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Text Chapter 1040 Return to Earth

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    "Is this really okay?" What Mu Feng described to Teresa was something that Teresa had never heard of before in her life, and she really couldn't accept it for a while.  "Of course, many countries on our side of the earth are like this. Although it may be a bit chaotic at first, but when the situation stabilizes, I believe that the elves can live very well. Even if you are not here, it will not happen.  What's the problem?" Mu Feng cheered Teresa up and brought out the successful experiences that had happened on Earth.  "Okay, I will think about it carefully." Teresa was also a little moved.  "I just took the time to return to Earth, and the method of closing the time and space nodes has been researched. So we may have to hurry up on this time." Mu Feng reminded Teresa.  Although everyone formed a coalition before, now that the biggest threat, the Demon Legion, has been completely eliminated, the Earth and Skyrim may become enemies because of some things.  It's better to cut off the communication between the two parties before this happens.  In this way, we can still save the last memory.  "I know" Teresa nodded. When she was praying to the Moon Goddess, Mu Feng immediately appeared in front of her.  She took this as guidance from the Moon Goddess.  The war is over, and the coalition forces have been separated and each has returned to his hometown.  The journey back to Earth is very long, and it will take at least several months to completely evacuate.  During this period, the two worlds can still be temporarily connected.  With Mu Feng¡¯s current divine power, of course there is no need for the Flying Fortress to slowly fly back to the Earth. Instead, he directly controls the Flying Fortress to leave the Skyrim Continent and come to the Earth in an instant.  This time, Mu Feng and the others brought Xiao Xi and others out with them because they would probably not go back later.  The first destination was not Shanghai, but Qin Shuang¡¯s hometown, Yujia¡¯s old house!  Seeing that Mu Feng could bring everyone back safely, the old man was so happy.  And this is also the first time that the old man has met Mu Feng and Alexstrasza¡¯s child, Xiao Shuirou.  The old man liked the well-behaved little Shuirou very much, but he still scolded Mu Feng in private. Why is there still no movement from his granddaughter Qin Shuang who he cares about most?  Of course Mu Feng also knows what the old man thinks.  In fact, he has never taken any measures, and he also hopes that girls can become pregnant with his children.  Unfortunately, it is difficult for strong men to leave heirs. This is the rule.  What's more, Mu Feng and Qin Shuang are now the top experts, so the difficulty is doubled.  When it comes to giving birth to a child, you can only do your best.  While everyone was relaxing at the Royal Family, the Earth's troops also returned home one after another.  These soldiers were all treated as heroes. When they returned in triumph, they were warmly welcomed by the residents of the earth.  After all, the demon army once caused huge losses to the earth.  Now the coalition's cross-dimensional campaign has finally wiped out the demon army.  There is nothing more joyful than this.  "Do we really have to do it ourselves?" cc had already figured out a way to close the time and space nodes, so he came to the Yu family's old house to find Mu Feng.  But what she didn't expect was that Mu Feng did not intend to cooperate with the governments of the earth, but wanted to close the hundreds of time and space nodes on the earth that were connected to the Sky Continent.  "Of course, this kind of technology must not fall into the hands of those politicians. Who knows what they will use it for. After the time and space nodes are closed, all the data will be destroyed." Mu Feng said seriously, he did not want it  What's the surprise again?  "Okay" cc said depressedly. If everything was done by himself, more than a hundred time and space nodes would be busy for a while.  Fortunately, Mu Feng now has divine power and is now the only true god on earth.  You can instantly bring CC and all kinds of things to each space-time node.  There will still be some time before Teresa completely hands over her power.  But Mu Feng can take cc to close most of them first.  Just wait until Teresa succeeds and then take her over.  There is another thing. Recently, in addition to nagging about the children next to Mu Feng, the old man has a new topic.  That is, Qin Shuang and other girls are now sixteen years old and have long since become adults.  Can Mu Feng hold a wedding to officially marry them?  The Yu family has treated Mu Feng as their official son-in-law for more than a year, but in fact Mu Feng and Qin Shuang haven't even had the most basic engagement yet.  Qin Shuang doesn't care about these things, but as a grandfather, Yu Longtian wants to fight for his granddaughter.  "Yes!" Mu Feng realized that he really shouldn't have done it, and had already established relationships with so many girls without knowing it.  But still couldn't give any of them status.  Now in his landWith your status and status, you can marry as many as you want, so what else is there to wait for?  Ever since, a grand wedding began to be arranged.  Now that the girls have accepted Teresa, they hope that Teresa can also marry Mu Feng as one of the brides on the wedding day.  Therefore, although preparations for this wedding have already begun, it will take at least half a year to officially start.  Although the old man felt that time was too slow, at least it was much better than nothing, so he didn¡¯t care.  As for the wedding venue, Mu Feng doesn¡¯t have many friends, and since he is marrying multiple girls, the scene will be huge.  Mu Feng simply made the matter bigger and took all the guests who needed to be entertained to the island that he had bought!  There, due to the temporary ownership of the Flying Fortress, most of the castle-like ground buildings were useless.  Now is the time to use it to entertain guests.  I believe it would be domineering and beautiful to get married on such a beautiful island.  Mu Feng told the girls this idea, and everyone immediately agreed!  However, a new problem has arisen This problem is really serious, that is there are several girls who are interested in each other, but they still have not been able to establish a relationship with Mu Feng!  For example, Lily and Han Xue!  As a good sister of Qin Shuang and Chu Chun, Lily watched Qin Shuang confirm the position of his wife early. Chu Chun, the most timid one, accidentally became the mother of Mu Feng's second child because of Hipper's appearance. Now,  My belly is already very big and I¡¯m about to give birth!  As for Han Xue, she has had an inseparable relationship with Mu Feng and everyone since they met by chance in the game.  Especially later, after she graduated from school and was officially brought to live together in the villa, she felt like a family with everyone.  Looking at the sisters around her becoming Mu Feng¡¯s women one by one, Han Xue actually hopes to become one of them.  It's just that she is shy by nature, and she can't always take that step to truly become Mu Feng's woman.  And Mu Feng actually has another woman outside, that is Ye Mengmeng. In fact, everyone knows this.  All it took was Mu Feng to come to Ye Mengmeng's parents to explain their relationship.  Now the identity of Mu Feng, the commander of the coalition forces, is basically known to everyone.  I believe that Ye Mengmeng¡¯s parents will not encounter much resistance.  There was no one left. Basically, through Xiaojiu¡¯s relationship, they secretly climbed into Mu Feng¡¯s bed and had already confirmed their relationship with Mu Feng.  Lily¡¯s personality was awkward, and Mu Feng had teased her before, so she couldn¡¯t lose face and befriend Mu Feng.  I still study because I am shy.  But now that Mu Feng¡¯s wedding is about to take place, they are unwilling to miss the opportunity to marry Mu Feng with their sisters!  It's time for a wave of action.  In contrast, Lily's good sisters Qin Shuang and Chuchun are also worried about Lily.  As for Han Xue, Saezi took the lead, with Xiaojiu and Xiaodie as assistants, hoping to help Han Xue overcome the difficulties.  "Lily, why are you still having a little temper with Mu Feng? It's no secret that you like him." Qin Shuang was really speechless, why is Lily so stubborn?  If Lily really doesn't like Mu Feng, then of course there is nothing to say. She and Chuchun will never force Lily and Mu Feng to get married, but she obviously loves Mu Feng as much as they do, but she just refuses to admit the truth.  .  How could this not make them anxious about Lily?
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