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Text Chapter 387: Growth in progress

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    Chapter 387 is in progress. Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket. Thank you. ¡ù Zhang Li looked at Sun Zesheng inexplicably, "Do you think it's funny that I feel a century behind you?" Sun Zesheng laughed, "You, don't think so much.  , how could I laugh at you?" Zhang Li glanced at Sun Zesheng for a while, and said: "Forget it." Sun Zesheng said again: "By the way, there is one thing I have to tell you. Today, Kong Tianshun represents the police.  The boss talked to me and said that he hopes I will present the Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method, and I have basically agreed." Zhang Li was stunned, "Then will the Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method training class here continue to be held? Xiaosheng, this is new?  The cultural training center is currently the only profitable project." Sun Zesheng said: "I know that in the short term, we may suffer losses, but in the long term, we still make money. I have told Minister Fu that if you want me to take Sun  If the Drug Rehabilitation Law of the People's Republic of China is given up, the New Culture Training Center must be given tax exemptions. My request is that the tax holiday be extended to ten years, and the subsequent tax reduction period will also be ten years." Zhang Li said anxiously: "Even if it is twenty years, it will be  The tax holiday is hardly worth the losses we may suffer from suspending the Sun's drug treatment training class." Sun Zesheng patted Zhang Li's hand, "What? Don't you have confidence in me? Didn't I tell you just now?  , as long as we adhere to the two school running routes I just mentioned, the New Culture Training Center will only get bigger and bigger in the future, and the income will be higher and higher." Zhang Li said: "I believe you are the second phase of Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method training  After the class is over, we may be in a state of suspension. What should we do then? Can we use the so-called foreign language training as support? " Sun Zesheng smiled, "You need to find a way for this. You are the New Culture Training Center?  Director of the training center, I can't always do everything, right? Zhang Li, use your brains and use everyone's wisdom. I think you will be able to find a way." This conversation with Zhang Li was very important to Zhang Li.  The impact was so profound that Zhang Li had to mobilize all the faculty and staff of the New Culture Training Center to conduct market research to find the entry point of the New Culture Training Center into the market. Sun Zesheng resisted the urge to help Zhang Li. He did not let the New Culture Training Center  The idea of ??obtaining another high-profit growth point is just that compared to making some money, he hopes that Zhang Li can enter the role faster and better and be able to shoulder the burden of the New Culture Training Center instead of always relying on  He relies on the help and support of Shen Yuelan and others. This may be a bit cruel to Zhang Li, but from a long-term perspective, Zhang Li can have a very good career, which is of great benefit to her. Sun Zesheng  While secretly following Zhang Li, he focused his main energy on the mercenary group. He has decided not to continue to launch new products for quite some time in the future, but to make his current business even better.  Solid, gain more shares in the market, grab more profits. Ling Feilu and Sun Zesheng have always maintained close contact. After arriving in South Africa, he first reported safety to Sun Zesheng, and then he communicated with the mercenaries in the mercenary group.  Through individual contacts and other methods, he got a feel for the entire mercenary group and then began to openly talk about the mercenary group being incorporated. Out of caution, Ling Feilu did not say at the beginning that the mercenary group had changed its owner.  It¡¯s just that there is a billionaire who is willing to be the sponsor of the mercenary group, and the price the mercenary group pays is to establish a close cooperative relationship with the sponsor. Then even this kind of rhetoric still caused multiple hires within the mercenary group.  Ji Li¨¨ of the army objected. They were not struggling with money, but they did not want to be restrained. Or they were simply undercover agents sent by other mercenary groups. They did not want the Ling Feilu mercenary group to have the opportunity to grow. Ling Feilu made a decisive decision on the mercenary group.  The corps cleaned up, gave all those who objected a sum of money, and then kicked them out of the mercenary group. Now, the rest of the group were basically people who were willing to follow Ling Feilu. Then, Ling Feilu came again  It took a considerable period of time to instill in the mercenary group the possible benefits of accepting billionaire sponsorship or even recruitment. An atmosphere favorable to Sun Zesheng gradually formed in the mercenary group. Ling Feilu was busy, and Sun Zesheng was not idle either.  