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Text Chapter 492 Space Development Administration

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    Chapter 492: Space Development Administration Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  Due to the geographical location of the institute, the security guards do not possess lethal weapons, but non-lethal weapons can be said to be the most advanced in the world. Anything that can be purchased from outside will be purchased with the best quality.  If it doesn¡¯t come out, make it yourself.  It is no exaggeration to say that once the security level here is raised to the highest level, not even a fly can fly out.  This is not an empty talk, but something that is completely achievable.  In addition to a large number of security guards, there are also many non-biological detection methods, including unmanned warning robots, drones, egg-shaped aircraft and other equipment. They are equipped with a large number of advanced equipment, radars, infrared detectors  , ultra-clear cameras, laser transmitters, etc., which can detect suspicious targets at the first time and take necessary countermeasures.  The reason why the security of the institute is so tight is because this will be a very important base for Sun Zesheng in the future.  He will carry out research on auxin here, and on the basis of auxin, he will try to study drugs that humans can take to delay aging and promote life extension.  Each of these studies is earth-shattering. Once leaked, it will definitely cause an uproar.  Sun Zesheng could not but treat it with caution.  In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, this institute has also recruited a large number of scientific researchers from more than a dozen industries, mainly in the biological industry, to settle here.  Sun Zesheng signed a strict confidentiality contract with them, and then directed them to conduct research in areas they were familiar with.  The treatment Sun Zesheng gave them was extremely high, no worse than if they stayed abroad, and the research funds given to them were also very sufficient.  Even if they are a cover for Sun Zesheng's auxin research, it is also a channel for Sun Zesheng to monetize a large number of advanced technologies in Tianjixing 3000. It can be said that he has assumed multiple roles and is worth every penny.  The establishment of the institute was not the happiest thing for Sun Zesheng. He was sent to Africa.  The delegations that negotiated with the governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan returned home one after another.  Without exception, they all brought good news to Sun Zesheng.  The Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan both approved Sun Zesheng's request to establish a space armed reclamation company in their countries. They also did not agree to Sun Zesheng's request to establish a company in their country to produce special biological agents and drugs, and stated that  We are willing to provide the most favorable policies and give the greatest support in terms of land use, employment, taxation, etc.  The Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan are undoubtedly one of the most backward countries in the world. The latter still has some oil, but the former has too few places to attract investors.  In particular, the former is prone to frequent turmoil, and few people return to invest there.  Sun Zesheng first built a satellite launch site there, which greatly increased their attention around the world. Now that Sun Zesheng wants to expand the scale of investment, they are naturally extremely happy.  Apart from anything else, when Sun Zesheng's company develops in the future, they will be able to collect a lot just by collecting taxes.  Of course, in addition to tax considerations.  Another very important reason why the governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan agreed so readily was the private armed forces trained by Sun Zesheng in the two countries.  Both countries have little money, the equipment of our army and Sun Zesheng's personal armed forces.  They are simply scum. If they really use force, the losers will definitely be the government troops, not Sun Zesheng's private armed forces.  When the delegation brought the good news back to the country.  They also reported their experiences in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan to Sun Zesheng in detail, and learned about everything the delegation had experienced during the negotiation process.  Sun Zesheng decided to strengthen his penetration into the governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan, and strive to support people who are pro-Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. to ascend to the presidential throne of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan in the future.  Sun Zesheng also intends to build the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan into his two important production bases abroad. He now wants to put two particularly profitable businesses, biological agents and special drugs, in these two countries.  He couldn't help but pay more and more attention to this place.  Ling Feilu has always done a very good job in Africa.  Regarding Sun Zesheng's instructions to secretly expand the strength of the mercenary group and the security group, Ling Feilu and Cullen cooperated with each other and quietly doubled the number of people in the past two years.  This gives Sun Zesheng a bigger trump card to deal with various unexpected situations.  The Agricultural Reclamation Company headquartered in Jinan City began to expand its planting scale. In order to avoid accidents, the Agricultural Reclamation Company did not continue to purchase more farmland in Jinan City. Instead, it set its sights outside Jinan City and even outside the country.  .  Sun Zesheng has always been cautious about purchasing farms abroad. Planting various crops abroad involves the risk of leaking secrets.  