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Text Chapter 838 Occupation Operation

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    "The reason why we are poor is that the rich have taken away all the money." "The reason why we are unemployed is because people of color have taken away the jobs." "How to save the United States, eliminate the financial oligarchs, and deport all immigrants." "Robbery."  Get back your job, get your future back!¡±¡­ Davis gave speeches in New York, Chicago, Detroit and other areas hit hard by the Great Depression. At first, he received only a few people, but after publicity in newspapers and media, more and more people soon came.  Americans took note of his voice.  Every time Davis appears on the street, thousands of homeless people surround him, listening to his speeches and cheering for him. At this time, it seems that he is the only one speaking out for the American people.  .  "Dear citizens of the United States, my dear partners, everyone must be responsible for their own mistakes. Robbery and murder will all be sent to prison, and they may even lose their lives. But I want to tell you that there is a group of people who robbed the United States and robbed the United States.  Not only have they not been punished, but they continue to live a luxurious life with the money they robbed. Do you think these people should be punished? Should the kind workers be compensated? " "Yes, they should!"  " Listening to the cheers of the people and enjoying the treatment like an emperor, Davis became very arrogant. In an instant, he transformed into an angel who saved the world.  He suddenly took out a newspaper from his arms, held it high in his hand, and said angrily: "I want to tell everyone, no, these people are not punished. On the contrary, they are still grabbing more benefits.  The people are sucking blood. And our government, our president, and the bureaucrats in the White House are all acting as accomplices. "Look, what have they done?"  Davis pointed to the newspaper's front page headline and said to everyone: "Look, our president has announced the latest tax cut plan. Look at what it says, to reduce the burden on businesses and then allow them to increase workers' salaries.  , so that we can get rid of the impact of the crisis. " "What do you think of this?" Davis said loudly: "I tell everyone, this is a complete scam, and the government treats us as tens of millions of fools.  Americans are unemployed and we have no jobs. After the tax cuts, will the capitalists get the money and give it to the unemployed workers? I can tell you responsibly that this is a profiteering consortium.  Satisfy the greedy appetite of capitalists.¡± Hearing Davis¡¯s hoarse roar, these American people were finally angry. These people were already desperate for the future, and their endurance had reached the limit.  Like a dam full of water, Davis opened a hole for them, and the flood surged into the sky in an instant Looking at the people whose anger reached the boiling point.  Davis was satisfied, and he continued: "This is not enough, there is something even more ridiculous. Our government has just lowered the bank interest rate. The reason is very simple, it is to reduce the cost of borrowing. What I want to ask everyone is whether the bank will  Lend money to homeless people? No! They will only lend money to capitalists, to those who are already fat. What will those guys do after they get low-interest loans? It is very simple, they will buy those who are bankrupt?  Enterprises. They are devouring American wealth, taking away our houses, and taking away our factories. As for the price, half of the usual price is enough. " "There is a group of people who have messed up the country.  Society is in chaos. They don¡¯t need to be punished. They can continue to devour everyone¡¯s flesh and blood with the funds provided by the government. This is the current situation in the United States. This is the cruelest fact. Every person with conscience should stand up.  We must fight to the death for our rights, or we will die!¡± Davis¡¯s speech achieved unprecedented success. In the industrial areas of the northeastern United States, thousands of workers and the unemployed became his most loyal supporters.  Believers, major schools are also vying to invite him to give speeches.  After arriving at university, Davis changed his rhetoric: "Students, you study hard every day and study hard every day, but I want to tell you that what is waiting for you may not be a bright future, because your future has already  It has been ruined by a group of adults. People in their 50s and 60s have ruined the economy, but people in their 20s and 30s have to bear the consequences. After you leave school, you will be unemployed and have heavy student loans on your shoulders.  To work, you have to go into debt, and you have to face a world with no future" Not only Davis, but more American politicians are also involved in it. They also make speeches everywhere, denounce the government, and criticize capitalists wherever they go.  Wherever they go, they will be cheered by countless people. In an instant, these people become warriors and become social consciences who truly speak for the people.  ¡°Mr."" Ren Shuwen also smiled and said after listening to Davis's speech. "People just point to this mouth to live, how can they not have some ability?"  Even though they scolded so fiercely during the day, at night, they still had to nod and bow down, calling those financial backers grandpa, otherwise who would help them with the troubles.  " Xia Han was enjoying the performance on the stage and looking at the intoxicated people in the audience. He was also secretly proud. He was one of the financial backers. This trend was also fueled by Chinese forces behind the scenes and provoked the United States.  