He is also busy with the affairs of the mercenary group. If he wants to firmly control the mercenary group, the most important thing is to strangle the mercenary group financially. Now, under the Light of the Future International Industrial Co., Ltd.  The finances of all subsidiaries must be managed by financial personnel stationed by the head office. Sun Zesheng had the opportunity to get to know the financial personnel of the entire company. He secretly collected the personal experiences, preferences and other information of all financial personnel to conduct an analysis of their personalities.  Analysis, occasionally, they will be assigned tasks to have a more direct understanding of them.Explanation This process continued until Ling Feilu returned to China for the first time to report his work to Sun Zesheng. Sun Zesheng talked with Ling Feilu. Ling Feilu suggested that it would be best to find a simulated environment to test the psychological endurance of those selected by Sun Zesheng.  , and then finally decide who to send. Sun Zesheng felt that what Ling Feilu said was very reasonable, so he began to make arrangements secretly. He went through the list of financial personnel again, selected a few people whose overall performance satisfied him, and then  In the name of their excellent work, it was announced that they would be sent to Africa for a public trip. These accountants were quite happy at first. They packed up and saluted happily, took the tickets provided by the company, and boarded the passenger plane to Africa.  After arriving in Africa, they had fun at first. Later, the drama jointly arranged by Sun Zesheng and Ling Feilu began to take place. In a small African country, Ling Feilu and the others pretended to be robbers, hijacked several financial personnel and took them to the airport.  On the battlefield, naked and bloody dramas were staged in front of them. These dramas were all performed by professional actors, and the makeup artists were transferred from Starlight Media. The fake ones were fake and the real ones could not be seen by ordinary people. Those accountants knew this.  He was so frightened that his nerves almost collapsed. However, Ling Feilu also found out that there was a man named Jiao Xiaoshuai. He was very excited, especially when he saw Ling Feilu and the so-called robbers shooting, his eyes lit up with excitement.  Ling Feilu contacted Jiao Xiaoshuai and asked Jiao Xiaoshuai to join them. Jiao Xiaoshuai seemed a little hesitant, but the desire in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what. Then, Ling Feilu used  Sun Zesheng provided a polygraph and began to question Jiao Xiaoshuai in detail. Jiao Xiaoshuai expressed his inner desire. He is a person who likes excitement. When he was a child, he watched a documentary introducing the French Foreign Legion, so  He had the dream of joining a mercenary group, but he never had the chance. Now that things have come to a point, what happens next is relatively simple. Ling Feilu stopped his "hijacking" operation and said that he was an actor from a certain film crew. In order to pursue the truth, he pretended to be  The robbers "hijacked" them. Jiao Xiaoshuai and others immediately quit. Ling Feilu got Sun Zesheng's approval in advance and acted very simply. He said he was willing to compensate them for their mental losses and gave each of them 10,000 euros. Jiao Xiaoshuai  The resentment of Shuai and others was gone. After Jiao Xiaoshuai and others returned to China, Ling Feilu also flew back. Later, Sun Zesheng called Jiao Xiaoshuai to Yamei Daily Chemical Factory in the name of the head office. Speaking of Jiao Xiaoshuai,  Shuai's original workplace was not in Yanjing. He was an accountant at Xingshen Company. He was not very old, not yet thirty years old. Jiao Xiaoshuai was very excited after receiving the notice from the head office and thought he had a chance to be promoted.  After Jiao Xiaoshuai arrived at the Yamei Daily Chemical Factory in Yanjing, he realized that the person who wanted to see him was not Song Jiayi, the chairman of the head office, but Sun Zesheng, the big boss. Jiao Xiaoshuai became even more excited to be summoned by the big boss.  When Jiao Xiaoshuai appeared in front of Sun Zesheng, Sun Zesheng clapped his hands, and Ling Feilu came in from the outside. Jiao Xiaoshuai was very shocked when he saw Ling Feilu. After Ling Feilu got Sun Zesheng's consent, he said his  His true identity, and then sent a formal invitation to Jiao Xiaoshuai. Only then did Jiao Xiaoshuai know what kind of test he had experienced in Africa. Regarding Sun Zesheng's decision to send him to station in the mercenary group, Jiao Xiaoshuai hesitated for a long time.  In the end, he couldn't resist the temptation to join the mercenary group and nodded. In addition to appointing Jiao Xiaoshuai as the accountant of the mercenary group, Sun Zesheng also asked Jiao Xiaoshuai to temporarily serve as an observer he sent to the mercenary group.  