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Text Chapter 707 A lifelike drama

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    readx; The two Golden Crow soldiers were almost jumping up and cursing at this time. They looked down on Li Mofeng even more. They thought that this young lord had no shit skills except flattery. Such a person would just vote.  A good child only has good parents. Apart from that, he has no other abilities at all.  , However, they never thought that being reincarnated well would be a great skill. Who would dare to say that they have such a good skill?  Li Mofeng ran to the place where the two Golden Crow soldiers were lying. He was about to scold them. After eavesdropping for such a long time, why didn't he just leave? He still wanted to spend the night here!  But the two Golden Crow soldiers waved their hands at him, indicating that he must not make a sound. Li Mofeng had to swallow his words again. When he saw a Golden Crow soldier lying on the edge of the tent, he stretched out his hand and actually turned the tent upside down.  The cloth was lifted up a little, revealing a small slit. Through the small slit, you could actually see what was going on inside the tent.  Li Mofeng came closer. He lay down next to the Golden Crow soldier. He followed the small slit and looked into the tent. He saw several people in the tent, most of whom he didn't recognize. However,  He knew the person sitting in the middle. Wasn't that Yang Ze? It was the King of Yan who ordered the Yan soldiers to drag Li Mofeng away on horseback.  In Li Mofeng¡¯s words, even if Yang Ze turned into ashes, he still knew him, and there was absolutely no need to admit his mistake!  At this time, Li Mofeng saw a man dressed as a civil servant, a little disheveled, as if he had just gotten up from the ground. This man dressed as a civil servant was holding a yellow silk ribbon in his hand and was reading the words on it.  It is a brocade letter, and it may be a brocade letter issued from the palace, but it should not be a formal imperial edict.  Li Mofeng touched his waist. He also had a brocade book on his waist, but it was a pity that he could not give it to General Gui.  Just listen to the man who looked like a civil servant say: "Taiwei, does the emperor really want to make Princess Long live the crown prince? What should Li Chongjiu, the crown prince, do, but will he be deposed?" This man spoke in a not too loud voice.  It was loud, but he spoke clearly and not very fast, so Li Mofeng heard it clearly, and he was immediately shocked. He never expected that he just came to eavesdrop, and he actually overheard such an important matter.  News, the current emperor wants to depose Prince Li Chongjiu?  The man who looked like a civil servant finished speaking.  I heard Yang Ze agree and said: "This is the secret edict written by the emperor himself, so of course it cannot be wrong. And since the emperor has sent this secret edict to me, it means that the emperor has made up his mind.  The matter of deposing Li Chongjiu is irreversible!" Li Mofeng was stunned outside the tent. From what the people inside the tent said, it sounded like the news was true, but why did the emperor want to depose the prince Li Chongjiu?  Li Chongjiu is the emperor's only son.  The emperor only had one son, and the country and the country would not be passed on to his son, but to his daughter. This is impossible to understand no matter how hard you think about it.  There must be a reason for this!  A man who looked like an elderly general said: "Captain, I don't really believe what this secret decree says. Maybe the emperor and the queen made a mistake. This is entirely possible. If the secret decree says  If it is true, it is really shocking. His Royal Highness has completely embarrassed the Dafang Empire!" Li Mofeng thought to himself: "Why did the Prince lose the Dafang Empire's face?  Maybe, since the prince came to Taiyuan, I haven't seen him do anything out of the ordinary Oh, now that I think about it, the prince is a bit too ambitious. When the people cheered for him, he actually accepted it calmly. This is true.  It's a sign of usurping the throne! However, this does not disgrace the Dafang Empire!" The man dressed as a civilian said: "General Gui, you don't know Li Chongjiu very well, that's why you have such a view.  " Li Mofeng heard that the civil servants used this title. He quickly looked at Gui Baohua. It turned out that this person was the general of the Zuo Shenwu Army. Didn't he come here just to see him? What a pity.  , there was no success, and the brocade book on his waist was not given to him.  Gui Baohua snorted and said: "Master Wang, hearing what you say, does it mean that you understand His Highness the Crown Prince? As the Minister of Criminal Affairs, you have never even been to the East Palace, how can you understand His Highness the Crown Prince?" Li Mofeng  He quickly took another look at Wang Peilun and thought: "So he is Wang Peilun. I heard that he severely humiliated the young prince. He is a loyal minion of King Yan!"  Wang Peilun smiled slightly and said: "General Gui's words are wrong. I don't know Li Chongjiu because I have only met him a few times. However, there are countless people in the court, among the people, and even in the army who know Li Chongjiu."  