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Text Chapter 364 Teaching Robot

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    Chapter 364 Teaching Robot Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  ¡ù Shukni?  Cassis nodded, "Mr. Sun, these egg-shaped aircraft you have built are really amazing. In some aspects, they even surpass drones. If egg-shaped aircraft are really spread all over the world,  We who work in security are all miserable. Just now, I felt that my hands were tied. I obviously have a lot of skills, but I still can't find the opportunity to use them. I feel so frustrated. "  Sun Zesheng smiled and said: "Mr. Cassis, it's really normal for you to feel this way. After all, you haven't been exposed to this kind of thing before, and if you don't understand it, you may get better in the future." Shukni?  Cassis pondered for a moment and shook his head, "It's really hard to say. Unless I am equipped with a large-caliber sniper rifle or a heavy weapon such as a machine gun in the future, otherwise, facing the egg-type aircraft, I will still  "I feel helpless." Rong Jingying said: "Mr. Cassis, would you feel better if you were in charge of these egg-shaped aircraft?" "Shukney?"  Cassis raised his eyebrows, "Of course. If I can have the same number of egg crafts, I guarantee that I can destroy their enemies at a safe distance. Even if the number is smaller, I will be confident enough to ensure that my employer's  "Safety." "If that's the case, then why don't you join our Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd.? As long as you are willing to join, there won't be any eggs, let alone dozens or hundreds of them.  Question. You have already seen electric shock grenades, light distortion meters, bionic monitors and egg-shaped aircraft. In addition to these, I believe that Xiaosheng will come up with more better and more advanced equipment in the future. Only by joining us in the future  With Zhiguang International Industrial Co., Ltd., you can be familiar with and use these equipment for the first time, so that the world's most advanced similar products can be used by you. If you don't join, I'm afraid you will have to wait at least several years to get access to these equipment.  By then, the day lilies will be cold." Rong Jingying took the initiative to become a lobbyist, trying to persuade Shukni?  Cassis.  Shukni?  Cassis fell silent. Today's experience had a great impact on his thoughts. He needed some time to digest the experience.  Sun Zesheng and Rong Jingying won¡¯t bother Shukni either?  Cassis, they and Kong Tianshun and others walked aside. Kong Tianshun and others talked excitedly about the gains and losses of this experiment.  After a while, Shukni?  Cassis shouted: "Mr. Sun, if you insist on hiring me, I have three conditions." "Okay, you say." Sun Zesheng smiled.  Shukni?  Cassis raised three fingers and said: "First, no matter what advanced equipment the Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. develops, I hope you can't keep it secret from me and let me know as soon as possible. I  On the basis of my personal reputation, I will not disclose it to anyone without your permission. Second, my salary is not low. The monthly salary cannot be less than 15,000 euros, and it must be after tax.  Expenses cannot be deducted from my monthly salary. Third, I hope that our employment contract will be signed every six months. When the employment contract expires, I have the right to choose to stay or leave." "No problem, you.  I can agree to all three conditions," Sun Zesheng said with a smile.  , "Then we have a happy cooperation." Shukni?  Cassis smiled and stretched out his hand, holding Sun Zesheng's hand together.  Shukni?  Cassis followed Sun Zesheng back to the Yamei Daily Chemical Factory and signed a formal employment contract with Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. Subsequently, Sun Zesheng transferred Shukni?  Cassis was appointed as the security director of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. He is mainly responsible for guiding the security work of various subsidiaries, and is in charge of senior individuals of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. including Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi and others.  Safety.  Shukni?  Cassis is worthy of being one of the world's top security experts. After taking office, he immediately sorted out the security forces of Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi and others. Sun Zesheng originally thought that they were relatively strict security forces. In a short period of time, Shu Shu  Kenney?  Cassis found numerous security vulnerabilities.  Being Shukni?  When Cassis reported these security vulnerabilities to Sun Zesheng, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.  He was secretly glad that Shukni?  Cassis hired him, and Shukni?  Cassis's price/performance ratio is obviously much higher than that of Qian Shaohua, Li Yingming and others.  After all Shukni?  Cassis's annual salary is equivalent to Chinese currency, which is about 1.5 million, and Shukni?  The work Cassis is responsible for is much better than Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming.  ¡° However, Sun Zesheng did not take the opportunity to offend Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming, nor did he think of cutting their salaries.  ComfortableNi?  It is impossible for Cassis to stay with him 24 hours a day like Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming. After all, Shukni?  Cassis also has to take charge of the security work of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. To put it bluntly, if someone breaks through the security forces around Sun Zesheng and shoots Sun Zesheng with a gun, then someone will have to take the bullet for Sun Zesheng.  Will it be Shukni?  Cassis, but personal bodyguards like Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming.  Shukni?  Cassis' joining Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. basically solved the possibility of Sun Zesheng being in danger again. To a certain extent, unless someone hits him with a long-range weapon such as a cannon or missile, he will basically be  It's safe.  This suddenly eradicated a large part of Sun Zesheng's worries, allowing him to focus most of his attention on transforming the technology in Tianjixing 3000 into real productivity.  However, Sun Zesheng is not in a hurry to launch more products in his companies. Less than a year after the establishment of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., there are already Future Light (Huaxia) Co., Ltd., Wood Harrier Seiko, and Xingshen Company.  , Panshi Security, New Culture Training Center, Baolong Company and other subsidiaries, as well as Meixiang Electric Appliances, Starlight Media, Hufu Machinery Processing Factory, Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. and other companies that have significant connections with Sun Zesheng.  Every company has a lot of things to do. In the past, Sun Zesheng only focused on establishing them, but except for a small amount of time, most of the time, he actually didn't pay much attention to these companies.  Sun Zesheng plans to use this time to sort out the company's structure and do more detailed work to make the company operate more efficiently.  As for the matter of "developing" new products, Sun Zesheng decided to take it slow and not to be too anxious.  Anyway, he has launched a lot of products now, and it takes time to digest them.  So, in addition to attending classes on time every day, Sun Zesheng spent the rest of his time running between Yamei Daily Chemical Factory and several other subsidiaries.  The transformation of Yamei Daily Chemical Factory has also reached a critical stage. At this time, Sun Zesheng stopped researching new products, which can be regarded as cooperating with the transformation of Yamei Daily Chemical Factory.  Song Jiayi is happier than anyone else that Sun Zesheng no longer spends all day in the workplace.  She is so busy every day that she can't even put her feet on the ground, and she urgently needs someone to help her share some of her workload.  Song Jiayi has been busy recently, mainly focusing on two aspects. One is the matter of establishing a manager reserve that she and Sun Zesheng have discussed. The other thing, which she and Sun Zesheng have discussed a long time ago, is to form an independent manager.  Financial accounting department.  The final number of manager reserves is fifty, of which twenty are senior manager reserves and the remaining thirty are mid-level manager reserves.  It¡¯s just that the manager reserve was established a little late and missed the prime time of Yanjing¡¯s spring recruitment season. Unless the standards are relaxed, it will be impossible to fill the fifty places.  After discussing with Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi decided to strictly control the threshold and never relax the requirements. In the end, the manager reserve recruited more than 20 people, including only eight at the senior manager level and only a dozen at the mid-level manager level.  indivual.  After these people were recruited, they naturally signed a contract first, and Sun Zesheng personally taught them a few days of lessons and then assigned them jobs.  Sun Zesheng had no intention of raising them in vain. Those mid-level manager reserves were assigned to various companies and held deputy positions in various positions. Each had their own tasks that they needed to be responsible for.  Those senior manager reserves were divided into two parts. Half stayed in the head office as assistants to Song Jiayi and were responsible for different tasks. The other half were assigned to various subsidiaries and also held deputy positions.  When arranging jobs for these senior manager reserves, Sun Zesheng specifically stated that this was a trial and assessment for them, which would last for no less than six months. After that, their new jobs would be determined based on their actual performance.  The issue of manager reserve is relatively easy to solve, but the biggest headache is the Financial Accounting Department, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the head office.  First, Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi called together the heads of all subsidiaries in the name of the head office for a meeting to unify their thinking.  Although Sun Zesheng owns Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., no matter what he is willing to do, others can only listen.  