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    Chapter 436: Full Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  The reason why Huaxia Petrochemical Group Corporation wants to acquire Yinhe First Fuel Co., Ltd. is obviously because it is interested in the vast future market prospects of new fuels and No. 3 fuels.  I remember that a year ago, Sheng Qinghua organized Sun Zesheng and Ma Shiyou, Zheng Wenhui and Yan Ruifeng, the three leaders of Three Barrel Oil, to have a discussion with Sun Zesheng. At that time, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission wanted Sun Zesheng to cooperate with Three Barrel Oil. Unexpectedly, Three Barrel Oil  The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission had no choice but to invest its own money and formed a joint venture with Sun Zesheng.  Times have changed. In the past, Jiuri Power has produced a large number of supporting engines, which have flowed into the army and some special departments. In practical applications, new fuels and No. 3 fuels have proven that they are superior to conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel.  In places where the market prospects are widely optimistic.  As the leader of the three barrels of oil that monopolizes the domestic oil market, it is not surprising that it has set its sights on Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  If it can capture Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd., Huaxia Petrochemical Group Corporation will not only be able to firmly control the hen that can lay golden eggs, Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd., but also be able to further strengthen Huaxia Petrochemical Group.  The company's domestic monopoly position consolidates its strong market position and seeks more visible and invisible economic and even political benefits for the interest groups hidden behind China Petrochemical Corporation.  Sun Zesheng has enough reasons to believe that the other two barrels of oil in the three barrels of oil, China Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Company and China Offshore Oil Group Company, did not agree to supply oil to Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd., and they should have reached some secret agreement with China Petrochemical Group Company.  agreement.  Three Barrels of Oil should have a consensus on this issue.  As for the matter of cooperating to form a space company, it is very likely that it is not the focus of China Petrochemical Corporation, but a smoke bomb thrown by China Petrochemical Corporation to facilitate his bargaining.  If he objects, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation could give in on the space company's stake.  Or cancel the proposal to cooperate to form a space company in exchange for his agreement to let China Petrochemical Corporation acquire the equity of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  Sun Zesheng was secretly amused. Huaxia Petrochemical Corporation is in the hands of such a group of people, greedy and without a bottom line. If the eldest son of the Republic has such virtues, it will only become a negative asset to the central government and make the people more harmonious.  The expectations of those in power are inconsistent.  "Dr. Ma, if I agree to let Sister Song sell Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. to you, what will be the consequences?" Sun Zesheng asked.  Ma Shiyou laughed, "Mr. Sun, are you serious? Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd., as a company that cannot ensure the source of oil, cannot gain a foothold in the market competition. Don't be impulsive and work hard."  Think about it before making a decision. " "Oh, you can't stand in the market competition? Haha, Director Ma, I think it's better to forget about it. Sister Song will not sell the equity of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  For anyone." Sun Zesheng said calmly.  "Even if Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. really has no way to gain a foothold in the market competition, let him do it. At worst, I will ask Sister Song to dismantle the equipment of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. and sell them for scrap." Ma Shiyou couldn't help but be taken aback.  , "Mr. Sun, you have to think carefully. Everything is based on your own emotions. If you think the price offered by our Huaxia Petrochemical Group Company is a bit low, we can still discuss it, as long as the price is reasonable and not outrageous. Everything is easy to discuss.  "If that's the case, if there is a zero after 40 billion, I can consider asking Sister Song to give you all the shares he holds in Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd." Sun Zesheng said.  Ma Shiyou took a breath, "Four hundred billion Chinese coins? Mr. Sun, are you sure you're not joking?" Sun Zesheng smiled, "Is it possible for me to be joking about such a big thing? Actually, Director Ma, I  I originally wanted to change the currency unit to euros, but considering that Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. and China Petrochemical Group Corporation have the same shareholder, I didn't have to think about changing the currency unit. " Ma Shiyou sighed.  In one breath, "I understand, Mr. Sun, I understand everything. Forget it, just pretend that I didn't say anything." After the call between Ma Shiyou and Sun Zesheng ended, Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. was unable to purchase oil.  The situation has continued without any signs of easing. Three days later, the two branches of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. announced the suspension of production and stopped selling new fuel and No. 3 fuel to external parties.  The Military Fuel Department of the General Logistics Department immediately sent people to Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. to understand the situation. Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. admitted that it had no way to purchase oil, and naturally it was unable to provide new fuel and fuel.No. ? fuel is gone.  "The paradox is that people from the Ministry of Military Supplies and Supplies only urged Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. to resume production as soon as possible and resume normal supply to the military, but they did not say at all that they would put pressure on the three barrels of oil.  Later, the Ministry of Military Supplies and Fuel's urgings became more and more urgent, and the pressure on Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. was also increasing. In short, a lot of equipment in the army was being updated, and new fuel and No. 3 fuel were required.  