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Text Chapter 327 Immediate results

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    Chapter 327: Immediate Results. Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  ¡ù Kong Tianshun acted as the introducer. He first introduced Sun Zesheng, and then began to introduce the first few people. There were five people in total, four of whom were from the drug rehabilitation center, namely Paradise, the director of the drug rehabilitation center, and the chief drug rehabilitation center.  There is also the director and chief detoxification specialist of another detoxification center. The remaining one is a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, whose main research direction is drug detoxification.  After Kong Tianshun finished the introduction, he said: "Everyone, you asked me to invite Brother Sun here. I have fulfilled my mission and brought him to you. This little brother of mine is very capable. The champion of the foreign language speech contest will  At least a dozen languages, and in the final exam, he was either perfect or excellent. In addition, he is also a business genius, and everyone knows that he founded the company, right?"  Kong Tianshun said lively, but none of the people who wanted to see him responded. They all looked at him with cautious eyes, and their eyes were full of disbelief and doubt.  "Director Kong, are you kidding me? Is this a young man who completely eradicated Bai Jiashun's drug addiction?" the senior researcher said in an extremely skeptical tone.  This person¡¯s name is Xu Shendong, and he is an expert in the field of drug rehabilitation in China. The two largest national drug rehabilitation centers in Yanjing City, as well as many other public drug rehabilitation centers across the country, have hired him as a drug rehabilitation consultant. Moreover, several major national drug rehabilitation centers have organized  He is a major participant in relevant research projects.  It can be said that he is one of the most respected experts in the field of drug treatment in the country.  "Researcher Xu, yes, the person I told you who cured Bai Jiashun's drug addiction was Brother Sun." Kong Tianshun said.  Xu Shendong snorted, "Are you kidding me? How old is this Mr. Sun? He is still a college student. He hasn't even gotten his diploma yet, but he went to study how to detoxify people? And his research was successful? You  Don¡¯t you think this is a joke? Do you know how many people have worked hard in the field of drug rehabilitation since the birth of drugs? Even now, they dare not say that they have cured drug addiction, even when they were in the womb.  , even if we start research in this area, it is impossible to produce results." The directors and chief drug addicts of the two drug rehabilitation centers nodded in agreement, and they also had deep doubts about Sun Zesheng's ability.  Sun Zesheng is too young. If he were older, even ten years older, they would not question Sun Zesheng's ability so much.  "Researcher Xu, your ambition lies in your youth." Kong Tianshun defended Sun Zesheng feebly. He also knew that what happened to Sun Zesheng was difficult to explain clearly using common sense.  But these things actually happened, and he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to.  Xu Shendong waved his hand, "Don't talk to me about these useless things. Director Kong, you have to know that drug rehabilitation is not a field that everyone can get involved in? This involves the issue of being responsible for the lives of drug addicts and the safety of society.  I personally think that Sun Hesheng is not qualified. As long as I am the drug treatment counselor of the Yanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau, I will never allow anyone to have a hand in this matter. "Kong Tianshun did not expect that just because of Sun Zesheng.  The issue of age ruined a good thing.  He looked at Sun Zesheng helplessly, "Brother Sun, don't you think you should say a few words?" Sun Zesheng smiled, "Okay, then I will say a few words. I very much agree with what Researcher Xu said, that is, I still  A hairy boy who hasn't grown all his hair yet, but who can say that a hairy boy can't do great things? What a clear example it is to be able to make a living at the age of four. " "You don't want that Sun Hesheng.  Changing the topic, it's great that Kong Rong let you do it when he was four years old, but can he compare with drug rehabilitation? Let Kong Rong do the drug rehabilitation work, and see if he has this ability?" Xu Shendong interrupted rudely.  He heard what Sun Zesheng said.