However, Sun Zesheng still hopes that everyone can understand his actions and cooperate with the work of the head office.  Rong Jingying, Zhang Li, Wu Hanyang, He Fangyi, Song Jiajie, Lin Weiguo and other heads of several subsidiaries were very cooperative. The meeting lasted for a long time and was over.  Afterwards, Sun Zesheng announced his decision to establish a financial accounting department under the name of the head office.  According to this decision, the head office transferred all subsidiaries toThe company's financial department was integrated, and the personnel relations of all financial personnel of the subsidiaries were integrated into the head office, and their labor contracts were signed between the head office and them.  The financial departments of each subsidiary will be dispatched by the financial accounting department of the parent company, accepting the leadership of the parent company and cooperating with the normal financial operations of the subsidiaries.  How to define the authority of the Financial Accounting Department, how not to affect the normal operation of subsidiaries, how to supervise possible job corruption in subsidiaries, how to prevent subsidiaries from secretly establishing small treasury, etc., all need to be institutionally established for the Financial Accounting Department.  Set the rules.  This is a very complicated task that cannot be determined in a short while.  However, once this matter is done well, it will only bring positive promotion to the future development of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., and it will have an excellent preventive effect in preventing the emergence of silverfish in subsidiaries that encroach on the company's interests.  In order to formulate rules for the newly established financial accounting department, Sun Zesheng, Rong Jingying, Rong Jingying, Zhang Li, Wu Hanyang and others met behind closed doors and discussed for several days. Later, the deputy general managers of each subsidiary,  The financial manager, financial director, etc. all called to Yanjing and held an enlarged meeting.  The meeting lasted for a full week, and finally formed a relatively complete regulation that would not interfere with the normal operation of the subsidiary.  Song Jiayi signed this regulation and issued it to each subsidiary in the name of the chairman and general manager of the head office. From now on, the financial department will start operating in accordance with this regulation.  In the past few days, Sun Zesheng was talking about this regulation with others, and he felt that it was much more difficult to transform the technology in Tianjixing 3000 into actual productivity. After all, there was no particularly good lesson learned in this regard.  Can be learned from.  It seems that none of the Fortune 500 companies does this.  After the meeting, Sun Zesheng asked for a large private room in a star hotel, treated everyone to a meal, and then everyone dispersed.  At this time, Zhang Li came to him and said, "Xiaosheng, I have something to tell you." Sun Zesheng asked, "What's the matter?" Zhang Li said, "Sister Shen called me just now and said that the New Culture Training Center is here.  Several students are protesting, saying that we only talk about it on paper and don't give them the opportunity to practice. " Sun Zesheng frowned, and he called Shen Yuelan and asked what was going on at the New Culture Training Center.  Shen Yuelan quickly reported the situation at the New Culture Training Center to Sun Zesheng.  When it comes to this matter, the main issue is Sun's drug treatment method.  Sun¡¯s detoxification method is mainly divided into two parts, which require the cooperation of acupuncture and drug treatment. The two complement each other and are indispensable.  Although the 3D teaching system developed by Sun Zesheng is very intuitive and the teaching content is very detailed and vivid, it is only a video after all. It can replace the teacher's lectures and tell the students what to do, but it cannot demonstrate it to the students in person.  Tell students whether the intensity of the needles used is appropriate, whether the technique is correct, whether the acupuncture points are inserted accurately, etc.  Acupuncture is a very important part of Sun's detoxification method. If they only master acupuncture in theory, after they go back, they will have to fumble for a while before they can put Sun's detoxification method into practical application.  If these students are all Chinese medicine doctors and know acupuncture, it would be better to say that the problem is that there are many Western medicine doctors among them, who are either very resistant to Chinese medicine or do not understand Chinese medicine at all. The better thing is that they know a little bit about acupuncture points.  They can't even recognize them clearly, so it's really too difficult for them to give needles to drug addicts.  After Shen Yuelan introduced the situation, she said: "Mr. Sun, I have already thought of a solution. Among our first batch of students, more than 20 are Chinese medicine practitioners. I decided to hire them as auxiliary lecturers to teach acupuncture to other colleges.  