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Text Chapter 405, Film Culture Exchange

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    Lin Jianyue's psychology was similar to what Mo Fei had judged. The more Mo Fei advised him to be cautious, the more he thought Mo Fei was wary of him and was deeply afraid that the calm situation in the film industry would be broken by outsiders.  Hong Kong¡¯s film market is now extremely hot. Movies have become a major way of entertainment for citizens in their spare time. The annual box office is constantly rising, and there are many people eyeing this piece of cake.  But it is not that easy to make a movie. No matter who wants to make a movie, they must have their own team, and it must be a competitive one. Otherwise, they will be squeezed out by the three companies: Phoenix Culture, Golden Harvest, and Golden Princess.  Under pressure, there is only one way to die.  But it is too difficult to have a good lineup. Nowadays, all the actors that can be counted in Hong Kong are in the hands of these three companies. The same is true for good directors and screenwriters. Other talents such as photography, editing and so on are also captured by them.  Gotta die.  In addition, the Hong Kong Film Industry Association and the Federation of Entertainers are also firmly controlled by them. Even the right to speak and production power are all monopolized by that small group. If you want to break out of that circle or squeeze in, you will face everything without exception.  It's two words - exclusion.  So if you want to get a share of the movie market, the only feasible way is to go to theaters.  Theaters do not need professionals related to film production. As long as they can do business well, it is easy to make money first.  Just like Anle Cinemas, which basically does not cooperate with local film companies in Hong Kong and exclusively buys Western films to show, it can still make money and even do well. ??????????? Lin Jianyue is not a pure fool, a rich boy, he grew up in that kind of family.  He will not be any worse than the average person if he is influenced by what he hears or sees.  He wanted to start a theater chain not only to stimulate or attack Mo Fei, but also because he really wanted to make some achievements to show his father.  The Lin family's property is not that small, and the old man is over seventy years old, so it's time to consider competing for the position of successor. ?????????? The Lin family is really unique, with Hong Kong characteristics and their own characteristics.  The old man Lin Baixin has a total of four wives and concubines. Lin Jianyue is the eldest son of the second concubine. Above him, there is the eldest son of the principal wife, who is the eldest son of the Lin family. There is also Lin Baixin's nephew.  Lin Jianyue's cousin is also keen on sharpening his skills, and the competition is fierce.  Although Lin Jianyue's mother is Lin Baixin's favorite concubine, and the old man also loves Lin Jianyue very much, the wife of the main wife is still there. No matter what, the two of them cannot go too far, so when it is time to compete, they still have to show off  Comes with some ability.  Hong Kong¡¯s real estate is now seeing some improvement.  But the participants are all super wealthy. Lin Jianyue is not yet confident enough to compete with super large companies such as Yangtze River, Land and Swire. No matter how big the Lin family is, it is not enough to fill the gap between their teeth.  The retail industry is now also controlled by some established wealthy families, such as Wharf, etc., which are also far beyond the Lin family's ability to provoke, and the retail industry is too slow to bear fruit.  As for manufacturing.  Mr. Lin doesn't have the patience to play at the moment; there are other financial industries and so on, and he has no idea at all.  The service industry can make money, and the money comes in relatively quickly, but Hong Kong is a relatively small city, and it may not develop very quickly.  And there may not necessarily be good opportunities at the moment.  After thinking about a lot of industries, Lin Jianyue finally set his goal in the entertainment industry.  As long as the old man in the family can provide enough financial support, it is very easy to make this kind of money. By the way, it can satisfy his own selfish desires and be in line with his eldest young master's style. It is really a good business.  So Lin Jianyue started quietly, renting a few floors in relatively good locations without anyone noticing, and contacted a professional company in Japan to carry out the overall operation. Now there are four cinemas under renovation.  Could it be that he did it more covertly than him, so of course Lin Jianyue didn't know that Phoenix Culture's own theater chain would soon start operations.  