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Text Chapter 366 Substitution Troubles

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    Chapter 366 Substitution Storm Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  ¡ù In Sun Zesheng¡¯s vision, in a fully automated production workshop, no one should be seen. Even the maintenance workers are not human beings, but maintenance robots.  For sweeping the floors, there are also cleaning robots.  Human beings should be responsible for other areas besides production.  When Sun Zesheng was in his previous life, his company was like this.  But obviously, this kind of company is too far ahead of modern technology and is really not suitable for launch at this time.  There are really too many issues involved here. The theories of automation control, artificial intelligence, industrial robots, etc. may all undergo earth-shaking changes due to the introduction of fully automatic workshops.  Sun Zesheng now has no ability to control these changes in a direction that is beneficial to him, so he can only restrain his impulse.  In addition, Sun Zesheng can't bear the thought of tens of thousands of people losing their jobs because of him.  He couldn't guarantee what other companies would be like. At least the people who were working for him now, as long as they didn't make mistakes that he couldn't tolerate, he was willing to give them a job so that they could support their families and have a good income.  Looking at this production line, everyone has a mixed taste.  They dare not imagine what a big impact it will have on the entire society once this kind of fully automatic production line is popularized.  As senior executives of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., they will not be affected, but what about their relatives and friends?  Where are their descendants?  Jiang Jinlong asked: "Mr. Sun, I would like to ask if we can make this production line a product of Powerlong Company and sell it to the public?" Sun Zesheng nodded, "Of course. I have already  After sorting out a catalog, you can apply for patents for some technologies related to this production line according to the catalog, and then they can be sold to the public." Before Jiang Jinlong could nod, Wuhan Yang said anxiously: "Boss,  I think your decision is a bit inappropriate. This is a cosmetics production line. Multiple cosmetics varieties, whether bottled, canned or bagged, can be produced on this production line. Once it is publicly launched.  , it is very likely to be bought by our competitors. As long as the other party installs it, its cost will immediately drop a lot, and its competitive advantage will be more obvious, which will make us lose points." Sun Zesheng shook his head with a smile.  Our competitive advantage has never been because of cost, but because our products have higher technical content than theirs, and no similar products can match them. It is purely unfounded to talk about cost advantages. " Wuhan Yang said: "Boss, you can't say that.  Put it this way. Our products cannot always be high-end. The mid- to low-end market is also a piece of meat that cannot be ignored. Our competitor Cleansing Company has many products with annual sales exceeding one billion US dollars.  Without exception, these products are all mass-produced, and because of their low cost, the profits are also very generous. We are currently researching the development of mid- to low-end products, enriching our product production lines, and further cooperating with clean companies, Anglo-Dutch United, etc.  At this time, if they purchase a fully automatic production line and significantly reduce the labor costs of front-line workers, it will put great pressure on us." Sun Zesheng frowned.  "Let's do this. Baolong Company sets the price of this production line a little higher, so that all the money they save by hiring fewer workers can be used to purchase the production line. Mr. Jiang, after you go back, hurry up and  Do some calculations and see what kind of price you can get. Don't be afraid that it will be too expensive to sell. Just think that if you don't open it, you will be able to survive for three to five years. If you can survive for ten or eight years, it will be fine.  Yes, it's better." Jiang Jinlong said hurriedly, "Yes, Mr. Sun." Sun Zesheng clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone goes on their own. Wuhan Yang, you stay." Everyone dispersed, only Wuhan Yang.  Stayed.  "Boss, what are your orders?" Sun Zesheng said: "This production line is listed as one of the biggest secrets of Future Light Company. To the greatest extent possible, no one is allowed to approach. Even if workers of our factory visit, they are not allowed to visit.  Just enter the workshop and watch from the outside." Wuhan Yang nodded quickly, "I will arrange for people to watch the workshop 24 hours a day." Sun Zesheng nodded, "That's it, Wuhan Yang, the new factory.  The construction of the factory will basically be completed. By then, the old factory will be closed down and your office will completely disappear from the Yamei Daily Chemical Factory. By then, we will no longer be able to see each other every day as before. "  "Yes, boss, this is what I regret most. To be honest, although the equipment in the old factory is crude?The production capacity is insufficient, but I can always listen to the boss's teachings. I feel very at ease and can overcome any difficulties.  When I think about leaving my boss and not being able to see him every day, I feel empty in my heart.  "Wuhan Yang said emotionally. Sun Zesheng chuckled, "Why do I sound like Qianlong and you sound like He Shen?  " Wuhan Yang smiled slyly, "Boss, did you see through this?  " Sun Zesheng smiled and said: "You don't need to say these sensational compliments.  Working hard is better than anything else.  