The demand is huge. If there is a problem with the supply of new fuel and No. 3 fuel, Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. will bear full responsibility.  What the Military Supplies Department of the General Logistics Department did not expect was that not long after they urged Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd., the General Armament Department issued another document to the entire army, saying that more scientific demonstration work was needed on the new engines.  The planned upgrade of existing equipment has been postponed indefinitely. In other words, the military's demand for new fuel and No. 3 fuel suddenly hit a hole.  The General Armament Department and the General Logistics Department started fighting After Sun Zesheng learned about this situation, he probably had secret help from Jin Yuanyuan. He called Jin Yuanyuan specifically to inquire about the situation.  Unsurprisingly, it was Jin Yuanyuan who used her connections to get the General Armament Department to secretly help Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  During this call, Jin Yuanyuan also revealed some details to Sun Zesheng. Among the four major departments of the Central Military Commission, the General Armament Department supports the Jin family, the General Staff Department has a neutral attitude, and the General Logistics Department and the General Political Department respectively control the Jin family.  In the hands of two other big men in the army.  In addition, there are seven major military regions in China and the Second Artillery.  The navy, air force, armed police force, etc., half of the military forces support or tend to the Jin family.  Jin Yuanyuan also told Sun Zesheng the contact information of Lou Yuchen, the director of the General Armament Department, so that if there was anything that couldn't be solved, Sun Zesheng could go to Lou Yuchen.  Lou Yuchen is Jin's father's loyal supporter and worthy of trust.  Sun Zesheng agreed, but had no intention of asking Lou Yuchen for help. Sun Zesheng believed that his business methods were enough to deal with three barrels of oil.  "One thing is certain, Sun Zesheng is sure that Three Barrels of Oil will not dare to resort to shady means."  Cutting off the oil supply, and asking the General Logistics Department to put pressure on the Military and Oil Department, these methods have basically expired. It's not that they don't have more drastic measures, but they are afraid to use them.  After all, once they break up with each other and fight head-on with real swords and guns, Jin's father will become angry.  The consequences are not something they can bear.  Sun Zesheng thought for a while, and then called Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin, Zhang Li and others together to discuss countermeasures closely.  When Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. was first established, no matter Sun Zesheng.  Neither Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. has any equity in Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. The three shareholders of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. are based on their shareholding ratio.  From most to least, they are Song Jiayi, and then the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.  Finally, there is the Song family.  What Huaxia Petrochemical Corporation is plotting this time is the equity held by Song Jiayi. As long as China Petrochemical Corporation can take away the equity held by Song Jiayi, the equity held by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will most likely be allocated to Song Jiayi for free.  Huaxia Petrochemical Corporation, by then, the Song family's position in Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. will be further marginalized, and even the most basic shareholder rights may not be guaranteed.  It stands to reason that the equity of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. has nothing to do with Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin and Zhang Li. It doesn¡¯t matter if they stand by and ignore it.  However, the three women all actively offered their opinions and suggestions, without any intention of treating themselves as outsiders.  On the one hand, the three women admire Song Jiayi's normal behavior. On the other hand, they have long regarded themselves as one, and they have a relationship where one suffers and one prospers.  Besides, if someone dares to touch Song Jiayi's cheese today, someone might touch them another day. If they don't chop off the claws that are reaching out to Song Jiayi today, then the claws may reach out to them tomorrow.  Sun Zesheng proposed a basic plan, and then Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin, Zhang Li and others worked together to improve it. Finally, an operable plan was officially launched.  Subsequently, Sun Zesheng sent invitations to Sheng Qinghua, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Ma Shiyou, chairman and general manager of China Petrochemical Corporation, Jiang Guopeng, president of Huaxia Agricultural University, and Jiang Nan, secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Yanjing City, asking them to come together to the future.  Zhiguang Park as a guest.  Sun Zesheng made a special explanation to Jiang Guopeng, informing him one by one of China Petrochemical Corporation's forced acquisition of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. by threatening to cut off the oil supply.  Jiang Guopeng said that he could help Sun Zesheng find some connections to resolve the conflict between China Petrochemical Corporation and Sun Zesheng.  But Sun Zesheng smiled and said no, he just asked Jiang Guopeng to comeIt's a good day, just come on time.  Time flies. On a Saturday morning, several guests invited by Sun Zesheng came over on time. Sheng Qinghua, Ma Shiyou, Jiang Guopeng, Jiang Nan and their entourages came to the Light of the Future Park together.  "Besides him, Sun Zesheng's side includes Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Wuhan Yang and Mendelssohn.  Everyone sat together and after a few simple greetings, Sun Zesheng cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, I invited everyone here today mainly to ask you to witness something. Huaxia Petrochemical Group Corporation wants to acquire  My opinion was that Sister Song was not short of money and was not in a hurry to sell the shares of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. held by Sister Song. However, Sister Song said that she had limited energy and could not take care of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. and was willing to sell them.  