In his opinion, could it be that they insist on suppressing the development of theater chains in order to prevent the needs of the audience from being met, which will make them more powerful and try to create a situation where supply exceeds demand, which is extremely beneficial to them  of.  Because once it develops too much, it is likely to cause instability within their group, and it will be easy for outsiders to get involved.  These people regard the Hong Kong Film Market as their own cash machine, and of course they don't want to be interfered with by outsiders. How can Mr. Lin let them get what they want?  Now that Mo Fei has been persuading him a lot, he has shown all the disadvantages of operating a theater chain without mentioning any of the benefits of operating a theater chain. Lin Jianyue's contempt for Mo Fei has become even more serious.  My heart said, do you really think I'm a fool? I can't tell what is right and what is wrong, and it's bad if you don't tell me right? ????????????????????????????????????? But he can also be a little bit cautious, and it's impossible for Mo Fei to know in advance that he's going to do theater business, otherwise wouldn't it be exposed in advance and give them an opportunity to take advantage of it? Mr. Lin is smart. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??The application was more solemn and he said: "It turns out that setting up a theater chain is so complicated. If you hadn't told me, Mr. Mo, I would have really been ready to dive in. It seems that my idea is indeed wrong. I'd better wait and see.  Okay. Okay, Mr. Mo, you are busy, I will chat with other friends." Seeing Lin Xiaopang leaving "disheartened", Mo Fei's eyes flashed with a little pride, although he didn't know that Lin Jianyue was gone.  He has begun to set up a theater chain, but it is also certain that at least after today, Lin Xiaopang will definitely be determined to set up a theater chain. It would be great if there were more people like this.  "Then what are you doing here? It seems like there is a story?" Mo Fei was thinking about how to celebrate this event when he went home at night. Liao Yiyuan's voice came from behind. He knew that Mo Fei and Lin Xiaopang were celebrating the festival. Look.  The two of them weren't getting along just now, but they felt something was wrong, so they came over to ask, and he also had something to talk to Mo Fei.  "It's nothing, it's just that he wants to commit suicide, and I can't stop him no matter what." Mo Fei turned around and clinked his wine glass with Liao Yiyuan, and probably told Liao Yiyuan what happened just now.  After hearing this, Liao Yiyuan couldn't help but laugh and said: "This Mr. Lin is really naive. For someone as smart as Uncle Lin, his son is not bad at all. Even if he is separated by a mountain, he will not be so reckless. Still.  Your guidance is working. If you tell him that the theater chain is very profitable and he is welcome to do this business, he probably won¡¯t jump in. " Liao Yiyuan is very concerned about this.  One of the tasks given to him in the country.  Although the agreement between the two countries has been signed and the return is only a matter of time, Hong Kong society needs stability and there are many things that the government cannot do.  We need some well-known people in society to step forward and help.  ¡°Could it be that as an important figure in Hong Kong¡¯s entertainment industry and an emerging force in the past two years, he is in line with the country¡¯s selection conditions?  Liao Yiyuan's current task is to make some necessary efforts to win over Mo Fei while observing, and to communicate on behalf of the authorities when necessary.  So many of Mo Fei¡¯s actions will become the basis for Liao Yiyuan¡¯s judgment.  Just like the attitude and handling of Lin Jianyue's matter just now, Liao Yiyuan can clearly see it.  This guy is definitely not a fuel saver.  Even though he usually behaves very well, most of the time he is very righteous and can maintain enough publicity; but if he is really offended, his heart will be dark when it is time to take action. Mr. Lin will just follow the culvert dug by him.  Did you pick it out of the pit?  There is also the matter regarding Sing Tao Daily some time ago, of which Liao Yiyuan was the most concerned.  In the beginning, he had always been indifferent.  Then if Hu Xun goes too far, he will use the most violent means to deal with it directly.  Didn't you see that not a single reporter from Sing Tao Newspaper showed up today? Needless to say, you know that this guy has already taken action against Singtao Newspaper, and the effect is quite good.  It¡¯s precisely because of that incident.  Liao Yiyuan's understanding of Mo Fei was basically completely defined, at least he was someone he could win over.  Speaking of the worst.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It is said that Xingdao Newspaper Company is very difficult to deal with in China, and it still uses the name of the Republic of China.  