Gun, Jiao Xiaoshuai agreed without hesitation. Sun Zesheng signed a secret labor contract with Jiao Xiaoshuai, which determined Jiao Xiaoshuai's new identity. To a certain extent, Jiao Xiaoshuai was a filial son. In Yuzhou Province  There is no girlfriend there yet, which is also an important reason why Sun Zesheng is willing to use Jiao Xiaoshuai with confidence. With Jiao Xiaoshuai in the mercenary group, Sun Zesheng can, to a certain extent, support the mercenary group with confidence.  Sun Zesheng first asked Future Light Company to hand over a profit to the head office, and then used this profit to register a company in the British Virgin Islands. Ling Feilu became the chairman of the company, and Jiao Xiaoshuai was  Financial Director Ling Feilu, under the supervision of Jiao Xiaoshuai, took this money and began to expand in Africa. He first expanded the number of mercenary groups to one based on the remaining mercenaries around him.  One hundred and fifty people. These mercenaries come from all over the world. They are from everywhere. Most of them are retired soldiers and low-level officers. After the team was formed, Ling Feilu began to train the team and purchase necessary weapons and equipment. Ling Feilu  The newly recruited 150 people need to be kneaded together first, and then gradually expanded until the team is expanded to 2,000 people.? Sun Zesheng has made it clear that he must classify the people in the mercenary group and select a group of people with superb combat skills, loyalty and reliability to form the core of the mercenary group. Sun Zesheng is ready to carry out better operations in the future.  Armed, right now, because we are not sure of their character, we can only let them use weapons that are no different from others. The matter with Ling Feilu has come to an end at this point. Sun Zesheng is also responsible for the subsequent development.  No more worries. As the development of the mercenary group became more formal, Sun Zesheng felt more confident. He established the mercenary group not for personal ambition, but just to protect himself. If everything was safe in his country, he would also  The mercenary group will not be troubled. At this time, it is already the summer vacation after the end of the junior year. Some time ago, he has been busy with the mercenary group. He has been a little neglectful of other things in the company. Fortunately, he has established a brand new  Song Jiayi, who is in charge of the company's management system, has a vice chairman and five deputy general managers to assist her. She does not need to spend too much time every day to manage the company's affairs in an orderly manner.  The company does not appear to be chaotic, which has a lot to do with Sun Zesheng stopping to come up with more advanced products. Without new products, each subsidiary can concentrate on doing things, without having to disrupt the established arrangements in order to comply with Sun Zesheng's requirements.  The management of subsidiaries can also have more thoughts on daily management. During this period, the development of each subsidiary is very good. Future Light Company is still the most profitable company, with monthly profits of ten  Around 100 million, and almost every month, the net profit of Future Light Company has maintained a high level. The factory construction of Wooden Harrier Seiko has been completed, and the company has begun to officially put into production. Orders from the military and police have made Wooden Harrier  Seiko has been operating at full capacity from the beginning. Almost every egg-shaped aircraft is taken away as soon as it comes off the production line. As for other products such as electric shock grenades and light distortion meters, the military and police have also placed some orders.  Under the leadership of He Fangyi, the company quickly emerged from the shadow of the heavy metal cadmium incident. They invested heavily in expanding the company's laboratory and used a variety of experimental equipment, including household hazardous substance detectors, to test batches of chemicals every day.  Xingshen drinks were randomly inspected to ensure the safety of Xingshen drinks. In addition, He Fangyi went against the conservative approach and recruited a large number of sales promotion personnel to go all over the country to promote Xingshen drinks. At one time, thousands of large stores and supermarkets across the country,  There are also promoters of Xingshen beverages appearing on the bustling streets in many places. With the unremitting efforts of these promoters, Xingshen beverages have quickly entered the attention of consumers across the country despite the Xingshen company¡¯s local investment.  A drink from the future, the refreshing effect of refreshing drinks is obvious. They were first welcomed by candidates across the country, especially college entrance examination candidates and their parents, and then by office workers, who experienced the refreshing effect.  Thanks to the active publicity of the magical drinks, Xingshen Beverage quickly established a good reputation. After nearly two months of silence, Xingshen Beverage was wildly sought after by the market, and countless dealers poured into Xingshen.  