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Text 327. Finale [In tears of shame]

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    "Leave? Why should I leave? The one who died today must not be me. You, the two people under your command, and all the people you summoned will all die. Today, you and your system will become  History, and I, will become the strongest person!" Anxiong laughed wildly, waved his hands, and a huge golden figure suddenly appeared behind him.  Faith!  This is the part of the soul that Anxiong extracted from Gao Zhen's body. After more than a year of research, he finally fully understood the structure of this part of the soul, and by analogy, he transformed himself according to the power of the system he possesses.  The soul was transformed and finally formed such a new huge figure.  This is faith, but it is also not faith. This golden faith is very different from Gao Zhen's faith.  Although the essence is still the same, the results are quite different.  "Kingly posture!" Anxiong roared, and golden lines suddenly appeared on his body. These lines were either straight or twisted, entangled back and forth, and finally formed a set of golden full-style armor. On his hands, there were also  A golden giant sword appeared.  And at the same moment, a set of golden armor also appeared on the huge figure behind him, as well as a huge two-handed sword that was as big as a giant mountain reaching the sky.  "Faith!" Gao Zhen was not to be outdone. As he shouted, black faith appeared behind him.  This is the first time Gao Zhen has released his faith since Anxiong deprived him of part of his soul and even the important core of his faith.  Fortunately, he had successfully advanced to the twelfth level, and that part of his soul had been replenished. Under such circumstances, he finally summoned his faith again.  "Susanohu!" The moment faith appeared, Gao Zhen's eyes suddenly condensed, and then, lavender energy suddenly appeared in the void.  It was also a huge figure, but as soon as the figure appeared, it shattered and turned into "tiny" pieces of armor, flying quickly towards Faith.  This wasn't the end yet, Gao Zhen suddenly formed seals with his hands.  "Wooden Release. The Art of Wooden Man Armor!" The huge wooden man stood up from the ground at this moment, roared, and opened its trunk and limbs again.  A neat crack appeared on the body and limbs. The crack opened, revealing the hollow body inside, and the huge body of Faith jumped suddenly.  Jumped into the wooden man's body.  The wooden man's body slowly closed, slowly wrapping up the belief, and the body underwent a series of changes, just like Stark's steel armor, which continued to deform, and finally formed a set of armor that looked like an ancient general's home.  The same armor was completely put on Faith's body.  Even the arm guards, gauntlets, leg guards and greaves are all present.  This is no longer a wooden man, nor is it a wooden armor, but a wooden man armor, a set of super armor that is completely transformed from a wooden man and can completely wrap up faith.  On the outside, Susanoo's armor was completely formed, and his two swords were already standing.  Flashing purple light gives people a mysterious feeling.  The two giants appeared under this world almost at the same time, and were armed almost at the same time. Then, without too many words, the two giants collided fiercely.  The strong impact created a storm that immediately swept towards Yanjing City below.  However, just when the storm was about to hit the ground.  A semicircular cover appeared in the void, blocking the strong storm. This cover was formed by combining the technology of the Death God world, the power of magic, and the energy shield from the planet Cybertron.  , the defense was sufficient, but the storm was so violent that even the defensive shield that combined the three technologies still trembled violently.  Gao Zhen's pupils condensed slightly. Although he had overestimated the strength of the golden giant as much as possible, when the battle began, he still found that he had underestimated the opponent.  Faith's body, which was almost unafraid of any attack, had obviously suffered a certain amount of damage. Gao Zhen could clearly feel that the other party had suffered the same damage.  The recovery power is not yet certain, but the damage power and defense power of that golden giant are obviously completely equal to the belief.  And after the fierce blow, the defensive formation below also clearly showed a feeling of failure. Gao Zhen was secretly shocked, knowing that if it continued like this, the defensive formation would inevitably break. A hurricane of this level would be blown away directly.  If it does, even an eleventh-level master will be seriously injured in an instant, and a tenth-level expert will be blown to death if he can't hold on for even a second. Only those who reach level 12 can completely ignore this kind of strong wind, but  If you fight, you will still be affected to a greater or lesser extent.  But in Yanjing City below, there are no level 12 beings at all. Even if they are level 11, there are not many of them, and their strength is still uneven. The weaker ones will still be killed if they are blown by the wind.  The majority are ordinary people, hurricanesTogether, they are bound to die. Gao Zhen did not want Yanjing to be destroyed instantly, so he secretly commanded his faith in his heart, suddenly exerted force, and pushed the golden giant hard and flew away into the distance, while Gao Zhen and the other two,  They also moved one after another, leading Anxiong to fly towards the endless sea.  ¡­ This battle came so suddenly that almost all the masters of the Tang Dynasty had not had time to react, and the figures of the four people had disappeared.  Even the residents in Yanjing City only saw two super giants, a fierce and indescribable wind, and a few rays of light that disappeared from the horizon, and nothing else.  Only those eleventh-level masters watched Gao Zhen go away and did not continue to pursue him.  It's not that they don't want to chase, but that they can't chase at all. An Xiong, Gao Zhen, Sun Dashen, Erlang Shen, and two huge giants. The speed of these people has far exceeded their limit.  It was already difficult for them to see clearly the movements of several people, and it would be tantamount to wishful thinking to continue chasing them.  Therefore, they could only watch Gao Zhen leave and silently pray for him in their hearts, but no one chased him in the direction they went.  Underneath the Endless Sea is the capital of the water element. They know everything that happens on the sea, including this battle. However, it is strange that there is no such thing as a battle of this level.  A water element appears on the battlefield.  To know.  Whether it's Gao Zhen, An Xiong, Sun Dasheng or Erlang Shen, they are not ordinary level 12 masters.  Because of his own special characteristics, Gao Zhen has reached his peak state after advancing to level 12, of course.  