Ah, the fact that he only likes men, and only strong men with beards, has been known to everyone in Chang'an City for a long time. Now it has finally reached the ears of the emperor. For the sake of the ancestors of the Li family, the emperorFor the sake of the country and the country, of course we can no longer make Li Chongjiu the crown prince. It is a helpless move to make Princess Long Live the crown princess instead, but it is also her destiny!  " Yang Ze nodded and said: "Yes, Princess Long live was originally the queen. It was under my persuasion that she gave up the throne to the current emperor. Therefore, the emperor made Princess Long live the crown princess, just for the sake of thinking.  It's just a matter of returning the throne to Princess Long Live. This is the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong with it. General Gui can't doubt it!  " Gui Baohua's face darkened and he said: "Lieutenant, you can't say that. Before the news is confirmed, and before His Royal Highness is officially deposed, he is still the crown prince of the country. We cannot attack him.  , to attack Taiyuan, the last general would never dare to agree.  " Li Mofeng was dumbfounded. He never thought that Li Chongjiu would be a prince who likes bearded men. If this news is true, then he is really not suitable to be a prince and cannot inherit the throne.  Moreover, Li Mofeng also saw that the matter that Yan King Yang Ze was discussing in the tent just now must be how to attack Taiyuan and then capture and kill Li Chongjiu, but the opinions cannot be expressed.  That's all. Suddenly, Yang Ze raised his voice and said very unhappily: "General Gui, this secret decree was written by the emperor himself. Isn't this true news? Besides, it doesn't matter who is appointed as the crown prince, or who is the crown prince.  Princess, that's all the Emperor's business. The Emperor can decide everything you say. You are just a minister.  How can you doubt the emperor's will? Do you want to rebel?  " With that said, Yang Ze slammed the table and glared at Gui Baohua. Li Mofeng looked at it and thought to himself: "They are going to fight, they are going to start an internal strife!  " Li Mofeng's current mood is extremely contradictory. He is looking forward to a conflict among the people in the tent, and the internal strife will be as serious as possible. It would be best to use a knife, but he is also afraid that internal strife will really break out.  . If there really is a fight inside, they will definitely call out the subordinates outside. As long as there is a noise inside, the soldiers outside will come over. Although there are no soldiers around the big tent now, if there is really an internal strife,  There would be no chance that the generals would come over. At that time, Li Mofeng and the three of them would be in danger. They would most likely be killed by mistake and lose their lives.  Contradiction is not a contradiction. It will not affect the development of the situation at all. After hearing Yang Ze's accusation, Gui Baohua stood up and said: "Taiwei, even if the emperor wants to depose the prince.  , that would only be possible if the emperor¡¯s official decree arrives.  Based on this secret order alone, we are asked to enter Taiyuan and kill His Highness the Crown Prince. This request will not be obeyed by the general.  I will eventually think so.  Even if the Emperor dislikes His Highness the Crown Prince, he will not ask us to kill his own son!  " Yang Ze's face darkened and he said: "If I don't kill Li Chongjiu, will I still let him stay in the world and continue to embarrass my ancestors?  " Gui Baohua seemed to be extremely dissatisfied. His face was full of wanting to lose his temper, but he suppressed his expression not to explode. He said: "Taiwei, if His Royal Highness is deposed, then he will be just an ordinary member of the royal family.  Forget it, it's not impossible to live in a manor outside the city. At that time, it didn't matter whether he liked a big beard or a mustache. As long as he was not the crown prince of the country, he could do anything.  If you don¡¯t embarrass anyone, no one else can care!  " After a pause, Gui Baohua said again: "Besides, this secret edict does not say that we should attack Taiyuan, nor does it say that we will kill His Highness the Crown Prince. These are just your own conjectures, Lieutenant Commander.  But I will not agree with your conjecture.  Farewell, it's getting late, Lieutenant, please rest early!  " After saying this, Gui Baohua turned around and walked out of the tent. When Li Mofeng outside saw this, he thought to himself: "Oops, General Gui is going out of the tent, so don't see me.  Also, this General Gui is actually loyal to His Highness the Crown Prince. It seems Wu Youren was right. Should I follow General Gui and give him the brocade book on my waist in a place where no one is around?  " It was too late to say it, but it was so fast. Before Li Mofeng could make up his mind, a huge change suddenly occurred in the tent! Gui Baohua turned around and took a few steps, Yang Ze also jumped up, and he took out his clothes from his waist.  The sword, with a loud shout, stabbed Gui Baohua in the back of the heart. However, Yang Ze's martial arts skills were probably not very high, so the sword did not stab very fast, but if it had really hit Gui Baohua, I guess it would have hit Gui Baohua.  