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Text Chapter 401, ATV Taiwan Celebration (1)

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    Early in the morning on June 21st, Mo Fei got up and took a shower, then sat there enjoying Suzuki Honami waiting on him to get dressed.  Honami carefully fastened the Chinese-style buckles one by one without squinting, and smoothed the collar carefully to make it look straighter and neater.  This is the advantage of Japanese women. They are serious about serving men, as if this is the most important thing in the world.  Seeing Honami wearing only a small T-shirt in front of him and maintaining a serious expression, he couldn't wait to pin this little girl down on the bed and toss her for a while.  But looking at the clock on the wall, it's already seven o'clock. I have an appointment with someone to go out for morning tea later, and Honami also has to do makeup and styling. After all, it will take an hour, and everything will be missed by then.  , shook his head helplessly and suppressed the little desire in his heart.  Tomorrow, June 22nd, is the day of ATV¡¯s Taiwan Celebration. As an important guest, I have to attend today¡¯s Taiwan Celebration Launch Ceremony, and I also have to bring some artists from Phoenix Culture and Master Music to appear. This is different from the internal affairs of the company.  , the time really cannot be delayed.  Among the women nowadays, Honggu, Guimei and others are almost semi-public, and even well-known.  In order to avoid being disappointed by the reporters' questioning when attending such an occasion, I could only choose Honami, whose relationship has not been disclosed, as my female companion. I naturally stayed at Bai Nami's place the night before.  The reason why he plays such an important role in ATV's Taiwan celebration is to make up for the relationship between the two parties. This is not only the purpose of himself and Phoenix Culture, but Ju Degen and others at ATV also have the same idea.  Because there was a small misunderstanding with Mo Fei earlier, at least Ju Degen and his Heng Ha Erjiang thought it was just a misunderstanding, so in order to make up for the slight tension caused by this misunderstanding, this year's ATV Taiwan celebration series included many Phoenix culture and famous craftsmen  The content of music.  Since the other party is so polite and generous, they have to show something and promise to organize a unique Taiwan celebration party for ATV.  At the same time, it also promised to provide sufficient ammunition for ATV to attack the ratings of the Hong Kong sister period in August.  Of course, when this ammunition hits the wireless, it is not his responsibility whether it will also hit the ATV itself. It would be better if it hits.  After coming out of Honami's house, the two parted ways.  Honami went to Phoenix Culture's own styling studio, while Mo Fei went to a restaurant to meet Zhang Guorong, Zhou Runfa and others.  It¡¯s about 8:40.  Mo Fei and others' car finally appeared at the gate of ATV. From a distance, reporters were already starting to work, and the sound of clicking shutters kept coming.  When Mo Fei and Honami got out of the car, the spotlights flashed together, capturing the actress who appeared with Mo Fei.  Is this a unique treatment in the media, which is even higher than those of first-line artists?  It¡¯s just like it happened many times before.  Could it be that female companions who attend events always receive special care?  Wearing a moon-white cheongsam embroidered with deer lilies, and walking forward with her arm in her arms, Honami became the target of "siege" by the media as soon as she appeared.  Although I couldn¡¯t come in person for interviews due to the quarantine, everyone still wanted to throw their microphones and recorders over, and even started shouting when they asked questions.  It was the first time for Honami to appear on such an occasion with Mo Fei, and it was also the first time that so many people asked her about her relationship with Mo Fei.  She knew that no matter how she and Mo Fei answered.  Afterwards, some media will definitely define their relationship as dating. While thinking about how to answer reporters' questions, I also felt a little happy because of the doubts in my heart.  But she also knew very well that her relationship with Mo Fei could not be made public in any case, otherwise the peaceful situation that Mo Fei women had managed to maintain would break down.  And she will become the target of public criticism, and will also bring endless troubles to Mo Fei.  Fortunately, Honami also has her magic weapon. She has just arrived in Hong Kong for more than a year.  I am not familiar with Cantonese. Although I can communicate normally, it is normal for me to have difficulty understanding the journalists who speak too fast.  Therefore, Honami followed Mo Fei's arrangements and chose to pretend not to understand when faced with the reporters' tricky questions.  Reporters can only do nothing about this.  Honami can understand, but Mo Fei can't. The reporters had to give up on Honami, who was easy to deal with but had a slight language barrier, and started targeting Mo Fei, who was extremely difficult to deal with.  Anyway, it¡¯s just a show.  The media that can enter the ATV yard today are all invited by ATV. There are routines and arrangements for how to write later. Now it is enough to get a few sentences as material.  "Mr. Mo, may I ask if there is any special meaning to appearing with Miss Suzuki today? Are you dating?" Since the subject of the question has changed, it's better toThe next moment, a reporter from Oriental Daily smelled it directly.  