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Text Chapter 384 Subliminal Lie Detection

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    Chapter 384 Subliminal Lie Detection Please subscribe and vote monthly.  : Thank you for reading the novel.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said: "You can't say that. It's not that the processes you mentioned cannot be operated by humans, but that they are more expensive to implement, not cheaper than hiring labor. This production line like mine cost me  That's a lot of money." George Smith's eyes lit up and he asked, "Where did you buy this production line? How much did it cost?" Sun Zesheng laughed, "Mr. Smith, you are also an old friend of mine.  "We have a friendship over eating the dumplings made by my mother together. I won't hide it from you."  Go to Powerlong to find out." George Smith asked: "You mean that Powerlong will answer my questions for me. If I think it is necessary, Powerlong will sell the production line to me, right.  "Isn't that right?" Sun Zesheng nodded, "Of course. Baolong Company developed and produced this production line not to hide it for self-admiration, but to sell it and make money, no matter who needs it.  We provide it within a reasonable price range. " George Smith said happily: "It would be great if Baolong Company is willing to sell it. Monroe, remember to book a plane ticket for me to fly to Liaojing City as soon as possible.  " Monroe is George Smith's secretary, a white woman. She came here with George Smith today.  After receiving George Smith's instructions, she nodded quickly.  George Smith added: "Dear Sun, can I go inside the workshop and have a look? I always stand outside. It's like looking at flowers in the fog or looking at the moon in the water. It's too hazy. I can't have an intuitive understanding of your production line.  "Understood." "Of course." Sun Zesheng stepped into the workshop, "Let's go, Mr. Smith." Sun Zesheng took George Smith and looked at the end of the production line until he saw the emulsion-like finished product being bottled.  Labeling, coding, boxing, and crating.  After watching the whole process for more than 40 minutes, George Smith watched it very carefully. Sometimes, he would even obtain Sun Zesheng¡¯s consent.  Take some photos.  Sun Zesheng has applied for all the patents that can be applied for this production line. He is not afraid of George Smith looking at it, nor is he afraid of George Smith taking pictures.  He also hoped that George Smith would have an in-depth understanding of the production line and then arouse his desire to buy.  Coming out of the workshop, George Smith turned back and looked at the entire production line meaningfully, "It is undeniable that this is an epoch-making production line. I believe that many people will like it, but there will also be many people who will hate it. Dear  Sun, you know, if I introduce this production line to the United States, the bosses will love me to death, and the union people will probably hate me and want to eat my flesh." Sun Zesheng smiled lightly, "Mr.  I agree with what you said. As a friend, for the sake of your personal safety, I advise you to postpone the introduction of this production line to the United States." George Smith said hurriedly: "No.  As a responsible businessman, I cannot be intimidated by a little difficulty. No matter how many difficulties I encounter, I will unswervingly promote this production line around the world." Sun Zesheng sneered, this Smith obviously wants to use this method.  He lowered the price and made himself sound so high-sounding.  "I personally deeply admire Mr. Smith's courage. Let's go, Mr. Smith, let's go see other places." Sun Zesheng took George Smith to visit several other workshops. George Smith was optimistic about the future.  I have heard about the popularity of Zhiguang Company's products, but this time I just experienced it up close and personal.  George Smith once again proposed to Sun Zesheng the idea of ????importing the Meiruge brand youth cream series cosmetics and starlight series cosmetics from Future Light Company. Sun Zesheng did not reject it outright like last time, but promised to think about it carefully.  Compared with the Chinese New Year, Sun Zesheng is thinking more deeply now.  The cooperation between Bai Jiashun and him has been progressing very slowly. The agreement agreed by the two parties to build a daily chemical factory in each of the four countries has not made much progress so far. Sun Zesheng has urged several times, but Bai Jiashun has always refused.  Don't panic.  Even if the agreement he reached with Bai Jiashun goes smoothly, it will only establish a market in China and the other four countries. In addition, there are a large number of countries and regions waiting for him to explore.  Sun Zesheng does not have so much energy to do this for the time being. For Future Light Company, Wuhan Yang means to find a partner who is familiar with the foreign environment and establish a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship. It will take a few years to first  Sales channels have been opened up and a team familiar with foreign business environments has been cultivated.Finally, leave your partner and go it alone.  Sun Zesheng basically agreed with Wuhan Yang¡¯s suggestions and agreed to implement them.  However, he is not in a hurry to put it into practice. There is a very critical issue here, which is that the output of Future Light Company is restricted by many aspects. In the past, the equipment was not good, but now the factory is built and uses  The most advanced equipment, but restricted by raw materials, is currently only able to meet the needs of the domestic market, and there are no excess products for export abroad.  Under such a premise, even if he agreed to cooperate with George Smith, it would be difficult for him to mobilize excess acne cream and youth cream for George Smith.  