God Company, required to purchase and pick up goods. For a time, tea and coffee appeared in a state of slow sales in the national market, and many people should drink refreshing drinks. He Fangyi struck while the iron was hot, planning to launch instant refreshing powder, while planning to build a branch  At Baolong Company, Lin Weiguo's leadership was quite satisfactory. After he took office, he quickly led the almost abandoned Baolong Company back on track and picked up the broken customer relationships bit by bit.  The decline of Long Company was not due to the failure of their products, but to the gambling of the original owner Zang Yongchen, which led to the company changing hands. As long as the company insists on scientific research and production, Baolong Company will not be easily squeezed out by the market with its leading position in the domestic industry.  However, the most eye-catching thing about Powerlong now is the fully automatic production line. After obtaining the consent and support of Sun Zesheng, Powerlong¡¯s technical department set off a wave of efforts to use the fully automatic production line produced for the Light of the Future Company.  Some technologies are integrated into the original product craze. Jiang Jinlong and Zhou Benchang, the two leaders of Baolong's technical department, both have rich design experience. They quickly digested and absorbed the technologies in the fully automatic production line, and then used these technologies to  As a basis, we began to upgrade Baolong's original products. In addition, American George Smith brought information about the fully automatic production line to the United States. American daily chemical manufacturers have already developed a strong interest in this production line.  People went to Baolong Company for inspection. According to George Smith, the possibility of selling the first production line is still very high.In Hehe First Fuel Co., Ltd., the production of new fuel has been very stable. As the largest shareholder, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission accepted Sun Zesheng's suggestion and began to use part of the country's oil reserve capacity to reserve new fuel in a prepared manner.  As an engine company supporting new fuels, it has also begun to produce engines, with a monthly output of more than 10,000 units. Not many, but a lot less. These engines were taken away as soon as they came off the production line. The military only took away  A small part, and most of the rest have been taken away by automobile manufacturers under the control of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. They are planning to use these engines as the basis to study new models of cars. Sun Zesheng has no objection to who buys the engines. He just orders them.  Jiukai Dynamics, a company that specializes in engine production, uses all its profits to expand its production line. It strives to produce more than 100,000 engines per month. The market for engines is huge. If nothing else, just think about it.  If you want to replace the engines of cars all over the world with new fuel engines, what a huge number it will be. At the New Culture Training Center, everything related to Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Law has been taken away by the Ministry of Public Security. Fu Dongsheng  Abiding by the agreement reached with Sun Zesheng, the Yanjing Municipal State Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau agreed to grant the New Culture Training Center a ten-year tax exemption and another ten-year tax reduction. The New Culture Training Center held a total of two training courses on Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Law.  The first phase was basically all Chinese, and the second phase was half Chinese and half foreigners. Although there were not many people in these two training classes, there were only more than a hundred people in total, but they brought a lot of influence to the New Culture Training Center.  With little cash, the first training course was better. In the second course, almost every foreigner was severely ripped off. The training fee of 20,000 US dollars per person, for 60 people, is 1.2 million US dollars.  , equivalent to nearly 8 million yuan, including the training fees of the Huaxia College, the cumulative income exceeds 10 million. This money gave the New Culture Training Center the funds to transform more classrooms into multimedia classrooms. In addition to leaving 500,000 yuan,  In addition to the remaining money used as the training center's working capital, Zhang Li took the initiative. Except for a small number of classrooms, all other classrooms were transformed into multimedia classrooms. After that, the New Culture Training Center began to take the path of elite education.  Sun Zesheng provided new teaching procedures to the New Culture Training Center for the New Culture Training Center to train students who want to take English CET-4 or CET-6, graduate students, etc. Without exception, these procedures were collected by Tianjixing 3000 through various channels.  