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Text Chapter 1,335 History has changed

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    On May 11, at the Dadinghe battlefield, the Anton army, which had had a day off, took the initiative to attack the enemy in order to cooperate with Li Fengyun in attacking Pyongyang.  Ulchi Mundeok has a clear goal, dragging, you attack and I defend. The harder you attack, the closer you are to defeat.  But just that afternoon, an urgent report came from Pyongyang. Tens of thousands of Chinese and Turkish cavalry soldiers descended from the sky and surrounded Pyongyang. The situation suddenly became dangerous. Prime Minister Gao Jianmu implored Eulji Mundeok to help him in the shortest possible time at any cost.  Only by defeating the main force of the enemy can we turn the tide and save Goguryeo.  Eulji Wende was anxious and anxious. Faced with the crisis and the powerful opponent, he was helpless. The only way was to defeat the enemy on the battlefield of Dadinghe River. If he wanted to achieve this goal, he could only use the drag technique. He must not  Risking a decisive battle, so don't rush. The more critical the situation is, the more calm you must be. You must keep calm and advance steadily according to the established strategy to ensure nothing goes wrong.  On May 12th, the offensive of Anton's army became more fierce. Li Zixiong took command from the front line, and generals Han Shi'e and Luo Yi took the lead. The King of Qi also came to the front line to supervise the battle.  Eulji Wende secretly rejoiced, judging that the enemy army was the last to go crazy and would soon be in dire straits due to the lack of food and grass.  On May 13, the two sides continued to fight fiercely, and the battle became more and more fierce. The psychology of the generals on both sides also gradually changed with the bloody battle.  Eulji Wende became more and more confident and looked forward to the turning point, but King Qi, Li Zixiong and others were worried. They were about to run out of food, grass and weapons. If Li Fengyun could not quickly capture Pyongyang and use the captured proceeds to replenish military supplies, he would definitely lose.  .  In the early morning of May 14th, Li Zixiong and Han Shi'er received an urgent report from Li Fengyun. With the cooperation of Goguryeo's surrendered dignitaries, the Selected Front Army had captured Pyongyang on the night of May 12th, and moved as quickly as possible to the main force on the Dading River battlefield.  The army transported food, grass and weapons.  At this point, the overall situation has been decided, Goguryeo has been defeated, and China's third Eastern Expedition has successfully achieved its expected goals.  Then, Li Fengyun told Li Zixiong that the Andong Army's next target was Ulji Munduk and the enemy forces in Qingcheon. Ulji Munduk might have received news of Pyongyang's fall earlier than Li Zixiong. Seeing that the situation was over, Ulji Munduk was bound to  He was stubbornly resisting and struggling to the death, so Li Fengyun asked Li Zixiong not to fight Ulji Mundeok in a decisive battle, but to try every means to hold him back. He only waited for the vanguard and horse troops to fight to Qingchuan, leaving Ulji Mundeok in a desperate situation with enemies from both sides, and then he could surround him on all sides.  Killing, in this way, we can avenge the defeat of Sa Shui and avenge the hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers from China.  Eulji Moon-deok did receive the news of Pyongyang¡¯s fall earlier than Ri Ja-hyung.  Pyongyang fell, Eulji Munduk had expected it. After all, Goguryeo and China were not rivals at the same level. It was a miracle that Goguryeo could persist for three years. The failure was also reasonable. What is unacceptable is that Pyongyang was not defeated by the enemy.  What was conquered was given away by his own traitors. Goguryeo was not defeated by China, but betrayed by his own traitors. This made him angry and desperate.  In the early morning of May 14th, Eulji Mundeok summoned generals such as Yi Buye and Gae Bowen to announce the fall of Pyongyang.  After all, the battle was lost. Next, Goguryeo faced two fates. One was the worst outcome, which was the annihilation of the country and the annihilation of the race. The other was the best outcome, where the kingdom survived and the race was preserved.  Of course, Ulji Mundeok wanted to strive for the best result, and Pyongyang surrendered and the dignitaries took the initiative to offer the city, creating the best conditions for the survival of the kingdom and the preservation of the race. What Ulji Mundeok had to do was to "put the icing on the cake" and preserve Goguryeo to the greatest extent possible.  army.  As long as the Goguryeo army is there and Goguryeo still has some vitality, there is hope for Goguryeo to make a comeback. On the contrary, if Goguryeo has no army and its vitality is cut off, the kingdom will be destroyed in the blink of an eye, and the race will also be wiped out in the near future.  "Surrender. The sooner you surrender, the less chance the Middle Earth people will have for bloody killings, and the more vitality Goguryeo will retain." Eulji Mundeok said calmly, "The Middle Earth people hate me to the core and will definitely kill me.  Hurry, so when you surrender, present my head to relieve the hatred of China. This will greatly increase our chances of survival in Goguryeo." On the morning of May 14th, the Goguryeo army retreated across the board, and it seemed that they would not be able to attack the enemy.  Baowen took the lead in retreating to the south bank of Dading River.  On May 15th, Li Fengyun led the main force of the selected vanguard horse army to cross the Sa River westward and approached Qingchuan. Together with the main force of the infantry army led by King Qi and Li Zixiong, they formed a pincer attack on the enemy forces in Ulji Wende and Qingchuan.  Just when Li Fengyun was full of murderous intent and prepared to surround Ulji Mundeok, he surrendered to King Qi with Eulji Mundeok's head.  That night, Li Fengyun issued an order to the Andong armies to plunder Pyongyang and loot the wealth of Goguryeo, so as to complete the expected goal of the expedition before Yu Wenshu and the main army of the Eastern Expedition arrived in Pyongyang. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? away out ofWhen Cui Hongsheng received the news, he sneered and sneered.  It has been three years since the outbreak of the war. Goguryeo has surrendered and gone back on its word again and again. China has long disbelieved it, especially now that Anton's army has entered the hinterland of Goguryeo and is launching a fierce attack on the Qingchuan line. Pyongyang is in danger. This  In this situation, Goguryeo sent its envoys to surrender, and the purpose was nothing more than to implement a delaying technique. How could China be fooled?  But since the envoys of Goguryeo¡¯s surrender are here, there¡¯s no harm in meeting them, and maybe they can find out something about the current situation in Pyongyang.  Guo Rong, Xue Shixiong and Cui Hongsheng were too lazy to show up, so they asked Wu Benlang to make Pei Renji their representative.  None of the three generals paid much attention to this matter. They focused on Anton's army and were all anxious because Anton's army had created the best opportunity for the Third Eastern Expedition. However, Yuwenshu resolutely carried out the plan.  The decision of the Holy Lord and the Central Committee was to give up the fighter plane rather than immediately cross the river to support the Andong army. As a result, the Andong army went deep alone, with no food and grass inside, and no reinforcements outside. It could only fight with the Goguryeo people and lose both sides.  But, is Li Fengyun so stupid?  If Li Fengyun was so stupid, how could he have risen to prominence in just two years?  Li Fengyun must have a backup plan. However, the three generals conducted daily sand table deductions and could not see the possibility of reversal. This made the three generals worried.  Just as the three generals were practicing on the sand table, Pei Renji broke in in a hurry.  "The Anton Army captured Pyongyang." The three generals looked at each other and smiled in unison.  "Mr. Langya, do you also believe the lies of the Goguryeo people?"  With the permission of the general, Jiang Yiwei immediately crossed the river and surrendered." The three generals' smiles suddenly faded, and they looked at each other, then looked at the sand table at the same time.  How can this be?  Judging from the sand table deduction, the Anton Army, not to mention attacking Pyongyang, even captured Qingchuan and cut off the channel between Pyongyang and the Yalu River. How come the Anton Army captured Pyongyang in the blink of an eye?  "When did Pyongyang fall?" Guo Rong asked.  "It's late at night on May 12th," Pei Renji said.  "When will Andong's army surround Pyongyang?" Cui Hongsheng asked eagerly.  "It's the tenth day of May." Pei Renji replied.  "What a fast speed." Xue Shixiong clapped his hands and praised, "The news we got is that King Qi and Li Zixiong led their troops to the Dading River battlefield on the seventh day of May. In other words, Anton's main force crossed the Sashui east to attack Pyongyang on the same day.  , Pyongyang was captured in five days, too fast." Then he looked at Pei Renji and asked, "Does the Goguryeo envoy know the specific story of Pyongyang's fall?" "It is said that Gaoling rebelled and opened the city gate."  Gaoling?" Guo Rong shook his head and looked at each other with Xue Shixiong and Cui Hongsheng. The three generals all thought of Pei Shiju, Pei Shiju's secret army, and why Li Pingyuan marched in danger and went deep alone, thousands of miles away, no matter the cost.  