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    Chapter 344: Is anyone willing? Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  ¡ù "That's not certain. But I estimate that ten days and a half will be enough." Sun Zesheng said lightly, "I have been busy with this matter for the past few days. After I finish them, I will definitely  I'll let you know as soon as possible." "How long does it take? Then you can send Li Yingming to me after you finish the work. Before that, let Li Yingming protect you."  She once again reiterated her position of not letting Li Yingming protect her. She didn't think she would be in any danger. Sun Zesheng needed protection more than she did.  Neither Qian Shaohua nor Li Yingming spoke, they just stood aside silently.  As the bodyguards of Zhongnanhai, the principles of doing more and talking less, and obeying orders have been deeply ingrained in their souls.  They have no relationship with the Central Guard Corps now. Sun Zesheng is not only their employer, but in a sense, he is also their new chief. When the chief speaks, they naturally have no role to interfere, unless it is something the chief wants to do.  , may threaten your own safety.  Song Jiayi, like Rong Jingying, cares about Sun Zesheng's safety more than her own safety.  The trip to Liaojing City a few days ago scared her so much that she realized that she could no longer let Sun Zesheng think like before, being alone no matter where he went.  In her opinion, Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming, who have experience in protecting national leaders, are undoubtedly the best candidates to protect Sun Zesheng.  "Xiaosheng, I agree with Xiaojing's opinion on this matter. Before you get the stuff out, let Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming stay with you. After you get the stuff out, let us  After taking a look at their actual effects, decide whether to remove them from your side," Song Jiayi said.  "Sister Song, I" Before Sun Zesheng could finish speaking, Song Jiayi waved her hand, "Stop talking. I have the final say on this matter. If you don't agree, then I will resign." Rong Rong  Jingying joined in the fun and said: "Yes, if you agree, Sister Song and I will resign together. We will give up our jobs together and quit." Sun Zesheng smiled bitterly. If Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying both gave up their jobs, there would be no future light companies.  What happened, but the work of Mu Yao Seiko will definitely be completely paralyzed. If Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying join forces with Wuhan Yang, He Fangyi and others, his industry will have to come to a standstill.  Even if he doesn¡¯t consider this, but considering his relationship with Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying, he may really let Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying go to the point of resignation.  "Okay, since you insist, I will let Li Yingming and Qian Shaohua stay with me for the time being. Sister Song, please go make arrangements and let Li Yingming and Qian Shaohua's personnel relations fall under the Light of the Future Company.  From now on, their salaries, bonuses and benefits will all go to the account of Future Light Company. " Future Light Company is currently owned by Sun Zesheng. It is the company with the strongest profitability and the most cash. Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming need to spend it in a year.  For the time being, only Future Light Company can afford to sell six million.  As the head office, Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. actually doesn¡¯t have much money. Counting from the day it was established, it has never asked its subsidiaries to hand over a penny of profits.  Not to mention Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming, even Song Jiayi¡¯s salary and so on were all taken from the accounts of Future Light Company.  Song Jiayi took Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming to go through the formalities. Sun Zesheng left her office and went to the warehouse-renovated studio.  Rong Jingying followed.  There is a large amount of newly purchased equipment placed in the studio. As soon as you enter the door, there is a pungent smell inside.  Sun Zesheng put on white work clothes, sunglasses, a mask, and rubber gloves, and then walked to the workbench.  There were a lot of test tubes, jars and other utensils on the workbench. Sun Zesheng opened the experimental records and read them for a while, then went on to prepare new reagents.  Qian Shaohua and Li Yingming's procedures were quickly completed, and the two of them stood at the door of the studio on their own initiative without anyone's instructions, and began to be on guard.  When going through the procedures just now, they provided a list of equipment and asked Future Light Company to purchase that equipment as soon as possible. With these equipment, they can protect Sun Zesheng more conveniently.  Two days later, the bulletproof car ordered by Sun Zesheng arrived. Sun Zesheng handed a modification drawing to Wuhan Yang and asked him to arrange for someone to modify the brand new bulletproof car.  Wuhan Yang immediately arranged for someone to study the drawings and prepared to carry out modifications immediately after thoroughly understanding the drawings.  Sun Zesheng received a call at this time. It was from the Ministry of Public Security.Director Fu Dongsheng called him.  Fu Dongsheng invited him to attend a meeting to discuss specific matters related to drug treatment methods.  During this period, relevant experts and scholars organized by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health have not stopped researching the drug detoxification method provided by Sun Zesheng. Generally speaking, the effect of this drug detoxification method is satisfactory to them.  The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health have plans to pilot and promote this drug detoxification method on a small scale, which involves many issues. This meeting is to find a solution acceptable to all parties for these issues.  As the provider of the entire package, Sun Zesheng undoubtedly cannot miss this meeting.  