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    The first sentence of Chapter 399: The Ju Qinghua in the previous chapter should be Gong Jiuqing. I apologize to everyone.  ¡ù Gong Jiuqing asked: "Boss, can I ask a question? Is what you asked us to do illegal?" Sun Zesheng shook his head, "It's not illegal, but it's very likely that your life will be in danger. So, if you  If you don't want to do it, I won't force you." "Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster! Of course, if you are willing, I will not treat you badly." Once I heard that their lives were in danger, Gong Jiuqing and others.  They all fell silent. Although they recognized their new identities these days and were impressed by Sun Zesheng's endless new technologies, being impressed did not mean blind obedience, nor did it mean that they were willing to risk Ziji's wealth and life.  Sun Zesheng asked anxiously, but waited patiently for about ten minutes, "How are you thinking? Is anyone willing to come forward?" "Boss, I want to give it a try." Contrary to everyone's expectations, the first  One person who stood up turned out to be the fitter Liu Qimin, Master Liu. This is a man who usually doesn't talk much. He is very honest, loyal and honest, and his craftsmanship is relatively good.  "Master Liu, are you sure you want to take this task?" Sun Zesheng asked.  Liu Qimin smiled naively, "Boss, I don't know how to talk big or nice things. I just want to make more money. My son is in high school and will be a sophomore in high school. He will take the college entrance examination the year after next. I want to advance  Prepare some extra money for him so that he won't have to worry about it after he goes to college. "Sun Zesheng nodded, "Okay, I'll count you in." Gong Jiuqing hesitated.  Then he stood up and said, "Boss, Master Liu has already gone, so count me as the only one." Immediately afterwards, Wang Shendong also stood up, "Brother Liu and I are partners. Brother Liu has gone, why can't I go?"  "Boss, count me in." Sun Zesheng nodded, "Okay, just you three, that should be enough. Master Gong and Master Liu will stay, and the rest will go and do your work."  "Xiong Zhili, Zhang Lifu and others retreated, and Sun Zesheng turned around and walked more than a hundred meters away.  There was an open space in front of it, and it was empty nearby. There was no place where the workers could hide. Sun Zesheng stopped, and Gong Jiuqing and the others also stopped.  Sun Zesheng turned around and glanced at Gong Jiuqing, Liu Qimin, and Wang Shendong, "From now on, you will be a team. From now on, until you complete the task, the salary you three will receive will be five times what you are now."  " Gong Jiuqing, Liu Qimin, and Wang Shendong all had their eyes widened. All three of them expected that Sun Zesheng would give them a salary increase, but they never expected that it would be more than quadrupled.  Gong Jiuqing¡¯s annual salary is more than 300,000 yuan.  Five times is more than two million.  Liu Qimin and Wang Shendong both have an annual salary of 100,000 yuan. Five times that would be 500,000 yuan. This is a high salary that they could not even imagine before.  "In addition, I will also buy an accidental injury insurance for each of you. The insured amount is 10 million. If you are unfortunately killed while performing your mission, your designated beneficiary will receive the insurance money. According to the  At the current price level, ten million should be enough for your family to live well for the rest of their lives," Sun Zesheng continued.  Gong Jiuqing¡¯s face became solemn, and Sun Zesheng gave them a salary increase and insurance, not only to reassure them, but also because this mission was very dangerous.  "Boss, since we have taken the initiative to stand up, we are mentally prepared. Just tell us what the mission is." Liu Qimin and Wang Shendong also asked Sun Zesheng to explain the mission.  Sun Zesheng nodded, "I want you to go to Africa. You have all met a man named Ling Feilu. He is in Africa and helps me with some things. After you arrive in Africa, all you need to do is help him  Make an egg-shaped aircraft and other equipment he needs." "Going to Africa?" Gong Jiuqing looked relaxed, "Okay, I have a question." Sun Zesheng knew that Gong Jiuqing was not aware of the danger of this mission.  Go and break it, and when they get to Africa, they will know how bad the environment there is.  "There is no way to determine the duration of your mission for the time being, but I think it will not be less than half a year. I hope that before you leave, n¨¦nggou will arrange things at home. Also, after arriving in Africa, you must listen to Ling Feilu  Please don't make any arbitrary decisions regarding your arrangements. Only in this way can you ensure your safety." Sun Zesheng warned.  "We're done." Gong Jiuqing said.  Sun Zesheng said again: "I'll give you a few days off. You go home first and spend time with your family."After a reunion, you may not see each other for half a year.  I will also use this time to apply for passports and buy insurance for you.  "Sun Zesheng not only wanted to apply for passports and buy insurance for Gong Jiuqing and the others, but also had a very important thing, which was to call Ling Feilu back from Africa. "At the beginning, Sun Zesheng made an agreement with Ling Feilu to let him come back every day.  After three months, he will go back to China and undergo a polygraph test. Sun Zesheng originally did not plan to send Gong Jiuqing and the others to Africa to make weapons and equipment for Ling Feilu, but he just contacted the province.  The collision between Wu Shuji and Qi Jun made Sun Zesheng realize that he had to speed up the construction of the mercenary group. He didn't know whether Lang Qi Jun ordered his secretary to resign, but it was a temporary measure.  It is certain that he has offended this feudal official. In this three-acre land of Jizhou Province, Lang Qijun has great authority. If he wants to deal with Sun Zesheng and his company, he does not need to speak at all, as long as he uses it casually.  With a look and a slight hint, there were people rushing to do it. Today, in front of many people, Sun Zesheng forced Lang Qijun to drive away his secretary. Sun Zesheng did not regret it. He would never sacrifice his own woman.  To please anyone at the cost of dignity. However, Sun Zesheng still has to protect Ziji without regrets or fear. Only by protecting Ziji can he be able to better protect his relatives, friends and his family. Sun Zesheng is now.  He has a lot of economic power and has many official friends. He barely has some political capital, but these do not guarantee that he will not be affected by political power. Lang Qijun controls the province's propaganda.  Resources, the province's public security forces and armed police forces, the necessary military forces, and even the army can be mobilized. These are all things that Sun Zesheng cannot resist.  The symmetrical force is growing rapidly. At the same time, this force must be brought into the eyes of some people in the country as soon as possible. For example, if Lang Qijun realizes that he has such a force, n¨¤me Lang Qijun must have some scruples.  Sun Zesheng knew that Lang Qijun's grandson was studying in the United States, and he had many close relatives abroad. His son was the county magistrate of a small county, and his daughter-in-law opened a company in the provincial capital, and Lang Qijun was not too young.  , ruguo will not be promoted to another level, n¨¤me will retire from the high position of the Provincial Party Committee Shuji in two more years. By then, the halo surrounding Lang Qijun will quickly fade, and the security force around him will also be strong.  These are all favorable factors for Sun Zesheng to suppress Lang Qijun. Unless Lang Qijun is determined to eliminate relatives and has only public interests and private interests in his heart, there is really no way for Sun Zesheng to do anything to him. Then again, Lang Qijun only has public interests and private interests in his heart.  , the collision between him and Sun Zesheng would not have broken out.  From a public perspective, Sun Zesheng¡¯s contribution to Jinan City and even the entire Jizhou Province is very large. This agricultural planting base alone has invested more than 5 billion Chinese yuan and 150 million euros.  Whether it is placed in a shimedif¨¡ng, this is a large-scale project.  Last year, the GDP of Jinan City was only over 300 billion, and the GDP of the entire Jizhou Province was only over 260 billion.  Don¡¯t say anything else.  For this investment, Sun Zesheng should be a guest of local governments, and Song Jiayi is the legal representative of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd.  The chairman and general manager were also first-class distinguished guests, but in the eyes of the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Shuji, both Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi were like slaves who could be ordered around and easily offended.  From this, it can be seen that Lang Qijun is definitely not the kind of selfless person. As long as he realizes the asymmetric power Sun Zesheng has, Lang Qijun will make a decision that is beneficial to him.  