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Text Chapter 067 Emperor Dragon!

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    The procedures for leaving the hospital were completed quickly, and Ye Tian, ??who regained his energy, plunged into the intense study atmosphere again.  The only difference is that after he came back, the learning atmosphere of Class 20 seemed to have changed subtly.  First of all, the teachers who originally looked down on Class 20 became extremely enthusiastic. For the first time, the lectures that lasted less than three minutes were taught to the students in Class 20 without missing a word.  The reason why they spare no effort in teaching is that, apart from having a little hope for the people in Class 20, the bigger factor is that they are afraid that Ye Tian will go to the principal to make a report.  Thinking of Ye Tian's words, Director Gao and the others almost rolled up their mats and left. They felt like thorns on their backs, and even when they walked to the three-foot podium, they were dripping with cold sweat.  Then the head teacher Ren Ying began to strictly enforce discipline and made repeated orders to attend classes on time and not to be late or leave early. This naturally caused those lazy guys to complain and complain.  "But Teacher Ren is doing this for their own good. After all, he is still a student. Even if he learns more knowledge, he will be the one who will benefit from it in the future.  The last and most innovative measure is to assess a learning star every week, which will be voted on by the whole class.  Of course, besides the famous Ye Tian, ??who else could be the learning star in the first period?  Well-deserved, Ye Tian introduced his learning experience and insights in front of the podium for the first time.  Ye Tiantian had no learning experience to introduce, so he could only use some cliche words to encourage his classmates, which was a temporary way to cope with it.  Although the words of advice were offensive and boastful, they still had a certain effect.  At least a large number of students are not as careless as before. Instead, they are willing to carefully look through those new and clean study materials that can be sold at a good price next year.  Just when this energetic learning style was blooming everywhere in Class 20, the person involved, Ye Tian, ??became a little weird and strange. He usually reviewed his homework during breaks and after class, but he often sneaked back to the dormitory, and met  I often don¡¯t go back to school for tutoring on Saturdays and Sundays.  As the head teacher, Ren Ying was quite worried about him, thinking something had happened to his family, so she went out of her way to talk to Ye Tian several times.  It's a pity that Ye Tian was absent-minded and just replied here and there. He didn't know how much Ren Ying said he heard.  Fortunately, his grades did not fall down and he ranked first in the class in every quiz, so Ren Ying did not pursue the matter further.  Getting a good score in the exam is naturally an easy task for him who is among the top eight in the school and has a super memory.  "I really hate the rainy weather. The air is sticky and the surroundings are full of moisture. The place I went to a few days ago was too close, so why not go to Jingshan Fruit Forest for a walk today." Ye Tian said to himself  , the whole person was sitting in the dormitory, with no intention of standing up. Even the clothes on his body were loose light-colored pajamas.  He closed his eyes, like an old monk sitting dry, his whole body seemed to be asleep, there was no movement at all, only the slight sound of breathing was heard.  No one knows that deep in the hole of a tall kapok tree in Jingshan Mountain, a fat insect is slowly opening its eyes and starting to look at the new day with its huge compound eyes.  It kept twisting its fat belly and slowly crawled out of this extremely private and small space.  The surface of this tree hole is covered with a layer of withered yellow cover. Even the sharpest eagle eye cannot detect the existence of this tree hole.  In addition, the location of the tree hole is extremely high, at least five meters high by visual inspection. Even after playing around, ordinary children cannot get close to the surroundings of the cave, let alone have any impact on the bees lurking deep in the tree hole.  . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? As if he were on a cliff, his front feet tentatively stretched out into the open space. His fat body swayed and he almost lost his balance.  The front is open and bright, with blue sea and sky, surrounded by dense forests and shrubs and grasses. The pleasant fragrance of flowers in late spring and early summer, the chirping of insects and birds, inadvertently add a bit of pastoral fun.  Ye Tian controlled the bee clone and leaned forward slightly, shaking the thin flying wings that were still stained with water vapor, trying to get rid of the water droplets falling on the wings, and slowly and patiently opened the wings.  After making all preparations, it swung its big butt and rushed into the new world like an arrow.  ??Crossing through the rushing streams, flying among the dense woods, and re-looking at the world through the eyes of animals.  Ye Tian felt very fresh and magical, and discovered a lot of fun that was usually difficult to notice.  The industrious ants were busy moving the pieces of green leaves. They used their sharp teeth to cut the thumb-sized leaves into small slits, and patiently divided them into several pieces. Then they raised them above their heads and hurriedly  Move back to your lair.  The butterfly flaps its wings?, lingering among the flowers and green leaves, using their long and thin mouths to suck nectar to satisfy their hunger. While busy, their broad wings inadvertently carry pollen, and then as they fly freely, they spread the seeds of those pollen to the passing places.  