From now on, you will need to truly be on your own.  Future Light Company is currently the most profitable company in the system of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., and it will be a fact that cannot be changed even for a long time to come. I entrust it to you and hope that you can lead it.  Future Light Company, down to earth, step by step, step by step, will bring Future Light Company to one peak after another.  I hope that in the near future, Future Light Company can become one of the largest daily cosmetics companies in the world. After a while, it can become the largest daily chemical company in the world.  " Wuhan Yang nodded repeatedly, "Thank you boss for your trust, I will work hard.  " Sun Zesheng patted Wu Hanyang on the shoulder, "I know very well what you want. I hope you can use your ability to prove to me that you can not only become a senior professional manager hired by me, but also become a manager.  My business partner.  " Wuhan Yang's eyes lit up. He felt that he was more excited than ever before. This was the first time that Sun Zesheng told him that he intended to make him a business partner. This was not the time when he contributed money to participate in Sun Zesheng's fund-raising and bought treasures together.  When I was at Long Company, "Boss, please look at my performance.  " Sun Zesheng nodded, "Okay, I'll wait to see your performance.  " Sun Zesheng did not stay at Future Light Company for long. He was going to take a look at Starlight Media. Xu Yunjin has been extremely busy during this period. She is now filming her first movie in the real sense. She originally filmed a love story about one person  , which got a lot of response, which made her have a lot more expectations for the film she is currently filming. To a certain extent, Xu Yunjin was under considerable pressure, and she decisively rejected her mentor's suggestion.  , insisting that Starlight Media solely invest in filming new movies with scripts written by Sun Zesheng. There are many entertainment companies these days. Many wealthy people think that film and television dramas can make money, and they have set up media companies to prepare movies and TV series.  The water here is very deep, and there are many companies that make money, but there are even more companies that lose money, and some even lose money. The relatively mature method of operation is joint investment, even in the film industry.  In developed Hollywood, many big companies join forces to determine the final income based on the amount of investment. Like Xu Yunjin, it is basically reckless and does not follow business rules at all.  Xu Yunjin trusts him, and the two of them are lovers. He can't really ignore the affairs of Starlight Media and feels that he has the responsibility to go over and encourage Xu Yunjin. The location where Xu Yunjin shoots the movie is Yanjing Film.  The studio in the factory is fully equipped and is very convenient for shooting as long as you are willing to spend money. After Sun Zesheng rushed over, he found a place and sat down, watching Xu Yunjin explain the movie to the actors from a distance.  , is also a love theme. As far as Sun Zesheng knows, the box office of this movie is still quite low. The investment is relatively small. After adding and subtracting, the final profit is still considerable. Xu Yunjin talked to the actors for a while, and then.  I sat back behind the camera and asked the actor to do it again. This was a kissing scene. The actress was a well-known star who was recruited by Starlight Media from another company.  Starring opposite him is a complete newcomer from Starlight Media. He is relatively handsome and has a good figure. If he is packaged well, he can become a good national idol. The actor and actress hug each other.  People stared at each other affectionately, and when the two gradually came closer and their mouths were about to touch each other, the actress suddenly turned her head to the side and shouted angrily: "CUT.  Liu Xinyu, what's going on with you?  " "Director, I am a prostitute. If you let me do a kissing scene, won't my image of a prostitute be ruined?  Liu Xinyu said. Xu Yunjin said: "What nonsense are you talking about?"  Who says that prostitutes won¡¯t do kissing scenes? I¡¯m not asking you to do sex scenes.  Liu Xinyu, let me tell you, this kiss scene has been filmed more than 20 times.??.  Every time I can't take pictures because of you.  Let me tell you, if you don¡¯t perform well, I will replace you.  " Sun Zesheng shook his head, stood up, and walked over, "Ojin, take a rest.  " Xu Yunjin suddenly heard Sun Zesheng's voice. She was surprised and happy. She quickly shouted: "Okay, rest for half an hour.  " Leaving her men behind, Xu Yunjin rushed to Sun Zesheng, opened her arms, and threw herself into Sun Zesheng's arms. Sun Zesheng hugged Xu Yunjin, smiled and patted Xu Yunjin on the back, "Okay, your men are all looking at you.  Woolen cloth.  Let's find a place to talk.  "Xu Yunjin nodded. She took Sun Zesheng's hand and walked towards the outside of the studio. There were small stalls outside the studio with sun umbrellas, tables and chairs, selling juice, coffee and other drinks and snacks.  Dessert. Sun Zesheng and Xu Yunjin sat down, and Xu Yunjin asked: "Husband, haven't you been busy recently?  Why do you have time to see me?  " "If I didn't come to see you, wouldn't I know you were working so hard?  Are you tired from filming?  "Sun Zesheng asked with a smile. "Are you not tired?  You don't know how much Liu Xinyu plays a big role.  If we couldn't find a better actor to replace her, I would have fired her and replaced her with another actor.  "Xu Yunjin complained. Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Then just replace her.  