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Work related Chapter 176 Take the initiative to raise prices?

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    Wanyan Xun wanted to temporarily borrow a thousand strings from He Shi Liezhi.  But Heshi Liezhong didn't agree. It wasn't that he didn't want to borrow it, but that he didn't.  Han Zhongwei has always been honest and trustworthy in his business, so all his goods are not on credit, and because of the special nature of his goods, the payment must be paid in advance.  Like the supply agreement signed by Han Zhongwei and Jin Guo this time, Jin Guo needs to pay him 7,500 kilograms and corresponding materials every month in exchange for 900,000 kilograms of cement.  Because the materials were inconvenient to carry, Han Zhongwei had to ask them to transport them to Heicheng within a month.  And 7,500 Guan is not a penny less.  When the money comes into Han Zhongwei's hands, when will he sign a supply agreement with you, otherwise it will be invalid.  Moreover, the time limit for each agreement is one-time. For example, if He Shi Liezhi only gave Han Zhongwei 7,500 guan this time and promised to deliver the pig iron, grain, saltpeter and other substances stipulated in the agreement within one month,  If it is transported to Heicheng, within a month, Han Zhongwei will deliver 900,000 kilograms of cement to the Kingdom of Jin as promised.  But the supply agreement will automatically expire after the 900,000 kilograms of cement are paid. If the Jin Kingdom still needs cement, it will have to continue signing the agreement next month.  Of course, as cement is Han Zhongwei's exclusive supply of goods, the price of cement will follow the market. I don't know if it will still be at the price when the agreement was signed this time.  Therefore, Lieutenant He Shi Liezhi, who was so smart, paid all the money he brought to the Black City as payment for goods to Han Zhongwei.  But this was only a pre-purchase of nine million kilograms of cement for ten months, so Wanyan Xun asked He Shi Liezhizhong to borrow money. How could he get a thousand kilograms of cement at this moment?  "What you need to pay each time is 7,500 guan. Don't you even have 1,000 guan left?" Wanyan Xun did not expect that his majestic prince would come forward.  He couldn't even borrow a thousand strings.  And if he had no money, it would be impossible for Han Zhongwei's character to make an exception.  Not even Wan Yanxun!  "My lord, I dare not lie to you. If I pay the money, I still have tens of thousands of guan. But you also know that in the black city, handing over the money is no different from waste paper. Now I don't even have a hundred guan, and  I have to rush back to the Black City as soon as possible, and I also want to borrow some money from you." Heshi Liezhi had a depressed look on his face. He had always lived a life of fine clothing and fine food in the Kingdom of Jin, and he had no concept of money at all.  But now, he is almost penniless.  One hundred guan is not a small amount in the eyes of others, it is enough for a family of five to live for several years, but for Heshi Liezhizhong, it may only allow him to barely support his return to the Kingdom of Jin.  "Borrow money from me? I'm almost broke. If I didn't live and eat in a military camp, I would have to live on the streets." Wan Yanxun's face turned red. When he came to Black City, he also became Han Zhongwei on an impromptu basis.  After becoming his apprentice, he moved into the Hou Mansion. He had a follower who was also driven away by him. He did not want to call someone younger than himself as master in front of his subordinates.  He Shilie did not dare to delay what the emperor personally ordered. Although he did not have enough money, he still followed the instructions and rushed back to the Kingdom of Jin as quickly as possible.  You must know that Han Zhongwei's conditions are very harsh.  If the remaining materials do not arrive at the border between Jin Kingdom and Daxia near the Black City within one month of the signing of the supply agreement, the agreement will automatically become invalid and all advance payments will be confiscated as liquidated damages.  Since Heshi Liezhizhong was leaving, Wanyan Xun could not raise another thousand dollars in the black city, so he had to settle for the next best thing and buy five grenades from Han Zhongwei.  It's pitiful to say that Wanyan Xun was a very noble person in the Jin Kingdom, but when he arrived in the Black City, he couldn't even afford a hundred grenades.  "Five grenades? I'm talking about Wanyan Xun, you are also a member of the escort now, and you are equipped with eight grenades. Why do you need to buy additional grenades?" When he heard that Wanyan Xun only bought five grenades,  Han Zhongwei laughed dumbly. If he were pushed to the extreme, he would say anything.  "The grenades I distribute are yours and have nothing to do with me. Of course they cannot be taken outside." Wanyanxun said with a wry smile. He was not a craftsman. There was no need to steal Han Zhongwei's things, let alone as long as he had money.  It's not like he doesn't sell grenades.  "You only have enough money to buy five grenades?" Han Zhongwei asked with a smile.  "If you want to hand over banknotes, I can buy a few hundred of them, but don't you want to accept banknotes?" Wanyan Xun said, he preferred banknotes to heavy metal currencies.  But who would have thought that Han Zhongwei actually ordered that the use of banknotes be banned in the black city, leaving him with nowhere to spend his money.  "The banknotes are banknotes issued by Daikin. I think it is better for Daikin to use them." Han Zhongwei's grenade output is not like cement, which can be counted in millions, not to mention that his own bodyguards also require a large amount.  With standard configuration, a guard of more than 2,000 people now needs more than 10,000.  In addition, these strategic materials must be stored in considerable quantities, and his current output is basically borrowed from his own reserves.  "Then I can only buy five coins."It¡¯s over. Are you going to sell it or not?  "Wanyan Xun felt that it would be a loss of his identity to dwell on these five grenades any longer. "If it were anyone else, even Li Ping'an, I would not agree to sell him only five.  But you are different, your situation is special, and you are my apprentice, I should take care of you, so as soon as your money comes, I will sell you five grenades immediately.  " Han Zhongwei said in an old-fashioned way, as if Wanyan Xun was really his junior, as if he really took good care of Wanyan Xun. Wanyan Xun was so angry at Han Zhongwei that he couldn't take care of himself. If he really takes care of himself, why not sell it to him first?  A thousand grenades for himself? Could it be that his brother, who was the emperor, would default on his debt? But in this case, Wanyan Xun would never take advantage of him in any of his previous confrontations with Han Zhongwei.  So even if Han Zhongwei took advantage of him, he didn't want to fight back, because he knew very well that as long as he fought back, Han Zhongwei might take advantage of him even more. Therefore, Wanyan Xun simply took out the fifty string.  The blood was pouring from his face, but he was thicker now and did not take back the fifty dollars. As soon as Han Zhongwei got the money, he immediately ordered people to bring five grenades and handed them to Wanyan Xun personally.  . And said something that made Wanyan Xun devastated, "Actually, as long as you ask, don't say five, I will give you even ten grenades.  But since you don¡¯t like the debt you owe me and must pay for it with money, I can¡¯t force it.  " "Master, it's not too late for you to give me dozens more grenades now.  "Although Wanyan Xun was so angry that his heart was bleeding, he didn't have much time to feel sad. He quickly switched to a playful and smiling expression and asked Han Zhongwei for a reward. "You bought five grenades from me, but you asked me to give you dozens  Well, then I won¡¯t suffer a loss?  I can eat anything, but I just can¡¯t suffer.  " Han Zhongwei smiled. Wanyan Xun didn't dare to say anything more. If he kept talking, someone might be able to buy it from him for ten guan each. As his disciple, he wanted twenty guan each. "You  Now that we have five grenades, what are we going to do with them?  " Han Zhongwei saw that Wanyan Xun had learned his lesson and stopped asking for grenades from him, so he changed the subject and asked. "Of course I will take it back. In fact, master, this disciple is completely helping you this time.  Think about it, if Brother Dag sees these grenades, he might be very happy and buy hundreds of thousands of them from Master. Then Master won¡¯t make a fortune?  "Wanyan Xun felt that his plan was wrong and he should use this excuse early. Maybe he doesn't need to spend a penny on these five grenades. "Hundreds of thousands?  I have to have so many.  "Han Zhongwei smiled. Of course he knew Wanyan Xun's purpose of buying grenades. It was just a few hundred thousand grenades, and Han Zhongwei was not able to supply them at the moment. "The tens of thousands are fine.  "Wan Yanxun felt that the more Jin Guo bought, the happier Han Zhongwei would be, but he forgot that no matter how much cement you have, you can't kill people directly, and just one grenade may be able to change the world. "We will discuss this issue in the future.  Let¡¯s discuss it further, but one thing I can tell you for sure right now is that I will sell grenades to you, but I will tell you the specific amount at that time.  "Han Zhongwei laughed and said, grenades are no better than cement. No matter how much money he makes, he still has to control the supply. Otherwise, he will not be able to lose it at the end of the year. In turn, if they use grenades to deal with him or the Song Dynasty, then he will be guilty. "  Is Master worried about the price of grenades?  It doesn't matter, as long as Brother Dag sees the power of the grenade, I believe he will accept it even if you double the price.  "Wan Yanxun thought that Han Zhongwei was a money man, so he simply told Han Zhongwei that the Jin Kingdom was almost suffocated by Mongolia in the north. If there were grenades to help, no matter how high the price was,  , Jin Guo wouldn¡¯t even frown. ¡°Twice the price?  This is a good suggestion. If Daikin wants to buy grenades in the future, it will cost twenty pieces each. I can't let down my disciple's wishes.  "Han Zhongwei passed it on immediately without even thinking about it. The customer took the initiative to raise the price. With such a good thing, it would be a shame if he didn't agree immediately. "Ah, Master, did you really raise the price?  "Wanyan Xun was dumbfounded. Why was he talking so much? He asked Daikin to pay twice as much for no reason. You must know that grenades are often calculated in tens of thousands, and each soldier is equipped with eight.  A team of 10,000 people will need 80,000 grenades, and there must be a reserve. Calculating this, a team of 10,000 people will need at least 200,000 or even 300,000 grenades. The price of each grenade will be directly increased by ten thousand.  , this is a million dollars, I want to use it to buy cement, I don¡¯t know how much I can buy. Now Wanyan Xun just wants to give himself a slap in the mouth. If the Dage brothers find out about this, he will probably even lose money.  I don¡¯t dare to go back. ¡°Of course, if you don¡¯t make money, you are a fool. Do you think I am a fool?  ???Han Zhongwei shrugged his shoulders, with a bad look on his face. This was money sent to his door. If he didn't make money, he would be punished by God.  "Master, can you promise me one thing?" Wan Yanxun cursed himself in his heart. He had known that he would not get any advantage by being with Han Zhongwei, so why did he bother to show his shame.  "Let's talk about it first." Han Zhongwei was noncommittal.  "If the grenade really costs 20 guan, Master won't tell He Shi Liezhizhong that it was me who suggested it, right?" Wan Yanxun said nervously.  "Well, it depends on the situation. After all, the amount involved in grenades is much larger than cement. If He Shi Liezhong asks about it, I really don't know how to answer it." Han Zhongwei saw Wanyan Xun  He was sweating profusely, knowing that he might regret it and curse his mother.  "Master, I beg you, disciple. As long as you don't say that this matter has anything to do with me, from now on the disciple will only obey the master's orders." Wanyan Xun has been in contact with Han Zhongwei for a long time, and for his  Not only does he know his character well, but he can at least guess a little bit about it. Who doesn't know that Han Zhongwei is grabbing his sore foot and asking for a price?  "Really?" Although Han Zhongwei didn't care much about Wanyan Xun, if he had an obedient brother from the Jin Kingdom Emperor, even if he was a concubine, it would be of great help to him in the future.  ¡°We Jurchens keep their word and never tell lies!¡± Wanyan Xun puffed up his chest and said categorically.  "Well, I really have a headache about this. If He Shilie is asked about it after he is captured, I still don't know how to deal with him." Han Zhongwei touched his head and said with some embarrassment.  "Master, if nothing is wrong, I will leave first." How dare Wanyan Xun take Han Zhongwei's words again? He just said too much, and Dajin lost millions. Even his love has reached great limits.  , if I talk a few more times, I don¡¯t know if I will directly turn from an apprentice to a slave.  "Okay, you go first. These five grenades are now your private property, but you must keep them carefully. If anything goes wrong, I can ask you for everything." Han Zhongwei said. In fact, this caused a lot of uncertainty for himself.  factors also increased the hidden dangers, but Han Zhongwei also knew that if the upper echelons of the Jin Kingdom did not see the power of grenades, they would not spend a lot of money to buy them from themselves, and it would be difficult to change the pattern between the Jin Kingdom and Mongolia.  Very difficult.  "Master, don't worry. I will hand the grenade to Heshi Liezhizhong immediately and ask him to take it back to the Central Capital." Wanyan Xun's sentence "I only obey Master's orders" just now is tantamount to a semi-protracted contract. Now he is talking to Han Zhongwei.  More and more respectful.  "He Shi Liezhi left the Black City early in the morning. Don't you know?" Han Zhongwei asked in surprise. He Shi Liezhi left the Black City as soon as the city gate was opened. Didn't he ask for his return?  Wan Yanxun said goodbye.  "I returned to the cement factory yesterday and was not with Heshi Liezhong." Wanyan Xun's current official identity is a squad leader of the escort team, although he also participated in the Heshi Liezhizhong where Han Zhongwei also represented Daikin.  However, after he separated from He Shi Liezhizhong, he immediately returned to the military camp. But early this morning, He Shi Liezhizhong could not find Wanyan Xun, so he went back to Daijin without saying goodbye to him.  Originally, Wanyan Xun also knew that He Shi Liezhi would leave soon, but he didn't expect him to be so quick.  If it were for other things, He Shi Liezhi might have stayed in the Black City for a few more days, but the cement matter was not only an order given by Wanyan Dage himself, but also the cement was related to the safety of the Yellow River. He Shi Liezhi could only  I want to rush back as soon as possible.  What's more, he doesn't have much money left on him, and paying banknotes is not recognized in the black city. If he stays for a few more days, he may really beg for money and return home.  "It seems that you can't take the grenade back to Dajin for the time being. This thing is very dangerous. How about I keep it for you as a master? When He Shi Liezhi comes to Heicheng again next time, I will hand it over to him on your behalf.  "Han Zhongwei said that in the daily training of the guards, grenades are also managed very strictly. Only during drills, live ammunition will be distributed. Usually they are simulated ammunition. Although the appearance and weight are the same, there is no gunpowder or gunpowder inside.  Shrapnel and nails.  "Master, my disciple wants to take a few days off and ride on a fast horse to chase He Shi Liezhizhong. As soon as I see him and give him the grenade, I will return to the Black City immediately." Wanyan Xun was anxious, not that he was worried.  The grenade was recovered by Han Zhongwei, but this grenade was definitely related to Daikin's safety. If it could be bought by Daikin one day earlier, the soldiers on the front line would also be relieved of a lot of pressure. When they encounter the Mongolian cavalry again, they would be a little more relieved.  grasp.  "Have you forgotten your current identity? Although you are my disciple and the prince of Dajin, you are also a recruit of the escort team, and you are also the squad leader, so you have to set an example during the three-month recruit training.  How can I ask for leave? " Han Zhongwei said. He attaches great importance to military discipline. This is not only related to the training of the army, but also a well-disciplined army will definitely have a much higher combat effectiveness than an undisciplined army. ?In the end, Wanyan Xun had no choice. He couldn't just change his mind immediately after saying that he would only obey his master's orders, right?  Then maybe Han Zhongwei won't even sell a grenade to Daikin.  There is no shortage of market for epoch-making weapons like grenades. They are truly marketable and priceless goods.  If Han Zhongwei was dissatisfied with him about this matter and kept his mouth bent, and raised the price of grenades by a large amount, Daijin would only be able to knock out his teeth and swallow his blood.  But Han Zhongwei did not embarrass Wanyan Xun. After all, this was a business worth millions of dollars.  Daikin provides money and people to deal with the Mongols, and he can earn a lot of money from Daikin by producing grenades. If he doesn't do this kind of business, then Han Zhongwei feels that God will never forgive him. Isn't this time travel in vain?  ?  Han Zhongwei ordered people to mount fast horses and chase He Shiliezhizhong. Wanyan Xun only needed to prepare a letter and send it to Heshi Liezhizhong, and the matter was settled.  After leaving Black City, Wanyan Xun returned to the cement factory, where he was undergoing rigorous training.  The training syllabus formulated by Han Zhongwei himself made Wanyan Xun, who was used to being pampered, uncomfortable at first. However, he also knew that the discipline of the escort team was very strict, and even though he had such a special status, he did not receive special care.  Of course, he did not complain to Han Zhongwei about the difficulty of training, because he knew that as long as he said so, his situation would not improve at all after returning to the escort. On the contrary, Bi Zaiyu would really take care of him "especially", so in this way  Wanyan Xun did not dare to say a word in front of Han Zhongwei.  (!)
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