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Researcher Xu, let me tell you something that you may not like to hear. When you were four years old, could you do such a thing as giving pears?" "It has been so long since I was four years old, how could I  Remember?" It's not that Xu Shendong couldn't remember, but he was embarrassed to say that if he saw a pear at that time, he would have to roll around if he couldn't eat it.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said: "I'm afraid that when Researcher Xu was four years old, he was just like ordinary children and didn't know what the concept of letting pears was." Xu Shendong's face turned red, "So what? Are you four years old?"  Do you know how to give in to pears?" Sun Zesheng shook his head, "I don't have Kong Rong's ability. Researcher Xu, don't be angry. I just gave this example to illustrate that if you don't know how to do it, don't do it.  I don¡¯t think others do either?Do.  Kong Rong was given to pears when he was four years old. It has never been said that he laughed at other children for not knowing how to give pears.  At your age, you are probably more than enough to be a grandfather to four-year-old Kong Rong, but you cannot be inferior to a child.  " "You" A breath was held in Xu Shendong's chest, almost making him lose his breath. No one he met dared to talk to him like this. Kong Tianshun suppressed his laughter and almost suffered internal injuries.  . Sun Zesheng's mouth is really bad. This is the first time he has seen Xu Shendong look so deflated. When he is normal, he is as big as 258,000 yuan. Xu Shendong slapped the table.  Huo Di stood up and said, "I won't eat this meal.  " Kong Tianshun quickly grabbed him, "Researcher Xu, why are you doing this?  " Sun Zesheng pulled Kong Tianshun and said, "Brother Kong, if Researcher Xu is willing to leave, let him go.  By the way, after you go back, I suggest you report it to Director Kong to see if it's time to change to a drug rehabilitation counselor.  The complacent people who stand still and refuse to face the reality will only harm thousands of drug addicts if they continue to work as drug rehabilitation counselors in the public security bureau.  " " Sun Hesheng, how can you speak?  Who is standing still and who is complacent?  " Xu Shendong almost jumped up. Sun Zesheng was so cruel. He actually asked Kong Tianshun to suggest to the director that his drug treatment consultant should be removed. In this way, he became a joke. Who would regard him as the top expert in the field of drug treatment in China?  ? How much will this affect his personal academic reputation and financial interests? "Sun Zesheng is a docile donkey. If Xu Shendong talked well at the beginning, Sun Zesheng would not tease Xu Shendong like this even if he questioned Sun Zesheng's ability, but Xu Shendong did not cultivate his moral integrity.  He keeps talking about "Sun Hesheng" and "hairy boy" without showing any basic respect. If Sun Zesheng can maintain respect for Xu Shendong, then that's a ghost. "Researcher Xu, don't worry, am I wrong?  ?  I clearly have the ability to heal addicts, but you refuse to face it and insist on picking and choosing my grade. Aren't you just standing still? What do you mean by being complacent?  This is all good and bad. You are probably afraid that I will take away the reputation of your drug treatment counselor?  Tell you, I'm not interested.  " Sun Zesheng beat Xu Shendong fiercely. Xu Shendong pointed at Sun Zesheng, "You, you" Kong Tianshun stood up quickly, "Okay, Brother Sun, please stop saying a few words.  Is Researcher Xu¡¯s doubts human nature?  I've never seen a freak like you before, it's a bit rare and strange.  " Xu Shendong almost lost his temper again. Is this what Kong Tianshun said? He is "very rare and strange". Doesn't that mean he has little knowledge? Chen Qimin, director of Tiantanghe Drug Rehabilitation Center, smoothed things over: "Director Kong, we also  Stop engaging in these meaningless verbal disputes.  Taizong once said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.  Whether Xiao Sun can help drug addicts completely get rid of their drug addiction, all you need to do is let Xiao Sun do it himself.  There are several severe drug addicts in our Tiantanghe Drug Rehabilitation Center. We cannot cure them with the conventional drug treatment methods we currently have. I can ask their families and themselves for their opinions to see if they are willing to hire a drug addict.  Sun took action to help them get rid of their drug addiction.  