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Text Chapter 55: Inviting friends to a gathering

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    In order to quickly start construction of the wharf project, the township dispatched Secretary of the Youth League Committee Xiang Fujiang, Xu Xue from the radio station, and Xiao Zhigang from the Party and Government Office to temporarily assist Hong Jingtian in the headquarters office. As for the fund management of the entire project, the township finance office is responsible for it.  .  Hong Jingtian and several members immediately started preparations for the start of the project after participating in the work meeting of the headquarters.  For such a large project, although a lot of preparatory work has been done in the early stage, there is still a lot of work to be done, such as data construction, project contract formulation, land adjustment, etc., all of which require several people in the office to be responsible for implementation.  As for the general commander and deputy commander-in-chief of the headquarters, they are only responsible for checking major matters, such as selecting construction engineering companies, negotiating project contract contracts, and supervising project quality, etc.  Therefore, ever since the county approved the construction of a dock in Tongping Township, Secretary Luo Yunzhong and Township Chief Qian Daqing have been on the phone. Either the boss of the engineering team came to contact him, or a certain leader called to say hello, which made the two leaders confused.  , never tire of it.  At this time, there was no subsequent bidding system. For all projects, the contract-issuing unit and the engineering team or engineering construction company only had to sign a construction contract. In this way, the person in charge of the contract-issuing unit had a great choice.  .  At first, Luo Yunzhong and Qian Daqing thought this was a good thing. Unexpectedly, within a few days, their heads suddenly grew a lot bigger.  However, no matter what, this project must be carried out.  Luo Yunzhong and Qian Daqing called Hong Jingtian and inquired in detail about the office's preparations. After hearing that Hong Jingtian said that the preparations were basically in order, the two discussed it and decided to select the construction unit as soon as possible.  But there are too many leaders saying hello to this project. There are actually as many as seven engineering companies interested in contracting the project. No one can satisfy everyone.  Alas, this is very difficult for Secretary Luo and Mayor Qian.  Just when the two commanders were struggling to choose the contractor, the Party and Government Office received a notice from the county government office, asking the deputy mayor of Tongping Township in charge of transportation construction to come to the county government for a meeting.  Hong Jingtian received the notice and immediately reported to the two main leaders, and then rushed to the county.  He, the director of the Engineering Construction Office, has been pestered to death these days. The county notified him to attend a meeting, which made him relieved.  Hong Jingtian rushed to the county seat and reported directly to the county government office, but was informed by the staff that he had to go to the small conference room for a meeting on time at three o'clock in the afternoon.  He looked at the time. It was almost time for lunch.  After leaving the government office and going to the street, he paged Du Shaoqiang and said he was in the county. Du Shaoqiang said happily: "Just wait, let's have dinner together at noon." "Okay, in this case, I will make an appointment with a few more people.  It will be more lively if you invite Jiang Yuqin to join us." Hong Jingtian said with a smile.  After he put down the phone, he thought for a moment and called Shu Lin, Fang Zhoumei and Wei Sujuan each, saying that he had arrived in the county and would have a meal together at noon.  Shu Lin was a good match for his siblings. When Hong Jingtian invited her to dinner, she naturally agreed with a smile.  As for Fang Zhoumei and Wei Sujuan, since they were assigned to their respective units, I, Hong Jingtian, have often kept in touch with each other on the phone, and their relationship has always been good. When they received an invitation from Hong Jingtian, they naturally did not refuse.  After Hong Jingtian made an appointment, he rushed to Xuanweiju.  After eating there several times, he felt that both the environment and the taste of the food there were pretty good. So this time he decided to host it, so naturally he chose the location.  After arranging the food and private room, Hong Jingtian stood outside the door, smoking and waiting for Du Shaoqiang and the others.  The first person to arrive at Xuanweiju was his sister Shu Lin, whom he recognized. She was wearing a set of refreshing casual clothes and carrying a Xiaokun bag. She was walking down the street and saw Hong Jingtian standing at the door.  