Just to do this, you need to pay them some compensation. I wonder if it is feasible?" Sun Zesheng smiled after hearing what Shen Yuelan said, "So this is the problem? It's really easy for you to let those who participate in the Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method.  All the students in the class are waiting. I will rush over immediately." After hanging up the phone, Sun Zesheng moved a nearly two-meter-long cardboard box from the workshop. "Come on, Zhang Li, I will accompany you to the New Culture Training Center."  Zhang Li pointed at the cardboard box, "What is this?" Sun Zesheng chuckled and whispered, "I said it was **, do you believe it or not?" Zhang Li raised his hand and gave Sun Zesheng a gentle blow, "You  What nonsense are you talking about?" Sun Zesheng put the cardboard box in the car. "Although it is not a **, it has certain similarities. You will know what it is when you get to the New Culture Training Center." Sun Zesheng and Zhang  Let¡¯s get in the car together and go straight to the new culture training center.??.  In the corridor, Sun Zesheng heard a quarrel in the office.  "Director Shen, each of us spent 20,000 yuan on training fees alone. Yanjing's expenses are so high, and each of us spends about 30,000 yuan on average. After spending so much money, you still don't let us personally give drug addicts  "Acupuncture, do you have no confidence in your Sun's drug treatment method, or do you want us to be like Zhao Kuo?" "We want to get acupuncture, if we don't let us get acupuncture, we will refund our money" Sun Zesheng walked to the door of the office.  , he said loudly: "Don't make any noise." All the students crowded in the office turned around and looked towards the door of the office, "Who are you?" Shen Yuelan squeezed out from the crowd, "Dear students, this is our new  Mr. Sun, the founder of the Cultural Training Center and the inventor of Sun¡¯s Drug Rehabilitation Method, ¡°Are you Sun Zesheng? Is your New Culture Training Center a scam company that doesn¡¯t even give us a chance to practice?  "Refund." Sun Zesheng snorted, "Who is calling for a refund? Come forward." Immediately, several students stood up. Sun Zesheng turned to Zhang Li and said, "Go through the withdrawal procedures for them."  , and after calculating their actual expenses, return the excess money to them." Zhang Li nodded, "Follow me, I will take you to the finance department." No one expected that things would go so smoothly.  Several students who were clamoring for their money back were stunned.  "Aren't you guys asking for a refund? Why are you just standing there? Go ahead." Sun Zesheng said lightly.  The students looked at each other and said, "Just go, who is afraid of whom?" Zhang Li led these students away, and Sun Zesheng's eyes scanned the faces of the students who had not left, "And  Do you want a refund to drop out of school? If so, please ask immediately. We will not stop you from those training schools that withhold tuition fees. We will refund you as much as you need without taking any of your points.  Cheap. "The tuition fees for these students are divided into two parts, half of which is borne by the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Health, and the remaining half is borne by the students themselves.  However, there are also some students who use the extra quota, and their tuition fees are paid by themselves.  Under Sun Zesheng¡¯s questioning, several more students came forward one after another and demanded refunds.  Sun Zesheng did not persuade them to stay, and accepted them all.  Seeing that Sun Zesheng was so easy to talk to, a dozen more students stepped forward.  As a result, almost one-tenth of the students in the first training course asked for a refund and dropped out of school.  Sun Zesheng asked someone to take them away, and then asked again, "Are there any others who want to refund their fees and drop out of school?" The remaining students shook their heads, and one person stood up, "Mr. Sun, we are here to participate in the training class, right?"  We were selected by the Ministry of Public Security to learn the Sun¡¯s Drug Rehabilitation Method. This is a task that we must complete. From our personal point of view, we are also willing to master the Sun¡¯s Drug Rehabilitation Method. On the one hand, the Sun¡¯s Drug Rehabilitation Method can help more people.  More drug addicts have gotten rid of the control of drugs. On the other hand, we have gained an additional skill and can better realize our personal values. However, although we are willing to do so, we cannot receive formal acupuncture training. Doesn¡¯t this mean that we  Did you only learn the theory of Sun's drug treatment method?" The other students nodded in agreement, "Yes, Mr. Sun." Sun Zesheng reached down and pressed, "But since I have arranged for you.  When you receive training at the New Culture Training Center, you have naturally considered the current situation. Aren't you going to receive acupuncture training? I brought the teacher to you." Sun Zesheng asked people to carry the cardboard box towards Multimedia No. 1.  Walking to the classroom, and then in the multimedia classroom, Sun Zesheng opened the cardboard box and saw a mannequin with a height of 1.7 meters inside.  "This is your acupuncture teacher." Sun Zesheng lifted the mannequin up from the cardboard box and stood in front of the podium.  Acupuncturists of traditional Chinese medicine often have human models with standard acupuncture points. No matter how big or small they are, they are always very common.  The human model created by Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t even have a single acupuncture point marked on it, not even an extra red dot or black spot.  The students looked at each other in confusion, wondering what kind of medicine Sun Zesheng was selling in the gourd.  Sun Zesheng ignored them. He rummaged through the cardboard box, took out a wire, plugged one end of the wire into the mannequin, and plugged the other end into the socket.  Then Sun Zesheng patted the mannequin on the shoulder and said, "Introduce yourself to everyone." The mannequin said: "Hello, students, I am you.Our acupuncture teacher.  You can call me Teacher No. 1.  In the following time, I will teach you the acupuncture knowledge related to Sun's drug detoxification method, and let you use me as the experimental subject to perform acupuncture on my body.  " "Who has a needle there?  "Sun Zesheng asked. Someone immediately handed a pack of needles to Sun Zesheng. Sun Zesheng pulled one out, wiped it with alcohol cotton, then identified the acupuncture point and inserted it into Teacher No. 1's body. "This needle is very good.  , the acupuncture points are accurately identified, the needles are removed quickly, the intensity is moderate, and the depth of the needles is just right, very perfect.  "Teacher No. 1 said. Sun Zesheng took out another needle and inserted it into another acupuncture point of Teacher No. 1. Teacher No. 1 immediately shouted: "Student, how can you not disinfect?  If you do this, you will infect me with germs.  " The students suddenly showed expressions of surprise. Isn't Teacher No. 1 so awesome? He can even tell whether a needle has been disinfected or not? Sun Zesheng took out another needle and inserted it into the third acupoint of Teacher No. 1.  Teacher No. 1¡¯s response was still very quick, ¡°Student, your needle insertion is not very accurate. It is three millimeters too short to the left, and the depth is too deep. If you can insert one millimeter less, the effect will be better.  "The expressions of the students were no longer surprised. They all had their mouths wide open. If their chins and skulls were not connected together, they might have fallen to the ground by now." Sun Zesheng put away the needle, "You saw it.  Bar?  This is the acupuncture teacher I have prepared for you. It should meet your requirements, right?  " A student raised his hand, "Mr. Sun, can I give it a try?  " Sun Zesheng nodded. He handed the needle in his hand to the student, "You can try it.  "The student took out a needle and stuck it on Teacher No. 1 without sterilizing it. Teacher No. 1 said: "This student, you didn't sterilize the needle either. This is wrong. I hope you can do it next time.  Notice.  At the same time, you have inserted the wrong acupuncture point. This is not the acupoint required for Sun's detoxification method.  In addition, your injection force is not strong enough, you need to apply more force" This student walked around Teacher No. 1 several times, but did not find anyone doing anything on Teacher No. 1. The voice of Teacher No. 1 was indeed  Sent from the position of Teacher No. 1¡¯s mouth: ¡°Who else wants to try?  " Sun Zesheng said. "Me, me.  "    "I.  "" Many students rushed to raise their hands. Sun Zesheng randomly named a few and said, "You guys have a try."  Don't be anxious, come one by one.  "Those students formed a team and came forward one by one to conduct experiments on Teacher No. 1. Without exception, the results of the experiment shocked them. How was Teacher No. 1 made? It was more powerful than the real one.  The acupuncture masters are even more powerful. After these students finished the experiment, Sun Zesheng stopped more students from coming forward to experiment, "Okay, in the future, you will have plenty of opportunities to experience it for yourself.  Now, let me ask you, are you satisfied with the acupuncturist I hired for you?  " All the students nodded together, "Satisfied, I'm so satisfied.  " Sun Zesheng said: "If you are satisfied, that's good.  You all should teach me well and don't make trouble.  Don¡¯t think that just because you spent money on training, you are God.  This is a school, and since it is a school, you must abide by the school rules. We do not have any warnings here. We will suspend you and other punishments. Anyone who violates the school rules will be expelled regardless of how much money you spent to get in.  Of course, if you have any requirements or opinions, you can raise them. As long as it is reasonable, we will try our best to help you solve it.  Okay, let's all disperse and continue with class.  "The students didn't dare to make any more trouble, and quickly moved out of the way to send Sun Zesheng out of the multimedia classroom. However, before Sun Zesheng walked out of the classroom, the students who had just shouted for a refund ran over again aggressively. "Sun Zesheng,  Are you going too far?  