From the moment Lin Jian got closer to Mo Fei, Ju Degen and Lin Baixin always focused their attention here. One was expecting, the other was worried, and their conversations with other guests were all absent-minded.  Seeing Lin Jianyue and Mo Fei leaving without talking for a few minutes, and almost falling out several times in the middle, Ju Degen's heart that was about to burst into his throat was relieved a lot. The communication between the two people didn't seem to be the same.  Not so pleasant.  Although Lin Baixin is over seventy years old, the word "old-sighted" cannot be applied to him. Especially when Mo Fei and Liao Yiyuan communicated with each other after Lin Jianyue left, it was obvious that they were very unhappy with Lin Jianyue but had the upper hand.  This made Lin Baixin even more depressed. It stands to reason that since everyone is young, communication would be more pleasant, but why is this the case?  Putting aside Ju Degen and Lin Baixin, one of whom was secretly happy and the other was holding his breath, Liao Yiyuan and Mo Fei chatted a few more about the recently prepared movies and the supply of films to ATV, and exchanged ideas about releasing them into markets such as Southeast Asia and Japan.  .  I feel that today is also a good opportunity for everyone, so I might as well send a signal to Mo Fei to give it a try. He came up with an idea and said: "Phoenix Culture seems to be focusing on the development of the North American market. Mr. Mo has the idea to focus on North America.  What is the next plan for the company in Hong Kong? " Could it be that I didn't expect Liao Yiyuan to ask these questions, and I also knew that he was the official representative. More owners finally regulated that grabbing land was not within the scope of their basic business. Some of them had contacted Liao Yiyuan in advance.  It would be more appropriate to say hello here.  He shrugged, shook his head, and said with a smile: "Recently, I have indeed been paying more attention to the North American market.After all, North America is the world's largest box office base and the most developed film industry. Many things will be easier to do there.  I really hope that one day our own film industry can develop to the top level and no longer have to work on other people's territory. That would be great.  Although Phoenix Culture¡¯s base camp in Hong Kong is insignificant compared to North America¡¯s profits, it is indispensable. At least until a larger base is established, this position must not be lost.  Maybe after the return, I hope that the mainland can come up with more advantageous conditions, and those of us can also play it at home, and strive to catch up with the level of Europe and the United States in our lifetime.  ¡± Could it be that he didn¡¯t know what Liao Yiyuan was going to say, and worrying about it did not prevent him from coming up with his own problems. Considering the domestic situation of Sister Leo, he didn¡¯t know as much about some official things as Liao Yiyuan, but in other aspects,  But it is far from what Liao Yiyuan can do. He has more than 30 years of experience ahead of him. If he really has to wait until he returns to do something, then there is no need to do anything. He will still have more than ten years to go.  This is just for Liao Yiyuan to hear. If possible, I hope he can convey these words. There is a big difference between China and European and American countries. Everything is much more complicated to do, especially when it involves cultural communication.  The first type of business is very strictly controlled. It is absolutely impossible to do something without special treatment, but it is possible that this kind of special treatment is not available. Of course, he did not forget to give Liao Yiyuan some special treatment.  Huo, by the way, he sent out the invitation in advance and said: "No matter what, Hong Kong is a nest, so we can't ignore it.  So Phoenix Culture has set the business address of its first theater chain in Hong Kong. It will open soon, on the 12th of next month. There will be a ceremony and a movie will be released on the same day.  .  Mr. Liao must come to support us.  " "Oh, Phoenix Culture's theater chain?  You've done a good job keeping it secret. It's going to be open for business soon, and no one has heard anything about it. I won't be the first to know, right?  "Liao Yiyuan was greatly surprised by this. At the same time, he also felt that Mo Fei was so meticulous and meticulous in his work. He is indeed a very suitable candidate. First of all, Liao Yiyuan mentioned that Mo Fei and Phoenix Culture are very stable. As long as there is a good script and team, the movie will be successful.  It can be filmed anywhere, but the theater chain has no legs. Once it is built, it can only be placed there. Phoenix Culture can set up a theater chain in Hong Kong. The second thing is to keep confidentiality.  