The materials were compiled and used in teaching practice. It is said that the response from the students was pretty good. The teaching methods of the New Culture Training Center have attracted the attention of some training institutions and schools. Some people have contacted the New Culture Training Center, hoping to introduce new culture.  The teaching method of the training center Zhang Li and Shen Yuelan are discussing whether to extend this teaching method to places other than the New Culture Training Center. At Starlight Media, the film shot by Xu Yunjin has been completely edited and the post-production has been completed. However, because Xu Yunjin  It's because of the newcomers that I didn't get a good release date. It has been confirmed to be released in November, which is a slow period in the film market. Usually, when a film is shot in this time, the box office is generally not very good.  Although Xu Yunjin was a little dissatisfied, there was no other way to think about it. Sun Zesheng comforted her many times, and she felt a little more comfortable. She was anxiously waiting for the release of the movie in a few months. Currently, Starlight Media is producing the second film  Two Movies Some time ago, Jiao Xiaoshuai¡¯s experience in Africa cannot be said to be completely fake. Sun Zesheng provided Starlight Media with a movie script, which included a scene in which Chinese tourists were kidnapped in Africa.  In the so-called history that Sun Zesheng is familiar with, the movie based on this movie script has achieved very good results. Sun Zesheng hopes that Starlight Media can repeat this myth. Compared with movies, Starlight Media is not attracting the attention of the industry now because of Xu Yunjin¡¯s filming.  movie, but a special effects studio established by Starlight Media. Starlight Special Effects is the main production software. It plays an effect that cannot be replaced by other software and people in the special effects studio. When the special effects studio was first established, it did not attract attention because  The core technology of computer hardware and software has always been mastered abroad, and computer special effects started relatively late in China, so the level of domestic special effects is really not very good internationally. When domestic film and television directors create special effects, if  If you are pursuing good effects, you are more willing to find Americans or Koreans. If you are pursuing cost-effectiveness, Starlight Media's special effects studio, as a newcomer to film and television special effects, has no advantage at all. Starlight Media has spent a lot of money to set up special effects work.  After working in the office, there was no business for a long time. Later, Xu Yunjin suddenly had a whim and let the special effects workPeople in the room learned from those business enthusiasts and used starlight special effects to produce various videos and sent them to major video websites on the Internet for everyone to watch for free. The videos produced by starlight special effects almost reached the level of being fake and real. At the beginning,  Some people also suspected that this was not film and television special effects at all. Starlight Media stepped forward at the right time and invited interested audiences to visit Starlight Media¡¯s special effects studio. After these people visited the special effects studio, they immediately became loyal fans of Starlight Special Effects and posted online  Speaking in support of Starlight Special Effects, the matter quickly attracted the attention of the film and television industry. Some cash-strapped directors took the lead in seeking support from Starlight Special Effects. Without exception, Starlight Special Effects did not disappoint them. It was comparable to or even surpassed the level of special effects in Hollywood.  They immediately felt a sense of value for their money, and the reputation of Starlight Special Effects became more and more popular. Some foreign directors even approached Starlight Special Effects and invited Starlight Special Effects to produce special effects for them. Meixiang Electric Appliances discovered the first  After the built-in control program found a loophole, Zhao Hongtu accepted Sun Zesheng¡¯s suggestion and recalled all household hazardous substance detectors sold outside. This move won praise from the national media and consumers. Amid the praise from the national media, the household  The sales of hazardous substance detectors unexpectedly experienced a small peak. However, after all, household hazardous substance detectors are not like refrigerators and color TVs. They are essential household appliances for every family. At present, the sales of household hazardous substance detectors have entered the  In a relatively stable stage, Zhao Hongtu, in addition to urging the company's technical staff to dig deep into the residual value of household hazardous substance detectors, was also actively exploring foreign markets and seeking to export household hazardous substance detectors abroad. With Sun Zesheng  Hufu Machinery Processing Factory, whose father Sun Wenbin is the chairman, is now the darling of automobile manufacturers across the country. This product, the intelligent safe parking system, has brought countless huge profits to Hufu Machinery Processing Factory. Many automobile manufacturers want to  Adding an intelligent safe parking system to the cars he produces, but Hufu Machinery Processing Factory cannot supply it to them. Yin Xuechen raised the price of the intelligent safe parking system twice in a row, but he still couldn't stop the car manufacturer.  