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Text Chapter 500 Another big business

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    Chapter 500: Another Big Business is about to be finished. Friends who want to support this book, hurry up and seize the opportunity, haha.  There is a concept in online games called hatred value.  If the player's hatred value is zero, then the monster may not attack the player when walking past it.  Chang Yang received the order from Chief No. 1 and felt as depressed as he wanted. In his eyes, Sun Zesheng was a guy with a very high hatred value.  There are too many people who want to eat Sun Zesheng alive.  Not to mention far away, just domestically, his political faction also has its own economic team and its own business interests. They have been greatly impacted by the development of Sun Zesheng's enterprise.  Those who were blocked by Sun Zesheng had too many reasons to deal with Sun Zesheng.  Chang Yang didn't have a good impression of Sun Zesheng, not because of political or business interests, but because as a soldier, he absolutely didn't want to see someone like Sun Zesheng, who had mastered the world's top technology, integrate technology into one body.  products are sold all over the world.  This approach is neither in line with China's national interests nor in China's military interests. To say the least, it is also not in line with the interests of the political faction to which he belongs.  In Chang Yang¡¯s view, even if a person suffers a little grievance, he must endure it, hold it back, and suffer without resisting.  Among all kinds of people he came into contact with, there were many who were unsuccessful and talented but were suppressed. If they were all like Sun Zesheng and adopted this confrontational approach, how could he still do his job?  These are Chang Yang¡¯s personal views. He really doesn¡¯t want to take on Sun Zesheng, a hot potato, but now that the No. 1 leader has spoken and moved out the military court, Chang Yang really doesn¡¯t have the guts to openly confront the No. 1 leader.  He also knew that whether it was public or private, he had every reason not to let anything happen to Sun Zesheng.  ?According to common sense, Chang Yang will do this job.  It's not exactly the same thing, but at this moment, Chang Yang is in the mood to think about it.  He first found one of the two vice-chairmen of the Central Military Commission and briefly reported to him the requirements of Chief No. 1.  The vice chairman felt that the matter was important and asked him to do his best to ensure Sun Zesheng's safety.  Even if Sun Zesheng does more things that they decide are not in the national interest, it is still a contradiction among the people. In the future, when Sun Zesheng figures it out, it will be resolved sooner or later. Before then.  We must not let anything happen to Sun Ze. If he loses a hair, it will be an immeasurable loss to China.  Chang Yang had confidence in his heart. With the instructions of the No. 1 chief and the vice chairman, he found Lou Yuchen of the General Armament Department and asked Lou Yuchen to cooperate with him to complete this matter.  Although Lou Yuchen is a little dissatisfied with Sun Zesheng's recent actions, he doesn't want to see anything happen to Sun Zesheng.  He took the initiative to suggest that they go to the Light of the Future Park together to meet Sun Zesheng and see what Sun Zesheng thought of him going abroad this time.  What a journey.  Chang Yang and Lou Yuchen, two members of the Central Military Commission and dignified generals, went to Sun Zesheng's Future Light Park together and met Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng proposed to take a spaceship to Saudi Arabia.  He will first rush to Jinan City, take the Hope spacecraft at the launch site of New Space (Jinan) Company, and fly outside the atmosphere.  Join the fleet of armed escort spaceships waiting in space, and then rush to Saudi Arabia.  Sun Zesheng hopes that the Central Military Commission can order a global test.  Prevent someone from hitting him with a missile.  Nowadays, the only thing that can threaten Sun Zesheng's safety is missiles.  Of course, if he were on the ground, long-range artillery, large-caliber sniper rifles, etc. could easily kill him.  However, Sun Zesheng is not too worried about this. Saudi Arabia has stated that as long as he lands in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia swears by Allah and the credibility of the entire royal family that it will do its best to ensure Sun Zesheng's safety.  In addition, Saudi Arabia also agreed to Sun Zesheng mobilize 100 people from the security group, bring their own weapons and equipment, enter Saudi Arabia, and work with the Saudi military and police to protect Sun Zesheng's safety.  Sun Zesheng has an armed spaceship, but there is no satellite system that can detect global missile launches. This is what worries him most.  In addition, Sun Zesheng also hopes that the military will be responsible for the security within the territory.  On his way to Jinan City, there can be no accidents.  Chang Yang and Lou Yuchen agreed to all these requests from Sun Zesheng.  They said they would dispatch armed helicopters, fighter jets and other military aircraft along the way to carry out bomb-laden cruises, and shoot down any threatening targets immediately.  The next day, a convoy of more than a dozen vehicles set off from the Future Light Park and rushed along the highway to Jinan City.  Half an hour later, another motorcade drove out of the Light of the Future Park.  After waiting for another half hour, the third convoy came again.Exit the Guangzhou Park.  