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Text Chapter 399: The Sky Disk Lands

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    As mentioned before, in a special period in the history of rock music, various external and internal conditions created a large number of rock celebrities and classic rock music, and "No Place to Shame" is definitely one of the ones that benefited the most.  First of all, this song quickly became popular across the land of China with unprecedented popularity, and the first people to be conquered were those who were not accustomed to rock music. In fact, those people's ears were soft. In pop culture,  Especially the relatively 'alternative' rock culture at that time could easily fascinate country bumpkins.  To be honest, the real promoter of this song was not a mainland musician, but a Hong Kong company that signed a contract with the Black Panthers at the time. Many record companies in Hong Kong have a strong and strong awareness of vegetable farmers, and generating income is their main purpose.  So a lot of money was spent on this song, which also made this song absolutely popular.  If placed in the late 1910s before time travel, this song would not be a very mature work, but it does have the magic power to easily allow more people to accept it and begin to understand rock in depth. It is also a song that  This is a rock song that makes countless rock fans feel a warm feeling when they hear it.  Although the essential meaning of this song has many less positive or even negative flavors, this factor exists in the essence of rock and roll. From the day rock and roll appeared, it has been deeply ingrained in it.  In DNA, it cannot be changed or avoided.  Therefore, no one can deny that this song is a great work.  Although Cantonese rock music sounds familiar in language and taste, as long as one truly values ??music and rock music, he cannot go against his inner feelings and shock.  Cantonese is a dialect, and many words and sayings cannot express the explosive power they should. However, the Mandarin version of rock music covers a relatively vast amount of text content, so it is better able to express the connotation of rock and roll.  Whether you admit it or not, you cannot change this phenomenon. This is determined by the innate conditions of language and cannot be shaken by personal will. ?? Could this be the reason why there are so many Mandarin versions of rock music?  In addition to the fact that the path of Cantonese rock is very narrow, there is also the idea of ????focusing on mainland rock music. From now on, everyone should understand that Mandarin rock is much better than Cantonese rock. In the future, it is necessary to move closer to that aspect.  The right choice has been made.  It is indeed the case. There are indeed very persistent and dedicated singers in Hong Kong who insist on following the authentic rock and roll path.  But after all, they are only a handful. Look at how much music is produced in Hong Kong every year, and how much of it is rock music, and how much of it is Cantonese rock music.  From the beginning of the popularity of Cantonese music to the time before time travel in the 21st century, on average, there was less than one song a year in the past forty years. The problem is obvious when you look at it.  And what about the mainland.  Starting from Lao Cui, the father of Chinese rock music in the 1980s, to the Magic Rock Three, Tang Dynasty Band, Cobra, Compass, Overload, Faces, Zero Point, etc., even in the era when rock music began to decline due to excessive craziness,  Good works are still emerging in endlessly.  What this relies on is not only the cultural carrier, but also the vast audience base in mainland China, even if it is only one thousandth of the base.  There are also millions of people, and some smaller countries don¡¯t have that many people.  Therefore, if rock music wants to take root in the Chinese music scene and develop and grow stably and smoothly, it must rely on the Mandarin market.  So maybe he was planning to spend the whole morning, and even some of the afternoon, in order to take this opportunity to create a super bomb in the history of Hong Kong rock music, and knock out those stupid people?  Give those stubborn guys a good shake.  "No Place to Confronted" is not even a divine comedy.  It is definitely a famous song. Naturally, there was thunderous applause after the song was finished.  Could it be that he doesn¡¯t have too much pride and is just using other people¡¯s things to show off his face? It¡¯s okay if it¡¯s just right, but don¡¯t be too arrogant.  After resting for a few minutes, all six of them changed to a new music score. The song they were going to sing next was also a Mandarin rock song.  