Hua had to be stabbed to the core and killed on the spot! But Yang Ze was behind the plot, and Gui Baohua was not a vegetarian. After all, he was a general who had experienced hundreds of battles, and his martial arts skills were pretty good.  Yang Ze sneaked up on him from behind, but he still reacted, dodged to the side, and pulled out the sword from his waist. Then, there was a sound, the two swords intersected, and Yang Ze's  The sword was blocked.??!  Li Mofeng was watching from the outside, and he was really surprised and happy. Inside, he really took action, and actually used the knife. Fortunately, although he was surprised, he had strong self-control and did not shout out!  However, the two Golden Crow soldiers next to him did not cry out. Even if there was a sudden change in the tent, they remained calm and did not scream.  Li Mofeng glanced at the Golden Crow Soldier next to him out of the corner of his eye, and saw the Golden Crow Soldier put his thumb into his mouth and bit it with his teeth. He used this method to prevent himself from screaming. Look.  It seems that this method is quite good. You don't have to hold it in like Li Mofeng did to achieve the goal of keeping silent.  Li Mofeng followed suit and put his thumb into his mouth and bit it with his teeth. This method was indeed good. As soon as he bit his thumb, he no longer had to worry about making a sound, but he had to  Worry, don¡¯t suffer greater stimulation later and bite off your thumb. That would be terrible!  Yang Ze in the tent missed the target, but actually took a step forward and stabbed Gui Baohua again. He was the King of Yan, and his status was much higher than Gui Baohua, so Yang Ze might have thought that Gui Baohua did not dare to fight back!  There were other people in the tent, but they seemed to be frightened and did not react immediately. Moreover, Yang Ze and Gui Baohua had weapons in their hands at this time, so they did not dare to step forward to break up the fight, and they were unable to break up the fight!  Although Yang Ze is the King of Yan and has a noble status, if he wants to kill Gui Baohua, then Gui Baohua cannot sit still and wait for death. He cannot let Yang Ze stab him to death with just one sword!  Gui Baohua dodged to the side again, struck back with the sword in his hand, and actually stabbed Yang Ze!  Li Mofeng, who was lying down outside the tent, saw this and thought: "What's worse, this Yang Ze's martial arts is too poor, I'm afraid he can't dodge this sword" His guess was indeed right, this sword Yang Ze is really real  Without dodging, Gui Baohua's sword hit Yang Ze's heart. The sword actually penetrated half of Yang Ze's chest, and Yang Ze's chest was covered with blood. Yang Ze let out a cry, vomited blood, and fell to the ground!  Everyone in the tent was in chaos and ran towards Yang Ze, wanting to check his injuries. However, Gui Baohua couldn't even draw out his sword. He seemed to be frightened. He swayed and stepped back.  He took a few steps and then sat down on the ground, his whole body trembling and his face pale. The general must have known that he was in big trouble!  Outside the tent, Li Mofeng's eyes almost popped out of his head. He never expected that Gui Baohua would dare to kill King Yan. Of course, it seemed that he killed him by mistake. Gui Baohua's look also showed that  , he didn¡¯t mean to kill King Yan, he just went too far in self-defense!  There was a chaos in the tent, and everyone was panicking. Wang Beilun was lying next to Yang Ze, seeming to be checking Yang Ze's injuries. By chance, his body blocked Li Mofeng's sight, making Li Mofeng unable to see anything.  He couldn't see Yang Ze's injuries. Li Mofeng was so anxious that he was almost on fire, but he didn't dare to make a sound!  Wang Beilun raised his head, waved his hands full of blood, and said: "It's over, the Taiwei is dead, and he will die with his eyes open!" A young general in the tent was actually Tan Zhengwen, but Li Mofeng didn't recognize him  He heard Tan Zhengwen say: "The captain is dead? What should we do? Should we call someone in? It's none of our business. It's all General Gui's fault!" Gui Baohua suddenly jumped up,  He shouted in a low voice: "So what if it is my general who caused the trouble? If any of you dare to speak out, this general will kill him!" Wang Beilun said in surprise: "General Gui, what do you mean? Do you still want to kill me?"  Do you want to hide this?" Gui Baohua said: "The Taiwei is dead. This result is irreversible. Why don't we just follow the secret decree and attack Taiyuan, and then say that the Taiwei is attacking the city?  He died at that time, what do you think?" Before the people in the tent could agree, they heard footsteps coming from a distance. Many soldiers were coming here, and Li Mofeng almost fainted from fright.  But at this moment, I heard someone in the tent speak again. The voice was Wang Peilun, so I heard him say: "Okay, let's keep it a secret about the death of King Yan. Don't let others enter the tent. Let's keep it secret."  The matter falls on Li Chongjiu. No one knows the truth anyway, and there is no way to investigate it. Then we will kill Li Chongjiu with one knife. If there is no evidence, we will continue to serve as officials, and our future will not be harmed!  The soldiers held Li Mofeng up on the left and right, and a Golden Crow soldier whispered: "Quickly leave, if you don't leave, it will be too late!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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