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Text Chapter 71 Helping the village sell walnuts

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    (Thanks to book friend Ximen Texue for the sincere reward, Shiban is very grateful) "Old Yin, how is the harvest this year?" Hong Jingtian took out his cigarette, smoked it, and waited for Yin Xu to light it up, then asked with a smile.  "Mr. Hong, thanks to God's blessing this year, my corn and potato harvests are 30% more than in previous years. You see, my roof is covered with corn cobs." Yin Xuhong said excitedly.  The weather has been good this year, and the harvest of both corn and potatoes is better than in previous years. This made Yin Xuhong very happy for a while. When Mayor Hong asked about it, he naturally had a happy smile on his face.  Hong Jingtian followed his fingers and looked at them with interest.  Sure enough, in Yin Xuhong's simple hut, there were corn cobs hanging everywhere, and in the corner, there was a pile of potatoes as big as a mountain.  "Haha, Lao Yin, it seems you are a good farmer." Hong Jingtian praised.  "Chief Hong, to be honest, there are really few people in our village who can grow crops better than me." Yin Xuhong's words revealed pride, but then he thought of Deputy Mayor Hong's purpose.  His face darkened, "Mr. Hong, I know your purpose of coming today, but I really don't have the money to pay. Otherwise, I owe it first, and I will definitely pay it before the Chinese New Year, okay?"  When he came, he asked about his life with concern, which made him feel an indescribable warmth. To be honest, in recent years, except for Yin Guowei, the eldest nephew, who cared a few words from time to time, no rural cadre had ever spoken so kindly.  Take care of yourself.  "Haha, Lao Yin, after all, we haven't done our job well. The villagers have not really become rich, and we are responsible for it. Although we are here this time, we also have the task of collecting agricultural taxes and retaining them, but the more important thing is  I want to come and see the villagers, and then discuss with them to see if there is a suitable way for the development of Shanshu Village. Lao Yin, you have lived here for decades and know the situation here better than I do. As long as we all can do it.  If we find a way, I believe that the current difficulties will be overcome, and good days will definitely come." When he said this, Hong Jingtian's eyes showed a kind of determination.  To be honest, seeing the situation in Lao Yin¡¯s family, he really couldn¡¯t bear to say anything urging him to pay agricultural taxes and retain money.  When Yin Guowei heard that Chief Hong was so confident, he was immediately infected. He said with some choking, "Uncle, Chief Hong is a good leader. He is already helping our village find a way to get rich. As long as this national highway is  If we repair it, I believe the situation in our village will definitely improve." As long as the topic did not turn to the agricultural tax collection and retention, the atmosphere was not as solemn as before. When Hong Jingtian listened to them, he accidentally discovered it.  In the corner of the fence, there seemed to be a pile of small green-brown round fruits. When I looked carefully, I found that they were walnuts with the outer skin not removed, and my eyes lit up.  "Village Chief Yin, how many walnut trees are there in Shanshu Village?" "Walnut trees?" Yin Guowei couldn't help but be startled. The last time Deputy Township Chief Hong and Li Zhishi came up, they mentioned building a fruit base, which seemed to include walnuts.  He didn¡¯t pay attention at the time. There were quite a lot of these walnut trees in Shanshu Village. Many people had five or six of them around their houses, and they were all old. There were quite a few of them, and it took two people to carry them over.  There are many walnut trees in Shanshu Village, and walnuts can be found everywhere. In the end, no one was willing to pick up walnuts from some of the walnut trees farther away, and they were allowed to fall off by themselves after they were fully ripe.  "Yes, I saw a lot of walnut trees along the way. I wonder how many walnuts the whole village can harvest in a year?" On the market day in Tongping Township, many villagers put their baskets on the street and squatted.  Walnuts are sold there, but the price is very low, only two or three cents per catty, and not many people buy them.  But when Hong Jingtian was in college in Ningzhou, the provincial capital, these walnuts were sold for one yuan per catty in fruit shops. That was four years ago, and the price should have doubled by now.  