When domestic officials cooperate, no matter whether others can see it or not, they cannot stand out because of it. Some things cannot be said or revealed, just like Hong Kong has had big wealthy families cooperate with domestic companies before, but they have never done so.  I have heard what they said on their own initiative, and it seems that Murphy can do this. Just like the young master Lin just now, he thought he was hiding a secret, but in fact, others have seen through this kind of person.  It will definitely not be used. With a higher understanding of Mo Fei in his heart, Liao Yiyuan became more confident about the next thing. After congratulating Mo Fei again, he said: "Speaking of a new movie to be released, I am still here.  I really have something to tell you, so I might as well tell you briefly now.  " "Mr. Liao, please speak!  "Is it because he didn't know what Liao Yiyuan was going to say, and he didn't make any guesses. In short, it shouldn't be a bad thing, otherwise Liao Yiyuan's expression would not be what it is now. Liao Yiyuan looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them, so he said:  "It's like this. Phoenix Culture has developed rapidly in the past two years, and it has won many awards internationally and made a big splash, which has made a lot of money for our Chinese film industry.  Now the domestic authorities are also paying close attention to Phoenix Culture. After watching some of your films, some leaders feel that we can further cooperate with Hong Kong companies in this area. They have put forward suggestions on introducing and not showing Hong Kong films in China. Now it has been initially decided.  The number is five.  The most representative of Hong Kong films now is Phoenix Culture. You can plan and see which ones are suitable for release in China, and then we can meet and decide.  Also, the film "Farewell My Concubine" must be included. This was personally designated by the senior leader. Whether or not to make a second edit depends on the final opinion above.  Furthermore, on the domestic side, we also hope that some domestic films can be released on a wider scale in Hong Kong to promote domestic progressive ideas and keep pace with the times. At the same time, it can also play a role in mutual cultural contact and integration. There is no need to worry about this.  Sir, if you have any good suggestions, you can also put them forward.  ¡± It¡¯s not surprising that Hong Kong movies have been introduced into the country. Over the years, many have been introduced, such as ¡°Qu Yuan¡± and ¡°Love on the Bus¡±. However, most of those movies are related to Yindu.  Filmed by Phoenix Productions and Great Wall Productions, these are truly Hong Kong films.There are very few films produced, including the latest "North and South Shaolin", which are all collaborative films.  What really surprised Mo Fei was Liao Yiyuan's attitude, or rather the domestic attitude, which allowed one company to provide five films for domestic release at one time, and one was designated by the top management. This kind of thing has never happened before.  of.  Speaking of "Farewell My Concubine", a film that involves content that is not acceptable in the current domestic society, it is not so strange that it can be designated as a film to be introduced to the country for release this time, because although this film has appeared long ago  A few years later, the path I took was not much different from the previous life.  ¡°Could it be that I remember very clearly the 1990s in my previous life?  It's also because the relevant units have been undecided about the film's domestic release.  There were those who were in favor and those who were against it, and they all had their own opinions. In the end, it was the big boss at the top who spoke out, and it was decided that it would be released in China. Now it seems that the old man must have made the decision.  Could it be that he didn't understand anything? He wasn't surprised by this at this time. That would only make people think that he was unstable. Now what he has to consider is to get the complete "Farewell My Concubine" released in China.  In comparison, this is more important.  But this is not the time to talk about this.  There are still some things that must be said.  On the one hand, saying it too late will make people think that he said it after thinking about it, which is not conducive to establishing a positive image of him; on the other hand, he does not want to monopolize this opportunity out of his heart. If Hong Kong movies want to continue to develop, they must  Phoenix Culture cannot be allowed to monopolize the benefits. Only by sharing resources with everyone can it play a real role in promoting.  Anyway, it is about giving one's advantage to others, so there is no hesitation and he goes directly to: "Mr. Liao. I have an idea about this matter, and I hope you can help convey it. It can bring more Hong Kong people."  