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Text Chapter 417 Introduce your granddaughter to me

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    Chapter 417: Introduce your granddaughter to me. Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  ¡ù Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu did not ask any more questions, but said: "Boss, give us four hours. After four hours, all information about the space laser cannon will be destroyed." Sun Zesheng nodded, "Okay, you guys  Start destroying it, I'm watching from the side." Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu immediately started destroying the relevant information about the space laser cannon.  These materials include thousands of drawings, computer documents on G, and many other things.  The laboratory building is equipped with a variety of professional data destruction equipment such as shredders and incinerators. These have been fully equipped since the laboratory building was built.  Four hours later, all the information about the space laser cannon was destroyed. Sun Zesheng looked thoughtfully at the billowing smoke from the incinerator.  Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu didn't know why Sun Zesheng ordered the destruction of relevant information. They had been with Sun Zesheng for a while. Under Sun Zesheng's leadership, they had launched several scientific research projects. Before that, the relevant information for each project had been  It has been properly kept and has never been completely destroyed like now.  " However, the two of them can more or less guess some of the reasons. The sensitivity of the space laser cannon is too great.  During the manufacturing process, they didn't feel anything. When the space laser cannon was built, they felt a little frightened when they looked at the cold barrel of the space laser cannon.  To a certain extent, they all felt relieved that Sun Zesheng was able to order the destruction of space laser cannon data.  ¡°Boss, what project are we going to do next?¡± Xiong Zhili asked.  Sun Zesheng looked away from the incinerator, "Let's rest for two days. It seems that you haven't taken a vacation yet, so you should take this opportunity to have a good rest." "Yes." Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu looked at each other.  , and then responded.  Come out of the experimental building.  Sun Zesheng was still thinking about his thoughts. Although he destroyed the space laser cannon, he did not stop thinking about making another space laser cannon.  Whether at home or abroad, it is not realistic to launch space laser cannons into space through satellite launch sites in other countries. Sun Zesheng feels that it is necessary to build a satellite launch site of his own.  Naturally, Sun Zesheng cast his sights on Africa, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and China is far away.  No matter how big the noise he makes there, it will hardly generate a big reaction in the country.  Sun Zesheng immediately found Song Jiayi and told her his thoughts. Song Jiayi almost immediately agreed with Sun Zesheng's decision.  Subsequently, Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi convened the company's top management to discuss the proposal of sending personnel to Africa to find a suitable place to build a satellite launch site exclusive to Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd.  "Some people may say that we, a private company, are overestimating our capabilities when building a satellite launch site? Or will the country allow us to do it?" Sun Zesheng said at the meeting, "I won't go with you either.  There are too many truths to say. I ask you to take a look at the United States. A few years ago, the United States relaxed its ban on this aspect and is responsible for the aerospace companies responsible for transporting materials and personnel to the International Space Station.  , in the United States, all are private aerospace companies. Americans can do it. Why can¡¯t we do it? Space is much vaster than the earth. If we can open factories in space, it will be very profitable.¡± For Sun Zesheng.  Except for Song Jiayi, everyone else, including Rong Jingying, had reserved support for the decision to open the factory into space. It sounds beautiful, but so many years have passed since humans went to heaven.  Without even a decent space factory, what ability does Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. have to accomplish this?  But thinking about the miracles Sun Zesheng once created, and considering that Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. is Sun Zesheng's sole proprietorship, since the boss wants to play, then let's "play" with him, as long as we can prevent the boss from taking all the company's assets  Just invest all the resources in it.  For Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., there is no problem if it spends billions every year to waste its money.  Sun Zesheng's proposal was unanimously approved. Sun Zesheng announced the establishment of Benyue Space Technology Co., Ltd., registered in the British Virgin Islands, with a registered capital of 2 billion Chinese coins, and Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. as its parent company.  Holds 100% of the shares of Benyue Space.  Subsequently, Sun Zesheng announced that he would send people to Africa to find a suitable place to build a satellite launch site.  At the same time, Sun Zesheng also asked Song Jiayi to recruit relevant personnel globally in the name of the head office.After finding suitable talents, let them take root in Africa.  Every move of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. is now affecting the nerves of many people. Its open recruitment of talents related to space technology cannot be hidden from anyone at all.  ¡°However, talents related to space technology are basically controlled by governments of various countries. It is not that difficult for Sun Zesheng to poach the corners of governments of various countries.  But Sun Zesheng is not in a hurry. Even if he can't recruit anyone, he has ways to solve the problem.  