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Text Chapter 409 Double Loss

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    Chapter 409 Double Loss ,.  Thanks.  ¡ù "Dear Sun, you always have to make money when doing business. Who will do the unprofitable business? Well, I have confessed everything to you. Will you consider the proposal I just made?" George Smith eagerly said  said.  Sun Zesheng thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible to let you act as the agent for licensing patents related to the fully automatic cosmetics production line, but I have conditions." "You said, as long as your conditions are reasonable, I can agree." George Smith  said.  Sun Zesheng spread his hands and curled up his little finger first, "The first condition is that five percent of the agency fee is a bit much. I will give you three percent at most. You have to know that even if I don't approve you,  You can also do this yourself. There is no need to add another step that will suddenly increase my costs. Therefore, I cannot give you too much agency fee. The second condition is that I need to send someone to your company.  During the negotiation process of patent licensing with other companies, we will follow up the whole process. The third condition is that this agency authority must have a time limit. We sign the contract once a year. If you do well in the first year, we will  Then sign a second-year contract, and so on. The fourth condition is, you give me one billion dollars as a deposit.¡± Sun Zesheng¡¯s four conditions almost made George Smith vomit blood.  "Dear Sun, our friendship is based on the same mother making dumplings. You can't put forward so many harsh conditions." Sun Zesheng shrugged, "I don't call this harsh. This is called fighting for your own rights. Mr. Smith, do you want to  Think about it. You took away one of my production lines and flipped it around, earning more than 20 million U.S. dollars. This shows that you made a lot of money doing business with me. Correspondingly, I suffered more losses.  The situation cannot continue, and I hope to achieve a win-win situation. Hello, me, okay?" George Smith crossed his hands, twirled his thumbs around, and after a while, he said: "You said.  The second condition is the four conditions. I can agree to it immediately, but the other three conditions must be changed. First, the agency fee is only 2%, and I will not make any money at all.  It must be 4%, second. The agency contract is too short to be signed once a year. It must be signed once every two years, and when the agency contract expires, if I am negotiating with someone, you have to let me negotiate.  Keep going until it¡¯s over. Also, the deposit of one billion dollars is too much. I¡¯ll give you at most 100 million.¡± ¡°No, why don¡¯t you send the beggar away?¡± Sun Zesheng retorted, ¡°The minimum is 900 million, and the agency fee is the most.  I'll give you three percent." Then, Sun Zesheng and George Smith started bargaining like a merchant and a vegetable seller, both of them biting hard and refusing to let go easily.  The two of them know that if they just relax, millions or tens of millions of dollars may be spent.  Fortunately, Sun Zesheng was eager to get some money from George Smith. At the same time, he also wanted to take advantage of George Smith's connections in the United States. Therefore, under George Smith's repeated requests, he still made some concessions.  The same is true for George Smith. The products and technologies provided by Sun Zesheng can make him make money, and the money he makes is not small money. For more and longer-term interests, he also needs to make some concessions to Sun Zesheng.  Only when both sides make concessions can a consensus be reached.  In this way, the two of them discussed each other word by word. Sometimes, the spittle of the argument flew into each other's faces, making them blush. However, neither of them had any disagreements, and both carefully maintained the "eat one"  The friendship of the dumplings made by my mother.¡±  The two talked for nearly an hour and finally reached an agreement acceptable to both parties.  There are four main contents of the agreement: First, George Smith is the agent for the sales of fully automatic cosmetics production lines in global markets except China, and is also the agent for the global patent licensing business of the corresponding patents of the fully automatic cosmetics production lines.  The patent agency fee is 3.69%.  Secondly, George Smith gave Sun Zesheng US$650 million as a deposit.  The deposit must be paid within three days after the agreement is signed and takes effect.  