The equity of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. was sold at a reasonable price. I fully respect Sister Song¡¯s wishes and will not stand in the way.¡± The expression on Ma Shiyou¡¯s face did not change, but the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up.  It tilted up for a moment, but then pressed it down again. If Sun Zesheng didn't have Tianjixing 3000, he still wouldn't be able to catch Ma Shiyou's subtle movement.  "Dr. Ma, are you sure China Petrochemical Corporation will insist on acquiring Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd.?" Sun Zesheng asked.  Ma Shiyou said unambiguously: "Our Huaxia Petrochemical Group Company is very sincere in acquiring Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. In addition. In order to show the sincerity of our Huaxia Petrochemical Group Company, I am willing to make another purchase on the basis of the original quotation."  Increase the offer price by 2.5%. "Ma Shiyou didn't know whether Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi were willing to let outsiders know the purchase price quoted by Huaxia Petrochemical Group Company, so he vaguely used percentage points to represent the increase in the offer price. After conversion, it was compared to  The original offer was one billion more, so only the eldest son of the Republic with a wealth like Huaxia Petrochemical Corporation could easily increase the amount by one billion to make the acquisition successful. All other companies are not careful with their calculations and would like to break them in half for just one penny.  Children's flowers.  Sun Zesheng looked at Song Jiayi, "Sister Song. Are you satisfied with Director Ma's quotation?" Song Jiayi nodded, "Quite satisfied." Sun Zesheng clapped his hands, "Sister Song, if you are satisfied, that's good.  , This means that Sister Song and Director Ma have reached a transaction agreement, and I sincerely congratulate you." Ma Shiyou pretended to slap his hands, and then said impatiently: "Mr. Sun, when can I officially sign with Director Song.  "The transfer agreement?" Sun Zesheng waved his hand and said, "You can sign it at any time. But Mr. Ma, I think it is necessary to make it clear that the patent rights of the new fuel and No. 3 fuel do not belong to Galaxy First Fuel.  Co., Ltd., but in my hands, or in the hands of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. According to the patent licensing agreement originally signed by Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. and Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  When a major event such as a change in the controlling shareholder of Fuel Co., Ltd. occurs, the patent licensing agreement signed by Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. and Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. will immediately expire, and Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. needs to re-apply with Future Light.  International Industrial Co., Ltd. signed a new patent licensing agreement. Therefore, if Huaxia Petrochemical Corporation insists on acquiring Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd., it must re-sign a patent licensing agreement with me for new fuel and No. 3 fuel.¡±  Ma Shiyou's face immediately fell, "Mr. Sun, what do you mean when you say this?" Sun Zesheng shrugged, "I don't mean anything, I just want to ask Director Ma to act in accordance with the agreement. In fact, Director Ma, you should  Thank you to me. If I hadn't told you in advance before you and Sister Song signed the equity transfer agreement, Huaxia Petrochemical Group Company might have suffered heavy economic losses." Ma Shiyou snorted.  Sun Zesheng asked: "Dr. Ma, do you still want to insist on acquiring Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd.?" "Yes, why not? In addition, Mr. Sun, please give me a price. How much money do you need before you are willing to buy the new fuel?"  And the patents of No. 3 fuel are completely and completely sold to us. "Ma Shiyou said "we", not Yinhe No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. Obviously he wanted to hold the patent rights of the new fuel and No. 3 fuel to China Petroleum.  Chemical Group Company or the person he represents.  "New fuel and No. 3 fuel are two hens that can lay golden eggs. I won't sell them. Even if I sell them, my price will be very high. China Petrochemical Corporation cannot afford the price." Sun Zesheng  said.  "You tell me, there is no price that China Petrochemical Corporation cannot afford." Ma Shiyou gritted his teeth.  Huaxia Petrochemical GroupThe interest groups behind the company are determined to obtain the patents for new fuels and No. 3 fuels. As long as they hold the patents of the two, millions of tons of refined oil produced by Huaxia Petrochemical Group Company every year can be converted into new fuels.  The profits brought by No. 3 fuel are as great as gold and silver, and the small price paid today seems insignificant.  Sun Zesheng raised a finger, "I don't want much, the patents for new fuel and No. 3 fuel are 100 billion each" Sheng Qinghua, Jiang Guopeng and Jiang Nan all took a breath, a patent  Just sell it for 100 billion. When did the world become so crazy?  Sun Zesheng looked around for a week, and then continued: "I'm talking about euros. I'm talking about 100 billion euros for new fuel patents, and 100 billion euros for No. 3 fuel patents. Add the two together, and it's 200 billion euros."  "Ma Shiyou stood up angrily, "Sun Zesheng, you have no sincerity at all." "Mr. Ma, I am completely sincere." Sun Zesheng waved down calmly, "Don't worry.  Let me analyze it for you. Let me tell you, the two patents only cost 200 billion euros. Not only is it not expensive, it is also worth the money. The world's annual crude oil production is billions of tons, of which about 100 billion.  The refined oil produced is about half of the crude oil production. These refined oils are converted into new fuels and No. 3 fuels through patents. We assume that a meal of refined oil can be converted into new fuels, which can add one hundred yuan in value and be converted into No. 3 fuels.  The value can be increased by 300 yuan, so you can calculate how much the value of this amount of refined oil can be increased. A mere 200 billion euros may only be the value-added data in a few years." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels.  Better updates faster!
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