Bright, a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes.  "Jingtian, I've kept you waiting for a long time." "Sister Lin, hehe, it's my honor to wait for you. I also made an appointment with a few friends today. They haven't arrived yet. Let's go up first." Hong Jingtian looked at Shu Lin.  , smiled comfortably, then told the waiter, and took Shu Lin to the private room upstairs.  The rest of the people hadn't arrived yet, so the two naturally chatted on the sofa on one side. Shu Lin asked with concern about Hong Jingtian's work in Tongping Township. When she heard that Tongping Township was about to build a pier, Shu Lin was also happy for Hong Jingtian.  .  Hong Jingtian is in charge of transportation construction in Tongping Township. She has heard Hong Jingtian say long ago that although Hong Jingtian is only a member of the project construction headquarters now, the completion of the dock also owes him a share of the credit.  After talking about Hong Jingtian, they naturally talked about Shu Lin. A happy look appeared on Shu Lin's face, "Jingtian, I will change jobs in a few days." "What, Sister Lin has made progress?  Hong Jingtian asked in surprise.  "It has been initially decided that I will go to Pengxi Town to work as a trainer.?, serves as deputy mayor.  "Shu Lin still revealed her happy event to Hong Jingtian. "Okay, Sister Lin, congratulations. You, the deputy mayor, are much more prosperous than me, the deputy township mayor.  "Hong Jingtian was happy for Shu Lin in his heart. "It's not the same as those who are not prosperous, they are all deputy department level.  "Shu Lin glared at Hong Jingtian. While the two were chatting and laughing, Fang Zhoumei and Wei Sujuan came in together. Seeing Hong Jingtian, Fang Zhoumei smiled a little exaggeratedly and said: "Head of Hongda, Sujuan and I are here to eat at a big restaurant today.  .  " As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shu Lin sitting there. He was slightly startled and said quickly: "Boss Shu is here too. Hello, Leader Shu.  "Although Fang Zhoumei is now the deputy secretary of the County Youth League Committee, Shu Lin is from the Organization Department after all and is older than her. Fang Zhoumei simply calls her Leader Shu. Wei Sujuan said hello to Shu Lin softly on the side. "These three  The women were familiar with each other, and since they were sitting together, they naturally started to talk more. Hong Jingtian had nothing to do. Fortunately, Du Shaoqiang and Jiang Yuqin came in at this time, and everyone was introduced again. Hong Jingtian ordered the waiter to serve the food.  , several ladies said they had to go to work in the afternoon and would not drink at noon. In the end, Hong Jingtian had to ask the waiter to bring a few bottles of drinks. As for him and Du Shaoqiang, they each had a bottle of beer. Hong Jingtian had a meeting in the afternoon. If he drank so much, his face would turn red.  , it would be bad if the leaders were unhappy. The county committee and county government of Nanping County were all in the same compound. Du Shaoqiang and Shu Lin naturally knew each other. When they were drinking, Hong Jingtian raised his glass to Shu Lin.  Shu Lin took a sip of the drink and said to Hong Jingtian with a smile: "Jingtian, there is another person at this table who also wants to go down to exercise.  Don't you want to congratulate me?  " When Hong Jingtian heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He looked at Du Shaoqiang and said with some surprise: "Shaoqiang, are you going to exercise too?  " "Haha, Jingtian, I will be your parents' official in your hometown in a few days.  "Du Shaoqiang deliberately showed off in front of Hong Jingtian. "Parents?  Are you going to work in Qingshupi Town?  "Hong Jingtian's eyes widened now. "Jingtian, the county committee has already studied it, and Section Chief Du has gone to Qingshupi Town as the deputy mayor.  " Shu Lin explained with a smile. "Although the whereabouts of this batch of cadres who went to train have not been officially issued yet, since the county committee has studied it and there is no one else in the room, Shu Lin did not hide it.  "Shaoqiang, I have to give you this cup no matter what. First, I congratulate you on becoming the deputy mayor, and secondly, I ask Mayor Du to take care of the people in the future."  "Hong Jingtian said seriously. "Xiaomin, you are just the same as the unruly people.  "Du Shaoqiang laughed and scolded, but still had a drink with Hong Jingtian with deep affection. Fang Zhoumei and Wei Sujuan knew that Shu Lin and Du Shaoqiang were going to be deputy mayors, so they naturally joined in to congratulate them. "  It was almost 1:30 when Xuanweiju came out. After everyone dispersed, Hong Jingtian simply ran to Du Shaoqiang's single dormitory and lay there for a while before taking the time to walk to the small conference room of the county government.
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