The work of a famous mainland rock singer in Yiyang City, one of Zheng Jun's most successful works "Elopement".  When changing the score before starting to sing, Mo Fei glanced at He Chaoqiong who was not far away with a somewhat thoughtful look, wondering what she would think of this song.  As expected, I just sang two lines.  When it came to the sentence 'leaving love to the most sincere girl beside me', Miss He's eyes suddenly started to shine. When the part 'elope with you' came later, He Chaoqiong felt that this was not like a gift.  My own song, given the current situation, I can't elope at all. It seems that this song is not the case.  Not this one. When he sang the rock version of "Love Must Have a Last Resort", He Chaoqiong was almost certain that this song should be one of the songs that Mo Fei sent to her. The lyrics were already sung very clearly, especially when she  It sounds even more straightforward.  ¡®I feel your warmth in your hands?' In He Chaoqiong's opinion, only she and Mo Fei could understand this sentence. Didn't the two of them just hold hands, but this hold of hands was different from others. If nothing else, this hold of hands was better than others.  Still stable.  It's just the opening sentence, 'It's hard to forget the first time I met you, your charming eyes, and your presence in my mind,' makes it a little difficult for Miss He to interpret. I didn't know how stinky this guy was when we first met him.  Shit, I'm afraid that if I sit too close, something will happen to me, but now I sing like this, maybe this guy's performance at the beginning was all fake, could it be that he started to like me at that time?  , It¡¯s really bad No matter what Miss He thought or how she understood it, she must have got the meaning of the first sentence wrong.  Could it be that he didn't change the lyrics of the song out of respect for the originality, but all he wanted to say was 'your eyes are very beautiful'. It didn't mean that he had an idea after the first meeting. This was a misunderstanding.  He Chaoqiong was still immersed in the intoxicating world of "Love Is a Last Resort", but the six of them had already started the next song. This one was also a Mandarin version of rock music, and came from He Chaoqiong, the first real punk singer in the Chinese rock world.  Yong's super classic "Girl, Beautiful" is also a song that caused He Yong misery.  In Mo Fei¡¯s opinion, He Yong is a singer with a real rock soul and one of the most suitable singers for playing punk.  His music is his personality. He can jump when he wants, run when he wants, scream at the top of his lungs, or roar with anger.  There is even a slightly crazy mania, and he can always release his questions and doubts in the hysteria, and the lyrics will fall on some people's faces, which will hurt their faces.  In his music, whether it is the stubborn "Girl, Beautiful", the extremely decadent style "Garbage Dump" and "The Bell and Drum Tower" which even have a bit of revenge on society.  Or go on to "African Dream", which praises the African savannah as a metaphor for social phenomena. The essence of punk rock can be seen everywhere in it, and it is also the most perfect display.  It¡¯s hard to say on a larger scale, but it¡¯s certain that He Yong is definitely the ancestor of punk in the Chinese music scene.  "Girl, Beautiful" is more direct and specific than Lao Cui.  It is a work that clearly expresses anger. When this song roars across the land of China, it brings a kind of blood boiling caused by decadence from the depths of consciousness.  It was also this song that caused the most enthusiastic interaction in the audience at the "Rock and Roll Power" concert in 1994. He Yong used his intolerant musical attitude to make so many Hong Kong musicians show up and  Despicable status quo.  He is the punk king of the Chinese music scene.  It wasn't until those few shouts at the last stage of the song that I woke up the eldest lady from a state of near psychedelic state. I didn't know what the song was about, but I just saw that everyone was excited.  The ground applauded, and he also raised his hands and clapped vigorously.  ¡°Maybe you also know that you can¡¯t go too far in the early days. After all, this is Hong Kong, a place where Cantonese is the main language.  Some things have to be figured out slowly, so next I will play another Cantonese rock song.  BEYOND has many popular and good songs. Although not all of them are rock songs, the proportion of rock songs is not small. "Broad Sea and Sky" is one of them that is very classic.  In mainland China, until the 2010s, there were many Chinese who could only sing one Cantonese song.  This is the song they sing, which shows the abyss of its spread and influence.  