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Text Chapter 728 Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live

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    Shen Deyin's plan is full of loopholes and cannot withstand scrutiny. If Li Yan hadn't been concerned about the safety of his only son, and care would lead to chaos, then he would definitely not be able to fool Li Yan, because he couldn't even fool Liang Dazhong, and Li Chongjiu was not  Liang Dazhong's son, Liang Dazhong didn't care about Li Chongjiu's life or death at all, but thought it would be better to die.  ¡Ü Liang Dazhong was listening, thinking: "This guy named Shen came up with such a bad idea. I want to slap him! But it doesn't matter, as long as I can fool the emperor. The emperor is very confused now, so I guess he will be fooled."  After two days, there is still no problem. Including the queen, who wants them to have only one son? It will be over if they die!" Li Yan nodded seriously and said, "Okay, that's it. But.  , and another question, will the people think that I am stupid if such an edict is announced to the world? " Shen Deyin lifted his robe and knelt down in front of Li Yan, looking like he was about to shed tears. He said:  "Your Majesty, if this plan succeeds, the prince can be saved. So what if he is called confused? Doesn't this just reflect the emperor's love for his son? The prince will be more filial to the emperor in the future.  Moreover, if this plan fails and fails to rescue the prince, then we will think of other ways, and this edict can be said to be withdrawn by the emperor. Since everyone says that this edict is wrong, then withdrawing the emperor's life can also prove that the emperor  Is it wise to correct the mistake? It will not damage the emperor's holy name, and it is better to think of other ways and send people to rescue the prince!" His words were very true, and he was entirely for Li Yan.  As if thinking, Li Yan was very moved after hearing this. At this moment, a large group of ministers came outside Taiji Hall. These ministers were all members of the party recruited by Shen Deyin. After being notified, they came to court.  I saw so many ministers coming outside.  Li Yan cheered up and called all the ministers into the hall. He asked Shen Deyin to tell what happened just now and wanted to hear the ministers' opinions.  After hearing Shen Deyin's plan, these ministers all cursed in their hearts. Even Shen had the nerve to come up with such a bad idea. How could he have the nerve to say it out and shamelessly? Wasn't this just deceiving the emperor?  I am deeply afraid that I will not be able to fool the emperor.  He actually asked them to serve as witnesses to prove that his idea was brilliant. It was so shameless. Where was his moral integrity?  All the ministers in the hall said in unison: "This plan is flawless. It can be attacked when advancing and defended when retreating. It couldn't be better!" Isn't it just to compare with others who are more shameless and less moral? Who is afraid of whom?  Besides, they are Shen Deyin's younger brothers. No matter how much they despise the leader in their hearts, they still have to agree with him on the surface.  After all, he is the eldest brother. Besides, whether Li Chongjiu dies or not is none of their business.  The person they took refuge in was Yang Ze, and the big tree behind them was Long Live Princess Li Caicai!  Li Yan did not expect that the ministers in this palace were actually in the same group.  And none of the ministers in the court who were not in the same group came, so it was impossible for him to hear any objections.  Hearing that the ministers all agreed, Li Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Since everyone thought it was right, the plan should not be bad. He said: "Then, Shen Aiqing will draft the decree. We must hurry up to avoid delays."  Changes will happen!" Shen Deyin responded in agreement, thought for a moment, and then said: "What the emperor said is true, changes will happen if it is too late. Otherwise, we will set a time for Taiwei Yang and the prince to return to Chang'an within five days.  , Set the time well, so that the rebels in Taiyuan will not have to think too much and will not give them time to formulate new plots. What do you think, Your Majesty? " Li Yan thought for a while, anyway, even if Yang Ze comes back first, he can not let Yang Ze enter.  city, so there will be no surprises in the plan, at least there will be no surprises on Yang Ze's side, so setting a time should not be a problem, but it will make the rebels in Taiyuan panic and send the prince back to Chang'an early.  For a moment, Li Yan nodded in agreement without thinking more, and Shen Deyin loudly replied: "I obey the order!"  