In fact, Sun Zesheng was informally notified of the holding of this meeting a few days ago, and he was fully prepared.  So, after receiving Fu Dongsheng's phone call, Sun Zesheng took Song Jiayi and several negotiation experts recruited by the company to the venue of the meeting.  The meeting was held in a hotel that has business relations with the Ministry of Public Security. The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health attached great importance to this meeting, and the ministers of the two ministries personally led the team to attend.  What Sun Zesheng didn't expect was that there were several foreigners.  The venue was arranged into a square, with many tables and chairs placed on each side. Name tags were placed on the tables. The Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Health, Sun Zesheng and the foreigners each occupied one side.  The meeting was chaired by a senior police officer from the Ministry of Public Security. He first introduced some of the guests attending the meeting.  Only then did Sun Zesheng know that those foreigners came from multiple agencies under the United Nations, such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Program on AIDS, and so on.  The drug problem has always been a big problem that plagues all mankind. Obviously the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health have informed the United Nations of the relevant situation. Otherwise, the United Nations would not pay so much attention and send so many people to understand the situation.  After introducing the guests, an expert reported on the follow-up survey, which was nothing more than how magical and effective the treatment plan provided by Sun Zesheng was.  From the words of this expert, the drug detoxification program provided by Sun Zesheng was officially named Sun's drug detoxification method.  After the expert finished introducing the situation, the foreigners from the United Nations couldn't wait to start asking questions. They made extremely tedious inquiries about various aspects of Sun's drug treatment method, involving all aspects of Sun's drug treatment method, such as  What is the principle?  What is the cost of implementing the entire plan?  Is it possible to promote it globally, and whether the Chinese government can allow Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method to be promoted globally, etc.  As the "inventor" of Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method, Sun Zesheng was often questioned by these foreigners who held the title of senior United Nations official.  Most of their questions are technical issues, but some of them are quite tricky, such as how Sun Zesheng came up with such a drug treatment method, how he invented it, etc.  Sun Zesheng politely declined to answer questions that he could not answer on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.  In fact, Sun Zesheng did not intend to promote the so-called Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method to the world. His original intention was to only promote it domestically.  As for places outside China, he was ready to give up.  However, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health obviously do not think so. They seem to be very happy to promote Sun's drug treatment method to the world. I don't know whether they want to use this opportunity to gain political achievements, or they want to show off that China has another extinct drug, or whether it is  Those who really want to benefit the world.  In the blink of an eye, the meeting lasted all morning, and at noon, everyone had dinner together again.  After the dinner, the meeting continued.  However, at this time, one party was missing from the meeting, and several foreigners from various United Nations agencies were no longer there.  Sun Zesheng cheered up. He knew that the morning meeting almost did not involve specific rights and interests, and the afternoon meeting was the key.  As expected by Sun Zesheng, the afternoon meeting was filled with the smell of gunpowder as soon as it started, and almost everyone aimed their guns at Sun Zesheng.  "Mr. Sun, I don't know what you plan to do with the drugs needed for Sun's detoxification method? As far as we know, you don't have any pharmaceutical factories under your banner, and you don't have the ability to produce drugs at all. To put it bluntly,  , the drugs you use to treat severe drug addicts provided by the Yanjing No. 2 Drug Rehabilitation Center are basically made using small workshop methods. This method is inefficient and the sanitary conditions cannot be guaranteed. Save one or two.  Drug addicts, nothing has happened yet. If Sun's drug treatment method is to be promoted nationwide or even globally in the future, what can you do with your small workshop? " The person who spoke was an expert from the Ministry of Health, and his question was pointed.  One of the keys to Sun's drug treatment is obviously to be prepared.  Sun Zesheng said calmly: "I don't need you to worry about this issue. Since IIf you can invent drugs, you can naturally produce them.  Of course, small workshop-style production will not work. I will definitely build a pharmaceutical factory to produce these drugs.  "Mr. Sun, do you know how a pharmaceutical factory operates?"  "The expert continued to ask relentlessly. "Do you know what the drug approval process is?  You know" Sun Zesheng waved his hand, "You don't need to list so many things for me that I don't know.  Judging from what you said, Feiming just wants me to give up the production of drug treatment drugs.  " Which expert said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to give up.  Rather, I have a plan that is beneficial to everyone and would like to provide it for everyone to discuss together.  " Sun Zesheng made a gesture of invitation, "Please speak, I am all ears.  ¡± Which expert said: ¡°Actually, it¡¯s nothing.  That is, we hope that Mr. Sun can provide relevant patents on drug addiction treatment and license them to one or two pharmaceutical factories for production.  Of course, Sun Zesheng will not provide relevant patents in vain. Our country also protects intellectual property rights. These two pharmaceutical factories will give Mr. Sun a royalty fee, and the fee ratio will not be less than 15%.  