Later, it was still the Agricultural Reclamation Company.The first chairman and general manager Zou Jiashun tried his best to win over Sun Zesheng, but Sun Zesheng reluctantly agreed to Zou Jiashun's pilot work abroad.  Unlike China, which has less land and more people, many countries abroad, including the United States, Canada, Russia, etc., are typical examples of less people and more land, especially the United States, which is the world's largest agricultural exporter.  Zou Jiashun set his sights on the United States. He went to the United States specifically to see if there was any hope of buying an American farm.  American farmers and agricultural-related companies are a very powerful force in the United States, both economically and politically. They have a very unwelcome attitude towards Zou Jiashun's arrival.  Zou Jiashun encountered a problem and had to leave the United States and went to Canada. The attitude here was not very welcoming to Zou Jiashun.  Zou Jiashun went to Russia again, and the Russians were not very welcoming either.  Zou Jiashun went full circle and had no choice but to return to China and start searching in China.  The agricultural planting base in Jinan City did not stop developing when the person in charge, Zou Jiashun, was buying land everywhere.  The agricultural planting base has planted several crops in succession, and each time has achieved a bumper harvest.  In addition to providing these crops to FutureLight, the rest are used by two companies, namely biologics and specialty drugs.  The domestic branches of these two companies have stockpiled a lot of raw materials and have trial-manufactured some finished products.  Clinical trials of related drugs are still in full swing in various hospitals in Jinan City, and the response is quite good. We only need to wait for the completion of the clinical trials and the State Food and Drug Administration to issue a batch number before mass production can begin.  Everything is developing smoothly and smoothly. Sun Zesheng's business empire continues to accumulate strong capital, and his net worth is rising again and again.  At this moment, something happened that Sun Zesheng did not expect.  People from the Organization Department of the Central Committee actually came to visit him and talked with him for a long time.  Sun Zesheng was confused by what the visitor said, but he was not willing to offend these "officials" for their superiority, so he accompanied them cautiously.  Sun Zesheng has many good friends in the officialdom, and they inevitably have to deal with people in the organization department. Even for them, he needs to be cautious.  When the conversation was about to end, people from the Organization Department of the Central Committee expressed their intention to come. The Central Committee intended to reorganize the ministries and commissions of the State Council. One of the very important items was the establishment of the Space Development Administration.  Guan Zhiqin, the new member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, recommended him to the Central Committee, hoping that he could serve as the first director of the Space Development Administration. The Organization Department of the Central Committee came to seek his advice.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s first reaction was that people from the Organization Department of the Central Committee were joking with him. He did not hold any official position. He had already resigned from his original position as an officer of the Tuanyanjing Municipal Committee.  Isn¡¯t it a bit childish for him to become a provincial and ministerial-level official in a white body without any administrative rank? What¡¯s more, he is only in his twenties and is still several years away from turning thirty. In today¡¯s era, it is possible that  Are there any provincial or ministerial officials as young as him?  People from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China declared to Sun Zesheng with a very serious expression that they were not joking. They just wanted Sun Zesheng to express his opinion. Are you willing or unwilling?  If you are willing, what are your plans for the job? If not, why?  Sun Zesheng realized that the people in the Central Organization Department were not joking with him, and he had to take this topic seriously.  Sun Zesheng thought for a long time before expressing his decision. He was unwilling to serve as the director of the Space Development Administration. He preferred to do business, and the New Star Company was a very important industry under his name. If he served as the director of the Space Development Administration,  The director may not distinguish between public and private affairs, and he cannot guarantee that he will be able to clearly distinguish between them.  People from the Organization Department of the Central Committee did not express any opinions on Sun Zesheng's rejection. After they carefully recorded it, they asked Sun Zesheng if he had any suitable candidates that they could recommend to the Central Committee?  Sun Zesheng shook his head simply. He did not intend to recommend anyone this time.  He still can't figure out whether this time is a trap, or whether the Central Committee is really out to get him?  No matter which one it was, he had no intention of intervening.  Frankly speaking, New Starry Sky Company has become a phenomenon. No matter who leads the development of the domestic space industry in the future, New Starry Sky Company cannot be avoided in any case.  Even in a certain sense, being able to obtain the support of New Starry Sky Company is the key to being able to sit firmly on the throne of the Director of the Space Development Administration.  The central government intends to establish the Space Development Administration. It must have seen the signs of the development of the space industry. Human beings really have the technical strength to conduct large-scale activities outside the atmosphere. It intends to get ahead of other countries in the world and eat the fattest piece of meat first.  .  (To be continued)
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