You are not only the director of this drama, but also the big boss of Starlight Media. Liu Xinyu doesn¡¯t even realize this. She only cares about showing off her authority. Such a person will not have any good effect if she stays in the company. She is asked to be the boss.  very?  "Xu Yunjin said in embarrassment: "But this play is already halfway scheduled.  If the actors are changed in the middle, the previous shooting will have to be scrapped. Besides, we are basically at the end of the shooting now. According to the plan, with two more scenes, the entire shooting will be completed.  Then, it¡¯s time to enter the post-production stage.  If you change people, the budget will definitely be exceeded.  " Sun Zesheng smiled and said: "If you change people, the budget will not exceed the budget. It will definitely not happen.  Go back, give me all the pornographic films you have taken, and I will help you steal them.  ¡± ¡°How is it possible to steal a beam and replace it with a pillar?  "Xu Yunjin asked quickly. "Of course you replaced all the scenes with Liu Xinyu that you shot in the early stage with scenes of the new actor?  "Sun Zesheng laughed. "Replace it?  How to replace?  Use a computer?  Husband, if you do this, it will be very expensive.  It's more expensive than reshooting.  "Xu Yunjin is quite familiar with the CG market. If you think about this kind of replacement that will not be distinguished by the audience, the price will definitely be astronomical. Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Money is more, money is less, you don't have to worry, and you don't have to spend a penny.  money.  " "It's not worth spending your money.  "Xu Yunjin said. "It doesn't cost a penny.  I have a way to get this done without spending a penny.  "Sun Zesheng laughed. "Really?  "Xu Yunjin asked. Sun Zesheng nodded solemnly, "More true than pearls.  Just give me the pornographic film later.  " Xu Yunjin nodded, "Okay, whatever you say will be fine.  I'll have someone send you the pornographic film when I get back.  "Sun Zesheng and Xu Yunjin talked for a while, and then Xu Yunjin's assistant came over and said, "Director, half an hour has passed.  Everyone asked me to come over and ask, do you want to continue filming?  " Xu Yunjin stood up and said, "Shoot, of course we have to shoot.  " Sun Zesheng stood up and said, "I'll go over and take a look.  "Xu Yunjin and Sun Zesheng returned to the studio. Surrounded by several assistants, Liu Xinyu looked like a young lady. Xu Yunjin clapped his hands and said, "I announce something. This scene will be the last shooting. If it is shot  If it fails, whoever caused it will pack up and get out.  I, Xu Yunjin, do not raise disobedient people.  If any of you wants to act like a big star, go outside and do it for me, and don't hang around in front of my eyes.  Liu Xinyu, what are you doing?  Do you listen to me?  " Liu Xinyu lazily pulled off the earphones, "I heard it.  " "It's good to hear it. Now everyone is in your place.  Three minutes later, filming started.  "Xu Yunjin began to direct everyone again. With her warning just now, everyone cheered up and did not dare to neglect at all. Even the assistants around Liu Xinyu became nervous, only Liu Xinyu still looked lazy  Three minutes passed quickly, and Liu Xinyu and the actor appeared in front of the camera again. The same scene reappeared. When the actor's lips were about to fall on Liu Xinyu's lips, Liu Xinyu was still there.  He turned his head to the side. ¡°Liu Xinyu, what¡¯s going on with you?  "Xu Yunjin was anxious??.  Liu Xinyu said: "Director, he is so ugly, can you change someone to act opposite me?" Xu Yunjin snorted coldly, "No need to change. Liu Xinyu, what I just said is very clear, you don't need to continue acting.  "I formally inform you that you have been officially fired by our Starlight Media. I will let the finance department settle the accounts with you and terminate the labor contract with you." "Director, you can't terminate the contract. Please give Liu Xinyu another chance."  ." One of Liu Xinyu's assistants said quickly.  "Third aunt, don't tell her. Isn't it just to terminate the contract? Who is afraid of whom? I don't want to play this bad role for a long time. Let's go." Liu Xinyu waved her hand, took big steps, and walked away.  Everyone was stunned for a moment. No one thought that Xu Yunjin would really fire Liu Xinyu, let alone that Liu Xinyu would just leave. The scene has already been filmed to this extent, how can it continue to be filmed?  "Mr. Xu, Liu Xinyu is gone, what should we do?" the photographer asked.  "What should we do? Of course we should continue filming?" Xu Yunjin said impatiently.  ¡°How can we shoot without a female lead?¡± the photographer asked.  Xu Yunjin was stunned, and she suddenly remembered that she was very happy to drive Liu Xinyu away.  But without the actors, the play would not be able to be filmed.  The studio she rented at Yanjing Film Factory was charged on a daily basis. If it was delayed for one day, the cost would increase by tens of thousands.  "Husband, I don't care, this bad idea is yours, you have to find a way to solve it for me." Xu Yunjin quickly asked Sun Zesheng for help.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "This is very simple. Just find someone who is about the same height as Liu Xinyu, and then finish the scene with the male lead. I will solve the remaining problems." "Really?" Xu Yunjin  She questioned Sun Zesheng again. It wasn't that she didn't believe him, but that what he said seemed unreliable.  Sun Zesheng smiled, "It's true, it's truer than pearls. Just listen to me, that's all." Xu Yunjin gritted his teeth, "Okay, I believe you. Attention, all ministries, go find someone for me quickly, go outside  Find an extra and move quickly." (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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