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Text Chapter 486 Energy Issues

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    Chapter 486: Energy Issues Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  There are abundant helium-3 resources on the moon. It is estimated that it is enough for humans on the earth to use for more than 10,000 years. It can be said to be inexhaustible.  "It's not an easy task to transport helium 3 from the moon back to the earth.  Otherwise, the Americans cannot leave helium 3 on the moon alone and launch the Gulf War and the Iraq War again and again.  In the past, people were obsessed with helium 3 on the moon. They all regarded obtaining helium 3 on the moon as a long-term plan. No one really invested countless manpower and resources in this aspect.  We need to devote more resources to research and try to solve this problem.  However, the emergence of Sun Zesheng, especially the emergence of the Hope spacecraft, has made countries or companies interested in obtaining resources on the moon feel threatened. Just recently, many countries and private companies have expressed their intention to obtain resources on the moon.  A spacecraft capable of traveling to the moon and back will be launched in the near future.  As for projects such as space tourism, they were simply ignored or placed in a secondary position.  This small meeting of the State Council was held against this background. Faced with the huge helium-3 resources on the moon, no one will be tempted, especially China, a big country with extremely strong demand for energy.  , it is even less likely to fall behind others in this regard.  Due to historical, geological and geographical reasons, China has always been dominated by others in the energy field, and no one wants this situation to continue.  Sun Zesheng listened for a long time, and he quickly understood that what so many political bigwigs present said so much was basically meant for him.  Whether the lunar soil rich in helium 3 resources can be successfully brought back to the earth, the most critical factor is nothing else, but whether a reliable cargo spacecraft can be found that can travel between the earth and the moon.  With the current technology on earth, it is difficult to produce it.  Even if it could be made, it would still be cost-effective.  So far, the most successful spaceship is the Hope-level spaceship launched by New Starry Sky Company.  After everyone had finished speaking, the Prime Minister turned his attention to Sun Zesheng. He hoped that Sun Zesheng could give a clear and constructive suggestion as a counselor of the State Council.  Sun Zesheng was silent for a moment, thinking about how to speak, and then began to express his opinions.  Sun Zesheng did not preach any great truths. Everyone here was much older than him.  In terms of social experience, he is much better than him, and in terms of political wisdom, he is even more difficult to match.  He laid out some very simple data as soon as he came up.  The average distance between the earth and the moon is 384,400 kilometers, the perigee is 357,000 kilometers, and the apogee is 406,000 kilometers. Under normal circumstances, spacecraft are not high  Operating within an altitude range of 680 kilometers, the altitude of geostationary satellites is only 36,000 kilometers.  Even if it is calculated based on the altitude of geosynchronous orbit satellites.  There is also a whole order of magnitude difference from the distance between the earth and the moon, and the difficulty of the two cannot be calculated rationally.  When the load capacity is not very large, it is also very challenging for a Hope-level spacecraft to travel between the earth and the moon.  The success rate cannot be guaranteed.  If the load capacity is further increased, engineering machinery can be carried to the moon, and lunar soil can be carried when returning.  This is equivalent to increasing the difficulty of the entire flight plan several times again, and the originally low success rate will inevitably become even slimmer.  With the current technical conditions, it is still impossible to realize a remote-controlled unmanned cargo spacecraft traveling between the earth and the moon.  It must be controlled by people.  Once the spacecraft crashes, both people and money will be lost.  Sun Zesheng can bear the financial loss, but he is not willing to waste the lives of his employees in vain. He still hopes to wait for a while to develop a spaceship that is more advanced than the Hope-level spaceship.  Let¡¯s discuss mining on the moon.  After listening to Sun Zesheng¡¯s analysis, everyone including the Prime Minister fell silent.  They gathered together happily. For this matter, they held many meetings and spent countless energy. They originally thought it would be a happy ending, but unexpectedly, the protagonist of this scene was directly rejected.  How can we continue singing this scene?  Sun Zesheng was very sorry for spoiling everyone's interest.  He decided to give the Prime Minister and others two reassurances.  The first reassurance is that he believes that with the current technological level of the earth, transporting lunar soil back from the moon is simply an impossible hope.  When Americans landed on the moon, it was almost a stroke of luck that future generations cannot replicate to this day.  Therefore, you don¡¯t have to worry that China will lag far behind in this regard.  Even after the Chinese summerIt won't be the first country to launch a cargo spacecraft to the moon, but it won't be too far behind. It will definitely be a member of the first group.  