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Volume 1 Chapter 881 Space Age (Finale)

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    Although the alien pirates were aware that the Earthlings would ambush them at the jumping point, they did not expect that so many space magnetic mines were deployed around the jumping point, so that they did not even see humans. Seventeen warships were attacked by humans.  destroy.  This result made the alien pirate leader¡¯s black face tremble continuously. Soon, three strange-looking warships flew out from the alien pirate vanguard fleet group and flew in the direction of the jumping point.  Soon these three warships with very strange shapes appeared on the screen of the combat center. When the three warships completed their jump, because the surrounding space magnetic mines had already been consumed by the previous dozen warships, no similar battleships were encountered.  At this moment, hundreds of alien fighter planes flew out from inside the battleship and flew towards the space magnetic mine floating in the distance.  Under the attack of the alien fighters, all the remaining mines in the mine array were cleared by the alien fighters. However, these alien fighters did not return immediately. Instead, they performed reconnaissance work, centering on the jump point, and headed towards the surrounding area.  Fly away.  Because the warships of the Chinese Space Fleet are the products of the sixth-level civilization, and the technology of the alien pirates' fighter planes is only at the level of the second-level civilization, how could the existence of the Chinese Space Fleet be discovered? When the alien fighters conducted a survey in the surrounding area  After that, he quickly returned to fly back to the surroundings of the three warships, but instead flew into the dock, and instead flew around the three warships in a battle formation.  Through the confidence fed back by the three battleships, the leader of the alien pirates believes that the space magnetic mines around the jump point must be deployed by humans. The human battleship must not be far from the space jump point, and may even be rushing to the space jump point now.  On the way, they must occupy the jumping point immediately before humans reach the jumping point. Therefore, after receiving the report from the forward fleet, the pirate leader immediately ordered the forward fleet to occupy the space jumping point. The other fleets speed up their flight speed and strive to jump through the space as soon as possible.  point command.  Soon, more than 400 battleships of the alien battleship vanguard fleet began to enter the space jump point. However, just as the alien battleships all entered the space jump point, fifty space gunboats surrounding the space jump point headed towards the space at almost the same time.  Launch a space torpedo in the direction of the jump point.  As thousands of space torpedoes flew out of the torpedo tubes, the turrets on the space gunship that were already aimed at the space jump point also roared. Laser shells flew out from the barrels, heading towards the completely twisted direction.  The space jump points keep pouring.  Facing the space torpedoes and artillery shells flying from all directions, the alien pirates who were jumping in space immediately became confused. At the same time, the three alien warships guarding the space jumping point immediately formed a glyph.  Standing in front of the space jump point, trying to use his powerful energy shield to block attacks from humans.  While the three warships were using their hulls as human shields, the alien fighters, which had always been on alert, dodged incoming torpedoes and artillery shells while flying towards the space gunship.  Densely packed torpedoes continued to hit the three warships in front. The lethality generated by the explosions continued to consume the extremely concentrated energy protective shields on the surface of the three warships. In just a few minutes, hundreds of space torpedoes struck.  These three battleships were hit, and with three loud noises, these three thick-skinned space battleships finally could not withstand the constant attacks. With the three loud noises, the three battleships turned into three huge groups.  fireball, exploding in space.  However, these three battleships bought some time for the alien pirates' forward force. During this time, the alien battleships in front completed the space jump and opened the energy protection shield to the maximum, trying to use their own energy protection shield to  Defend the remaining space torpedo attacks.  The vanguard fleet of the alien pirates quickly completed the space jump, but the second round of space torpedoes also followed. Many alien warships had not yet begun to fight back because they could not withstand the space torpedoes and naval gun attacks from the space gunships.  It was destroyed by the space gunship.  Densely packed alien fighters shot out from the alien battleship and rushed towards the space gunship like a swarm. The space gunship had to mobilize some rapid-fire laser cannons to deal with these alien fighters. As a result, the pressure on the alien battleship was suddenly reduced.  Many, some alien battleships began to fight back against the space gunships.  