Why don't you give us a diploma?  " shouted a student. Sun Zesheng said: "Why should I give you a diploma?  You have not completed the training course in accordance with the regulations, and you have not passed the final assessment. It is completely inconsistent with the standards for issuing a diploma. In the spirit of being responsible for the school, drug addicts, and society, of course it is impossible for us to issue you a diploma.  Your diploma.  " "How could you do this?  "Those students are anxious. Most of them are studying Chinese medicine and know some acupuncture techniques. They think that they have mastered all the theoretical parts of Sun's detoxification method. There is no need to learn the acupuncture part. After returning, they can  It doesn't matter whether you learn or not. If you drop out now, you can still get some of your capital back. But they don't.?I thought about getting the tuition refund and leaving, but I still wanted to take away the graduation certificate.  When the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health selected them to participate in the training, they made it very clear that if they were not sure about the graduation certificate of the training class, they would not be issued a professional qualification certificate.  This is related to their jobs, so who can not be nervous.  Sun Zesheng said calmly: "Did you ever hear anyone say that when you were in school, you could still get a diploma if you dropped out of school? What's more, it's such a professional training as Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method. If you drop out of school, let alone a diploma, it's just  There is not even a graduation certificate. Well, since you have chosen to withdraw from school, go through the procedures quickly and don¡¯t waste everyone¡¯s time.¡± ¡°If you don¡¯t give us a graduation certificate, we will sue you.¡±  shouted.  Another student shouted: "If you don't give us a graduation certificate, we won't drop out of school." Sun Zesheng stared, "What kind of place do you think this is? Come and leave whenever you want? Let me tell you,  You have to leave today, and you have to leave if you don't. If you don't leave, the New Culture Training Center will expel you for violating school rules. Also, let me tell you first.  Whether students in the training class have passed or graduated will be announced on the website, so don't try to cheat outside. We will not bear any responsibility for students who drop out of school. " "How can you do this? This is the overlord clause.  "A student yelled.  Sun Zesheng said: "This is not a domineering clause, it is to make you responsible for your words and deeds. I hope that the remaining students will consider your words and deeds in the future before speaking and doing them. You are all adults.  He is much older than me. I don¡¯t want a similar situation to happen again.¡± Sun Zesheng pushed aside the crowd and walked outside.  Those students who clamored for a refund and dropped out of school wanted to stop him, but Qian Shaohua, Li Yingming and others separated them without hesitation.  Sun Zesheng went to Zhang Li's office. Zhang Li asked worriedly: "Xiaosheng, let's do this, okay?" Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "What's good or bad? Zhang Li, you have to remember this.  We are the ones who make the decision. No matter who comes to us for training, they must abide by the rules we set. We cannot give anyone the best teaching conditions, but in terms of discipline, we must follow the example of the United States.  West Point Military Academy requires them to have the strictest standards." Zhang Li smiled bitterly, "This is a bit overwhelming." Sun Zesheng said with a smile, "I am just making an analogy, and I am not saying that the new culture training center should be like a military camp.  You just have to be flexible with the degree inside. Zhang Li, this training course on Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method is the first training course of the New Culture Training Center. It must get off to a good start. Many rules should be established at this time.  Come down. It is natural for a highly technical training class like Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method to have strict requirements. This is responsible for them, and it is also responsible for us. If we open some communicative training classes in the future, it is required.  It¡¯s not impossible to be more relaxed.¡± Zhang Li nodded, ¡°By the way, there is only one Teacher No. 1?¡± Sun Zesheng said: ¡°There is only one teacher.  Teacher No. 1 is actually a relatively rudimentary teaching robot that can be mass-produced. However, I don¡¯t plan to make more of them for the time being. On the one hand, Teacher No. 1 is expensive to build. On the other hand, I think.  Try to downplay the impact of Teacher No. 1. There are a lot of things involved. It¡¯s not good to build too many. Let¡¯s wait for a while and build a second one.¡± Zhang Li nodded in understanding. As for why.  It's not good to make too many, and she didn't ask why.  Sun Zesheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you think you are adaptable to being the director of this training center?" Zhang Li smiled and nodded, "At the beginning, I was a little uncomfortable. I feel much better recently." Sun Zesheng sighed.  