At present, Hufu Machinery Processing Factory is already seeking to find more OEMs. In addition to these companies, Nokia Immortal is also working with a group of like-minded people to test various programs provided by Sun Zesheng and sleepless nights for household hazardous substances.  Sun Zesheng gave them the second-generation built-in control program for the detector, the built-in control program for the egg-shaped aircraft, etc., and let them test it. So far, Nokia Immortal has not had a successful one, but Sun Zesheng provided a high bonus.  The temptation, Nokia Immortal, none of them have been discouraged, they are all full of energy, hoping to get a bonus of no less than 50,000 yuan. In his mind, Sun Zesheng went through the development of all companies in recent months.  He breathed a sigh of relief. At present, the development of each company is very stable, and there is no abnormal status. Except for the occasional harassment by some civil servants who like to take advantage, each company has basically encountered no trouble.  Because the summer vacation lasted for a month and a half, Sun Zesheng decided to go home to spend time with his grandparents and grandpa. This summer vacation was his last. When the summer vacation was over, it was time for him to enter his senior year. After his senior year, his student career  Gameover is about to happen, there will be no more summer vacations in the future, and he has no plans to continue studying after his undergraduate studies. In his previous life, he had a double Ph.D., and the reason why he insists on finishing college in this life is just to get the  In this life, a bachelor's degree is the basic hardware for doing many things. Although he doesn't care about it, he is prepared. Sun Zesheng said hello to Song Jiayi and returned to Jinan City without going out under the protection of a group of bodyguards.  A few days later, Sun Zesheng couldn't stand it anymore and went to Panshi Security to inspect the land use quota of 500 acres of land applied for by Panshi Security. The Jinan Municipal Government had already approved it, and the land acquisition work had been completed.  After a long time, after Panshi Security obtained the land, it began to transform the entire land according to Sun Zesheng's requirements. Sun Zesheng was not familiar with this industry, and basically copied some of the information collected by Tianjixing 3000. If Panshi Security completely followed  Following Sun Zesheng's instructions, the final result will definitely be a different one. Fortunately, Sun Zesheng has Shukni Cassis, an outstanding former retired officer of the Israel Defense Forces, an excellent mercenary and security expert. Based on Sun Zesheng's plan,  Incorporating the ideas of him and other retired officers from the Chinese military at Panshi Security, a training ground with a total area of ??500 acres was built.The severity of the training here is divided into levels. The most common level is equivalent to the intensity of military training of the Chinese army. The most severe level is a bit more severe than the training of special forces. What about making wood, jumping into mud pits, drilling into fire rings, etc.  , it¡¯s all paediatrics here. Some people couldn¡¯t bear the crime and resigned and left, but more people, with their strong will and the generous salary provided by Panshi Security, gritted their teeth and stayed. Panshi Security initially  When it was established, it was to provide security services for Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries. But now, in addition to this function, Sun Zesheng also plans to make it a trump card for him abroad so that he can  At critical moments, it can be used. After Panshi Security obtained 500 acres of land, Sun Zesheng injected a sum of funds into Panshi Security to purchase the best security equipment around the world. In addition, Sun Zesheng also asked Gong Jiuqing to  , Xiong Zhili, Zhang Lifu and others worked day and night to produce a batch of egg-type aircraft and other equipment for Panshi Security. These equipments are already in Panshi Security as training tools and have been carefully selected by Panshi Security.  A group of people knew that Sun Zesheng came to Panshi Security for inspection this time. Part of the reason was to see the training results of Panshi Security (to be continued)
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