In fact, Sun Zesheng chose to recruit Ling Feilu's mercenary group because he thought that most officials in the country today, as long as they have some energy, are trying their best to send Ziji's children or grandchildren abroad. On the one hand, foreign t¨¨bi¨¦ is teaching in Europe and the United States.  The quality is indeed better than that in China. On the other hand, they also transfer funds. When they encounter corruption and corruption, they, naked officials, can run fast.  Sun Zesheng was in the country and could not reach the close relatives of these officials, but Ling Feilu's mercenary group could.  If someone really touched him for personal gain, Sun Zesheng would not mind paying blood for blood, tooth for tooth, and let Ling Feilu lead the mercenary group to destroy all the officials who touched him.  As for someone touching him in the name of public affairs, Sun Zesheng thinks it is unlikely. On the one hand, he is very careful in doing business in the country. He does not follow all the procedures that should be followed, and the tax he should pay is a lot. He is violating the law and discipline.  The matter is even more complicated. If someone wants to touch him in the name of public, this can only mean thatThe family is going to be doomed, and Sun Zesheng's identification with the country will quickly degenerate to zero. When the time comes, it will be like the previous life, and he doesn't care if everything goes to death.  ruguo are the old revolutionaries of the older generation who have died. They say that they serve the public wholeheartedly. Sun Zesheng believes that there are, and he also believes that there are a large number of them. However, among current officials, Sun Zesheng will only think it is a joke if they say that there are people who serve the public wholeheartedly.  Even the people who work in Longting have all kinds of selfish motives. It's just a question of the ratio between selfishness and public motives.  Sun Zesheng believes that as long as Zijin¨¦nggou completely controls the asymmetrical force of Ling Feilu and builds it into an elite force, he will have the capital to deal with these selfish officials in the country.  He doesn't mind sharing some benefits with them, giving them political achievements, and even sharing profits with them, but if anyone wants to swallow him whole and knock him to the ground, Sun Zesheng will definitely not catch him without restraint.  Sun Zesheng left the training center and returned to the hospital to take care of his sick grandfather.  What surprised Sun Zesheng was that in the evening, Lang Qijun came to the hospital in person to visit his grandfather.  Lang Qijun sat on his grandfather's bedside, holding his grandfather's hand, chatting with Sun Zesheng cordially, and praising Sun Zesheng from time to time.  Grandpa has never seen an official as big as Lang Qijun, and he seemed a little frightened.  Lang Qijun stayed in the ward for half an hour, and then told the hospital director who came after hearing the news that he must use the best medical care to take good care of Sun Zesheng's grandfather.  Waiting for Lang Qijun to leave.  Sun Zesheng escorted Lang Qijun to the outside of the ward. Lang Qijun held Sun Zesheng's hand and said, "Mr. Sun, I visited your agricultural planting base today. It is an amazing project, and it is also a high-quality and demanding project. This is our province's  As a model of high-end agriculture, I would like to call on agricultural companies in the province to learn from you. I plan to organize a visiting group to come to your place to have a look. " Sun Zesheng nodded.  "I have any questions. You are welcome at any time." Lang Qijun patted Sun Zesheng's hand, then got in the car surrounded by a group of people.  Zhou Tianyu fell at the end again. He glanced at Sun Zesheng who was getting on the bus and whispered: "Xiao Sun, this is an excellent opportunity to repair your relationship with Lang Shuji. Maybe you don't know that Lang Shuji's daughter-in-law is in the provincial capital.  I have registered a company, mainly engaged in agricultural and sideline products. Lang Shuji is very capable this time because he wants to make connections among you." Sun Zesheng said, "If this is the case, I welcome it as long as Lang Shuji's daughter-in-law is not trying to rob me.  The company's shares. It's easy to talk about other things." Zhou Tianyu pointed at Sun Zesheng and shook his head, "Money is an external thing, don't take it seriously." Sun Zesheng said lightly: "Uncle Zhou.  