The ministers below were cursing in their hearts again. The emperor was afraid that his son would die, and they were all confused. But Shen Deyin actually seized the opportunity to deceive the emperor like this. This guy is really not a loyal minister, unlike them Well  , they were all forced, and they were all afraid of Shen Deyin's revenge. They did this to prevent the court from causing further turmoil and to preserve the last trace of righteousness in the Dafang Empire. They were working hard to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, so they were still loyal ministers, and they could not be with Shen Deyin.  Same!  After despising Shen Deyin, the ministers immediately asked for help from Shen Deyin and rallied around Shen Deyin. They were united in one place and worked hard to get this important thing done!  Li Yan rubbed his head. He had a severe headache now and felt as if he was going to be sick. He said, "I leave this to all my dear friends. You must try your best to handle this matter. I will go back to the harem to take a rest.  After you have decided what to do, come and report to me!" He stood up and sighed.After a while, Liang Dazhong accompanied him and went back to the harem to rest.  After Li Yan left, Shen Deyin became the most senior official in the Taiji Palace. The other ministers were all his juniors. Shen Deyin glanced at the juniors below, and whoever's eyes caught his face would show a flattering smile.  Shen Deyin nodded and said: "My lords, we serve the emperor, we must do things quickly, procrastination is not acceptable, don't you think so?" The ministers nodded quickly, the boss said we must be quick, then we must be quick, boss  If you say you want to delay, then you have to delay. Anyway, the boss has the final say in everything!  Shen Deyin smiled and waved his hand: "Very good, then everyone come over and see me write this edict!" He took the ministers to the side hall and asked the young eunuch to take out the blank edict. He closed his eyes and conceived it.  After a while, he opened his eyes, started to brush, and in a moment he wrote an edict. He dried the ink and said, "My lords, how do you think I am writing this edict?" The ministers gathered around and looked at it.  After finishing the edict, some ministers remained silent, while others couldn't bear it and said to Shen Deyin: "Prime Minister Shen, this edict is to be announced to the world, but it is not appropriate to write it like this. I'm afraid it will be criticized.  Record it in the history books, how will future generations evaluate you, Prime Minister Shen? "It turns out that Shen Deyin actually wrote his plan into an edict, that is, Yang Ze comes back to marry Princess Long Live, and Li Chongjiu comes back to inherit the throne. If Yang Ze comes first, and Long Live Princess,  When a princess gets married, the wedding automatically becomes a coronation ceremony.  In other words, Caicai will marry Yang Ze on the day he ascends the throne. This is already quite shocking, but the edict also states that if the prince Li Chongjiu can come back before Yang Ze, then Li Chongjiu can ascend the throne and become the new prince.  The current emperor, Li Yan, is the supreme emperor.  The idea written in this edict is the same as the idea printed by Shen De.  The ministers present began to persuade Shen Deyin.  A minister who thought he had a very good relationship with Shen Deyin said: "Prime Minister Shen, regarding the plan, it's okay to talk about it, but it's not necessary to write it down in the edict. It's really hard for Prime Minister Shen to do this kind of thing on paper and pen."  His reputation is dirty!" Shen Deyin patted the minister on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, as long as Taiwei Yang thinks that I have done a good job, then everything is enough!" Shen Deyin is very understanding.  There are incompetent emperors like Li Yan and unreliable princes like Li Chongjiu.  Sooner or later, this country will fall into the hands of Long Live Princess Li Caicai, and Li Caicai will be Yang Ze's wife, which means that Yang Ze will be the ruler of the world in the future, so it doesn't matter what others think of him.  What Yang Ze thinks of him is crucial.  As for how to write history books, how will future generations evaluate them?  Hehe, history books are written by the victors.  If you are a winner, then you can write whatever you want, but if you become a loser.  No matter how perfect he is, he will still be written down as a villain. He knows this very well. Even if future generations want to evaluate, they are just looking at history books. What happened here today cannot be seen by future generations!  