Mo Fei shook his head with a smile, and walked forward to cancel the contract and give time for questions, while saying: "Honami is one of the Phoenix Culture artists who has collaborated with ATV the most, and she is also the heroine of ATV's celebration drama, and will also be in  Next, she will star in a short drama, so ATV attaches great importance to Honami. Today we are representing Phoenix Culture to attend the launch ceremony of the Taiwan celebration. Moreover, Honami is not yet twenty years old, she is still a little girl.  The age for dating is still far away. "Maybe by saying this, I am actually protecting Honami.  Hong Gu and Ghost Girl are now the top artists in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Most reporters will be very restrained in front of them. Others who are brave are afraid of offending Mo Fei. Even if they write whatever they want after returning, they will definitely be in front of them.  He won¡¯t chase her too hard; although Guan Zhilin does not have as high a status as Hong Gu and Gui Mei, the story of ¡°anger turns into beauty¡± is still circulating in Hong Kong last time. No matter how things develop in the end, can  The woman who said that she wanted to acquire Jardine Matheson was not easy to make things difficult.  But Honami is different. First of all, she is a foreigner, and her reputation in Hong Kong is far less than the previous three. In addition, she has a relatively weak character. Reporters should not bother to embarrass her. When the time comes, Honami  But he is really going to be besieged by the media.  Could it be that one sentence determined the nature of Honami's attendance at the ATV launch ceremony today? It was really difficult for reporters to ask further questions, but it was not that there was no topic to pursue. A reporter from "Ming Pao" raised another topic that everyone is paying attention to.  , and then everyone can freely expand on this topic.  "Mr. Mo, you discovered Miss Suzuki from "Asian Idol" last year, and now she is a rising star. So, is there anything in this year's talent show that you particularly value? In addition, for this year's Asian contestants,  , Mr. Mo, is there any contestant that you are more concerned about, which contestant are you more confident in winning the final? " This guy is definitely a fox. He specially added a question that is difficult to answer. Could it be that one of them was omitted by accident?  Topic, another topic has to say something, many people will make this little mistake.  But who is it? After more than thirty years of experience in the perverted media, how could the soul be fooled by his little trick? He shook his head slightly and said: "Many friends know that I have been busy this year and have a lot of time.  We all travel back and forth between Europe and the United States, so we don¡¯t have much time to pay attention to the talent show. Moreover, last year was the first year that the Phoenix Culture Talent Show was launched, and there was a lot of manpower replenishment, so sometimes we had to do it ourselves; but now.  This year, all the competition rules and progress are already familiar, and Phoenix Culture has enough talents to take care of it, so I don¡¯t need to worry about everything anymore. As for the contestants of several talent shows, to be honest, I am only in the early stages.  I briefly watched some of them, and at most I only had a few simple impressions. I really don¡¯t have the confidence to say which player I¡¯m optimistic about will stand out in the end. If I have time to get to know them carefully, I might have some opinions.  I will definitely tell you." Mo Fei's completeness made the reporters helpless but unwilling. Someone immediately came up with a new question and asked: "Just now, Mr. Mo said that Miss Suzuki is the female star of ATV's next short drama.  Protagonist, Mr. Mo, can you tell us what the content of this new drama is and at what stage it will be broadcast? " "I can't answer this question for you. Phoenix Culture is just the production unit. No specific information.  I have to keep the collaborators secret. You have to ask Mr. Qiu for the specific situation. Okay, let¡¯s go here today. If I don¡¯t go in, I will delay the tailoring, which will be a big sin.¡± Mo Fei said.  Already approaching the ATV building, immediately start getting rid of these guys.  The reporters didn't get any information from Mo Fei, so they couldn't help but feel a little downcast. Fortunately, there were many artists from Phoenix Culture and Master Music behind them. With so many people, they could always ask a few useful questions, so they called again right away.  Got up the energy to challenge.  By the way, as soon as Mo Fei walked up the steps in front of the building, Ju Degen came up with his Heng Ha two generals, "Welcome, Mr. Mo personally attended the launch ceremony of the Taiwan celebration event, and also brought a large lineup of Phoenix Culture.  This year¡¯s Taiwan Festival will definitely be glorious.¡± ¡°Since we are going to do a show, of course we have to do it beautifully. Mo Fei also smiled and shook hands with Ju Degen and said, ¡°What did Ju Bo say? As ATV¡¯s largest partner, of course ATV is better than us.  It¡¯s my duty to do something better. I also hope that ATV¡¯s ratings will increase and advertising will continue to increase, so that Phoenix Culture¡¯s dramas can have such a big market, and places in Southeast Asia can watch the ratings here.  Let¡¯s place an order.¡±
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