There are also many bands that have covered this song. In the early 2000s, more than ten years after this song was released, it was also the leader in the a cappella singing world in Asia.  The famous a cappella group 'Metro-Vocal-Group', whose Chinese name is 'Metro-Vocal-Group', sang a cover in Cantonese to pay tribute to Huang Jiaju.  (Note: Many people call this choir the Subway Band, which is actually a wrong translation. Their essence is not a band, but a choir. There is a big difference between the two.) Could it be that this is completely different?  I brought out my own strengths, and adjusted the temporary six-member band to become more harmonious as they got older. At the same time, they successfully sang these classic rock songs almost perfectly. "Broad Sea and Sky" was followed by He Yong's "Garbage Dump" and Black  Leopard's "DONT-BREAK-MY-HEART" can be called a classic Mandarin rock, and the atmosphere in the entire karaoke room never calmed down.  After "DONT-BREAK-MY-HEART" ended, I saw that Zhang Guorong was completely in the state and had fun, so he took out an English rock music sheet at the back and said: "Shi Zai, come and sing the next song."  How about the song? You are studying in the UK, so English is definitely not a problem for you. I just want to take a break. " "Me? To be honest, this is the first time I have played so much. The further I go, the more I discover the charm of rock and roll.  , Okay, I'll give it a try, maybe it will develop into a rock style after I finish singing it." Zhang Guorong took the score and looked at it, and then went to sing the lyrics.Tong was familiar with the lyrics, but he didn¡¯t know that his intention was to lead him on the road to rock and roll, so that he could become an international singer who could travel between pop music and rock music at will.  ¡°Don¡¯t-Cry¡±, a song from the great Guns N¡¯ Roses, was originally intended to comfort girls, but was later given the label of anti-terrorism.  Instead of the angry and fierce punkism of Guns N' Roses, it uses vicissitudes of life and low euphemism to express a soul-stirring feeling in order to achieve an angry yet calm effect.  And this extremely tender rock song will always use intermittent drag sounds and the long low cry at the end to fully reveal the heart-rending heart hidden in the depths.  Although the title of the song is "Don't Cry", when I actually listened to it, I found that I was already crying from the bottom of my heart. It can be called a classic among classic love songs.  This is the charm of rock and roll. It was only the first time that Zhang Guorong sang this song, but it could not stop those who knew the English lyrics from being moved by this song and were taken to an imaginary scene without knowing it.  The beautiful girl is crying "Shi Zai, you sing well, you have a rock and roll vibe." Could it be that he looked at the guys outside who were a little depressed.  After listening to this song, you should have this kind of performance. The most important thing now is to see what Zhang Guorong thinks.  Zhang Guorong was really having fun. He nodded and said with a smile: "Is it really good? Then I can develop into a rock style? Since you said it is good, I will book this song in advance.  Ah, I want to put it in my next album. "Brother is so proactive. Is it too late to be happy?"  He also smiled and said: "You are now a big name in famous music. How can I offend you? I'm going to go if you say you want it. Why don't you test the water with this song first and take it to Europe to participate in the rankings. If the response is very good  "You can form a band." "Zhang Guorong is also interested in sex. After the two of them talked about this issue for a few more words, they raised their hands and looked at the watch, and they sang twelve songs in a row.  It's past 12 o'clock at noon, so I quickly finish singing the remaining two songs. It's time to take care of a meal at noon.  He clapped his hands and said: "Okay. Everyone has worked very hard today, but we also had a lot of fun. There are two more songs here. Let's finish singing them. Then at noon, I will treat everyone to Yong Kee. Everyone present will count.  ." He took over the position of the lead singer from Zhang Guorong, and when Zhang Guorong stood in the position of the second lead singer, he said: "Everyone can sing "Internationale", at least you know the tune. We can sing this song.  There¡¯s no need to be familiar with it, everyone just come.¡± It¡¯s another masterpiece of the times. The Tang Dynasty band can have such a solid foundation, and this song plays a very important role in it.  An originally impassioned song was sung in a strong rock style by adding fifth chords and triplet arrangements.  