Shen Deyin immediately began to explain the tasks, arranging various matters for the ministers and asking them to do it immediately. It is best to do it all within an hour!  The ministers immediately took action and followed Shen Deyin's instructions.  Let's talk about Li Yan returning to the palace behind. He now has a headache. He didn't sleep well last night and thought about so many things. He couldn't help but want to find a place to sleep, but he felt that he still had to put things together.  Tell the Queen so that the Queen will not worry.  But after entering the palace, he found that the queen had fallen asleep on the bed. The old wife was exhausted last night and was catching up on her sleep. Li Yan couldn't bear to wake the queen. He walked to the other side of the dragon bed, thinking about how to sleep with her.  Yi squinted for a while, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep.  When Liang Dazhong saw this, he did not wake up Li Yan and the queen. Instead, he quietly left the palace and sent away all the nearby eunuchs and maids. He himself sat at the door of the palace and began to doze off.  , similarly, he didn't sleep well last night, but he didn't have those troubles about Li Yan and the Queen.  Li Yan and the Queen were old after all. When they were tired, they had to rest for several hours. When they woke up, the sky outside was already dark, and they actually slept for nearly a whole day.  After Li Yan woke up, he pushed the queen, who also woke up. They both woke up for a while, and when they were almost awake, Li Yan told what happened in the morning. After listening to the queen, she felt something was wrong.  But like Li Yan, she cared too much about her only son Li Chongjiu, which made some things unclear.  The Queen asked: "Can this plan mentioned by Shen Deyin be able to save Chongjiu? Will it not cause Chongjiu to be harmed?" Li Yan said: "It should beYes, because we can't save Chongjiu unless we lure those rebels in Taiyuan out of the city!  " The queen nodded, as if this was indeed the case, but she still said: "Then you still have to be careful. You have to urge Shen Deyin to get things done, and don't make any mistakes.  " "That's natural. I'll go to the Imperial Study Room and call Shen Deyin to ask more about it.  "Li Yan rubbed his head, stood up and left the palace. He was about to go to the royal study, but he heard the queen calling him. The queen said: "I'll go with you. If anything happens, we can discuss it together!  " Li Yan agreed, and the couple went to the imperial study room together, with Liang Dazhong following behind. When they arrived at the imperial study room, Li Yan sent someone to call Shen Deyin. After a while, Shen Deyin arrived, and Shen Deyin looked like he was covered in blood.  Sweating profusely, not only his forehead was covered with sweat, but his clothes were also wet. If it was really soaked with sweat, then how much he was sweating! Li Yanqi asked: "Shen Aiqing, could it be that you went to run errands yourself?  Why do you look so tired?  " Shen Deyin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, what was discussed this morning is of great importance, and I dare not neglect it. After the court dismissed, I immediately began to assign people to various places to handle all aspects of the matter.  but.  Some people don¡¯t know that the prince is being held hostage by rebels in Taiyuan, but we can¡¯t say it clearly for fear that the situation will escalate and cause panic, so we can only comfort them one by one, saying that this edict is no child¡¯s play, and ask those people not to cause trouble, not to  Give advice to the emperor or something to avoid causing a stir, which would endanger the prince's life!  " Li Yan was stunned. Only then did he remember that not everyone knew that his son Li Chongjiu was kidnapped by rebels in Taiyuan, so some people would be confused or even confused after seeing his abdication edict today.  When he started making trouble, he wanted to criticize Long Yan and try to persuade him, but this was very troublesome because he couldn't explain it one by one like Shen Deyin did. Seeing that Shen Deyin was almost exhausted, Li Yan had no choice but to say: "Let Shen Aiqing."  Thanks for your hard work.  " But the queen was angry. She shouted: "Who dares to make trouble and rebel against them?  There is no need for Shen Aiqing to be polite to them. At this critical moment, how can they be allowed to ruin a major event? Who dares to complain anymore.  Just grab it!  " Shen Deyin hurriedly said: "I told them that we will know in five days, so let them calm down.  Anyway, as long as nothing happens in these few days, the prince can be rescued and safe.  " The queen said, "That's okay.  How are things going now?  " Shen Deyin said: "The emperor's edict of abdication has been announced to the world. However, for the time being, it can only be announced in Chang'an City. Now the subjects in the streets and alleys are discussing this matter. It is estimated that those anti-thief spies in Taiyuan will also get the news.  The news will be sent back to Taiyuan immediately.  However, I did not send anyone to notify Yang Taiwei, lest Yang Taiwei really ran back to Chang'an first.  "It's true that he didn't send anyone, but if this kind of thing wants to spread, does he still need to send someone?" The queen glanced at Shen Deyin and said, "You are quite fast in doing things, so who should you send to rescue the prince?"  ?  " "I will personally select tigers and wolves to rescue the prince on the road.  "Shen Deyin answered loudly. The queen nodded and said: "Bring the selected people into the palace, the emperor will lecture them and give them rewards. As long as they can successfully rescue the prince, then high-ranking officials must do it, and horses must do it.  ride!  " Shen Deyin agreed again. Li Yan was worried and warned him a few more words before letting them leave. After Shen Deyin left, Li Yan sighed and said to the queen: "I really didn't expect that state affairs and family affairs would be so difficult.  In this situation, the emperor was not as relaxed as when he was exiled in Zhenxi!  The queen said: "It is better to stay in Chang'an. Don't think about Zhenxi anymore. When Chongjiu becomes emperor, you will be relieved. We can move to Lishan and think about Qingfu."  The blessings that I rarely enjoyed in the first half of my life have been brought back, and I have to enjoy them even more.  " Li Yan nodded slightly, sighed again, stood up and went back to the palace with the queen. Shen Deyin left the palace, but did not go to recruit any tigers and wolves. Instead, he walked on the street and listened to what the people were talking about.  The edict was issued in the morning. Now on the streets of Chang'an, almost everyone who cares about the government is discussing this matter. However, there is no such violent reaction as expected. Anyway, too many things have happened during this period. Queen Dugu passed away, and the new  The queen ascended the throne without any warning. To be honest, the people of Chang'an, including officials, were shocked by this incident. But before they could react, the new queen abdicated again, and Li Yan became the new queen.  In just a few days, the Dafang Empire experienced three emperors, including Queen Dugu., new queen, new emperor, in this way, the new emperor has given up his throne to the new emperor, and the people are not surprised. Anyway, it is the royal family's business, and it has nothing to do with them, ordinary people, so the people in the streets and alleys  The discussion was that this was quite interesting. It seemed that the fourth emperor was about to appear during this period, but no one objected, stirred up trouble, or satirized the government. None of these things had ever happened!  "However, the people in Chang'an all know this, this is absolutely certain!"  Shen Deyin walked around the street, and then went to Shangshu Province. Until now, he has done everything he can. It depends on how Yang Ze will use this matter. It is estimated that the whole matter will not happen in three ways.  God, it will come to an end. Whether Cai Cai will become the legitimate new queen, and whether Yang Ze will be able to control the world with integrity, we will know the result in less than three days.  Dozens of fast horses galloped out of Chang'an City and rushed to Taiyuan at lightning speed. These knights were all Yang Ze's people. They were going to report to Yang Ze who was the master of the Dafang Empire.  The final blow is about to begin!  Outside Taiyuan City, the Yan army camp.  Yang Ze was sitting in the large tent of the Chinese army, with all the generals above the rank below. Yang Ze asked: "How is the situation in Taiyuan City? Is there any chaos?" The generals shook their heads together. Taiyuan City was still very calm. Li Chongjiu and  Wu Youren was killed, and a large group of royal family members were killed. It was not a big deal.  That was definitely a big deal, but the people didn't rebel or anything happened.  The wealth of those members of the royal family was naturally divided up by the Golden Crow Army in the city and some Taiyuan defenders. The homes and fields of the royal family members were sold at low prices, and many people benefited. This is  Very importantly, it was about dividing the land among the local tyrants, and the Golden Crow Army opened its warehouses to release grain twice more.  