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Text Chapter 3 The First Arrival at Infinity: Divine Weapons and Divine Realm Conferring the Gods Pass

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    Bei Mingxue is one of the three heroines in the original work. She and the protagonist Nangong Wentian grew up together and are childhood sweethearts.  But it's a pity that due to various circumstances, he and Nangong Wentian never got together.  Until the main story of Shen Wen Xuan Qi came to an end, the first heroine Nangong Tiexin ran away and left a message asking Bei Mingxue to take care of her son on her behalf.  This brought the two people together.

    Throughout the book, Bei Mingxue has an arrogant and coquettish character in the early stage. Although she has powerful powers of telekinesis, she is weak in force. She only plays the role of a princess who is captured by the big devil in the game and inspires the protagonist's fighting spirit. In the later stage, she is  In the story of constantly escalating combat power, it has almost become a background.  In terms of outstanding features, not to mention the paranoid and distinctive first heroine Nangong Tiexin, even the three-no girl Ling Jianzi, who does not appear in many scenes, is not as good as her.

    Now, Dugu Feng has become Bei Mingxue, so naturally he cannot do nothing like in the original work.  Because her main mission is a difficult and almost impossible task - to kill the Yuanshi Demon.

    Since she came to this world, the reincarnation mark has shown the mission information of this world.

    The world: Mysterious Weapons (Advanced Martial Arts & Fantasy World)

    ?Challenge level: seven stars.

    Camp mode: Neutral mode (no reward for killing non-hostile Samsaras, killing hostile Samsaras can obtain the opponent's Samsaras wristbands)


    1. Open the divine realm.

    Reward: One AAA plot card, 50,000 reincarnation points

    Failure conditions: The divine realm has not been opened.

    Failure penalty: None.

    2. Kill the Yuanzu Demon.

    Reward: One S-level plot card, 100,000 reincarnation points

    Failure conditions: 1. The original demon has not been resurrected.  2. The ancestor of the demon is resurrected and the army of demons descends.

    Failure penalty: deduct one AAA plot card and 50,000 reincarnation points

    ? Mission period: 30 years.

    When I saw the mission requirements for the first time, even in Dugufeng's state of mind, I couldn't help but be surprised.  The first mission was nothing more than that. There was almost no penalty for failure. It was obviously a non-essential mission.  The second mission, killing the Yuanzu Demon, is obviously the real main line of this mission.

    As a big BOSS that almost runs through the historical background of the Mysterious Weapons and Mysteries, there is no doubt about the strength of Yuanzu Tianmo. As soon as he was born, he forced Yuanshi Tianzun, the strongest among the gods, to sacrifice himself to become a seal. His body  The contamination of the ten magic beads forced Nuwa, the leader of the gods, to commit suicide, which shows how tyrannical he was.  Although in the original book, when he came to the earth, the protagonist Nangong Wentian gathered six heavenly soldiers to eliminate him, this was only accomplished with the addition of the protagonist's aura and should never be used as a reference for the reincarnation mission.

    Although Dugufeng has never experienced reincarnation missions before, he also knows that the BOSS in the mission world must be hugely different from the original work.  If we reason with normal thinking, the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon, who is more tyrannical than the gods, will not be killed by Nangong Wentian who has not yet opened the divine domain, even if the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon at that time was less than the sixth level of skill, even if it was held by Nangong Wentian  It's Tianjing in perfect condition, and the performance of Yuanzu Tianmo shouldn't be so bad.  Dugufeng suspected that if she followed the original plot, she might face the tenth-level Yuanzu Demon who could kill all masters below the divine realm with one blow.

    Dugufeng is not sure yet about the specific classification of reincarnation space.  However, judging from her own evaluation, she was estimated to be at a six-star level before Shattered Void. After Shattered Void, although her level soared to nine-star, her energy intensity and physical fitness were only at a seven-star level.  Comparing himself, and combining the task prompts and the performance of the original work, Dugu Feng estimated that the Yuanzu Demon was a being whose energy body could reach nine stars at the same time.

    Although the overall evaluation given to her by the reincarnation space is also nine stars, it only refers to the martial arts realm. The realm is just a realm. Without strong enough energy and physical support, it is impossible to exert the nine-star strength.  Just like great philosophers such as Lao Tzu and Sakyamuni in reality, their realm may not be lower than Jiuxing, but their strength is obviously just ordinary people.

    And more importantly, because she is in plane reincarnation mode, she has experienced a reincarnation cycle. The original eight-star soul, seven-star energy and body cannot be brought to the mission world.  Now, apart from all the experiences and memories of her two lives, all she has is Bei Mingxue's body and talent.

    So in the past fourteen years, she has started from scratch, integrating martial arts skills from the two worlds, and re-cultivating Qi.  Speaking of which, due to the different worlds, the martial arts system in the Tang Dynasty Double Dragon Legend world is very different from that in the Mysterious Weapon World.  The martial arts in the World of Shuanglong of the Tang Dynasty focuses on the cultivation of the heart, and more on spiritual cultivation and realm. Its true energy is more about spiritual energy than energy, and the ultimate goal of martial arts is alsoIt is not a battle, but to pursue the meaning of life. From the Taoist Immortality Secret to the Demon Sect's Heavenly Demon Strategy to the Buddhist Cihang Sword Manual, the fundamental purpose is all the same, which is to promote the level of life, and the highest realm is "broken."  "Void" is the most complete transformation.