After a long journey to attack Pyongyang, it turns out that there is an internal agent in Pyongyang City. It turns out that as long as Eulji Mundeok is lured out of Pyongyang City, Anton will be absolutely sure to capture Pyongyang. All the doubts he had before were answered at this moment.  Pyongyang fell, Eulji Mundeok on the Cheongcheon battlefield, and Jiang Yiwei on the Yalusu battlefield. They lost their backup, lost the support of food, grass and weapons, and could no longer recover, so they had no choice but to surrender, and the sooner they surrendered, the more likely the Goguryeo army would be.  The more it is preserved, the more vitality of Goguryeo will be preserved, and the more promising the future of Goguryeo will be.  The Third Eastern Expedition was won, and they were won as quickly as possible. The Holy Lord and the Center successfully achieved their expected goals, and Anton also achieved his own goal, and developed rapidly with the help of the Third Eastern Expedition.  This was something the Holy Lord and the Center did not expect. Although they reversed the political decline of the reformists with the help of the final victory of the Eastern Expedition, the subsequent political situation was very unfavorable to them because of the rapid expansion of Li Pingyuan and Anton's strength.  As the Civil War rages on, the political forces headed by Pei Shiju will win more say at the highest decision-making level. The Shandong political group headed by the five super wealthy families will also win valuable gains in the struggle with the Guanlong and Jiangzuo political groups.  As a result, the reformists headed by the Holy Lord fell into greater isolation, and it became increasingly difficult to control the government, because whether it was the conservative forces of the Guanlong political group, the Shandong political group and the center headed by Pei Shiju  With the help of Li Pingyuan and Anton's rise, they will spare no effort to seize political interests. It can be predicted that from the moment Pyongyang falls and the Eastern Expedition ends successfully, the political struggle between China and Turkey will enter.  A new wave of climax.  Guo Rong, Xue Shixiong, and Cui Hongsheng were all eager to win the Eastern Expedition, but when the result actually came, they couldn't be happy anymore.  Li Pingyuan and Anton¡¯s relationshipThe rapid rise will definitely be a huge harm to the future of China and Turkey, especially at the critical moment when the Civil War is about to break out. It is a foreseeable and terrible disaster that can even destroy the great cause of the reunification of China and Turkey. What should we do?  The Holy Lord and the Center will definitely attack, weaken and destroy them, but the Third Eastern Expedition is an example. The Holy Lord and the Center's plan to kill with a borrowed knife failed. By analogy, the Holy Lord and the Center can use the Civil War to eliminate them.  Can it be realized?  The answer is no. Li Pingyuan and the Anton forces must still use their tactics to develop and grow with the help of the Civil War. Therefore, it is not difficult to see that after the Civil War, the civil war will inevitably break out. The Holy Lord and the Center will inevitably betray their faith and attack Anton, and Li Pingyuan will  and Anton's army will inevitably launch a fierce counterattack, but when they are fighting in full swing, the fierce political conflicts between China and Turkey will inevitably not break out, and the major political groups will definitely take the opportunity to start fighting, so the great cause of unification will inevitably collapse.  As far as the current situation is concerned, the best way to curb the development of Anton is to quickly cross the river, quickly control Pyongyang, and hinder Li Fengyun and the Anton army from plundering the wealth of Goguryeo to the greatest extent. However, Yu Wenshu has already given an order. Without his order, the crossing cannot be carried out.  Cross Yalu Water.  Similarly, Yuwenshu was also controlled by the Holy Lord. Without the orders of the Holy Lord and the Center, Yuwenshu did not dare to order the eastward crossing of Yalu Water without authorization.  However, by the time Yu Wenshu reported to the Holy Lord and by the time the Holy Lord issued the order to cross the river, the time had been greatly delayed. By the time Yu Wenshu walked into Pyongyang, Pyongyang was probably in ruins.  The Holy Lord, the Central Committee, and hundreds of thousands of troops from the Imperial Guard spent three years fighting with all their national strength, and finally took advantage of Li Pingyuan and made Anton's wedding dress in vain.  The more Guo Rong and Xue Shixiong thought about it, the more angry they became. However, Cui Hongsheng, who had always advocated crossing the river as soon as possible, suddenly became passive and said nothing, and did not mention crossing the river at all.  = On the first day of June, Yu Wenshu and Guo Rong led their troops across the Yalu River and advanced rapidly towards Pyongyang.  