This does not mean that the energy in his body has reached its peak, but that his methods and his fighting power, even those at the twelfth level peak, are not necessarily his opponents.  And Anxiong, the same is true.  The strong man who has survived for who knows how many years has already half-stepped into the higher level before his strength.  As for Sun Dasheng and Erlang Shen, they are powerful men at the level of earth immortals. The differences in the laws of the world make it impossible for others to accurately locate their strength, but as long as they know.  It is enough that these two people have the ability to destroy the world and change the world in the mortal world.  The scene of four people fighting like this is indescribable.  "It's just that history books record that on that day, the sea level suddenly rose by more than ten meters, and a huge part of the coastal cities were swallowed up by the sea water. Only a few cities like Jinhai were able to escape the disaster.  And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that from that day on, unknown strange winds blew on the east and west continents.  The strange wind was filled with terrifying power, a strong bloody aura, and an unstoppable murderous intention. It was unknown how many people were affected by this strange wind and went berserk.  It's okay for ordinary people without strength, after all, their destructive power is limited, but those masters are different, their destructive power is extremely strong.  The rampage of these people directly led to the death of countless innocent people and the destruction of countless buildings.  That is to say, the people of the Tang Dynasty were wrapped in white figures one after another when the strange wind came, and fell into a long dormancy.  When they woke up, the strange wind had disappeared, the sea water had receded, and the whole world seemed to have returned to its original state.  However, in the center of the Endless Sea, a super island with an area of ??half the size of the Western Continent appeared there, and the seabed around the island almost dropped by tens of thousands of kilometers, and it was almost on the verge of entering.  The bottom core is deep.  This island is covered with towering trees. These trees seem to be living creatures. Anyone who enters will be attacked endlessly. Moreover, these trees are extremely powerful, even those at level 12.  Even an expert could not penetrate a hundred miles away. The further in, the stronger the power of the tree became. In the end, living tree men even appeared. With unimaginable power, these tree men once defeated a team of enemies.  A team of more than a hundred strong men of level 12, who were determined to find out the secret of this super island, were crushed and killed. No one in the team of hundreds survived, and only one tree person survived.  However, according to the information conveyed by those masters with their lives, there were thirty such tree men in total. Only one attack killed them all. From then on, no one dared to enter the island.  The development of the Tang Dynasty entered a new track. The rebel army disappeared almost overnight. These emperors cursed An Xiong and the rebel army, but it was of no avail. Without An Xiong's so-called back-up, they were behind the Tang army.  In front of him, he finally gave up all resistance.  Five emperors could not accept the reality and committed suicide. Others surrendered. Gao Zhen also spared their lives and did not kill them.  In this way, the Tang Dynasty completely agreed with the Western Continent and became the only political power here. However, they did not call themselves a dynasty, but still regarded themselves as the Tang Dynasty. This continent was also called the Tang Dynasty from then on.     andAfter the failure of the great sea battle, the Eastern Continent once again organized a fleet to invade, but it happened to catch up with the drastic change. Hundreds of thousands of warships disappeared without knowing what happened.  The environment of the eastern continent has been seriously damaged. Without the ability to go to sea, they can only retreat to the mainland and recuperate peacefully.  ¡­ ¡­ The Tang Dynasty is no longer the Tang Dynasty it was before, but Yanjing is still the same Yanjing, but it has expanded dozens of times and has become the ¡°holy city¡± it is today.  On this day, on the busy street, a figure walked slowly over.  He looked up at the building reaching into the sky, smiled slightly, and disappeared.  When he reappeared, he had arrived inside the building and entered a huge room.  The room was already full of people, both men and women, old and young. Everyone looked at this man with smiles and expectant expressions on their faces.  "Don't look at me like this. Have your affairs been arranged?" "That's necessary!" "It's arranged!" "No problem!" "OK!" Different answers came one after another. After so many years, they have also  They all have their own disciples and confidants, and the empire has more talents. The throne has been passed to another person. This person is a native of this world, but five generations have lived in the Tang Dynasty.  He has completely engraved the mark of the Tang Dynasty on his soul, so everyone is relieved to hand over this empire that is infinitely close to a dynasty to him.  "In that case, let's go," the man smiled slightly, waved his hand, and in a burst of white light, everyone disappeared.  When they reappeared, they were already in a dense forest. Surrounded by thirty large trees hundreds of meters high, each tree had a huge human face on its trunk.  Looking at the group of people in the middle, everyone had a smile on their face.  "You continue to guard this place. The next time we meet, it may be a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, or ten thousand years. You have endless lives. Guard here and wait for me to come back. This is my last order to you. Remember it.  Are you alive?" The man looked at the big tree and asked slowly.  Hearing his voice, the big trees trembled, as if they were nodding, but hundreds of expressions of respect and recognition had already appeared in the man's mind.  While he was speaking, the people around him had already entered the huge circular vortex standing in the open space. What is this?  This is a portal, a plane portal that can cross planes.  The man was the last one. He turned around and glanced at the horizon in the distance, where Datang was. After looking at it for a long time, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.  "Finally, I changed back." The man withdrew his gaze and looked at the teleportation array. After a long time, he slowly took one step and stepped into the teleportation array.  The moment his figure disappeared, a voice slowly sounded within the teleportation array.  "I, Gao Zhen, am back." Gao Zhen's figure disappeared into the whirlpool, and the whirlpool slowly returned to calm. Only in the center of the whirlpool, on the energy portal, a round sphere appeared.  If you look closely, you will see that it is the earth, the hometown where he was born and raised but has been gone for hundreds of years.
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