    Due to the existence of gods and demons in the mysterious world of divine weapons, the vitality of heaven and earth is strong, and the practice of martial arts pays more attention to the accumulation of "qi". It is far superior to the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty in "qi training", not to mention the supreme kung fu of the world.  God-level martial arts such as Raksha Kui Divine Kung Fu and Raksha Kui Divine Kung Fu are only as far as the "Tian Wai Xiao Yao Chapter" passed down by the Beiming Family, which is far superior to the Tang Dynasty martial arts in terms of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and the movement of true energy.  Leaving aside the combat wisdom of the martial arts realm, purely in terms of the power of the attack, Bei Mingzheng, who has only practiced "Tianwai Xiaoyao Chapter" to the third chapter "Shen Chi Wuwai", is already no less than Dugu Feng.  The strongest opponent arrived was Xiang Yutian.

    A ruler is longer and an inch is shorter.  Although overall, the combat power of the Mysterious World of Divine Weapons is several levels higher than that of the Tang Dynasty Double Dragon Legend world, the Tang style martial arts is not without its advantages.  For example, the cultivation of the "heart" in the martial arts of the divine weapon system is limited to the tempering of will. Although the strong have a will that is tougher than steel, they do not have good resistance against inner demons.  Great gods such as Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa, as well as powerful human beings such as Xuantian Evil Emperor and Nangong Wentian, have always been troubled by the problem of becoming possessed by demons. The main reason is the innate lack of martial arts in the divine weapon system.  Spiritual training.  And Dugu Feng, who has practiced the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty to the realm of Broken Void, has an absolute advantage in the cultivation of the heart.  Therefore, for more than ten years, she has been using the three superior martial arts of the world, Tao, demons, and Buddhas as reference, "Tianwai Xiaoyao Chapter", "Asura's Extermination of Evil Kung Fu", and "Bodhi Dharma Enlightenment Heart Kung Fu" to re-revise her fundamental martial arts.  Spiritual emotions and mental methods.¡±

    As a peak martial artist in the Shattering Void, Dugu Feng already has her own martial arts path. Even if the martial arts in the world of divine weapons are a hundred times more powerful than what she has learned, it is impossible to change her family and start learning all over again.  What she can do is learn from each other's strengths and learn the essence of "qi" from the martial arts of the Divine Weapon World to make up for the lack of power in the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty.

    However, although the martial arts in "Tianwai Xiaoyao Chapter" are excellent, they are not the top martial arts in the world.  Although Dugu Feng had gained something, he had only improved his six-star spiritual skills to seven-star level.  Although with her martial arts realm, she could deduce eight-star or even nine-star techniques even without reference to more advanced martial arts secrets, but that would take a lot of time.  What she lacks now is time.  The mission time of 30 years seems to be a long time, but it is quite reluctant to complete the mission of killing the demon.

    According to the mission prompts and Dugufeng¡¯s own speculation, Samsara Space places the optional task of ¡°opening the divine realm¡± before killing the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon, which probably implies that if you want to kill the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon, you must first open the divine realm.  The reason why there is no failure penalty is that it is not necessary at all. Without the combat power of the divine domain, it is impossible to complete the task of killing the Yuanzu Demon.  As for the consequences of not being able to complete the task of killing the Yuanzu Demon, Dugu Feng thought with her feet and knew that once she was penniless and had plot cards and reincarnation points deducted, the ending would inevitably be wiped out due to negative points.

    This task may seem loose, but in fact it is a single choice of life or death.  If Dugu Feng wants to return to the reincarnation space alive, the first thing he has to do is to break through the divine realm. The reward for breaking through the divine realm is exactly the same as the penalty for failing to kill the demon. This definitely implies that the minimum requirement for passing this mission is to open the divine realm.

    The realm of gods is the highest realm of martial arts in the mysterious world of divine weapons, similar to the martial arts world of "Shattered Void" and Huang Yi.

    But it¡¯s not easy to get a foothold in it.  The Divine Realm is the dividing line between gods and mortals in the Mysterious World of Divine Weapons. Opening the Divine Realm indicates that you will transcend the mundane world and officially enter the realm of the gods.  Throughout the history of the Mysterious Divine Weapons, there are only a few people who have stepped into this realm from mortals.

    Not counting the great gods such as Fuxi and Chiyou whose histories are not very clear, it is only said that among the ancient stories of divine weapons and mysteries, it took the extremely talented Xuantian Evil Emperor at least more than a hundred years to touch the divine realm before his death, and he was pregnant with  The protagonist Nangong Wentian, who is born with a halo and has endless adventures, did not set foot in the divine realm until he was at least forty years old. Only Nangong Taiping, the demon seed born with the sixth generation of gods and six generations of demons, set foot in the divine realm in less than thirty years. However, this guy is probably  The reincarnation of the Yuanzu Demon can be excluded.

    Although Dugu Feng has experienced the baptism of the Shattered Void, and his martial arts realm has reached an unimaginable level, he is not sure that he can advance his martial arts cultivation to the realm of gods in the remaining sixteen years without relying on any external help.  The only way to shorten the time is to find more profound martial arts secrets, learn from their ready-made systems, and improve your own cultivation.

    Just when Dugufeng was concentrating on his thoughts, he suddenly felt the air tremble slightly. Then, there was a sudden roar in a thatched house near the lake in the distance, and dozens of dozens of feet longThe energy of the ?? hexagrams soared into the sky, and the green hexagrams swirled around, forming a huge Bagua pattern in the sky, frantically absorbing all the energy of heaven and earth within hundreds of feet.  With a terrifying huge fluctuation, it suddenly spread throughout Beiming Villa.

    "That's Nangong Wentian." Dugu Feng took a look at the hexagram image energy that was full of Nuwa's spiritual power, and immediately determined that the person who made such a big noise must be the protagonist of the mysterious world of magic weapons - Nangong  There is no doubt about it.
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