If Xiaosun's method is really effective, then everyone will be happy. If Xiaosun's method is not effective, then we will find another way.  Researcher Xu, Director Kong, Xiao Sun, what do you think?  " Xu Shendong hummed: "Okay, I agree to give Sun Hesheng a chance.  " Kong Tianshun looked at Sun Zesheng, "Brother, what do you mean?  " Sun Zesheng shook his head, "You are willing, but I don't agree yet.  My time is very precious, but I don¡¯t have the spare time to go to the drug rehabilitation center every day.  If you can't trust me, then pull me down and just pretend that I don't exist and continue to use your old methods.  Anyway, the drug rehab center has been open for so many years and has cured many people, so why do you have to let me get involved again?  " Xu Shendong showed a proud expression, "I knew you didn't dare to try.  " Sun Zesheng shrugged, "Whatever you think.  " Kong Tianshun is anxious. He believes more than anyone else that Sun Zesheng has the ability to use faster and more effective methods to detoxify people. He also believes that Sun Zesheng intends to give up because he really doesn't want to waste time on it. Detoxifying people is time-consuming and laborious.  You can't make much money, and the reward is out of proportion. This is not cost-effective for Sun Zesheng, who earns hundreds of thousands an hour. However, this matter is very important to Kong Tianshun's father, Kong Changrui.  Kong Changrui is the top leader of the Yanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau. Combating drug crimes and forcing drug addicts to detoxify are all within the scope of Kong Changrui's work. If Kong Changrui wants to achieve results, he needs to start in various fields and force drug addicts to detoxify.  It is not an easy field to achieve results.??If the success rate of drug rehabilitation can be greatly improved under Kong Changrui's rule, then this will be of great benefit to enhancing Kong Changrui's reputation and consolidating his status.  Kong Changrui benefited, and he, Kong Tianshun, in the Yanjing City Public Security Bureau, and even in the entire Yanjing City, naturally followed the rising tide.  All of this is based on the premise that Sun Zesheng is willing to help with drug addiction. If Sun Zesheng gives up and quits, it will be a waste.  "Brother Sun, you can't leave. Brother is still counting on you." Kong Tianshun was anxious and spoke out what was in his heart.  Sun Zesheng said: "Brother Kong, you have also seen it. It's not that I don't want to help, it's really inconvenient." "Convenient, convenient. Let me give you an idea. Do you think this is good? Don't you think you don't have time to go to a drug rehabilitation center?  ? Then you don¡¯t come to the detoxification center. I will report the situation to the director and ask the director to give instructions. Let the detoxification center bring those serious drug addicts to your company every day, and you will treat them.  Take them back to the drug rehabilitation center. What do you think?" Kong Tianshun said.  Chen Qimin hurriedly said: "Director Kong, this is against the rules." Kong Tianshun glared, "Rules? Are you telling me the rules now? Okay, according to the rules, you will let those serious drug addicts wait to die.  Let's see. In the end, will the family members of these heavy drug addicts block the entrance of your drug rehabilitation center and cause trouble for you?" Chen Qimin was silent. He was not afraid of the family members of drug addicts coming to the door of the drug rehabilitation center to cause trouble. The problem is that he started with Kong Tianshun.  In his tone, I could tell that Kong Tianshun was determined to do this. If he objected again, he would offend the director's son. In the future, if the director gave him little shoes, who would he cry to?  Gao Jiufu, the director of another drug rehabilitation center, said: "When it comes to sending heavy drug addicts to the hospital for treatment, our drug rehabilitation center has no precedent before. If Director Chen finds it difficult, our drug rehabilitation center can take over this task. I  I believe that as long as we are fully prepared, nothing will happen." Gao Jiufu realized that this was an opportunity to get closer to the director, so he didn't hurry up.  Kong Tianshun said: "Okay, you, Director Gao, will be responsible for handling this matter. Bring heavy drug addicts who need to detoxify to Brother Sun's company every day. Brother Sun, is this okay?" Kong Tianshun's eyes  With a trace of prayer, if Sun Zesheng refused to agree, he would have nothing to do.  He knew a lot about Sun Zesheng and knew that if Sun Zesheng was not willing, he would certainly not be able to force Sun Zesheng to agree.  