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Volume 2: Storm in the Imperial Capital Chapter 937: Cloning Plan

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    Looking at the many data displayed on the light screen, Xiao Junling silently estimated that the repair process of this unprecedented defense monitoring system originating from the ancient Yilin Dynasty was faster than he expected!  With the investment of resources regardless of cost, the comprehensive defense and counterattack system covering the entire Haotian Star Territory was completely repaired and put into normal operation as early as a year ago!  When it exerts its due power, it can completely block the offensive of three Star Destroyer mixed battle groups!  Of course, the power of this system is superimposed layer by layer. The larger the scale, the greater the lethality it can exert!  When it expanded to cover the entire Imperial Province and more than thirty star regions, its power was enough to fight against thirty-six Star Destroyer battle groups at the same time!  By analogy, when it can incorporate the entire Biluo Galaxy into this defense system, even if it faces a large number of doomsday emperors, tens of thousands of civilization cleanser legions, or a large number of palaces of the Gambino Scepter Saint  , you can fight and win!  When it can go one step further and cover the entire territory of the ancient Yilin Dynasty, then it will be attacked by a large number of doomsday master-level beings, a legion of civilized cleansers with a scale of tens of millions, or the ultimate force such as the Zhenya Battle Fortress.  They can all stand firmly in an invincible position!  As long as such a super project is completed, the strategic strike force of the entire Yilin civilization will achieve a qualitative leap, forming a powerful strategic deterrent to other super civilizations of the same era, as well as an irreplaceable strategic advantage!  It is a pity that the dynasty fell and the glory of the civilization was lost in the long river of time.  Therefore, only a small part of this unprecedented mega project has been completed.  Now Xiao Junling decided to restart this ambitious plan and began to slowly repair it.  In order to build up a powerful protective umbrella for his empire!  "Jinyu. A provincial-level defense system. How much time will it take for it to be fully deployed?" Xiao Junling asked.  Large swaths of pale golden light feathers emerged from mid-air, intertwining into a hazy three-dimensional image in front of him, which was a veiled woman in golden clothes.  This is the main control consciousness projection of the entire super optical brain group computing center in the central base!  Her abilities are on the same level as the "Taixu" light brain consciousness of the Chinese Empire!  When she was awakened by Yilin herself, she began to participate in the daily administrative affairs of the entire empire. While greatly reducing the burden on Queen Risili, she also played a role in supervision and checks and balances!  In particular, she has a huge amount of administrative management experience in her database.  And involves the development history of tens of thousands of intelligent races!  This makes her fully capable of becoming the most outstanding wise man in the star sea, a top administrative master, a perfect strategist, and a master planner Every government decree that she has personally deduced and demonstrated can be said to be the most in line with the reality of the empire.  An optimized choice that can bring out the greatest practical value!  Jin Yu's image bowed slightly, and then an elegant yet cold voice came: "As long as the current resource investment remains unchanged, it will be done in about half a year!" "Is it only half a year?  ?" Xiao Junling smiled slightly and said nothing more!  Of course he can afford this time now!  As long as this provincial-level defense and counterattack system is perfected, the power center of the Nogas Blue Empire will be fully protected!  Even if the waterway is made public in the future, and fleets from a large number of powerful groups come to do business, there will be no worries about security threats! Of course, Xiao Junling's goal is to completely protect the six richest provinces around the imperial capital, which is also the current promise.  The national power of the Gaslan Empire has reached the limit!  Wait until this step is successfully completed.  Even if it is facing an attack of the scale of the Galapplan Empire Expeditionary Corps, or an all-out siege from the three great powers of the Star Sea.  They can withstand it for several years. If a commander like Xiao Junling is personally in charge, he can definitely cause a devastating blow to the opponent!  "Compared to the fleets and legions on the surface, this comprehensive combat system that integrates defense, surveillance, and counterattack is the most terrifying trump card of the Nogas Blue Empire!  However, due to the technological limitations of the empire, the main components of the system can currently only be manufactured in the "Chuangshen" base, and then shipped out, assembled and deployed.  With Xiao Junling¡¯s authority, he already knows that there is a similar large-scale attack and defense system around the province of the Chinese Imperial Capital. It is an artifact that will never be easily revealed to others unless the situation is extremely critical!  Xiao Junling asked again: "How did you complete the deduction task assigned to you last time?" Jinyu's answer was still calm and rational: "Thirty-five complete sets of feasible plans have been sorted out. Which one should be adopted?  Depends on yourIt depends on your thoughts!  " The huge light screen was followed by a list of dense data and explanatory materials. Xiao Junling held his breath and began to look at each one carefully. The content of the deduction topic is how much time it will take for the empire to achieve the comprehensive national strength of ancient times.  The peak level of the Lin Dynasty! Although this goal is still far away, Jin Yu still faithfully conducted the most detailed deduction and analysis. "Under the premise of giving priority to the development of military industry, in ten years, the empire will be able to independently mass build.  The capabilities of a Star Destroyer, as well as the same level of large-scale long-range space detection and reconnaissance systems, mass-produced top-level genetic ability potions, high-end mechanical war puppet legions, and more!  By then, the empire's conventional military strength will truly be on par with China's, and perhaps even better!  "Jin Yu said seriously. "This balance, of course, refers to the force on the surface. As for how many unknown secret methods the Chinese Empire has secretly, even his authority cannot fully know! Twenty years later, as  Various ancient technologies have been cracked and copied one after another, and many powerful strategic weapons have reappeared in the world. In terms of military strength, the Nogas Blue Empire has become equal to the three major empires in the Star Sea World. "The prerequisite for achieving such a goal is  The empire must be backed by sufficient resources and territory!  Although the Biluo Galaxy is rich enough, it is still far from enough!  So you must lead the legion to continue to expand the territory, at least to capture all the surrounding galaxies!  " Jin Yu said: "In addition, the population problem is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Even if the imperial government has many policies to encourage childbirth, the population can only be doubled in twenty years, no matter how large the number is.  Some cannot fully meet the needs!  " "Of course, if you don't consider those negative factors, large-scale cloning technology may be a solution!  This can ensure that those newly conquered galaxies have enough manpower to develop" "The population factor is indeed a shortcoming that restricts the rapid expansion of the empire. Even if he continues to purchase slaves in large quantities from the star sea world every year, compared to the size of the galaxy,  The development and development plan can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket and will not help! If large-scale cloning technology is used, the problem can be solved, but the resulting series of social and ethical problems will have a great impact on the existing system of the empire.  ! After all, this is not a small population, but a scale of trillions! All governments of sufficient importance in the Star Sea World basically prohibit cloning technology of this nature, even though some forces can secretly do so.  For small tricks, such as those slave chambers, the number is not too large. The scale of several million per year is the limit! No big force has dared to try hundreds of millions of clones a few decades ago!  There is a powerful Venus lord who, relying on his deep connections, has acquired several planets in the wild star field far away from the empire's mainland, established a secret base group deep in the planet's strata, and carried out a large-scale human cloning plan!  The race includes not only humans, but also Beiming Prisoners, Qingqiu People, Yanwei People, etc. The scale once reached billions! After the lord raised these clones, he would go through various invisible ways!  He secretly sold it through light channels and made high profits! Some of it was used for the development of his own territory. There is no airtight wall in the world. When the security personnel of several major countries finally followed various clues and found this hidden place!  When the base group in the wild star sea came, unprecedented severe sanctions came! Not only was the base group completely destroyed, but the lord was also involved in lawsuits and was eventually sentenced to death, with all his property confiscated.  A mere Venus lord can match it, but he is unwilling to try his own methods and be attacked by those forces with ill intentions. ¡°Master, for you, this is not really a troublesome problem!  "Jin Yu said calmly. Xiao Junling was startled when he heard this and asked: "Do you have any more suitable method?  " "You forgot?  The Biluo Galaxy is far away from the Star Sea World. Our Nogas Blue Empire is our own system and has never signed any laws, conventions or other documents jointly reached by the countries in the Star Sea World!  So from a legal perspective, their approach won't work here!  " "As long as you, the master, issue an edict as the emperor of the empire, allowing the Imperial Academy of Sciences and the military to clone humans on a large scale in the name of scientific research, the problem will be solved!  No one can say anything!  " Xiao Junling couldn't help but feel moved. Although he couldn't do whatever he wanted in the Star Sea World with his strength, in this Biluo Galaxy, no one could challenge his authority! "Okay!  You can do thisMake preliminary preparations first and wait until the time is right!  " He gave the final instruction. "Maybe he can discuss it with them before making a decision! After returning to the imperial palace, he found that Yu Xiner had taken the girls to go sightseeing around the imperial capital. After thinking about it, he decided to make another decision.  Go to the "Chuangshen" base to inspect, and then take a look at the recovery status of the Xianya Battle Base. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: (The monthly ticket results are really not ideal, everyone has tickets on hand.  Dear friends, please help!)
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