As a result, no matter whether they were rich people or poor people, they basically stopped talking about the killing of members of the royal family. After all, the members of the royal family did not give them any benefits.  There is no need for them to cry out for those unlucky ones.  The members of the royal family were killed, but because they harmed His Highness the Crown Prince, regardless of the truth or falsehood, this reason spread out.  No common people will be troublesome. If they don't understand the affairs of the government, then they won't participate!  So there was no big chaos in Taiyuan City.  Except for some local ruffians who wanted to take advantage of the situation and make extra money by taking advantage of the accident in the city, there were no other accidents.  Of course, if the local ruffians meet the Golden Crow Army, they will not get any luck and will be suppressed. The Golden Crow Army is a big ruffian from Chang'an. There are many tricks to deal with these little ruffians, and they don't even have to use any tricks.  Bring a heavy sample!  The generals all shook their heads. Yang Ze nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "It's good that everything is fine here in Taiyuan City. If the things here can be settled, then I can handle the things in Chang'an with peace of mind!"  Yang Ze didn't have to wait too long, but after one day, there was news from Chang'an. Yang Ze knew everything that happened in Chang'an, including the reactions of Emperor Li Yan and the Queen.  Yang Ze once again convened a meeting of all the generals above the general level. At the meeting, Mugen asked: "Master, do you want to return to Chang'an immediately? Are you leaving now?" This sentence was not only what Mugen wanted to ask, but also what other generals wanted to ask.  You know, because once Yang Ze returns to Chang'an, he will definitely rule the world. Although the queen will still be Cai Cai, Cai Cai doesn't like to govern, so the world can only belong to Yang Ze.  The generals all know a little bit about Yang Ze's personality and preferences. Yang Ze likes to say: "My wife is the emperor, my son is the emperor, but I am not the emperor. I am the one who stands behind the emperor and lets them be the emperor."  , I am very pitiful, the emperor has to listen to me, look at how busy I am" There is no word "pretending" in this era, otherwise the generals will have to admit that Taiwei Yang is a pretense.  A typical representative, no one can compare with him!  Therefore, the generals, including Mugen, all believed that Yang Ze should immediately set off to return to Chang'an. Even if Li Chongjiu was dead and there was no competition, so what, he had to guard against Ye Changmengduo for everything!  But Yang Ze shook his head and said: "Even if I go back, the sooner I go back, the thing won't be possible. Even if I arrive in Chang'an in the blink of an eye, I still won't be able to enter the city. Therefore, Li Chongjiu was  The news of the death of the traitor should arrive in Chang'an as early as possible, but not too early. It should arrive when I am thirty miles away from the capital. That will be fine. Control the time, Mugen, you and others will go first and go back.  Report the message, and I will lead the army and then set off! "This is the rhythm of rushing troops into Beijing. The generals thought for a while, as long as Yang Ze thinks it is right, that will be fine, and it can really prevent the emperor from changing his mind again, as long as he does not give  The emperor had time to think and had no time to make other reactions. Then Yang Ze'sIt's done!  After Mugen got the order, he immediately led the troops to send out troops, but he didn't dare to go too fast, he had to control his speed!  Early the next morning, Yang Zecai ordered the army squadron to return to Beijing. In fact, there was nothing to deal with in this camp. He didn't bring any baggage. Even his Chinese army tent was sent from Taiyuan City, and there was nothing else.  There is nothing to clean up, the army just left as soon as they said it.  The army marched, the cavalry and horses were fast, and they were running lightly. Although Yang Ze said not to go too fast, it still only took three days for the army to enter the Gyeonggi area. After a short rest, it is expected to arrive the next morning.  Under Chang'an City!  Mugen had arrived outside Chang'an City at this time.  But instead of entering the city, he found a small forest outside the city gate and camped in the forest with his soldiers. They could only rest for two hours tonight before entering the city.  Before dawn, in the palace, Cai Cai was suddenly woken up by the maids. She saw several maids kneeling in front of the bed, all of them with red faces.  They looked very excited, but they didn't know what they were excited about.  