Of course, Sun Zesheng¡¯s aloof attitude is also a negotiation strategy and technique.  This will help him gain more commercial benefits for himself.  Seeing that it was difficult to get Sun Zesheng to let go for a while, George Smith decided to focus on a fully automatic production line. In his opinion, this was also a product that could bring him huge financial resources.  He runs a trading company and buys and sells everything. He does whatever makes money.  He has accumulated a lot of customer resources in his hands. He believes that as long as he operates it properly, it should not be difficult to resell the fully automatic production line.  Sun Zesheng is happy to see the results. Nowadays, there are many trade barriers between countries. It is quite difficult for him to get Baolong Company to sell directly to the United States and other countries. Americans are not necessarily willing to import at such a price.  A fully automatic production line that is not cheap, especially since it is produced in China.  With the prosthetic hand George Smith, it¡¯s different.  George Smith himself is an American.  It is easy to gain recognition from American manufacturers, and it is relatively easy to bypass the U.S. government¡¯s commercial barriers. As long as George Smith can successfully sell a fully automatic production line, it can have a demonstration effect in the United States, and there will be many  Many people think that fully automatic production lines are good. At that time, many American manufacturers will find ways to circumvent the restrictions of the U.S. government and purchase such fully automatic production lines.  As for the question of whether George Smith will exploit a layer of profits, Sun Zesheng is not considering it at all.  The profits that Powerlong Company should earn will not be any less.  If George Smith wanted to make money, he had to increase the price after giving Bonhams enough profits.  At that time, how much George Smith could earn was not something Sun Zesheng had to consider.  Frankly speaking, when Sun Zesheng did business with George Smith this time, he had the intention of taking advantage of George Smith.  Whether it is cosmetics or production lines, George Smith is the pioneer.  However, Sun Zesheng has no psychological burden at all for this approach.  That's what shopping malls are like, not to mention, it's not like George Smith didn't make any money in the process.  George Smith and Sun Zesheng agreed to wait until he returns from Liaojing City.  After meeting again, he hurriedly said goodbye to Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng called Rong Jingying and asked her how she was progressing.  Rong Jingying said that she couldn't contact Ling Feilu for the time being, and she didn't know that Ling Feilu was avoiding her on purpose.  I still had something to do and left.  Sun Zesheng had no idea about this.  He also made an impromptu decision to use Ling Feilu.  However, Sun Zesheng was not completely sure whether Ling Feilu was reliable. If Ling Feilu appeared in front of him now, he might have to take a relatively large risk.  Now, Rong Jingying could not contact Ling Feilu for the time being, which gave him more time to prepare.  In the following time, Sun Zesheng spent all his time outside of class in the workshop of Yamei Daily Chemical Factory.  During this period, Li Fengguang, Xiong Zhili, and Zhang Lifu arrived one after another. Sun Zesheng sent Li Fengguang to Muyao Seiko as the chief engineer, and officially transferred Gong Jiuqing to him as his assistant, responsible for leading Xiong Zhili, Zhang Lifu  Husband, Liu Qimin, Wang Shendong and others were specifically responsible for turning the drawings and technology he provided into physical objects.  To this end, Sun Zesheng purchased a large amount of equipment and placed it in the old factory building.  After Gong Jiuqing, Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu arrived, Sun Zesheng made a special explanation to them.  "When you come to work for me, you need to be mentally prepared. First of all, I will not treat you badly. You will definitely get a generous salary. Your income will not be worse than what you might get from any company in the world. Secondly,  There is gain and need and sacrifice. I hope you can sign a confidentiality agreement with me and promise not to leak anything you see here to anyone without my permission, even your family members.  , you can't say that. If you violate the agreement, I reserve the right to use any means to pursue you. Remember, any means." Sun Zesheng said this and glanced at Gong Jiuqing, Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu indifferently.  Jiuqing had already told some of Sun Zesheng's deeds to his two old classmates, Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu.  They are allClearly understand the warning meaning in Sun Zesheng's words.  Sun Zesheng continued: "Moreover, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, and for our cooperation and friendship to last for a long time, I will test you every once in a while.  Lie test, this also requires your cooperation. If you can abide by the confidentiality agreement and agree to take polygraph tests regularly, then you can stay. If you don't agree and feel that you can't do it, maybe I have violated your rights.  **, then you can go, I can arrange for you to work as a technical director in a certain subsidiary. If you just want to stay with me, that is impossible." Gong Jiuqing first said: "Boss, I am willing to accept it.  All your conditions." Xiong Zhili followed closely, "Me too." Lifu hesitated for a moment, but then firmly made the same statement.  