A few days later, the inspection team sent by Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. flew to Africa together, preparing to inspect several African countries that the equator passes through, and finally determine the location of the satellite launch site.  This matter cannot be done in a day or two, and Sun Zesheng can't do anything more besides waiting.  More than a month later, the inspection team returned to China and made a special report to Sun Zesheng.  While in Africa, the delegation made contact with several African countries. Almost every country showed strong interest in setting up satellite launch sites in their countries. However, regarding the site costs and staffing of satellite launch sites,  Governments of various countries have different requirements on issues such as the ownership of satellite launch sites.  Almost every African country hopes that the satellite launch site belongs to them, not to Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. They hope that the construction of the satellite launch site will be constructed by Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. with the personnel, funds and expenses.  Technology, after the satellite launch site is built, it is then donated to the home government, and then the home government will carry out subsequent management and use.  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t know whether to laugh or cry at such a request. He was doing business.  It's not like we're looking for financial assistance.  Not to mention the importance of the satellite launch site to him, even if he really just wanted to build an ordinary satellite launch site, he would not be able to donate the satellite launch site he worked hard to build to the host country for free.  Sun Zesheng asked the inspection team to go to Africa again, but this time it was not to inspect which place was suitable. Instead, after he identified two places, he asked the people of the inspection team to discuss it in detail with the local government to try to find a way acceptable to both parties.  Determine the final location of the satellite launch site.  Soon after the inspection team went to Africa for the second time, good news came from Qingshui Water Affairs.  Zheng Kunming leads the team of Qingshui Water.  Traveling around the world in areas that are short of water and close to the sea, they successfully sold a second set of seawater equipment that can process 100,000 tons of seawater per day. This means that in addition to the Israeli business, Clearwater Water has a third set of seawater equipment.  The two can bring more than 70 million euros of profit to Qingshui Water every year.  In addition to the second set of equipment, Qingshui Water has also sold several sets of sewage treatment equipment, and the production orders have been scheduled for the year after next.  Just when Sun Zesheng commended Zheng Kunming and his team in a company-wide announcement, good news also came from George Smith. Not only did he successfully sell two sets of fully automatic cosmetics production lines, but he also had the corresponding technology for the fully automatic cosmetics production lines.  patent.  He also approached several transferees and obtained royalties as high as billions of dollars.  George Smith promised to transfer the royalties to Sun Zesheng¡¯s account before New Year¡¯s Day.  ??This billion of dollars is for Sun Zesheng.  It's quite timely. He wants to build a satellite launch site, and the funds required will not be a small amount.  George Smith said he will continue to seek buyers for fully automatic cosmetics production lines in the global market.  However, he said that he would make a trip to China before New Year's Day, and he hoped to do so by then.  I can talk to Sun Zesheng about further strengthening cooperation between the two parties.  Sun Zesheng gave a positive response to George Smith¡¯s proposal.  He also hopes to further strengthen cooperation with George Smith. This American with whom he has a friendship of "eating dumplings made by the same mother" has a good way of doing business and has brought a lot of profits to Sun Zesheng, and it is free of charge.  How much effort did Sun Zesheng have?  When Sun Zesheng was still planning what to talk about after meeting with the Americans, Wuhan Yang came to find him.  The question asked by Wuhan Yang is very simple. The Spring Festival will be in more than three months. Should Future Light Company stock up on goods in advance like last year?  Also, will the price of the series of cosmetics launched by Future Light Company continue to increase?  The reason why I ask whether the price should be increased is because the products of Future Light Company, especially the Meiruge brand youth cream series cosmetics, have been in short supply in the market. Almost every batch of products has been sold out in a short period of time after it was launched.  Will sell out.  The better something sells, the greater the price increase. This is the law of the market.  As prices increase, manufacturers' profits will increase. Wuhan Yang is now also a shareholder of Future Light Company. He naturally hopes that Future Light Company's performance will get better and better, so that his dividends can also be larger.  ¡°Boss, my suggestion is to use the Meiruge brand youth cream series.The entire line of cosmetics products increased by 10%.  The first two increases were only 5%, which was a bit small. Once the CPI increased, all the profits from our price increases were wiped out.  Moreover, with such a large investment in the agricultural planting base, the cost of the company's products is also high, so it is natural that the selling price should rise.  "Wuhan Yang said. Sun Zesheng thought for a while and said: "It is okay to increase prices, but we still need to extensively solicit opinions from consumers on how to increase them. In addition, before raising prices, we must do a good job in publicity and cannot give consumers any information.  Leave the impression that we are not making enough money.  Also, while prices are rising, product quality control must keep up.  It cannot be said that the price has gone up while the quality has gone down.  " Wu Hanyang nodded frequently, "Yes, boss.  What about stocking up?  " Sun Zesheng waved his hand, "You can make up your own mind about this. Whatever you think can make the company gain both fame and fortune, do whatever you want.  