Social antagonism and separation of classes and ethnic groups are one of Zhang Tinglan¡¯s steps to disrupt the United States. When talking about democracy, many people will think of the opposite word as autocracy. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. In modern society, the real authoritarian system is.  Very few. Take Zhang Tinglan as an example. Although he is a military and political strongman, there are more than a dozen executive members at the same level as him within the New Democratic Party. In addition, he cannot interfere casually in the operation of the government. Everything must be discussed and resolved together.  , it can only be said that his authority is greater. But when making decisions, it is often the result of democratic consultation among several people, and it is unlikely to be unanimous. Legally, Zhang Tinglan¡¯s power is not even as powerful as the president of the United States. After all, the president of the United States is the head of state.  and the head of government. For modern countries, the difference between us is the degree of democracy, not whether there is a populism that truly corresponds to autocracy. One is to respect one person and one surname, and the other is to completely follow the will of the people.  The majority is always right, and the space between the two is the place where democracy operates. Populism is the equivalent of cancer, and it is also a political cancer.  , they will be like cancer cells, absorbing all kinds of nutrients crazily, expanding malignantly, and finally being hopeless. For ordinary people, affected by their horizons, most of the time they are irrational and short-sighted in politics.  Yes, they are unable to see the longer-term problems clearly, and completely following their opinions will only make things worse and worse. It can be said that populism cannot solve any problems at all. North America has also had a tradition of populism for a long time, but major crises have catalyzed it.  With this trend of thought, racism, religious forces, Nazi ideas, fascism, and white supremacy are all amplified in an instant. Those populist politicians have no real political opinions. They only choose to talk about what most people like to hear.  Then it will be continuously strengthened and then conveyed to everyone. People in despair can easily be affected by this kind of thing and fall into madness. Just when Xia Han and the others were leaving the speech venue and passing an intersection, they suddenly happened.  I saw a black muzzle protruding from a dilapidated car, pointing it at a black man who had just walked over and firing three shots. The black man fell to the ground on the spot, with blood flowing from his head.  The white brain was exposed As Xia Han, who had been on the battlefield, he had no fear of this kind of childishness, but after seeing this, he felt a little happy. It seemed that the United States was really in complete chaos.  If he lights up the fire again, he may be able to achieve his goal. Xia Han and Ren Shuwen, the general manager of Nanhua Petroleum Company, have just negotiated a contract with the Rockefeller Group. He originally wanted to get gasoline anti-explosion from the Americans.  Agent technology has completely solved the problem of aviation fuel.  However, the Americans took these housekeeping skills very seriously and had nothing to discuss. Xia Han could only settle for the next best thing and invited the Americans to cooperate in developing oil in Borneo. In return, he obtained oil exploration rights from the Americans.  equipment.  The Americans are very clear about calculations. Exploration technology is good, but real housekeeping skills are definitely not good.  With the expansion of territory, the gap in crude oil can be easily solved, but China still needs to import high-quality aviation fuel from the United States, which has also become a worry for the Chinese Air Force.  "It's just that the Americans are too tough, and Xia Han has no better way. He stayed in the United States for more than half a year, and he got almost everything he wanted and could get.  Only gasoline anti-knock agents and aircraft engines are the only ones that the Americans insist on, and even high-level military and political officials have come forward and are determined not to sell them to China.  Americans are not stupid either. The most powerful support for them to shake Britain and compete for world hegemony is industrial technology.  The United States is big, and as long as its industrial technology is on the same level as that of European countries, it can throw them away.  By the same token, China is bigger. If China completes its industrialization, there will be nothing wrong with the United States.  Therefore, although they are in the midst of the Great Depression, Americans are still clinging on.  Of course Xia Han will not give up. As long as the U.S. government becomes more chaotic and even affects those financial groups, then they should relax.  After returning to the hotel, he immediately asked someone to secretly send Davis half a million dollars to encourage him to take more powerful measures.Action, Davis has enjoyed too much glory these days. He has become a little forgetful, and has already been brewing bigger actions in his heart.  After receiving the support, he immediately published a militant message, calling on unemployed workers everywhere to occupy Wall Street, find out those financial fat cats, and make them take responsibility for the Great Depression!
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