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Text Chapter 88 Relief Funds

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    On the second day after returning to the village, Hong Jingtian had just walked into the office and before he had made tea, the village chief Yin Guowei and party secretary Tang Guangyuan of Shanshu Village walked in angrily.  "Old Tang, Village Chief Yin, why are you here? Is something wrong?" Hong Jingtian asked curiously.  In the coldest month of winter, Shanshu Village has already been covered by heavy snow, and it was not yet nine o'clock. Tang Guangyuan and Yin Guowei rushed to their office. It can be imagined that the two of them left before dawn.  "Chief Hong, what's going on in the township? Why is our village's relief funds so much less than other villages this year?" Yin Guowei said angrily.  "Relief money?" Hong Jingtian was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled and said, "Don't worry, Old Tang, Village Chief Yin, you guys sit down first, have a sip of tea and then talk slowly." Hong Jingtian hurriedly made tea for the two of them and put it down.  On the simple coffee table on the side, he asked two people to sit down at the same time.  Seeing Hong Jingtian¡¯s calm expression, Tang Guangyuan¡¯s excitement calmed down slightly. He signaled to Yin Guowei, and the two took the hot teacups and sat down on the chairs on the side.  Hong Jingtian took out his cigarettes, handed two over, then sat down on his chair, lit the cigarette, took a puff, and then asked calmly: "Village Chief Yin, tell me, what's going on?"  What's going on? " Hong Jingtian went to the county for two days of meetings and only returned to the village yesterday afternoon. He knew nothing about what Yin Guowei said.  "Head Hong, it's like this" Yin Guowei took a sip of tea and told the story emotionally.  It turns out that Tongping Township is the most economically backward township in the county, and naturally has a particularly large number of poor households. Every year, the authorities allocate a relief fund and distribute some relief materials to allow the villagers to have a peaceful and happy Spring Festival.  It's the same this year. A few days ago, the county's relief materials and relief funds arrived in the township. But when Yin Guowei heard at the meeting that Township Chief Li announced the relief funds and materials for each village, their Shanshu Village turned out to have the least in the township.  , stood up on the spot and asked loudly, why is it that the people in Shanshu Village are the poorest, but the relief funds are less than those in the richer villages? What is the reason?  Li Li, the executive deputy township head, did not expect that Yin Guowei would raise an issue loudly at the meeting. His face suddenly darkened and he said sternly: "This is a decision made by the township party committee based on collective research based on the specific conditions of each village in the township. You, Yin Guowei, just want a little relief money."  "What kind of quarrel is this?" Yin Guowei was not a good person. The two of them had a big argument at the meeting, but the other township leaders remained silent. In the end, it was Secretary Luo Yunzhong who roared with a tigerish face.  It ended after saying a few words to Yin Guowei.  However, after the meeting, Yin Guowei and Tang Guangyuan were called by Township Chief Qian and severely criticized, saying that they had no idea of ??the overall situation and did not know how to lead the villagers to make a fortune. They only knew how to ask for relief funds from the authorities and pay back the money.  Doesn't he look like a party cadre or something?  After the two returned to the village, the more they thought about it, the more angry they became. No, they heard that Chief Hong was coming back yesterday afternoon, and they came before dawn today.  Hong Jingtian listened quietly to Yin Guowei's story, but he was thinking nervously in his mind.  Everyone knows the situation of Shanshu Village in the entire township. There are several village groups, and there is not even a paddy field. If it hadn't been for selling walnuts for some money this year, I'm afraid the villagers have been busy all year long and haven't seen a lot of money.  .  But the money from selling walnuts also ended up being paid in agricultural tax deductions. Many families were looking at the small amount of relief money above. Fortunately, they could eat a few meals of rice during the Chinese New Year. Now even this hope has been shattered.  , you said, why don't Yin Guowei and Tang Guangyuan feel angry?  "Old Tang, what was the standard for distributing relief funds to the township in previous years?" Hong Jingtian thought for a while and asked.  "Under normal circumstances, the average person in the village has about 20 yuan, and sometimes each person still has five kilograms of rice." Tang Guangyuan smoked heavily and said dully.  "What about the standard of relief distribution this time?" "If the relief money distributed by the township this time is divided equally, each person will only have five yuan and a pound of rice." Yin Guowei answered at the side.  "Is the relief fund allocated to the township this year less than in previous years?" Hong Jingtian thought of a question.  "No, we can understand if there is less money from the higher authorities, but this year the county's relief funds to the townships are more than five thousand more than last year. Head Hong, tell me, isn't this a clear case of bullying?  ?" Yin Guowei said with fire in his eyes.  Hearing this, Hong Jingtian immediately guessed that someone in the village had done something. Maybe someone deliberately tripped him up, but he would not reveal it in front of Yin Guowei and Tang Guangyuan.  "Well, Old Tang, Village Chief Yin, I will ask Secretary Luo and Township Chief Qian for instructions on this matter first to see if we can take into account the special situation of Shanshu Village and increase the relief funds. After all, weShucun is too poor.  However, Old Tang and Village Chief Yin have always relied on the party and the government for relief. This is not a problem. I think we have to find ways to make the villagers rich as soon as possible.  By the way, you two haven't had breakfast yet. I'll ask Zhigang to take you to breakfast first.  "Hong Jingtian thought for a while and said. "I haven't understood this matter clearly yet, so naturally I can't reply immediately. Moreover, the amount of relief funds for each village has been announced at the township meeting, and it is impossible to change it. He has to go to Secretary Luo first.  After reporting to Mayor Qian, we¡¯ll think of a solution. ¡°Well, that¡¯s all we have to do.  Yin Guowei said a little dejectedly. When Xiao Zhigang received a call from Hong Jingtian and came over to take Yin Guowei and Tang Guangyuan out for dinner, Hong Jingtian sat on a chair and thought for a while, then took the tea cup and went to Yang Zainan's office. Yang Zainan, the Minister of Armed Forces, except  During the recruitment period, he was a little busy, but the rest of the time, the work was still very easy. When he saw Hong Jingtian coming in, Yang Zainan immediately stood up with a smile, called Hong Jingtian to sit down, then looked at him and asked: "Jingtian, Yin Guowei and Tang Guangyuan.  Came to see you?  " "You know this?  "Hong Jingtian asked with a slight smile. "Haha, I just saw them entering your office. Are you entangled by them?  "By the way, Brother Yang, what's going on with the distribution of relief funds in the countryside?"  Shanshu Village, the poorest village, is actually the least?  "Hong Jingtian was not polite and directly expressed his doubts. Yang Zainan is a member of the township party committee. He must have participated in the meeting to study the distribution of relief funds. "You said this.  Yang Zainan glanced outside the door, and then whispered, "While studying the distribution of each village, some leaders said that Shanshu Village sold walnuts at a good price this year, and the villagers' income has increased significantly. This year's relief funds,  Cedar Village should not be considered.  Finally, Secretary Luo agreed to reduce the relief funds for Shanshu Village.  " When Yang Zainan was talking about individual leaders, he even raised three fingers. When Hong Jingtian saw it, he immediately understood that it was Dong Chengwu, deputy secretary of the township party committee, who was causing trouble. As for Luo Yunzhong and Qian Daqing, they agreed to Dong Chengwu's proposal. The taste in it is worth pondering.  .
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