It has created a "scum piece" that is destined to be criticized to pieces by proletarian apologists.  But it is this scum piece that fully demonstrates the true meaning of rock and roll. It has almost become the ending song that all fledgling bands in the 1990s must sing when performing on stage. It is said to be a masterpiece in the history of Chinese rock music.  Not an exaggeration.  It¡¯s like singing this ¡®absurd¡¯ rock song now.  Everyone at the scene was once again deeply shocked. This guy was so crazy that he even dared to change this kind of song. Think about "Girl, Pretty" and "Garbage Dump" just now.  It just feels normal, isn¡¯t that what punk is like.  Finally came to the last song, Mo Fei repeatedly emphasized that this light rock song should be played well, and then started to strum the guitar, and sang along with the music: "I miss your smile, I miss your coat,"  Missing your kisses and the faint smell of tobacco on your fingers" When Miss He first heard this song, her eyes almost filled with honey, but when she heard the song "I miss your kiss and the faint smell of tobacco on your fingers"  , and immediately became confused.  She thought this song was also for her, but she really doesn't smoke, and the two of them have never kissed. This is not about her at all. Could it be that this song is written for a smoker he used to like?  woman?  Could it be that it was due to bad luck? It would have been easy to pass the kiss or something like that, but as soon as the smell of tobacco came out, it immediately made people have more imagination. It would make anyone think a little bit wrong, you know.  At this time, no one has heard Xin Xiaoqi's original singing. He is the original singing here. Can nothing happen?  "Could it be that he is a man after all? No matter how careful he is, he cannot extend infinitely on one or two lines of lyrics, let alone that Miss He would be troubled because of that line of lyrics.  If he looked up at He Chaoqiong's expression now, he would know that Miss He's eyes had changed from sweet to aggrieved. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Although we did not see the expression of the man who was drinking tea and looking for money, he also found himself in time.The problem with the lyrics is nothing. The lyrics sung like this are too feminine. I just emphasized that others should be serious, but I screwed up first.  He immediately stopped his accompaniment and said a little embarrassedly: "Stop, stop, stop, I'm really sorry. I just sang the female version. I'm sorry, let's do it again." The music sounded again, could it be after passing the door?  , added a little more caution, and sang: "I miss your smile, I miss your beauty, I miss your kiss and the faint smell of perfume in my ears" The coat was changed to beauty, and the white socks were changed to plaid stockings.  , the smell on my body also changed to that of hair, and the light tobacco on my fingers was replaced with the light perfume on my ears. This time it was finally no problem.  Women's thoughts are very complicated, and sometimes they can be very simple. Mo Fei accidentally said the male version, the girl version, and changed the lyrics. He Chaoqiong's mood immediately improved, and he even blamed himself a little, why did he think that way?  , It's really inappropriate. How could he sing a song to another woman at this time? He simply forgot that the first song was originally sung to Hong Gu.  Just when He Chaoqiong's mind turned back to sweetness again, and his eyes were filled with tenderness that was about to turn to honey, Mo Fei finally finished singing the last song.  After instructing the staff on how to record these songs, how to classify them, etc., I took a large group of people to dinner. It was almost 1 o'clock and I was really hungry.  Everyone at the scene, including myself, never expected that this fourteen-song album would soon start to spread in the Hong Kong rock circle, and then spread to the entire Chinese rock circle.  Every senior rock fan is proud to own this unreleased album, and they are trying their best to find a friend who owns a copy to copy it, even if it is a tape, but it is still hard to find a copy.  Many years later, the influence of this disc has become more powerful and profound as it continues to spread. It was even regarded as the most critical milestone in the history of Hong Kong rock music and even Chinese rock music. Starting from this disc, Chinese rock music  The explosive period has officially begun This disc, which is destined to be snapped up by rock fans in the future and is proud of Chinese rock, has just landed without any noise!
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