Walnuts not only taste good, but also have brain-tonifying effects. They are very popular in big cities.  Of course, if the output of Shanshu Village or Tongping Township is not high, then it is meaningless. People from Shanshu Village should not be allowed to go to the provincial capital to sell walnuts on the streets with a bag of walnuts on their backs.  No matter how high the price is, the money gained after the sale may not be enough to cover the transportation expenses.  "Chief Hong, when it comes to walnuts, our village has the most in the entire township. Almost every family in the village has several walnut trees. If each tree is calculated as one hundred kilograms of walnuts, each family should have at least four hundred kilograms. Our village has one  There are one hundred and five households. Based on this calculation, the total walnuts in the whole village are probably no less than 40,000 kilograms," Yin Guowei said while calculating.  "There are so many." Hong Jingtian couldn't help but exclaimed.  "Yes, if you include those that are too far away and no one wants to hit them, they will be considered"?, maybe fifty thousand catties.  Yin Guowei said excitedly. However, he immediately darkened his face and said, "But, Mayor Hong, these walnuts are not worth anything. When someone in the village went to the market, it took the boss's effort to carry them to the street for three cents per pound."  , still can¡¯t be sold.  I heard that in Jiangling, they can sell for 5 cents per catty, but from us, it takes a lot of time to carry it to the countryside, then cross the river by boat and drive to Jiangling City. If you are lucky, you can make it back in one day after selling out. If you are not lucky,  Well, I still have to stay in Jiangling City for one night.  Carrying hundreds of pounds on one trip, there was nothing left except for the fare and accommodation.  Besides, selling things on the street is not allowed in Jiangling City, and if caught, they will be confiscated.  A few days ago, Hao Laoqi and others from Yangerpo carried dozens of kilograms of walnuts to Jiangling City to sell them. They were caught. Not only were the walnuts confiscated, but they also beat people.  Chief Hong, tell me, what are these things?  "Yin Guowei said sadly and indignantly. Hong Jingtian listened to Yin Guowei's words quietly, but he was thinking in his mind, since there are so many walnuts in the village, should he make a fuss about it. "The walnuts in Tongping Township are worth three pounds per catty.  If you are willing to buy it and transport it to Jiangling City personally, not only will the sales be limited, but it will also be risky. This is also the reason why there are a large number of walnuts in the village but cannot be sold. As long as this market is opened, the villagers will have money.  Wouldn't it be easy to solve the agricultural tax withdrawal? When Yin Guowei and Zhao Yanhong saw Hong Jingtian thinking, they looked at him quietly. The more Hong Jingtian thought about it, the more he felt that this was a way out. Since he contacted Shanshu Village, he wanted to help.  It is their duty to solve problems. Although selling all the walnuts in the village can only solve a small problem, only by letting them taste the sweetness can they be confident in building a fruit base.  "Village Chief Yin, if I find a way to sell the walnuts in the village and ensure that the whole village has an income of at least 20,000 yuan, can you help me with the agricultural tax withdrawal?  "Hong Jingtian raised his head, looked at Yin Guowei and said. "Head Hong, as long as you allow our village to have an income of 20,000 yuan, we will not embarrass you even if we sell the agricultural tax and make money.  "Yin Guowei heard that Chief Hong wanted to help the village sell walnuts, and he immediately said excitedly. "As long as the villagers have an income of 20,000 yuan, then the average household will have an income of almost 200 yuan. With these 200 yuan,  , to complete the agricultural tax withdrawal, even if it is close, it is still a fraction.  I can tell you the price. I can only guarantee you that it will not be less than 50 cents per catty.  But you want the villagers to ensure quality.  "Hong Jingtian is also willing to go all out. Instead of forcing the villagers to pay money here, it is better to help them sell the walnuts and let them pay voluntarily. With this matter, Hong Jingtian and the others will naturally not go door to door to collect money.  Instead, he returned to Yin Guowei's house. After eating braised wild boar meat, he hurried back to the township government.
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