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Text Chapter 122 The location of the booth is not ideal

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    In the afternoon, Hong Jingtian and Wei Sujuan followed Du Jiaguo to Haixia Building.  Walking into the door of the building, he saw many people walking around in the hall. Hong Jingtian saw that among them were Dong Yanhong and Jiang Kaicheng from Ningzhou High-tech Development Zone, and guessed that these people also came to see the venue in advance.  Seeing Hong Jingtian, Jiang Kaicheng smiled and nodded, saying hello, and then walked inside followed by a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing.  Hong Jingtian withdrew his gaze, followed Du Jiaguo, and asked a staff member to find the location of his booth.  However, all three of them were dumbfounded.  It turned out that their Nanping County booth was at the very back of the hall, right next to the booths of three other county-level development zones.  With the booth in such a remote corner, how could it attract the attention of the merchants who came to inquire?  "Mr. Du, the location is so remote, how can we attract investment?" Wei Sujuan cried sadly.  She rushed to Huacheng with full confidence, but she did not expect to encounter such a situation. Her hope suddenly felt like a heavy rain.  Du Jiaguo's face also darkened, but when he saw that the other three county-level development zones were also arranged in this corner, he felt a little more balanced.  He knew that the Department of Commerce's arrangement was obviously based on the fact that the conditions and functions of the municipal development zones were much better than those of the several county-level development zones that had been taken care of. Besides, if those municipal development zones were arranged in such a remote area,  Position, this bowl of water is not level, and some things are always bad.  "Nothing, Director Sujuan, it's not easy for our county to participate in this investment promotion event. Although our location is very remote, as long as we are willing to use our brains, I believe we will find a way.  "Du Jiaguo is the leader, so he naturally wants to cheer up Hong Jingtian and Wei Sujuan at this time.  Although Hong Jingtian was very disappointed, he did not show it on his face. He carefully observed the location of his booth, took out a tape measure, and measured it carefully. At the same time, he took out a notebook from his briefcase and wrote down the relevant information.  data.  After Du Jiaguo saw that Hong Jingtian was busy with all this, he looked at the crowds coming and going outside and said thoughtfully: "Let's go and see other booths." The three of them walked and looked carefully, and they knew each other from time to time.  After two hours, the three of them returned to the hotel.  It was still Du Jiaguo's residence. Du Jiaguo glanced at Hong Jingtian and Wei Sujuan who were sitting aside and said, "Jingtian, Sujuan, tell me what you think." When they were in the county, Hong Jingtian and Wei Sujuan discussed a preliminary plan.  , at this time Hong Jingtian only thought for a moment in his heart and said.  "County Magistrate Du and Director Sujuan, the location of our booth is really not good. If we don't change the original plan, we will definitely not achieve the expected results. Therefore, I have some new ideas and I hope the two leaders can correct me."  "Jingtian, there are no outsiders here, so stop being polite and tell me what you think directly." Du Jiaguo felt relieved when he heard that Hong Jingtian had a new idea and handed him a cigarette with a sullen face.  said.  "Okay, this is what I think about" Hong Jingtian said his thoughts. According to his thoughts, the booth should be arranged according to the original plan. The planning map of Lijiaba Development Zone, regional advantages, resource advantages, transportation  Highlights such as advantages and preferential policies are all displayed. At the same time, temporary personnel are hired to distribute promotional materials outside the exhibition hall and at the gate. If possible, try to set up an information desk in the off-site parking lot.  In a word, we are trying to let more people know about Lijiaba Development Zone and stimulate their desire to understand.  Of course, there is another point that Hong Jingtian did not reveal, that is, he wants to contact the entrepreneurs in Huacheng through Ke Yulan's best friend to see if he can attract a few to come to support him and increase the visibility and popularity of Lijiaba Development Zone.  This matter is still in his imagination, and he will have to wait until he comes into contact with Qian Yunshan to find out.  However, Ke Yulan told him that Qian Yunshan had agreed to help.  After hearing what Hong Jingtian said, Du Jiaguo sat and thought for a while, looked at Wei Sujuan and said, "Comrade Sujuan, what do you think?" Wei Sujuan was thinking about the next work while Hong Jingtian was talking.  At this time, when she heard County Magistrate Du ask herself, she smoothed her hair on her forehead with her hand and said: "County Magistrate Du, I think Comrade Jingtian said it right. We cannot passively wait for entrepreneurs to come to our door. We must take the initiative.  , I think in addition to what Jingtian said, should we make a small advertisement on Huacheng TV station or in the newspaper?" "Small advertisement?" Not only Hong Jingtian, but also Du Jiaguo were stunned.  "Yes, if you are in an investment promotion activityIf Huacheng TV or Huacheng Daily can place an advertisement for us, I think it will definitely increase the visibility of our Lijiaba Development Zone.  "Wei Sujuan said affirmatively. Du Jiaguo thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let Comrade Sujuan find out about this matter. If it doesn't cost much, I think we can consider it.  " The money to make a small advertisement on Huacheng TV station or in the newspaper is certainly not a small amount. Even if the county has specially approved a hundred thousand yuan this time, Du Jiaguo does not dare to agree easily. " Okay, I will go and find out the situation tomorrow.  "Wei Sujuan nodded and said. As soon as the next work was discussed, Hong Jingtian's cell phone rang. In order to go to Huacheng to attract investment this time, the county made an exception and provided Hong Jingtian and Wei Sujuan with cell phones. Hong Jingtian saw that it was a mobile phone number.  Just looking at Du Jiaguo, Du Jiaguo nodded and said, "Take it.  " Hong Jingtian nodded apologetically and stood up, walked to the side and said politely: "Hello, I am Hong Jingtian, may I ask who you are.  " "Brother-in-law, I am Qian Yunshan. Let's have dinner together tonight. We will pick you up for you. Wherever you are, I will pick you up.  "Hong Jingtian suddenly heard the other party calling him brother-in-law, and couldn't help but feel a fever on his face. "It turns out it's a small amount of money. Hello, hello. I'm at the Ziyun Hotel, but I'll just skip the meal. How embarrassing.  "Hong Jingtian said in a false refusal. "Brother-in-law, I promised Sister Yulan that I have made all arrangements. You have to give me face. It's settled. You wait for me at the hotel and I will come to pick you up right away.  " Qian Yunshan finished speaking and hung up the phone before Hong Jingtian could speak. Hong Jingtian didn't expect that Ke Yulan, his best friend, would make a special trip to pick him up and call him brother-in-law, which made his heart beat wildly.  "County Magistrate Du, Director Sujuan, I'm so sorry. A friend of mine is coming over right away and asked me to go out and prepare the layout of the booth as just mentioned. What do you think?  "Hong Jingtian walked back to the room and said apologetically. He had just arrived in Huacheng and had not finished preparations before going to a party with friends. He was really afraid of Uncle Du's criticism. Fortunately, Du Jiaguo understood Hong Jingtian very well and knew that he was a  Those who knew the seriousness would smile and say: "If you have something to do, just go and do your work. Let Comrade Sujuan arrange tomorrow's work first.  " Hong Jingtian returned to his room, tidied up briefly, and then received a call from Qian Yunshan, saying that she had arrived downstairs.
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