Third, the agency contract is signed every eighteen months.  The last one is that Sun Zesheng can send people to George Smith's company to follow the entire patent licensing negotiation process.  After the negotiation, Sun Zesheng first initialed an agreement with George Smith, and then asked Song Jiayi to come over and ask Song Jiayi to find people sent by George Smith to negotiate together, draft a formal agreement, and then use the future  Signed in the name of Zhiguang International Industrial Co., Ltd., and George Smith's Smith Trading Company.  Maoxin Bank and Maoxin Jiahua Bank were not joking. As soon as Sun Zesheng and George Smith initialed the agreement, the court sent a summons. The two banks formally applied to the court for filing a case, requiring Sun Zesheng to repay the loan in advance.    The Rong family has completely broken up with Sun Zesheng.  Although all the shares of Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. were taken away from Sun Zesheng, the Rong family did not intend to continue to be Sun Zesheng's backing. The Rong family would take away any benefits that Sun Zesheng might gain from the Rong family.  After all, the Rong family still wants to get more benefits from Sun Zesheng through this method.  Mr. Rong may pass away at any time. If you don't take advantage of Mr. Rong's last years to gain as much benefit for yourself as possible, it will be too late after Mr. Rong dies.  Rong Jingying was extremely disappointed with the family's behavior. She thought that Sun Zesheng would pay such a high price to ease the relationship between the two families.  But Sun Zesheng's concession, apart from allowing the Rong family to give up control of her, did not bring any more benefits to Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng threw the court summons aside carelessly. Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. has officially signed an agreement with Smith Trading Company. Within seventy-two hours at most, George Smith will call him the deposit.  With this money, the loans owed to Maoxin Bank and Maoxin Jiahua Bank will be paid off.  For Sun Zesheng, it is a simple matter of effort.  George Smith's action was faster than Sun Zesheng imagined. Just one day later, George Smith called Sun Zesheng and said that he had transferred 350 million US dollars to the account of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., and another three  Hundreds of millions, he will call him after the remaining forty-eight disappear.  The exchange rate of U.S. dollar to Chinese currency.  The exchange rate of one U.S. dollar is about a little over 6.2. The conversion of 350 million U.S. dollars into Chinese dollars has exceeded 2.1 billion Chinese dollars, which is enough to pay off the loans of Maoxin Bank and Maoxin Jiahua Bank.  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t want to wait another minute, so he took Song Jiayi with him and called the chief accountant of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., and then they took a car together to the headquarters building of Maoxin Bank.  Sun Zesheng and the others just got off the car.  I happened to see Jiang Zhenliang, chairman of Maoxin Bank, coming out of the headquarters building.  Sun Zesheng strode over and stood in front of Jiang Zhenliang, "Isn't this Chairman Jiang? Are we meeting again?" Jiang Zhenliang was blocked by someone. He was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw clearly that it was Sun Zesheng, his face was filled with anger.  A smile appeared.  "It turns out to be Mr. Sun and Director Song. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you." Sun Zesheng got straight to the point, "Chairman Jiang, I, Sun Zesheng, don't ask for help easily, but this time I plan to ask you. I have obtained a summons from the court. Can you?  Are you going to withdraw the lawsuit from the court? If you give me a few more days, I will be able to get the money together for you. "Mr. Sun, from my personal point of view, I am willing to give you a period of grace."  . Who will not encounter some difficulties in life? You say, right? But one thing is that I am the chairman of Maoxin Bank. My words and deeds must first safeguard the interests of all shareholders of Maoxin Bank.  Protecting the safety of the funds of all depositors of Maoxin Bank comes first. Is it true that you, Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., have payment difficulties? This means that you are very likely to be unable to repay the principal and interest of our Maoxin Bank loan on time. Therefore, in order  To protect the interests of Maoxin Bank shareholders and depositors, we have no choice but to exercise our rights. For this, I can only say sorry." Jiang Zhenliang had a professional smile on his face, but he had no intention of giving Sun Zesheng any mercy.  .  Maoxin Bank is a joint-stock commercial bank, but the largest shareholder, Maoxin Group, is a well-known central enterprise. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Maoxin Bank is a state-owned enterprise.  In China, state-owned enterprises naturally have a sense of superiority when facing private enterprises. When Jiang Zhenliang lent money to Sun Zesheng, Jiang Zhenliang was somewhat reluctant. At that time, Rong Hengzhi was still the lobbyist in the middle.  Although Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. is a very good company in terms of profitability and development prospects, there are many good private enterprises in the country, and Maoxin Bank does not need to provide loans to every private enterprise with good prospects.  In addition, when Sun Zesheng took out the loan, Jiang Zhenliang was under some pressure, and the interest discount given to Sun Zesheng was not small. This is something Jiang Zhenliang will never forget. What's more, this time there is pressure from the Rong family.  The Rong family had secretly promised him that if they succeeded in forcing Sun Zesheng to repay the loan in advance this time, the Rong family would give him some of the benefits they received and give it to Jiang Zhenliang.  Being unwilling to provide loans to Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. does not mean that Jiang Zhenliang is not covetous of Sun Zesheng's achievements. How could Jiang Zhenliang miss out on the good thing that he could do with Sun Zesheng? "Chairman Jiang, you really don't want to give me this face?"  Sun Zesheng wiped away the smile on his face.  "I'm sorry, Mr. Sun, I'm very sorry. I can only say that this precedent cannot be set." Jiang Zhenliang looked businesslike.  Sun Zesheng nodded, "Okay, very good. Chairman Jiang, since you don'tIf you want to withdraw the complaint voluntarily, then I just need to use some means.  I will repay the one billion loan I owe you to Maoxin Bank now.  " "What, you're going to pay it back now?" Jiang Zhenliang couldn't believe his ears. This is a loan of one billion, not ten yuan. Jiang Zhenliang heard a lot of news from the Rong family about the development of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd.  Sun Zesheng's frequent lack of money is not news to him. Moreover, he has already spread the news of Sun Zesheng's lack of money in the domestic banking system, except for underground banks that are not controlled by the central bank and specialize in loan sharking.  , No bank will lend money to Sun Zesheng. According to common sense, Sun Zesheng should not have raised 2 billion in such a short period of time. Song Jiayi waved to the back.  Sun Zesheng took a check and handed it to him. Sun Zesheng glanced at the check, then waved it in front of Jiang Zhenliang, "See? There are 170 million US dollars here, equivalent to more than 1 billion and 50 million Chinese dollars, which is enough.  I paid the principal and interest of my loan from Maoxin Bank.  Could you please make arrangements with Chairman Jiang? I will handle the early repayment procedures immediately.  " Jiang Zhenliang was a little confused. Sun Zesheng suddenly came up with enough funds. This completely disrupted his preconceived ideas. "Sorry, Mr. Sun, I need to verify the authenticity of the check first.  "Jiang Zhenliang wanted to buy himself some time. Sun Zesheng handed the check to Jiang Zhenliang, "Go and verify it.  " Jiang Zhenliang took the check and turned into the headquarters building of Maoxin Bank. The chief accountant followed with two bodyguards. Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi also led people into the headquarters building. They didn't go upstairs at all.  Sitting down on the sofa in the waiting area in the corner of the lobby on the first floor, Jiang Zhenliang took Sun Zesheng's check and hurriedly walked out of the elevator, "Mr. Sun, I'm sorry."  This check is real.  in addition.  I just asked several major shareholders for instructions, and they all decided to withdraw the lawsuit.  In addition, as a financial company, it is our unshirkable responsibility to support the development of physical companies.  We misunderstood your company's financial situation and made the mistake of collecting the loan in advance.  Now, we have decided to revoke this decision and allow your company to continue to use our loan until the originally agreed loan repayment period.  ¡± It used to be that asking Sun Zesheng to repay the loan in advance was a way to force Sun Zesheng to cede more interests. Now this method is useless. Sun Zesheng has enough funds to repay the loan. Once Sun Zesheng is allowed to repay the loan in advance, Maoxin Bank will  He would lose a considerable part of his profits and would be more likely to offend Sun Zesheng, a high-quality customer. Jiang Zhenliang immediately changed his face, hoping to maintain the relationship between the two parties. Moreover, there is another advantage to not allowing Sun Zesheng to repay the loan early.  There is a time bomb in his hand. Once there is news that Sun Zesheng is short of funds, Jiang Zhenliang can once again play the trick of collecting the loan in advance and force Sun Zesheng again. By then, Sun Zesheng may not be able to take out the principal and interest of the loan immediately.  Sun Zesheng smiled at Jiang Zhenliang's "olive branch" and said, "I'm sorry, I don't like to owe people favors or money when doing things.  So, I decided to take out a Maoxin Bank loan while I still had money.  Chairman Jiang, please stop being polite and arrange someone quickly so that we can go through the procedures for early repayment of the loan.  " "Mr. Sun, it really doesn't have to be like this.  "Jiang Zhenliang said hurriedly. "It's very necessary.  Chairman Jiang, stop being so enthusiastic and make arrangements quickly.  Sun Zesheng insisted. Jiang Zhenliang had no choice. The customer wanted to repay the loan in advance, and the bank had no reason to refuse. In desperation, Jiang Zhenliang had to arrange for someone to completely liquidate Sun Zesheng's loan at Maoxin Bank. Jiang Zhenliang mobilized the most capable people from the headquarters  The staff came to handle it, so the processing speed was relatively fast. Finally, the clerk whispered something to Jiang Zhenliang and asked Sun Zesheng: "Mr. Sun, after you repaid the loan in advance, there are still hundreds of thousands of dollars left for you.  Cash check, or should I pay it to your account in our bank?" Sun Zesheng smiled, "Let's give it to you in cash.  Checks are waived.  In addition, Chairman Jiang, I have something to inform you. I want to completely cancel my account from Maoxin Bank.  In addition, the public accounts opened by all companies under my name at Maoxin Bank will also be closed.  I think I will basically never deal with Maoxin Bank again in the future.  " "Mr. Sun, don't be like this.  "Jiang Zhenliang was completely anxious now. Although he was unwilling to lend money to Sun Zesheng, it didn't mean that he didn't like to recruit Sun Zesheng, a high-quality customer. Sun Zesheng has three companies that have opened corporate accounts at Maoxin Bank. Each one is a big bank.  The amount of funds coming in and out will add a lot to Maoxin Bank's reputation. Once Sun Zesheng cancels the public accounts of these three companies, Maoxin Bank will lose a lot of color.??, Sun Zesheng's account cancellation this time means that he will not open another account with Maoxin Bank in the future, which means that the potential losses of Maoxin Bank will be even greater.  Sun Zesheng stood up and said, "Chairman Jiang, from a personal point of view, I am very satisfied with the service of Maoxin Bank, especially last year when I just started the company, Maoxin Bank was able to lend money to me at an early stage.  I have always been very grateful to Maoxin Bank, but as the owner of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., I need to consider the safety of the company's funds, the interests of the company's employees, and everyone who does business with me.  Considering the interests of my customers, I can only regretfully make the decision to close the account." Jiang Zhenliang opened his mouth. He vaguely remembered what he said to Sun Zesheng at the door of the headquarters building just now. How long had it passed?  , Sun Zesheng returned it to him intact.  In comparison, the losses suffered by Sun Zesheng were minimal, but the losses suffered by Maoxin Bank were huge.  Jiang Zhenliang suddenly realized that he had done something unprecedentedly stupid.  Sun Zesheng held Jiang Zhenliang's hand and shook it enthusiastically, "Goodbye, Chairman Jiang." Letting go of Jiang Zhenliang's hand, Sun Zesheng walked away with Song Jiayi, the chief accountant and others.  Looking at the background of Sun Zesheng leaving, Jiang Zhenliang suddenly realized a more important thing. Has he also lost the possibility of becoming friends with Sun Zesheng?
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