These little maids are considered to be Cai Cai's confidants. Seeing them like this, Cai Cai sat up from the bed and asked, "What's wrong with you? It's so late. Do you have anything to do with me?" They looked like they were in trouble.  Son.  Several maids said in unison: "Your Highness Princess, Manager Liang is waiting outside the palace. He said that he wants to see you if he has something to do No. I don't know what it is!" Caicai frowned slightly, and she suddenly asked: "  Is Yang Ze back? " Several little palace ladies nodded at the same time, but they said together: "Prince Yan has not entered the city yet" Their voices were neat, as if they had been rehearsed in advance.  They are all strange.  They didn't say anything, and they didn't mention anything about King Yan Yang Ze, but how did the princess guess Yang Ze all of a sudden? It's really amazing!  Caicai¡¯s face suddenly darkened.  She thought to herself: "Yang Ze is back, which means Li Chongjiu must be dead!" Although Li Chongjiu didn't treat Cai Cai very well, they had not met several times before.  The two siblings were no different from strangers, even worse than strangers. At least strangers would not plot against Cai Cai, but Cai Cai still felt a little sad. She really didn't want Yang Ze to kill Li Chongjiu himself.  However, with Yang Ze's character, he probably wouldn't kill Li Chongjiu himself. Of course, Li Chongjiu also wanted Yang Ze to die, and Li Chongjiu wouldn't kill Yang Ze himself. It's the same thing, but losers will always be punished.  She sympathized a little, but it was only a little sympathetic. Cai Cai would not make too many expressions because she knew very well that if Li Chongjiu was the victor now, then she would also die after Yang Ze died. Li Chongjiu was the absolute best  I won't let her go, even if she is my biological sister, I must get rid of her first and then quickly!  But the little palace maids don't have such complicated thoughts as Cai Cai. They only know that Princess Long live will become the real queen. Although no one tells them this, they just know it, and as long as the princess is safe, then they are  It's safe. They are really afraid that Li Chongjiu will harm them. Who let them be the maids serving the princess!  As for Li Chongjiu¡¯s death, the maids don¡¯t care at all. Shouldn¡¯t he die?  Waiting for Cai Cai to get dressed, she was wearing a dragon robe left by Queen Dugu, which had been modified to fit Cai Cai's body. The maids helped Cai Cai out of the palace.  Liang Dazhong was waiting outside the palace. After seeing Cai Cai, Liang Dazhong immediately knelt down and said, "Long live, please follow me to the imperial study room." He only called long live, which had two meanings. One was Cai Cai's princess title.  , and the second is that he is hinting that Cai Cai will become the queen again.  There was a buxu parked outside the palace. Liang Dazhong stepped forward, helped Caicai onto the buxu, and rushed to the imperial study.  Along the way, Cai Cai didn't speak. When she heard that she was going to see her father and mother, meeting her in the imperial study at this time meant that some foreign ministers must have entered the palace. Her father and mother were meeting them in the imperial study.  The foreign minister, that foreign minister should be the person sent back by Yang Ze, the father and the queen, must be crying like crazy at this time!  As expected, when Cai Cai arrived outside the imperial study room, she heard crying coming from inside. It was the queen crying loudly. Cai Cai stepped down and entered the imperial study room, and saw that the queen was crying.  Li Yan sat aside and shook his head and sighed. He was also crying, but he was not as excited as the queen.  No matter what, for Li Yan and the Queen, no matter how badass Li Chongjiu is, he is still their son. No matter what his faults, others cannot forgive them, but they, as parents, will definitely forgive them. But now what?  It's too late, my son is gone.  Cai Cai saw someone standing next to the pillar. It was none other than Mugen!  When Mugen saw Caicai coming, he hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down to salute, and told what happened.Once again, it was just that Li Chongjiu was harmed by the rebels. Cai Cai didn't want to hear it. They were all lies anyway. There was nothing good to hear. She walked over to comfort the queen. Seeing the queen crying sadly, she couldn't help but shed tears.  Not long after, a large number of footsteps came from outside, Liang Dazhong said: "Your Majesty, the ministers are here, do you want to summon the Emperor?" Li Yan already lost his position, he waved his hand and said: "Let them come in!" The leader outside  Of course, the minister is Shen Deyin, and he got the news as soon as Mugen entered the palace to report the news.  