It is indeed a good thing to introduce movies to China, but if only Phoenix Culture is involved in this matter, it will lose its essence, so I think it is better to give two of these five films to Jin.  Princess and Golden Harvest are better. I can't vouch for the films of other small companies, but Mr. Liao of these two companies also knows that without Phoenix Culture, they would be the Taishan Beidou of the Hong Kong film industry. Even now, there are many things that are better than Phoenix.  The culture is good. " To be honest, Liao Yiyuan really didn't expect that he could be so generous and generous.  Just take out two of the five films and give them to other companies. You must know that colleagues are enemies. Although we are still cooperating now, who knows what will happen in the future, not to mention that Phoenix Culture is also launching its own theater chain.  There will be more competition in the future, isn't he worried?  Out of a responsible attitude towards Mo Fei, Liao Yiyuan decided to persuade him, saying: "Mr. Mo is really generous and can give up such a good opportunity to a company that is likely to be a future competitor. If everyone can do things like you, this  The world is really peaceful. But I still want to remind you, if you treat them like this now, can you guarantee that they will treat you like this in the future? The competition in the future will become increasingly fierce. Shopping malls are like battlefields.  There is no room for mercy." "Thank you, Mr. Liao, for your concern, but I still decided to do this. Phoenix Culture has three films to be released in China." Could it be that there was concern in Liao Yiyuan's words?  It's really not something he needs to worry about, and said: "The first thing a person needs in the arena is to abide by the rules of the arena. If Phoenix Network eats alone now, everyone will do the same in the future, and everyone will take it for granted.  At that time, the industry was not far away from collapse. Even if others still do it, Phoenix Culture has the qualifications to speak out. This is what the face says.  In fact, he has an indifferent attitude towards this matter. Even if there are objections and various companies appear, he can still let a film go out. This kind of thing can only be good for him and Phoenix Culture.  Yes, at least he can't see the downside yet.  To be honest, Phoenix Culture's films are all big productions, and many of them have won awards, some of which are international awards. As long as the audience has watched it, they will understand whose film is better. Over time, it will form an indeterminate but uncertain feeling.  It is generally accepted that films produced by Phoenix Culture represent good films.  And Princess Jin and Jiahe are really far away from this state. With their strength, they could be the boss in the original history.  Now when encountering a cheated Mo Fei, the only thing he can do is to follow behind and drink soup. If he wants to resist or rise to the top, he has to see if he has the ability.  As long as there is Mo Fei in one day, let alone surpassing Phoenix Culture, even catching up with Phoenix Culture can only be an idea.  Being able to get the film to be released in China is something that Fei Fei has been thinking about for a long time. It will definitely not make any money if the film is released in China. It is good if it can be meaningful. What Fei Fei wants is influence. Phoenix Culture is in the country  What is the influence of the audience??As long as this kind of influence is established, when the time comes, Phoenix Culture will become synonymous with good movies. The future prospects are infinitely good, and it is completely worth the small temporary benefits.  With something like this, maybe I am no longer interested in knowing how to do it.  After waiting for the time to be over, I said hello to Ju Degen and wanted to leave first.  Of course, before leaving, I would not forget to inform you about the opening of Phoenix Cinemas.  Asking Ju Degen to come and support him, Ju Degen naturally promised to come.  When asked about what happened with Lin Jianyue just now, Fei Fei didn't hide anything. This was a reassurance for Judegen with miraculous effects.  To put it another way, even if the Lin family got ATV from him, they wouldn't be able to get help from Mo Fei. It would be better if they didn't cheat them.  Even Judegen is thinking, if everything is suitable.  If you have the chance, might you consider reselling the ATV for a good price?  He is very clear about the background of the Lin family. Their methods are not so clean. If they really want to play tricks, he is afraid that it will be really difficult to deal with them. Let everything go with the flow.  By the way, after leaving the compaction, maybe they arranged for someone to send Honami home, while he and Liao Yiyuan went to the company to discuss exchanges with domestic movies.  This is a serious matter. Once done well, the benefits should not be too great.  