This was Sun Zesheng's trick. In fact, he was not in these three convoys. He had left the Future Light Park last night and spent the night reunited with Xu Yunjin and his daughter in a hotel. The next day  Early in the morning, he took a taxi to the airport, took a passenger plane here specially used to pick up guests, rushed to the launch site of the New Space (Jinan) Company, and boarded a second-generation ship that he had been waiting for a long time.  A hope-level spaceship flew into space.  Maybe it was Sun Zesheng¡¯s well-planned plan, or maybe those who wanted to murder Sun Zesheng were worried that they would not succeed or cause China¡¯s revenge. In short, Sun Zesheng was safe and sound along the way and arrived in Saudi Arabia smoothly.  The royal family of Saudi Arabia gave Sun Zesheng the most solemn reception. Two important members of the royal family, the Crown Prince and Prince Mughlin, came to greet him in person.  Sun Zesheng and the Saudi Arabian royal family signed an agreement. The two parties decided to establish an in-depth and comprehensive cooperative relationship to jointly face the future and jointly develop space.  In addition to announcing that they will join the Sun Space Association led by Sun Zesheng, the Saudi Arabian royal family has also spent an additional 10 billion US dollars to invest in Umeng Ventures, led by Sun Zesheng.  The new space company located in Saudi Arabia will continue to be hosted by Umen Ventures.  In addition, the Saudi Arabian royal family also announced the introduction of photochemical hydrogen production projects and seawater desalination equipment from Clearwater Water. When these two projects are fully completed, Saudi Arabia will have an annual hydrogen production of 10 billion cubic meters and a daily desalination of 1.5 billion cubic meters of seawater.  Thousand tons of capacity.  On Sun Zesheng's side, in addition to saying that he would complete the two projects with high quality, he also announced that he would provide the Hope-class spacecraft to the Saudi Arabian royal family as soon as possible, and promised to strive to provide the Moon-class spacecraft to Saudi Arabia within ten years.  royal family.  After the agreement was reached, the Crown Prince warmly invited Sun Zesheng to stay as a guest.  It was rare for Sun Zesheng to come out. The public opinion against him in the country had not yet subsided. He didn't really want to go back, so he stayed on.  It didn't matter that he stayed, several neighboring countries of Saudi Arabia immediately swarmed over. The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, two equally rich Arab countries, like Saudi Arabia, also aimed at the Hope-class spacecraft.  He reached an agreement with Sun Zesheng to purchase the Hope-class spacecraft.  They are not as generous as Saudi Arabia, but Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Sun Zesheng jointly reached an agreement. The two countries purchased a total of ten Hope-class spacecraft, and Sun Zesheng agreed to donate one Hope-class spacecraft to both countries.  Iran and Syria have extended olive branches to Sun Zesheng in their respective countries, hoping that Sun Zesheng can visit their countries after leaving Saudi Arabia.  They are willing to discuss in detail with Sun Zesheng the purchase of Hope-class spacecraft.  Sun Zesheng had no intention of going to Iran and Syria. It was not that he had any special thoughts about the two regimes, but he was worried that they could not afford the spaceship. If he did not wait for him to deliver the spaceship to them, they would have to pay for it.  Come on, that's trouble.  Sun Zesheng is happy selling spaceships in Saudi Arabia, but many countries have publicly expressed concerns.  At a press conference, the Israeli government spokesman publicly reminded Sun Zesheng not to sell spacecraft to Arab countries, especially Syria, Iran, Palestine and other countries.  Spokespersons from the United States and the European Union have also expressed similar concerns. They have also launched initiatives around the world, calling for the signing of a new common agreement for the peaceful use of space. Space is the common space of mankind, not a single person or organization.  The Russian spokesperson also expressed the hope that Sun Zesheng could visit Russia. Russia is willing to cooperate comprehensively with Sun Zesheng in developing new spacecraft.  Sun Zesheng turned a blind eye to these voices.  This overseas visit was much more rewarding than he expected, especially the joint purchase of the Hope-class spacecraft by the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, which he had not expected in advance.  Ten Hope-class spaceships, that is 100 billion US dollars, with a net profit of more than 99%, which is enough for him to use for a long time.  Sun Zesheng obtained the consent of Saudi Arabia and asked subordinates from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to send several representatives to Saudi Arabia to report to him.  After verbally praising Ling Feilu, Culun, Gong Jiuqing and others, and sealing each of them a big red envelope, Sun Zesheng encouraged them to continue to do their jobs well.  The successful development of New Star Company's business in Africa is inseparable from their efforts.  Gong Jiuqing told Sun Zesheng good news. After their day and night efforts, the first Moon-class spacecraft is almost ready to be built. In another month at most, the Moon-class spacecraft will be able to conduct test flights.  Sun Zesheng was overjoyed. He asked Gong Jiuqing to build the Benyue-class spaceship and he would stay in Shajia for the time being.Arabia, waiting for the good news about the successful test flight of the Lunar-class spacecraft.  (To be continued)
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