on every piece of land.  Ye Tian skillfully manipulated the body of the bee, just like those thousands of ordinary insects, struggling to survive under the luster of nature.  It¡¯s just that no one knows that this little bee has a human mind inside its body. They don¡¯t even know that this powerful human mind is controlled by a boy under the age of eighteen!  "Dilong, fly higher for me and try not to be exposed to the sun." Ye Tian gave orders from time to time, and saw the little bee climbing up and rushing straight up from the original height of three meters above the ground.  Five meters high.  "Emperor Dragon" is the nickname given by Ye Tian to this big bee. In his eyes, although his avatar is very small, one day he will transform into the Emperor's Dragon!  The area where Dilong flew over was a jungle area, and it was difficult to find it in the vast dense forest.  Otherwise, ordinary people would be surprised to see how this little bee can fly so high!  The reason why Dilong chose to fly at high altitude is to walk among the dense forests.  One is to avoid predators near the ground and in the sky, such as spiders, birds and other natural enemies.  The second is to make full use of the complex terrain and perfectly control the clone to maximize its potential! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? away from Dilong's body, which was only half the size of a little finger, has grown to 6 cm in size. In terms of size, it is completely the leader of its kind. Even the fierce bumblebee is not much bigger than it.  By constantly devouring various types of plant pollen and absorbing the essence of nature, Dilong continues to grow and develop.  As time goes by, the energy required every day will increase by 10%, and after a few days, it will double!  After enjoying the most natural and perfect feast of nature, Dilong became more skillful and agile in the process of feeding. It often takes a small bee dozens of minutes to collect the nectar of a flower, but it only takes three minutes.  That¡¯s it!  ¡°You can often see it lowering its head and burrowing into the flowers. After more than an hour, all the nectar has fallen into its belly. Not a drop is left. It is simply a killer of flowers.  "The wildflower nectar at the foot of the mountain has mixed ingredients and impure ingredients, so it is really difficult to refine. I remember that there was a fruit planting field at the top of Jingshan Mountain, specifically for growing lychees!" Dilong's big eyes rolled slightly and turned sideways.  Diving, as if in battle, passing through the low altitude and flying forward rapidly.  A spider the size of a pinky finger spins out long, sticky spider silk, fantasizing about catching new prey.  This is the first web it has weaved since it was born. If it hadn't been raining the past few days, maybe the web would have been finished long ago.  Looking at his almost perfect spider web, the little spider felt sweet in his heart. He looked at the similar one not far away and couldn't help but feel proud.  Fortunately, it was weaved a few days late, otherwise the heavy rains would have left the net full of holes and torn to pieces.  It lay triumphantly on the almost transparent spider web, dozing off, waiting for the arrival of prey.  Suddenly, there was a rapid buzzing sound from a distance, and when I opened my hazy eyes, I suddenly found a large insect heading towards me like a giant horse to die. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? As soon as the spider web is woven and the trap is set, prey comes to the door. It is like God¡¯s eyes are opened.  Look at the weight of the flying prey, my dear, I can feed it for at least ten days!  The cheerful little spider was beaming with joy, waving its thick and powerful forelimbs, ready to attack, and planning to wait for the death of its prey!  There was a pop, and sure enough, the eyeless bee threw itself into the net and fell into the gentle trap of the little spider.  Before it could rush forward with its head held high, it discovered that the entire spider web was being dragged outward by a huge force as if it was being pulled by a strong wind.  When I opened my eyes, I saw the bee that had fallen into the trap. Its flying body was only slightly stagnant, but it continued to flap its wings disapprovingly, dragging the entire spider web as big as a human head with it.  Damn it, when have you ever seen such a ferocious prey?  The little spider was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. Following the lines of the spider web, he wanted to rush forward and hunt the emperor dragon directly. Who knew that with a crash, the entire spider web was ruthlessly pulled apart by the emperor dragon, and even the little spider himself  With the man and the net, it was launched directly into the sky.  The black spider, who was still repairing the spider web with a sullen expression, couldn't help but widen his eyes, watching this incredible thing happen. After a while, he immediately retracted into his cave, not daring to show his face again!  Dilong didn¡¯t even notice that there was a spider web on his hind limbs.Moreover, there is a natural enemy several times smaller than it hanging tremblingly on the spider web.  Flying in the breeze and facing the refreshing mountain breeze, Dilong made several turns and finally the web he dragged all the way fell down. The spider was already scared to death, and his high-hanging heart finally fell.  Calm down.  It¡¯s just that the next moment, it can¡¯t laugh anymore.  Below it falls below it, it is a large large pond with a long acres of bangs. Several cheerful grass carps are vomiting small bubbles with white flowers, and they are greedily watching the little spider who has dropped from the sky.  With a pop, the miserable little spider fell down and never came up again!
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