On the same day, the navy, which had already entered the battlefield of Goguryeo and captured Bishecheng, an important town in the northwest of Goguryeo, also rushed to Pyongyang by water under the leadership of Lai Huer.  On the sixth day of June, Yu Wenshu and Guo Rong arrived at Sashui and had to stop because 100,000 Andong troops were waiting on the other side. The two sides faced off across the river, and the atmosphere was very tense.  On the same day, Shi Weifusi, the chief of the Prince of Qi, Li Hun, the deputy governor of Andong, and Ashinaduoer, the Turkic Buli Khan, respectively represented the king of Qi, the governor of Andong and the tribes of Andong to welcome Yuwenshu and Guo  Ronghe's Eastern Expedition Headquarters, as well as Anton's Deputy Chief Protector Li Pingyuan, Anton's Army Generals Li Zixiong, Han Shi'er and others, were all unknown.  King Qi¡¯s not showing up was understandable, but it was wrong for Li Pingyuan to avoid seeing him. So Yu Wenshu was very unhappy and asked Li Hun, where is Li Pingyuan?  "Deputy Protector Li is worried about Anton's safety and has returned to Anton early." As soon as these words came out, Yu Wenshu felt a sense of foreboding.  Li Hun openly lied. The main force of Anton was here. How could Li Pingyuan leave his army and return to Anton alone?  Obviously Li Pingyuan was worried about being persecuted by Yu Wenshu and worried that Anton's army would be attacked by Yu Wenshu, so he created a suspicious formation and hid in the dark. As long as Yu Wenshu and his men made any move, Li Pingyuan would be the first to take action.  Even if they turn against each other, they will not hesitate to do so.  Yuwenshu was silent, but Li Hun laughed and asked Yuwenshu, Guo Rong and the Eastern Expedition Headquarters to station in Pyongyang immediately.  Wei Fusi also extended a warm invitation and said that King Qi was waiting for him at the city gate.  Yu Wenshu made a decisive decision not to enter Pyongyang City, and the Eastern Expedition Headquarters was located in Qingchuan City on the west bank of the Sa River.  = On July 17, the Holy Lord led his palace to Huaiyuan Town.  On the same day, Yu Wenshu, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Expedition, arrived in Huaiyuan Town and presented the military and political report of Liaodong to the Holy Lord and the Central Committee.  The dust of the Eastern Expedition has been settled.  Goguryeo ceded territory and paid compensation. In order to preserve the kingdom and race, Goguryeo compensated all the land east of the Xishui River and the population on the land to China, leaving less than one-fifth of the original.  King Gao Yuan and the nobles who supported him were all executed.  Because Pyongyang City and its surrounding areas were completely plundered by Li Pingyuan's Andong army and various captive troops, very little loot was captured.  "Xu Gong, how many troops does Anton have left now?" Yu Shiji suddenly interrupted Yu Wenshu's report and asked urgently.  Yu Wenshu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are you referring to the army under the jurisdiction of the Anton Protectorate, or generally refer to the military strength of the entire Anton?" Yu Shiji said without thinking, "A refers to the army that Li Pingyuan can absolutely control.  How many are left?" Yu Wenshu glanced at the stern-looking Holy Master who was sitting on the throne, and then looked at Zhao Cai, Xiao Yu, Pei Yun and other important officials sitting opposite him. He hesitated a little and said slowly, "At least ten  Fifty thousand." Everyone changed their colors.  The Holy Lord was very surprised and asked sternly, "Anton's army of one hundred thousand troops marched thousands of miles and fought continuously, but the number of battles increased. What's the reason?" Yu YuWen Shu sighed, "Before a certain army arrived at Sashui, more than 50,000 prisoners of the Goguryeo army and more than 50,000 soldiers of our army who were captured in the battle of Sashui were all taken away by Li Pingyuan." Holy Lord  He was furious and said, "Why didn't you stop it?" Yu Wenshu lowered his head and said nothing.  Prevent?  What to stop?  Anton's tens of thousands of troops are marching across the river. Li Pingyuan is even ready to turn against each other and fight. How can Yu Wenshu stop it?  The king and his ministers were so angry that they looked at each other speechlessly.  The situation was serious. He originally wanted to use the third Eastern Expedition to weaken Anton, but it backfired. Li Pingyuan used his plan and not only plundered the wealth of Goguryeo, but also took away more than 100,000 brave men. Anton expanded rapidly, and in just six months  After that, Li Pingyuan has emerged as the overlord of one party, and his tail is too big to lose.  "What's the plan?" The Holy Lord looked around at the ministers and asked.  "Northern Expedition." Yu Shiji said flatly, "Yazhang has issued a rally order, and the tribes of the Northern Barbarians are heading south to Qikou one after another. The North-South War is about to break out. Since this battle is inevitable, it is better to strike preemptively and take advantage of the victory of the Eastern Expedition.  Li Pingyuan was given the power to open up new territories, and ordered him to lead his army in the northern expedition, and sealed the wolf in Xu. "The Holy Lord weighed it for a moment, then looked at the ministers and asked, "What do you think?" This is an open plan to kill with a knife.  Unless Li Pingyuan rebels, he can only make the Northern Expedition. As far as the Civil War is concerned, a preemptive strike can also help China win this battle. Therefore, from a military perspective, Li Fengyun cannot refuse, and the central officials have no reason to object.  .  = On the fourth day of August, the Holy Lord decreed that the Eastern Expedition was over and the troops returned to the court.  On the same day, the Holy Lord left Huaiyuan Town and returned to the Eastern Capital.  On the same day, the Anton Protectorate received the imperial edict and made a central decision to expedition to the northern desert.  Pei Shiju immediately returned to the Eastern Capital to assist the Holy Lord in preparations for the Northern Expedition.  Li Pingyuan was appointed as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Expeditionary Army, commanded the Northern Expeditionary Army, and also commanded the Anton Guard, and immediately began preparations for the Northern Expedition.  Preparations for the Northern Expedition must be completed before the end of the year. In the early spring of next year, the northward attack can begin as long as the Holy Lord gives the order.  At this moment, Li Fengyun had led his cavalry back to Andong. Li Fengyun was in the Andong Protectorate. After receiving the imperial edict, Li Fengyun smiled and said to Pei Shiju, "I got my wish, but whether I can succeed in the Northern Expedition and sweep across the desert."  , We still need the full support of Duke Ming. " Pei Shiju smiled and stroked his beard, "You snatched a hundred thousand troops from Goguryeo, used the Eastern Expedition to plunder huge amounts of wealth, and created conditions for China to take a preemptive strike.  Turkey has taken the lead in this war and established an advantage. Regardless of whether the Northern Expedition succeeds or not, the desert will fall into chaos, the northern barbarians will suffer heavy losses, and both China and Turkey will win this war. " Li Fengyun nodded.  , "Someone has changed history, and next, someone will create history. Perhaps, someone can be a wolf and live in Xu, and be famous throughout the ages." Pei Shiju hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are you determined to go to the Northern Expedition?" Li Fengyun nodded solemnly, "This time  The war is inevitable. If it is won, there is still hope for China to turn the tide and preserve the great cause of reunification. Otherwise, China will inevitably fall apart and fall into division and war again. Countless lives will be wiped out. Now, someone is unable to turn the tide.  But I have the ability to create a glimmer of hope for the imminent collapse of China, so I have no choice." Pei Shiju pondered for a long time and sighed, "China's national strength has been exhausted by the Eastern Expedition and cannot support the Northern Expedition at all." Li Fengyun smiled and nodded.  "The Northern Expedition is a doomed situation in the eyes of the Holy Lord, the Central Committee, and even Duke Ming. From this, in the eyes of Shibi Khan and Ya Zhang, there is no return, so the Northern Expedition army  They must all come out in force, and this is exactly where someone's vitality lies. " Pei Shiju immediately thought of the just-victory Eastern Expedition, risking his life and risking his life. This is Li Fengyun's specialty. Perhaps, Li Fengyun is the one.  Can continue the miracle.  "I believe in you." Pei Shiju smiled, "I am waiting for your triumphant return at the Great Wall." = The end of the book.  Historically, this Civil War ended with the defeat of China, and the regime of Emperor Sui Yang collapsed immediately after the defeat.  Now history has been changed by Li Fengyun. Anton's army made a northern expedition to the desert, and China took the lead. It can be foreseen that even if the Northern Expedition is defeated, it can prevent or delay the Turks' southward invasion, and this can stabilize the country for the Sui Yang Emperor's regime.  situation, and bought valuable time for China and Turkey to recover the vitality exhausted by the three-year Eastern Expedition. Once the Civil War was postponed for two or three years, the outcome would be different and history would change.  So, this book comes to an end. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡=¡¡¡¡Thanks to the book friends for their long-term support, I can¡¯t thank you enough.
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