Regarding the three films that Phoenix Culture has released in China, in addition to the already planned "Farewell My Concubine", could it be that they recommended "The Pursuit of Happiness", "Peace Mountain" and "The Silence of the Lambs" to Liao Yiyuan  choose.  The first one is an inspirational film that inspires people to make progress. The theme is positive enough and the ending is almost dreamlike.  But it can also reflect from the side that capitalism is not as perfect as imagined.  There are also many hard and bitter stories happening in many corners, and many people cannot afford to eat.  Let domestic audiences understand the differences in capitalist society through movies.  To be honest, this is also caused by his own psychology. He is very unhappy that many people in China worship foreigners and favor foreigners to the extent that even Hong Kong people look down on them. I believe this movie can also make many domestic audiences understand that there are many refugees in Hong Kong.  like existence.  Hong Kong is definitely not only filled with gold, Hong Kong men can also be that poor.  If you can inspire me, count it as one.  It's enough to do your best. Sometimes it's hard for others to say anything when one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.  The second film is a film about beautiful love. People who don¡¯t like it will find it as bland as running water, but those who can understand it will sigh. It can also show various problems in Hong Kong society from some aspects.  Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the third film. It is an Oscar-winning film for best foreign language film. Having such a title is enough to explain a lot of problems.  The content also contains descriptions of the dark side of Hong Kong society. Could it be that this is a conflict with Hong Kong society, as if it is not willing to make Hong Kong stink in the minds of domestic audiences?  How could Liao Yiyuan have imagined that Mo Fei's body was a future soul from China? Of course, it was impossible to know that Mo Fei would have such an idea, and for some reasons of possible relationship, he was thinking about how to use Phoenix Culture's strength  displayed problems.  In the end, Liao Yiyuan chose the more inspiring "The Pursuit of Happiness" and the more prestigious "The Silence of the Lambs" to recommend; "Peace Mountain" is indeed good, but there are too many things that reflect the liberalization of capitalism.  This was a matter of consciousness, and he had to consider it. Even if he reported it, it was not certain whether there would be any problems in the end.  Liao Yiyuan also mentioned the New Year film "Party A and Party B". That film was entertaining enough and closer to the tastes of domestic audiences. It would definitely be very popular if it were released in China.  ¡° But I really disagree, saying that the film does not actually represent Hong Kong, but is more like a domestically produced film. This time we are doing cultural exchange through film, and what we need is to reflect the essence, otherwise it will mislead the audience.  As for the domestic films to be released in Hong Kong, since Liao Yiyuan has said it, as a person who has experienced it and is a very knowledgeable person without any sense of bureaucracy, of course he will give his own suggestions.  Mo Fei gave a list of six films, namely "Camel Xiangzi", "September", "The Young Wife of the Zhang Family", "Female College Dormitory", "Border Town", and "The Golden Monkey Subdues the Demon".  These six films are all representative of the current situation of domestic society, and can play a positive role in allowing Hong Kong audiences to see the mainland in a correct way, rather than with a sense of superiority, which would deviate from the purpose of communication.  The starting point for choosing these six films is also very positive. First of all, "Camel Xiangzi" stars Zhang Fenyi and Siqin Gaowa. Zhang Fenyi's outstanding performance in "Farewell My Concubine" has been recognized by the audience, and Siqin Gaowa  He won last year's award for his outstanding performance in "Homecoming"Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress Award.  The good relationship with Phoenix Culture contract director Yan Hao was also one of the reasons for consideration.  Moreover, the original work of the film is by the famous Mr. Lao She, and it also talks about the mess in the old society.  It's easy to arouse the audience's hatred for that era, and correspondingly, they will be much happier when they think about it now.  "September" is the 1984 work of domestic young director Tian Zhuangzhuang. The content tells the story of an old teacher in the Children's Palace and the education of teenagers.  It can well show the Hong Kong audience what teachers in China are like. They are not the kind of scenes they imagine, carrying baskets with children in them, wearing shabby clothes and giving lectures.  