As long as Mr. Sun can provide it, the two pharmaceutical factories will be put into production immediately. Once a large amount of drug treatment drugs are produced, they will be distributed across the country as soon as possible, which will ultimately benefit the country and the people.  " Sun Zesheng shook his head simply, "I, Sun Zesheng, will not do such things that benefit the country and the people but are not beneficial to myself.  "Mr. Sun, what do you mean by this? What does it mean to benefit the country and the people but not benefit yourself?"  "The expert suddenly changed his color and said unkindly. Sun Zesheng pointed at himself with his finger, "I own a company, and I know some of the company's situations very well.  If you want to use 15% of the royalties to let me license the patent rights for drug treatment to other people, don¡¯t you think I, Sun Zesheng, will suffer too much?  " Sun Zesheng is not aimless. If he agrees to authorize drug addiction treatment to other pharmaceutical manufacturers, if the final retail price of the drug is one hundred yuan, then he will only get fifteen yuan at most. After excluding the cost, the pharmaceutical factory will  The profit would be at least fifty yuan. In other words, the pharmaceutical factory that had his authorization took away the majority of the profit. This was obviously an act that was beneficial to others but not self-interested. How could Sun Zesheng agree to do it now, even though he had no money?  But as long as he waits for a while and the funds of the Future Light Company are withdrawn, he can allocate funds to either acquire or invest in the construction of a pharmaceutical factory. By then, the detoxification drugs will be produced in his own pharmaceutical factory, and all the profits will be  His own. This is what Sun Zesheng pursues, rather than using what he has in his hands to become an old hen that lays golden eggs in the hands of others.  , is something that is beneficial to all mankind.  How can you think of seeking personal gain in such a matter?  Sun Zesheng shook his head and looked at Fu Dongsheng, "Minister Fu, can I refuse to continue talking to this Mr. Zhu?"  " "Sun Zesheng, what do you mean?  "The expert suddenly changed his color and said. "Fu Dongsheng knows some details about this expert. He is not only an expert in the field of domestic drug treatment, but also a spokesperson for relevant stakeholders. To be clear, there are several pharmaceutical factories in the country.  The annual consulting fee for hiring him as a consultant is not a small sum. He cannot say that he has no public motives at all when speaking to the pharmaceutical companies who are not present, but more importantly, he is selfish. "Mr. Liu, we are here.  Let's discuss it, please don't turn this into a place of quarrels.  Fu Dongsheng coughed and said, "Mr. Sun, you also need to pay attention to your attitude."  Don¡¯t just stop talking to this or that. This is not the way to solve the problem.  If you have any dissatisfaction or disagreement, you can tell us and we can discuss and solve it together.  " "Okay, Minister Fu, now that you have spoken.  Then I will tell you my opinion.  "Sun Zesheng has no choice but to give Fu Dongsheng face. On the one hand, Fu Dongsheng is the minister of the Ministry of Public Security and the chief BOSS of the national police. On the other hand, Fu Dongsheng is Rong Jingying's uncle. Speaking of which, he and he are related.  "Everyone, I can understand the thoughts of Expert Liu just now. He probably wants me to make some sacrifices to accomplish the so-called great cause of benefiting the country and the people, but I want to ask, why should I sacrifice my own interests?  ?  Do I, Sun Zesheng, look similar to Lei Feng?  I am a businessman. In business, it is my nature to pursue reasonable profits. I can¡¯t understand why I would cede a large part of my interests just for the sake of an illusory reputation of benefiting the country and the people.  Expert Liu, you are an expert, why don¡¯t you go to the United States, Switzerland, Germany, Japan and other countries to ask their pharmaceutical companies how they developWhy are recent drugs for treating AIDS, genetic defects, etc. so expensive?  You should persuade them to save the world and lower the prices of the drugs they produce for the health of all mankind.  You have such a great mind, you will definitely be able to inspire them.  As long as you can inspire them, I am also willing to respond to your inspiration.  "Sun Zesheng teased Expert Liu unceremoniously. Expert Liu's face turned green and white. It had been many years since he had thought about being like this, being scolded in public. Another expert said: "Mr. Sun,  Those you mentioned are all capitalists. They only worry about making less money and want to put all the money into their own pockets. How can they lower prices?  You are different. Your Future Light Company is so profitable, so you don¡¯t expect to make money on these drug treatment drugs" "Wrong, I don¡¯t agree with what you said at all.  I am short of money now and care about all kinds of products that can bring me profits.  I have signed several billions of dollars in foreign debt alone.  If you can help me settle these foreign debts so that I don't have to pay back a penny, then fine, I will immediately agree to Expert Liu's suggestion just now, a 15% royalty, and sign an agreement immediately.  How about it?  "Sun Zesheng said. The second expert who spoke immediately stopped talking. He did not have the ability to solve billions of debts, let alone billions, even if it was 10 million foreign debts, he could not solve it. This is not to say  He doesn¡¯t have a net worth of 10 million, but why should he use his own money to pay off Sun Zesheng¡¯s debt? Sun Zesheng said loudly: ¡°Who can help me solve the foreign debt of several billion, let alone the 15% concession?  If the royalties are paid, I would be willing to contribute all the technical information, patents, etc. of Sun's Drug Rehabilitation Method for free.  Is anyone willing?  "(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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