Although the space gunships are also thick-skinned, the number of alien warships is far greater than that of the space gunships. When the warships of both sides exchanged fire, more than a hundred alien pirate warships were destroyed by the space gunships in the blink of an eye.  However, more than ten space gunboats were destroyed by the opponent's naval guns.  Just as the warships of both sides were shooting at each other, the middle army of alien pirates also arrived at the space jump point. Seeing hundreds of densely packed warships, Wu Potian saw the alien warships begin to jump considering the defeat in the first round of the war.  , immediately ordered the warship to attack the space jump point.  Tens of thousands of space torpedoes flew towards the space jump point like meteors. When the alien pirates' vanguard fleet discovered the space torpedoes flying from a distance, the sea in the space battleshipTheir expressions became very ugly. They never imagined that there would be ambushes among humans.  At this time, the first thing the pirate leader wanted to do was to stop the army from jumping, but it was still a step too late. When the dense space torpedoes hit the space jump point, more than 600 space battleships were destroyed during the jump process.  This sneak attack was undoubtedly successful. After destroying one-third of the alien pirates' strength, the Chinese Space Fleet immediately launched an attack on those who had slipped through the net.  The tragedy of space war is far more cruel than that of ground war. As long as there is a slightest negligence on the battlefield, it will change the entire battle situation. Wu Potian's negligence was to place the third line of defense too far away.  After the first round of successful sneak attacks, when the space fleet launched the second round of attacks, the alien fleet also recovered from the chaos. The remaining more than 400 alien warships quickly gave up the remaining three space gunboats.  Destroy and attack the oncoming space fleet.  The warships deployed by Wu Potian in the front are all controlled by robots, and the warships in the rear are controlled by humans. However, because most of these soldiers are new recruits, and the energy protection shield of the frigate is very low, several alien warships  When dealing with one ship, two frigates of the Chinese Space Fleet were destroyed by each other one after another. The Chinese Space Fleet suffered casualties for the first time since its establishment.  Although China paid fifty space gunboats and two frigates, the losses on the alien pirates' side were even more serious. After the first round of air battles between the warships of both sides, the alien pirates' forward fleet and the middle fleet's 1,200 ships  There are only more than a hundred battleships left, and the number is still shrinking.  The first round of alien pirates in the back-channel fleet received intelligence feedback from the battlefield and once again confirmed that the earth's warships were far more advanced than them, but their number was not as large as theirs. As long as they went all out, they could completely eliminate the earth's warships.  The fleet, at this time the alien pirate back-channel fleet, no longer hesitated and accelerated towards the space jump point.  Seeing that the remaining fleet of the alien pirates was about to enter the space jump stage, Wu Potian immediately issued the order for a general attack. The ten warships hidden in the space jump point of the Sea Blue Galaxy saw all the alien warships entering the jump stage and immediately launched a series of attacks on the aliens.  Battleships attack.  On this side of the galaxy, twenty motherships and their surrounding escort fleets simultaneously launched an attack on the space jump point.  The alien battleships that are making space jumps are undoubtedly lambs to be slaughtered to the Chinese space battleships. Densely packed space torpedoes and missiles are constantly hitting the alien battleships that leap out from the space jump point.  The violent explosion gave the alien battleship no chance to resist and turned into dust in the universe.  When the mother ship launched an attack on the alien battleship's rear fleet, the space fleet responsible for the third line of defense was not afraid of sacrifice and launched a fatal attack on the alien battleship. The battle finally lasted for more than an hour, and the Chinese Space Force ended up with five  Ten space gunboats, seven frigates, and a cost of 2,100 people won the battle and destroyed all the alien pirate warships.  After the end of this cosmic war, the space fleet did not return because of this. Instead, it headed towards the alien pirates' lair based on the star field map obtained from the alien pirates.  More than a month later, the Chinese warships arrived at the alien pirates' lair, launched an attack on the alien pirates' lair, and finally eliminated all the alien pirates' power, preserving the secrets of mankind and the galaxy.  Half a year later, the space fleet wiped out all the pirate forces in the Pluto galaxy, and began to return with the supplies seized from the alien pirates.  One year later, humans traveled throughout the galaxy and found several planets suitable for human survival. Three years later, humans officially entered the space age, using a planet suitable for human habitation on Pluto as a base, and began to contact some alien civilizations.  , and even establish business contacts.
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