month.  Except for the Yangpu Village Production Cooperative, which is a model established through friendship, they have not successfully organized any other cooperatives in the local area.  This problem is somewhat serious.  Although Yang Shaowen had fully estimated the difficulties, the results of his work in one month were zero, which was obviously beyond his expectation.  The arrangements to set up a factory in Shanghai, which had been prepared, had to be temporarily postponed.  The management meeting was held in the conference room on the first floor of the company, and several department heads were summoned by Yang Shaowen to discuss countermeasures.  "Cooperatives seem a bit complicated to current farmers, and they have difficulty understanding them. Even though we have solved many problems for them, many farmers still don't have much confidence in running cooperatives well." Ge Hong, as the manager of the production department  , is the direct implementer of the cooperative enterprise, and he is responsible for reporting specific situations.  As soon as he started to explain the difficulties encountered during promotion, Yang Shaowen interrupted: "Manager Ge, everyone knows the difficulties in this area beforehand. But I think that our company has been busy for a month and has achieved nothing. There must be something else."  The reason? " "Yes, in addition to the difficulties in establishing the cooperative itself, there are also some problems that we have not encountered before!" Ge Hong opened a notepad, which recorded some of the situations he recorded.  "We first started to promote cooperatives from the company's contract workers. These people have a close relationship with our Fuxing Company and already have a certain trust relationship with each other. I originally thought it would be easier to work among these people." Yang  Shao Wen also nodded in approval. First it is easy and then it is difficult. This is the basic logic of doing things.  "But it turns out that we were overly simplistic. After several twists and turns with local machine-made yarns and local yarns in southern Jiangsu, these OEM households have lost confidence in hand-spinning yarns and believe that it is impossible to make as much money as they do from weaving.  They don¡¯t want to go to the trouble of building a cooperative. As for asking them to build a cooperative and buy improved hand pull machines or iron wheel machines, although the weaving efficiency is higher, they seem to be quite satisfied with their current income and don¡¯t want to do anything more!  Our contract workers now have the mentality of being able to make a small fortune, and there is insufficient motivation to establish cooperatives. "It is not conducive to promoting cooperatives among contract workers, so Ge ??Hong and others focused on retail investors.  Unexpectedly, when these retail investors heard that they were employees of Fuxing Company, the original Yang's Cloth Industry, they had no interest in the cooperative they mentioned, and they just wanted to join Fuxing Company's OEM system.  They had to tell these retail companies that the OEM quota was full, and it was unlikely to expand the scale of OEM in the future.  But no matter what they say, these retail investors just don't believe it. They only say that the price of cloth is rising slowly, and these cloth industry companies will definitely need more OEM households, and they are willing to wait.  Ge Hong added: "Of course, we can't say that we have achieved nothing after working hard for a month. Some villagers whose lives are really difficult have organized one or two cooperatives with our help. But the scale of these cooperatives is too small.  He was only twenty, and his share capital was less than 5 yuan. He couldn¡¯t even afford the smallest spinning wheel, and it was disbanded again within a few days. Lu Tonghai also participated in several unsuccessful cooperatives.  Regarding the success or failure of the establishment, he analyzed: "The promotion of machine yarns and hand-drawn machines has really cut off the livelihood of many textile households in southern Jiangsu. Forced by their own poverty, these people have the urge to establish cooperatives. However,  Firstly, everyone has no money and the funds they can pool are limited; secondly, there is a lack of trust in each other and confidence in the cooperative, and they dare not invest more. Most people only invest a dime or two, and it is difficult to achieve anything. " Zhang Yi added:  "I discovered one thing. Those who are interested in joining our cooperative are all extremely poor farmers. Most of these people are textile households who lost their jobs due to the emergence of new homespun cloth last year. This is just because southern Jiangsu is relatively wealthy and has many work opportunities.  In the past few months, some of these unemployed textile households have turned to planting mulberry and raising silkworms, some have gone to work in other handicraft workshops, and some have gone to places such as Suzhou and Shanghai to make a living. Farmers who have jobs to do have little incentive to join cooperatives.  And in every village, there is truly poverty and extreme poverty.??The number of poor farmers is actually not that many, which has also led to the failure of several cooperatives we promoted due to small scale and lack of capital!  " Lu Tonghai also agreed with Zhang Yi's analysis. "Zhang Yi is right. If we promoted cooperatives in the past few months when the number of unemployed textile households in southern Jiangsu was the largest, we might be able to build several successful samples.  .  " After listening to the analysis of several managers, although they still talked about difficulties, Yang Shaowen regained a lot of confidence. "I heard that, although we have not yet built a successful cooperative, we have also learned a lot.  experience, these experiences are very useful.  I concluded that although cooperatives are not easy to accept, as long as farmers have strong enough motivation, cooperatives can still be established.  How do farmers have such strong motivations?  That means they were living in extreme poverty, to the point where they couldn't survive without union, right?  " "Yes, that's the truth!  "The managers below nodded in agreement. Yang Shaowen felt that this should be the key to opening the door to cooperatives. Just like a company or a country launching a reform, most of them have reached the point where they are at the end of their rope, and when they are poor, they want to change.  Only when the entire organization reaches a consensus on reform can reform measures be implemented throughout the organization. Reform is a difficult task that touches the vested interests, and their cooperatives are a difficult task that touches the traditional production habits of farmers. The same principle applies to both.  Yang Shaowen murmured to himself: "This requires us to find a suitable pilot area and establish several cooperative sample projects in this pilot area. With the demonstration effect of the sample projects, the cooperative enterprise can be promoted as a whole!  ¡± Yuan Yicheng added: ¡°This pilot area must have a certain foundation of rural hand-woven textiles. Local textile households have difficulties in living, and there should not be too few textile households in difficulties in each village, otherwise the cooperative organization cannot reach a certain scale.  Where will this place be?  "Obviously not in southern Jiangsu. The company's one-month efforts have proven that it is not easy to develop cooperatives here. "Go to my hometown!  "The person who spoke was the deputy manager of the company's production department, named Gao Yuanhao, who was one of the second batch of employees who entered the company. He originally came to work in Wujin from other places, and was recruited into the company because he had studied in a private school for several years.  And he was reused for his outstanding work performance. ¡°My hometown is Jingzhou, Hubei.  Our area is a cotton-producing area, and the locally produced Jingzhou homespun cloth is also very famous. The rural textile industry was originally quite prosperous.  But in the past few years, under the impact of machine yarn, the lives of the villagers have become very difficult.  It is no better than southern Jiangsu. The livelihood of cotton textiles has been lost, and the villagers have few means of making a living except farming.  My family was really poor, so I came out to make a living on my own.  " Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this, and Yang Shaowen nodded secretly. " This is indeed a good choice. The reason why Yang Shaowen is satisfied is that in addition to the place introduced by Gao Yuanhao that meets the conditions for developing cooperative business, it is also conducive to the company's business  At present, the company's business can reach as far west as western Anhui. If they can successfully develop cooperatives in Jingzhou, it will be equivalent to expanding their business to the two lakes and Sichuan.
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