Said: "Zhang Li, I really feel wronged to you. Xu Yunjin also told me recently that her new movie started shooting, and the heroine she found was not good at acting. Why did she feel that she was missing a spirit? Xu Yunjin also said that if you were still in Starlight Media  That's fine." Zhang Li covered Sun Zesheng's mouth with his delicate hands, "Xiaosheng, please stop talking. I don't regret my choice at all. I also thought that if I continued to pursue my original dream, I might be able to become an actor.  The first sister in the industry, and even made a name for herself internationally, but so what? I can gain countless money, reputation, and be admired by thousands of fans, but I also have to lose a lot, my words.  Everyone must be observed under a magnifying glass. I may not have as much time to spend with you as I do now, and I will not live as solidly as I do now." Sun Zesheng points out.He nodded, "If you think so, I feel better." When Zhang Li was about to say something else, Sun Zesheng's cell phone rang. He took it over and saw that it was Deputy Sheng Qinghua of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.  The director called.  "Mr. Sun, do you have time? If so, let's meet. I have something important to tell you," Sheng Qinghua said.  Sun Zesheng hung up the phone and smiled helplessly at Zhang Li, "It seems that I don't have more time to accompany you today." Zhang Li smiled softly, "It's okay, we will have a long life in the future." Sun Zesheng hugged  He hugged Zhang Li, kissed her on the red lips, and then left the New Culture Training Center. He didn't even have time to say hello to his mother, Feng Yueying.  About an hour later, Sun Zesheng met Sheng Qinghua, "Sorry, Director Sheng, we encountered a traffic jam on the road." Sheng Qinghua said understandingly: "The traffic jam in Yanjing is getting more and more serious. Even I, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,  The deputy director is also suffering from traffic jams. Mr. Sun, do you have any way to solve this problem? " Sun Zesheng asked, "Is this a problem that Director Sheng wants to discuss with me?" Sheng Qinghua smiled, "No.  , Just talking casually." Sun Zesheng smiled, "Since it is just casual, I can make some irresponsible remarks. In my opinion, the traffic congestion in Yanjing City can still be solved."  Tsinghua University asked with interest: "Is there any way? Tell me quickly." Sun Zesheng said: "I will tell you a relatively simple way. I have developed an egg-type aircraft, and Director Sheng knows about it. We can completely put the egg  If we enlarge the aircraft and change it into one that can carry people, and then develop three-dimensional transportation in Yanjing, it will increase the vehicle capacity of Yanjing¡¯s transportation network several times, and the traffic congestion will naturally be alleviated.¡± ¡°You.  Can that egg-shaped aircraft still carry people?" Sheng Qinghua asked.  Sun Zesheng nodded, "Of course there is no problem in theory. However, if the egg aircraft is really turned into a manned aircraft, the drawings of the egg aircraft will need to be redesigned, which is not easy." Sheng Qinghua said hurriedly: "  It doesn¡¯t matter if it¡¯s difficult. Mr. Sun, you can take the time to work on this project. If you really build a manned egg-shaped aircraft, it may have unexpected effects.¡± Sun Zesheng nodded.  For him, it is not difficult to build an egg-shaped aircraft that can carry people. Tianjixing 3000 has ready-made technology.  In addition to egg-type aircraft, Tianjixing 3000 also has many ultra-low-altitude aircraft that can carry people. It would be absolutely trivial to use them to solve the traffic congestion in Yanjing City.  ¡° However, Sun Zesheng does not intend to do this, at least in the short term, he does not have this intention.  Sheng Qinghua personally poured a cup of tea for Sun Zesheng, and then sat opposite Sun Zesheng, "Mr. Sun, I invite you here this time. I have two things to tell you. The first one is the approval document of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  It's already here, and the business license has been issued. This is the shareholder certificate of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd., please keep it." Sun Zesheng took the shareholder certificate that Sheng Qinghua gave him in his hand, opened it and looked at it. It said.  Song Jiayi holds 49% of the shares of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  Sun Zesheng nodded and put away the shareholder certificate.  Sheng Qinghua added: "The second thing is that the construction of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd. is not started from scratch. Our State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has already taken the decision to purchase ready-made oil from Three Barrels of Oil in the name of Galaxy First Fuel Co., Ltd.  Several factories are currently going through the procedures, and it will take at most half a month for Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd. to be put into production." (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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