By the way, and also, in the name of Future Light Company, you can donate 50 million each to Project Hope, the Poverty Alleviation Foundation, the Disabled Persons' Federation and other organizations. We can't just make money, we must also know how to give back to society.  " Wu Hanyang said: "Boss, I don't object to donating money, but I suggest not donating to these government-run organizations. As you know, there are too many tricks in them.  Our donations may not be realized.  My suggestion is that we can set up a foundation to carry out various welfare undertakings.  The money is under our control, ensuring that every penny goes into the hands of those who truly need it.  " Sun Zesheng nodded, "Your suggestion is good. Let's do what you say.  Looking back, I'll let Sister Song handle this matter.  " Wuhan Yang said again: "Boss, I want to take some time to go to the agricultural planting base in Jinan City. I want to see the situation there to see if it can really be done next year.  Plant the medicinal herbs.  If there is a harvest next year, I can arrange the production plan for tomorrow.  " Sun Zesheng hummed, "I happen to want to go there too, so let's go together.  " The next day, Sun Zesheng, Wu Hanyang and others took the high-speed train and rushed to Jinan City. After leaving the train station, they took a helicopter sent by the agricultural planting base, and then rushed to the agricultural planting base. Sun Zesheng let the helicopter fly in the sky first  Turning around, the transformation of the agricultural planting base has basically been completed. Now we are mainly building agricultural water conservancy facilities, and then building greenhouses, building office areas, processing plants and other buildings on the original site of Xiaokang Village.  There are very few plastic greenhouses. They are basically glass greenhouses. They also use the most advanced agricultural technology in the world, which can create an environment most suitable for crop growth, and the quality of crops can also be as precise as a factory assembly line.  Control. Sun Zesheng got off the helicopter and listened to Zou Jiashun's report. Zou Jiashun said that the construction of the agricultural planting base has been progressing in line with the planned schedule. After New Year's Day, the construction of the entire agricultural planting base should be completed.  The first batch of seeds can be sown. By the middle of next year, the first batch of crops will be harvested and then, after simple processing, provided to the Future Light Company. Since Sun Zesheng has already communicated with the provincial party committee secretary.  The daughter-in-law Liu Xiaoran reached an agreement. The crops grown in the agricultural planting base are all provided to Future Light Company, while the raw materials required by Xingshen Company will be provided by Liu Xiaoran or purchased from other channels.  After Zou Jiashun finished his report, he told Sun Zesheng that a group of teachers and students from Huaxia Agricultural University were doing internships at the agricultural planting base. In addition, it seemed that the principal Jiang Guopeng was also there. Did Zou Jiashun know if Jiang Guopeng was still there? Sun Zesheng took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Guopeng.  , when he asked, he found that Jiang Guopeng had not left yet. Jiang Guopeng learned that Sun Zesheng had arrived at the agricultural planting base, and told Sun Zesheng his location, and then asked Sun Zesheng to go find him. Soon, Sun Zesheng met Jiang Guopeng and chatted with him.  After a few sentences, the conversation changed, "Xiao Sun, I heard that you and the Rong family were very unhappy some time ago. Is this the case?  " "There is such a thing, but the article has been turned over.  My relationship with the Rong family has returned to normal.  "Sun Zesheng smiled and said. "Do you think I will believe your words?  "Jiang Guopeng stared at Sun Zesheng and showed a meaningful smile. Sun Zesheng touched his nose and said, "I'm not a roundworm in your stomach. How do I know whether you believe it or not.  " "The fact that you can say this proves that you know that I don't believe what you say. Don't say I don't believe it, I'm afraid you don't even believe it yourself.  The Rong family suffered such a big loss at your hands, how could they possibly swallow that sigh of relief?I bet they'll look for an opportunity to bite you hard when you're not prepared.  "Jiang Guopeng said without concealment. Sun Zesheng shrugged, "Maybe.  Jiang Guopeng patted Sun Zesheng on the shoulder, "The Rong family could barely be said to be your allies before, but now they are on your opposite side. Once something happens to you, the Rong family will not provide you with any help."  Do you believe this?  " Sun Zesheng nodded, "I believe that if the Rong family doesn't add insult to injury, I'll be thankful.  But, principal, why are you telling me this?  In my impression, you don't seem to be such a gossip, do you?  Jiang Guopeng smiled and said, "Did you see it?"  Actually, I have only one purpose for saying this. I think you should seek a stronger ally than the Rong family.  " "Apart from the Rong family, who else can I find as an ally?  What's more, even if we have allies, how can we ensure that the other party won't betray me or do anything sorry for me?  Sun Zesheng said, "Also, how can I ensure that I am not in a subordinate position in the alliance and that the other party has no intention of annexing me?"  Jiang Guopeng said: "I guess you don't have much interest in seeking business allies. You will only do better than me in this regard, not worse than me."  What I mean is that you seek official allies, the kind who are closely related to each other.  " "Family?  Sun Zesheng frowned, "What do you mean?"  " "Of course it's a marriage.  Have you ever heard of the term, government-business integration?  This word actually fits your situation quite well.  " Jiang Guopeng said with a smile. Sun Zesheng pointed at Jiang Guopeng and said: "Oh, principal, you don't want to introduce your granddaughter to me, right?  "(To be continued)
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