Sun Zesheng nodded with satisfaction, "Very good. Let's sign an agreement first. After signing the agreement, I will start assigning tasks to you." The confidentiality agreement that Sun Zesheng asked Tianjixing 3000 to draft was very thick and covered a variety of topics.  Gong Jiuqing and the three of them were used to seeing boring technical information due to the possibility of leaks, but they still felt a little dizzy looking at these densely packed clauses.  It¡¯s a matter of self-interest.  Gong Jiuqing and the three of them still cheered up and reluctantly went through the confidentiality agreement. They found no clauses that infringed on their own interests, so they signed it happily.  Sun Zesheng then took out the labor contract, signed a labor contract with them for a certain period, and agreed with them on their respective salaries.  Xiong Tianping and Zhang Lifu have the same salary. Not counting benefits, they can get more than 80,000 Chinese coins after tax every month, which is one million a year.  Gong Jiuqing has a little more than them, 90,000 Chinese coins after tax every month.  Compared with when he was the chief engineer at Muyao Seiko.  That's twice as much.  After the confidentiality agreement and labor contract were signed, Sun Zesheng began to assign tasks to them.  "The first piece of equipment we want to work together to make is the latest polygraph." Gong Jiuqing asked: "Boss, could this be the polygraph you plan to use for our polygraph experiments?"  Right?" Sun Zesheng nodded, "That's right." Gong Jiuqing smiled bitterly, "I wonder if this is self-binding?" Li Fu said, "This is not called self-binding. I think you can dig a hole for yourself and jump into it.  It's more correct." "Okay. Stop being poor and make me a lie detector."  Gong Jiuqing said: "Boss, the three of us are all technical people. Our hands-on ability is not very strong. Counting you, we have four advanced math people. The only two masters who are really hands-on are Liu Qimin and Wang Shendong. You  Look, are you going to send some more fitters over?" Sun Zesheng nodded, "Okay. But there's no need for now. We'll talk about it after a while." Gong Jiuqing and others didn't say anything else.  They just took the drawings Sun Zesheng gave them and plunged into the production workshop transformed from the old factory building.  There are a lot of additional equipment in the production workshop, including three 3D printers.  There are also CNC machine tools and other equipment.  Gong Jiuqing and the others laid out the drawings on the workbench, called Liu Qimin and Wang Shendong over, and started discussing.  The polygraph drawings Sun Zesheng gave them are very different from common polygraphs. Common polygraphs use monitoring changes in a person's heartbeat, blood flow, blood pressure and other physiological values ??to identify a person.  Whether to lie.  Although the polygraph that Sun Zesheng gave them also collected this data, it did so when a person was asleep.  According to the brief description in the manual, this lie detector can hypnotize people in a short period of time and enter a subconscious state. This is when a person is most relaxed. In this case, it  By testing, the possibility of errors is minimized.  After reading the instructions and drawings, Gong Jiuqing and others started to take action. They were all leaders in the technical field. Liu Qimin and Wang Shendong were both skilled fitters. They cooperated with each other and it took only three days.  So the lie detector that Sun Zesheng requested was manufactured.  If Sun Zesheng had done it alone in the past, it would have been pretty good to build this lie detector in half a month.  Afterwards, they asked Sun Zesheng to check. Sun Zesheng entered a program on a USB flash drive and then operated it in front of the polygraph.  There was a program in that section specifically for self-checking the equipment. After running the self-checking program once, Sun Zesheng nodded with satisfaction.  "Not bad, very good." Gong Jiuqing and the others breathed a sigh of relief. This is the first task Sun Zesheng gave them. If they can't do it well, they willEveryone will be embarrassed.  Sun Zesheng clapped his hands, "Which one of you will be its first tester?" Gong Jiuqing and the others looked at each other, and they all felt timid and guilty. It was not that they were thinking of doing something to feel sorry for Sun Zesheng.  , but they don¡¯t know what questions this lie detector will ask them.  If it involves sex, that's not good.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Since no one is rushing to be the first, it seems that we can only use the old method of drawing lots." Sun Zesheng made a few paper balls and said, "Okay, let's draw lots. The number you draw will be the number.  "Gong Jiuqing and the others stepped forward to draw lots, and soon the order came out, and Zhang Lifu took the first one.  Sun Zesheng asked Gong Jiuqing to lie down on the reclining chair equipped with the lie detector, and then said to Gong Jiuqing and the others: "Okay. You can go outside and wait." Gong Jiuqing and the others arrived outside the old factory building. Mr. Qian  Hua and Li Yingming pulled the door of the factory building open, and then stood at the door like two door gods, blocking everyone's view.  An hour later, a dazed Zhang Lifu walked out of the old factory, "Boss Gong, it's your turn." Gong Jiuqing quickly walked into the old factory, Xiong Zhili pulled Zhang Lifu, "What did the boss ask you?  ? |¡± Zhang Lifu shook his head, ¡°I was so sleepy that I can¡¯t remember anything. Old Xiong, it¡¯s not like we have never encountered a lie detector before. We have never encountered one like this.  It was said to be a lie detector, but it was actually similar to sleeping. It was really weird. As soon as I lay down on the recliner, I just wanted to sleep. I pinched myself and didn't stop it. "To be continued  )
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