The investment exceeds 7 billion Huaxia coins. If Lang Shuji's daughter-in-law asks for shares, how much should I give her? Ten percent or twenty percent? " Zhou Tianyu opened his mouth.  After all, it was m¨¦iyou who answered.  The amount of investment in the agricultural planting base is too large. Just a few shares would cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions of Chinese dollars.  If it were him, he wouldn't be able to give it to anyone casually.  There is a limit to how bijing can please the provincial party committee shuji. If you give him a few million or tens of millions, it will be great.  Sun Zesheng laughed, "Uncle Zhou, you don't have to worry about me, I will figure it out. Ruguo Langshuji's daughter-in-law really wants to cooperate with me, and I don't mind giving her a big benefit." ruguo  If possible, Sun Zesheng did not want his relationship with Lang Qijun to become too tense, and he would be happy to repair the rift between the two.  Using Ling Feilu's mercenary group was just a forced choice and a last resort.  The visiting group organized by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government arrived very quickly, just two days after Lang Qijun returned to the provincial capital.  There are more than 100 people in total, coming from various agricultural companies in the province.  Jizhou Province is a large agricultural province, and there are still many agricultural companies in the province. However, not many of these agricultural companies have become successful. Compared with the neighboring province of Luzhou, Jizhou Province's agricultural output value is even smaller than the scale of agricultural companies.  Far worse.  The various matters of the agricultural planting base have basically been arranged. The early planning, soil transformation and improvement, etc. are basically completed. Now it is almost the pure construction stage.  Sun Zesheng asked Song Jiayi to officially hand over all the work of the agricultural planting base to Zou Jiashun.  Song Jiayi packed her bags and prepared to return to the Yamei Daily Chemical Factory in Yanjing.  At the Yamei Daily Chemical Factory, Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi were used to spend forty or fifty days in Jinan City. Yijing transformed Sun Zesheng's workshop from an old warehouse, the simple room where Song Jiayi's office is located, and the old  All factories and buildings were demolished.  The new office building in yijing is under construction, Sun ZeshengThe workshop has also been repaired and is waiting for Song Jiayi and Sun Zesheng to move in after they return.  After the visiting group arrived, Sun Zesheng went to receive them. Song Jiayi only showed up, and then Zou Jiashun was mainly responsible for the subsequent reception work.  The visiting group wandered around the agricultural planting base for a whole day, and then Zou Jiashun reported to Sun Zesheng that there was a person who wanted to see Sun Zesheng.  The man claimed to be from Provincial Tianshi Agricultural Company.  Many people in Jizhou Province know that Tianshi Agricultural Company is a company opened by the daughter-in-law of provincial party committee member Lang Qijun. In order to avoid suspicion, Lang Qijun¡¯s daughter-in-law Liu Xiaoran does not hold any actual position in the company. All company managers, including the chairman and  Including the general manager, they were all hired by Liu Xiaoran.  This is somewhat similar to Sun Zesheng's Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd.  Sun Zesheng asked Zou Jiashun to invite the person to Panshi Security, where Sun Zesheng's temporary office in Jinan City was located.  After meeting Sun Zesheng, that person started by saying that he was here on behalf of Liu Xiaoran. Liu Xiaoran was not in the visiting group, but Liu Xiaoran was at the Jinan Hotel in Jinan City.  Liu Xiaoran wanted to meet Sun Zesheng.  Without the slightest hesitation, Sun Zesheng rushed to the Jinan Hotel and met Liu Xiaoran.  Liu Xiaoran is nearly forty years old, but she is well-maintained and her charm is still there. Smelling the fragrance on her body, Sun Zesheng quickly judged that Liu Xiaoran must have used the Meiruge brand youth cream series cosmetics.  The first thing Liu Xiaoran said after meeting Sun Zesheng was, "I have long wanted to meet Mr. Sun, the man who invented the Meiruge brand youth cream series of cosmetics, and today I finally got my wish. Mr. Sun, can you?"  It is truly the greatest gift that God has given to us women. With you, it is no longer a luxury for us to keep our youthful beauty. "To be continued)
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