He immediately recruited his followers and rushed to the palace, and the guards in the palace were sent to look for him. He immediately brought a group of subordinates into the palace to advise the emperor.  Shen Deyin led a group of younger brothers into the imperial study, knelt down to greet him, and asked: "Your Majesty, Xuanchen and others are entering the palace at this time. I wonder something big happened?" Li Yan was too sad to speak, so he pretended  Waving his hand, Mugen stepped forward.  After telling what happened, Li Yan became even more sad and the queen burst into tears again.  After hearing this, Shen Deyin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, now is not the time to be sad. His Highness the Crown Prince was killed, but the revenge has been avenged by the Crown Prince's guards, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will feel at ease underground. But now the state affairs cannot be delayed. The Emperor is now  Do you want to give up the throne? If you don't give up the throne, then I should hurry up and tell the people of the world that the edict is wrong. The emperor should not give up the throne now. Also, King Yan is probably approaching the outside of the city, so hurry up.  It would be better to appease him quickly. It's easier to give up the throne. But don't let him think that the emperor regrets the marriage, the consequences will be disastrous!" After hearing this, Caicai glared at Shen Deyin.  This bastard, isn't this nonsense? She has never heard Shen Deyin's more powerful nonsense. In fact, what he is saying now is quite reliable!  Li Yan sighed heavily. Does it matter to him whether he gives up the throne? How many people have died for this throne? Don't die again. Maybe he doesn't have the destiny to be the emperor. It was his mother who snatched him away in the past.  The throne of his family is now being snatched away by his daughter. How come the women of his old Li family are so powerful!  Forget it, if I continue to be ignorant, I don¡¯t know what else my good son-in-law can do, just let him live the rest of his life peacefully. He has no ability to take care of the affairs of the country, but the affairs of the family are at least tragic.  Just don't let it happen again.  Li Yan finally understood the key to the matter. Although he didn't catch any evidence that it was Yang Ze who harmed Li Chongjiu, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it anymore. At least Yang Ze was not good to others, but he and the queen were pretty good.  of.  Li Yan wiped his tears, raised his head and said: "The edict will take effect immediately. I will not go back on it. I have made up my mind to give way to Princess Long Live. I will be the Supreme Emperor and the Queen will be the Empress Dowager. Choose an auspicious day and I will be with the Empress Dowager."  I have made up my mind to leave Chang'an and live in the Lishan Palace. No one needs to persuade me anymore!" No one tried to persuade him, so Shen Deyin and the ministers agreed together.  Shen Deyin asked: "What about the new emperor's accession to the throne" Li Yan added: "Today is the day. Let Cai Cai ascend the throne today, and get married in the Taiji Hall today. It will be done sooner, and the trouble will be eliminated sooner. That stone tablet  Isn¡¯t it already built? Isn¡¯t it just for today?¡± Shen Deyin said: ¡°It¡¯s so simple? There is no precedent for this!¡± Li Yan sighed and said: ¡°I finally figured it out.  For the rest of my life, I just set a precedent for future generations. Just do as I say and stop being verbose!" Shen Deyin then led a group of ministers out of the imperial study, but they didn't go far and were waiting outside the door.  They are waiting for Cai Cai!  The queen also stopped crying. She also figured out what Li Yan could understand. Things have reached this point, and she has to think about herself and the old man. Anyway, this empire has already produced a queen, and there will be another one.  So what, not to mention that this queen is still her biological daughter.  The queen said: "Cai Cai, go ahead and handle everything. You can control Yang Ze. The queen believes in your methods and will torture him hard. Don't let him rest for a moment in the next fifty years!"  " Caicai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she had to say goodbye to her father and mother, and then left the imperial study. Surrounded by Shen Deyin and a group of ministers, she went to the palace gate.  At this time, the sky was still dark, but the city gate of Chang'an City was opened. Because Yang Ze had arrived, the city gate was not open to anyone, and it had to be opened to Yang Ze, because the people guarding the city were all his soldiers!  