Sun Zesheng pondered for a while, "Okay, now that Brother Kong has spoken, I will agree. However, I have a condition. People cannot take me to my company. Police cars come and go all day long, which is harmful to the company."  The impact is not good. You rent a house near my company, or at a nearby police station, security station, etc. When the time comes, I can save a lot of time and make management less difficult for you.  " "Okay, that's a good idea," Kong Tianshun said hurriedly.  Gao Jiufu nodded, thinking of sending heavy drug addicts to the police station or public security station.  In his opinion, it was good. Anyway, when the police station and the public security station discovered drug addicts, they would eventually send them to their drug rehabilitation centers and ask them to borrow a place. I believe they would not refuse.  Xu Shendong snorted coldly. He felt that he had become an outsider at this moment, and no one asked for his opinion at all.  Chen Qimin felt a little regretful. Did he regret that he had missed an opportunity to get closer to the director and show his loyalty to the director?  But after a second thought, he gave up the idea of ??following up. He was more inclined to Xu Shendong's idea and felt that Sun Zesheng's treatment of drug addicts was a bit unreliable. After all, Sun Zesheng was too young and unconvincing.  Of course, it is not necessarily true that Sun Zesheng can't cure drug addicts. After all, the possibility of Kong Tianshun joking on this matter is very small.  The problem is that this time Sun Zesheng is treating severe drug addicts. This is a difficult problem in the field of drug rehabilitation. Even public drug rehabilitation centers like theirs do not have good methods, let alone a college student like Sun Zesheng.  The matter was settled in this way. Sun Zesheng, Kong Tianshun and Gao Jiufu agreed on a time. Then, everyone had a hasty meal together, and then Kong Tianshun sent Sun Zesheng back.  The next day, in the morning, Gao Jiufu personally escorted the two heavy drug addicts to the security station near the Yamei Daily Chemical Factory.  These two heavy drug addicts were tied to stretchers with ropes. Both of them seemed to be crazy and yelled. The doctor gave them sedatives, but the effect was not obvious.  Sun Zesheng rode a mountain bike and rushed over. After washing his hands and disinfecting, he took out the bag containing the silver needles and inserted the silver needles into both of his hands in front of Kong Tianshun, Gao Jiufu and others.In several acupuncture points on the body of a heavy drug addict, these two heavy drug addicts suddenly stopped screaming.  Xu Shendong also came over. Although he did not believe that Sun Zesheng could cure these two heavy drug addicts, he also needed to have first-hand evidence so that if anyone came out to talk about this matter in the future, he would have enough reasons to proceed.  refute.  But now seeing that Sun Zesheng calmed down two heavy drug addicts with just a few injections, Xu Shendong couldn't help but be a little surprised. Isn't this too immediate?  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t care what other people thought. He just followed his own pace and injected the two heavy drug addicts. Then he took out the medicine he prepared and asked others to drink it.  After waiting for a while, Sun Zesheng pulled out the silver needles from the two heavy drug addicts, and then he started to pack them up, "Okay, today's treatment is over. Over there are the medicines I prepared for them, so they can take them at noon  and at night, take medicine on time. Let them come here again tomorrow, and I will give them injections and medicine. It will only take a week, and you will be able to see their changes." Sun Zesheng put things in place.  After packing up, he left.  Gao Jiufu asked people to put the two heavy drug addicts into the prison car again, and then took Xu Shendong with him to the drug rehabilitation center.  After arriving at the drug rehabilitation center, Xu Shendong couldn't wait to examine the two heavy drug addicts. The results of the examination surprised him.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s treatment can be said to be immediate, and many indicators have dropped significantly. If it continues at this rate, maybe after a week, the two of them will be able to quit drug addiction, at least on the indicators.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! Mobile phone users please go to the m. site to read.)
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