The second reassurance is that with the current technology accumulation of New Star Company, building a space city and developing space tourism is the first step.  The second step will be to develop a space base, and in the future, a launch center for spacecraft may be established in space.  To launch a spacecraft from outer space, the air resistance that needs to be overcome and the gravity of the earth are much less than on the surface of the earth. By then, it may be possible to achieve the desired level of spacecraft traveling to and from the moon and the space base.  As for a spacecraft that can travel between the earth and the moon, Sun Zesheng conservatively estimates that it should be available within ten years at the latest.  The reassurance given by Sun Zesheng made the Prime Minister and others somewhat relieved.  They can still afford to wait for ten years.  The Prime Minister waved his hand, indicating that the meeting was over and everyone could leave.  When Sun Zesheng stood up and was about to leave, the Prime Minister motioned for Sun Zesheng to stay. He had something to say to Sun Zesheng alone.  After everyone left, the Prime Minister talked to Sun Zesheng about his company's recent operating conditions in a normal tone. Then he changed the topic and started talking to Sun Zesheng about China's energy shortage.  Sun Zesheng understands what the Prime Minister means, and simply hopes that he can pay attention to the cargo spacecraft and get the cargo spacecraft out as soon as possible, so as to alleviate the energy crisis faced by China one day early.  Sun Zesheng could only reassure the Prime Minister again and again. He said that he would definitely initiate the project as soon as possible and deploy the strongest technical forces to manufacture the Moon-class spacecraft as soon as possible.  By the time Sun Zesheng came out of the Prime Minister's office, it was already more than an hour later.  Sun Zesheng followed the staff around the Prime Minister and prepared to leave Zhongnanhai. When he was halfway there, someone came to meet him.  This person is a staff member next to Chief No. 1. He said that Chief No. 1 wanted to see Sun Zesheng and asked Sun Zesheng to follow him.  When Sun Zesheng arrived at Chief No. 1, he saw that Chief No. 1 and his wife were there. It was getting late now, it was already past noon.  The madam waved and asked Sun Zesheng to sit next to her, and then told the staff to bring the food.  Soon, the staff brought over three pairs of bowls and chopsticks. Only then did Sun Zesheng realize that his parents-in-law had not eaten yet and were probably waiting for him.  While eating, the mother-in-law asked about the situation of Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan. Later, the mother-in-law turned the topic to the children. She asked them to hurry up. In addition, don't hide your illness and avoid medical treatment. You must go to the hospital for examinations.  Don't delay.  If Sun Zesheng has any scruples, she can make secret arrangements.  Sun Zesheng was so embarrassed that his mother-in-law just pointed at his nose and said he was infertile.  He understood that his mother-in-law had no ill intentions. She just hoped that his and Jin Yuanyuan's life would be more happy and that his family would have children as soon as possible. As for whether it was a boy or a girl, it didn't matter. At least they had to have a child.  Sun Zesheng could not refute his mother-in-law's words, so he could only respond hesitantly.  He secretly decided that if he beat him to death in the future, he would not take the initiative to eat with his mother-in-law.  This topic is so embarrassing.  Leader No. 1 kept a straight face and did not say a word from beginning to end.  Not speaking is actually an attitude. At least he has no objection to his wife's words.  Sun Zesheng only hopes to finish the meal as soon as possible and then run away quickly.  A quarter of an hour later, seeing Sun Zesheng and the others put down their bowls and chopsticks, the staff stepped forward to clean them up.  Chief No. 1 stood up and walked towards the study. He walked to the door of the study and glanced at Sun Zesheng.  Mother-in-law patted Sun Zesheng on the shoulder and asked him to pass.  Sun Zesheng quickly followed Chief No. 1 into the study.  Chief No. 1 was not polite to his son-in-law and got straight to the point from the beginning.  He said that Sun Zesheng personally promised him that he would develop new energy sources as soon as possible, and then he relented and agreed to let Jin Yuanyuan find her own job after graduating from the advanced training class at the National Defense University.  Now that Jin Yuanyuan's military rank has been promoted and she has found a job at the General Armament Department, Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan are also married. Is it time for Sun Zesheng to fulfill his promise?  Sun Zesheng couldn¡¯t help but be stunned. When he entered Zhongnanhai today, the three giants, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 7, who is the executive deputy prime minister of the State Council, all raised energy issues with him.  This seems very unusual.  Sun Zesheng asked Chief No. 1 if something had happened recently that made the three giants pay special attention to this issue.  Chief No. 1 nodded.  A series of events have occurred recently, which has caused several members of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau to pay special attention to energy issues.  Russia and China are fightingIn a new round of energy negotiations, Russia has a huge appetite and its asking price is too high, far exceeding China's psychological bottom line.  (To be continued)
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