It was still early, and there were no people on the street. Yang Ze was leading the way. He looked back at the large army of soldiers and horses following him, and suddenly thought that in another time and space, there was an emperor named Zhao Kuangyin who launched a mutiny in Chenqiao.  Then the yellow robe was added to his body, and his current appearance looked very similar to him, didn't he?  It¡¯s just that Yang Ze didn¡¯t want to add a yellow robe to himself, but to add a yellow robe to his beloved womanOn your body!  The horse's hooves were strong, and when the sky was dim, Yang Ze arrived in front of the palace square. He dismounted, looked up at the stone tablet, and then looked at Cai Cai on the palace wall, and Cai Cai also saw him!  Yang Zede walked towards the stone tablet, and Cai Cai also walked out of the palace gate and also walked towards the stone tablet.  The ministers wanted to follow, but were stopped by Shen Deyin, who whispered: "My lords, please go there later. Don't rush to follow. If you hear something you shouldn't hear, guess what the consequences will be.  This is not good!" Over there, the generals have also dismounted their war horses. They are all very discerning. Now they only need to be responsible for the security issues here, and don't join in the fun.  Yang Ze slowly walked to the foot of the stone monument and stood quietly, waiting for Cai Cai to come over.  Cai Cai said to him: "You're back?" "Yes, you're back!" "Father said that if I ascend the throne today, I will marry you today!" "Doing two things at the same time? I'm too anxious. This is  It will set a precedent for future generations!" Yang Ze said with a smile.  The two came together, Cai Cai raised her head, looked into Yang Ze's eyes, and said, "Don't you set a precedent for others?" Yang Ze smiled and said, "I used to think that if we get married, I will  What kind of gift should I give you? It must be unique. I thought about it for a long time, and the throne is the most unique, so I decided to give it to you. Fortunately, it was actually given!" Cai Cai also smiled!  Said: "Then I will give the throne to our son. He will treat it as a family heirloom and pass it down from generation to generation!" "Okay, speaking of my son, I have even thought of a name. He will be called Yang Caisheng. You see  "How about it?" "It doesn't sound good, let's change it!" "Well, let's call it Yang Xianxian, isn't it a good name?" "Well, let me think of another one, Yang Meie?"  Yang meat soup? Yang bacon" "Forget it, let's call it Yang Caisheng, at least you will know it was made by me!" Cai Cai said with a smile.  Yang Ze laughed and said, "I've even thought of a nickname for my son, so I'll call him Zhaodi'er. How about it? Isn't this a lucky name?" "There are too many names with the same name. Besides, don't let Zhaodie come and go. In the end, it becomes a trick.  Son, you are not a master of martial arts! " "Then let's call her Zhaomei'er. I'm sure this one doesn't have the same name" The two were talking under the stone monument, and the people in the distance were watching quietly, and no one could listen.  He knew what they were talking about, but no one dared to disturb them.  The sun has risen and it¡¯s dawn.  Yang Ze looked at the girl in front of him as if he saw it for the first time. That was a long time ago. The girl in front of him was wearing a cotton coat made of black cloth and black shoes on her feet. It was impossible to tell whether it was a male or a female.  , but wearing worn leather boots that definitely didn¡¯t fit, he stood at the door looking at himself.  Now, she is the queen!  "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about the first time we met. Do you still remember?" "Remember, it's winter, it's quite cold!" Suddenly, Cai Cai snorted and sniffed.  The sound was exactly the same as when they met.  "Don't be like this, you are the queen now!" Caicai said, wiped her nose with her hand, and wiped it away on the stone tablet!  Yang Ze hurriedly said: "No, why is it still the same as before? This is a stone tablet used to pray to heaven. It has just been built. There is a new one!" He stretched out his hand to stop Cai Cai, but their hands touched.  One piece also touched the stone tablet.  In the distance, everyone saw this scene. Did King Yan and the Queen hold their hands together?  Putting it on a stone tablet would be a warning to heaven, right?  Are we united forever and declared to God?  In an instant, everyone knelt down, and the sound of mountain shouts shook the sky and the earth!     Long live Long live Long live!  The whole book is finished (to be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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