Moreover, there is a section in the film where one of the teacher's former students is about to be released from prison, and I hope to see the teacher pick him up.  The teacher went but could not recognize the students he had not seen for many years. The students left indifferently, but the teacher was still waiting for his students to come out. This kind of teacher ethics in the 1980s is not only for Hong Kong people to see, but also for teachers in the 21st century.  Even if they look at it, they will blush and be ashamed.  "The Young Wife of the Zhang Family" tells a story about the petty bourgeoisie.  It is said that after a long period of turmoil, a large number of former industrial and commercial workers were severely impacted, and Ouyang Ruili, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhang family, also had to change her life as a young wife.  Do housework.  He also helped people take care of their children and worked as a temporary worker in the production team.  Her sister-in-law Zhang Wenying was forced to go to the countryside and became ill due to the stimulation. Ruili worked hard to take care of Wenying's illness.  After the new policy was promulgated, the confiscated materials of the Zhang family were returned, and their lives returned to the same path as before.  The sister-in-law, who had recovered from the illness, had a new conflict with her sister-in-law.  Many Hong Kong people are from the mainland and have many impressions of the mainland. This film, combined with the experience of some viewers, can be used as good evidence to tell what the people of the mainland are like. Economically developed cities are not  It must be much worse than Hong Kong.  also.  It can also let many Hong Kong people who are anxious and anxious understand what the current domestic policies are like.  What may it be like in the future? Don¡¯t believe whatever other people say. That would be really stupid.  "Female College Dormitory" is a youthful and lively film. The story revolves around several female classmates who have just entered college in the 205 dormitory of a university in the early 1980s. Kuang Yalan is a strong girl who does not want to be a burden to her adoptive mother.  , barely finished high school by doing odd jobs.  Xingan grew up in a superior family environment, loved by his parents and very willful.  Song Ge is a class cadre. She respects teachers and disciplines and loves labor, but deep down she lacks trust and enthusiasm for her comrades.  Xia Yu is timid and simple, with the temperament of a poet.  Luo Xuemei, who comes from the countryside, has a gentle and kind personality.  It is certain that five classmates from different families and different environments would have all kinds of conflicts when they lived together. However, after getting familiar with each other and understanding each other, the few people finally established a lasting friendship and became real classmates.  It is said that this film is absolutely youthful. This kind of content will never be found in Hong Kong. The campus environment alone is enough for the guys in the Hong Kong brand ivory tower to drink a pot.  "Border Town" is different from other films. The film is adapted from a domestic novel of the same name. It tells the story of the love entanglement between the granddaughter of the old boatman Feng Hanyuan and the two sons of the boat owner in a small mountain village in western Hunan in the early years of the Republic of China.  While showing the local customs and beautiful natural scenery through the lens, it also deeply explores the traditional human ethics of the Chinese nation, revealing the constraints and tragedies caused by the ignorant and backward feudal ideas on people.  It is definitely a romantic work. It cannot be said to be unique among domestic films of this period. It is also an extremely rare type. From Mo Fei's perspective, at least the cinematographer is definitely of international standard, even in the 21st century.  It's very beautiful. There are really not many Hong Kong movies that can achieve this level.  The last "Golden Monkey Conquers the Demon" is an animated film based on the "Three Fighting Bone Demons" segment in "Journey to the West". Could I remember that this film was screened at the Burbolas Cultural Club Youth Animation Film Festival and Chicago  The International Children's Film Festival has already won two films, so it is recommended that the full 150-minute version be brought over so that Hong Kong audiences can see the quality of cartoons produced in what they consider to be backward areas.  , by the way, Hong Kong really can¡¯t play this kind of thing.  There are six films listed, some show various aspects of domestic culture, society, economy, etc., and some show the skills of the film industry. In short, they can definitely let most Hong Kong audiences understand a country they have never seen before. Could it be that they are really well-intentioned?  Bitter.
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