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Text Chapter 1032 Go to investigate

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    Awakening Karma, who is still recovering from his sleep, is the only hope for the remaining demon lords.  For this reason, they can send their men out in waves to die, just to block the advancement of the coalition forces.  If it were normal times, Mu Feng would of course be very happy and slowly erode the demon army's strength further.  But now, both sides are racing against time, and the situation is like finishing.  We must move forward quickly and kill Karma who is still sleeping, otherwise, he may be killed in turn.  After the Demon Legion also reduced the number of harassing troops, it was no longer appropriate for Mu Feng and the others to eliminate them.  As a last resort, Mu Feng had to stop this plan and let the flying troops move forward to resist.  "However, flying troops are a very precious resource. Under the waves of desperate attacks by the demons, they have also suffered considerable damage, and the situation is still relatively serious.  Until now, there is still no very good way to solve the problem. We can only try to ensure the safety of engineering troops and machinery.  Because that is the key to the speed of the army's advance.  The soldiers of the coalition are not like those beast-like demons. They can climb up and over even straight ice walls.  In order to navigate places like Death Glacier, mountains must be blasted and roadblocks cleared frequently.  After all, the number of coalition forces is a terrifying order of magnitude.  For an army of this size, some small roads would not be able to pass smoothly.  What's more, the coalition forces still have so many war machines.  Without the support of war machinery, the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces will be greatly reduced.  This is definitely not what Mu Feng wants to see.  After all, there is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between the soldiers of the coalition and the demons of the Demon Legion.  It must be compensated with the firepower of war machinery.  This is indeed a disturbing thing, which has caused Mu Feng to be very angry recently. Even when his beloved daughter Xiao Shuirou is around, he can only barely laugh.  "Dad, why are you unhappy? Did Xiao Shuirou make you angry?" Xiao Shuirou would ask such a question when she saw her father frowning unconsciously.  "Of course not. Xiao Shuirou is daddy's best-behaved daughter. How could she make daddy angry? Dad is worried about other things. I'm sorry for making you worry." Mu Feng realized that his unhappiness had affected his lovely daughter.  He tried hard to hide this uneasiness.  "However, now that the engineering troops are advancing in three shifts, it is no longer possible to make a new breakthrough in this regard. When exactly they will reach the dark side that cannot be detected by satellites can even be calculated using a calculator.  To be honest, Mu Feng was not very satisfied with this speed.  But I can't think of new ways to increase this speed again. In fact, as long as the demon lords on the opposite side no longer come up with some disgusting ways to mess around with this speed, thank God.  In order to vent his unhappiness, Mu Feng spent every day practicing as much as possible besides playing with Xiao Shuirou.  Although the progress is almost invisible, this is the only thing he can do.  Perhaps the goddess Hipper who once merged with him can have more powerful power. Unfortunately, her soul has now entered the seed of life in Chuchun's body to sleep. Mu Feng can't even talk to her, let alone ask her to help.  .  And the Four Element Gods, who had used magic circles to help themselves many times, now also entered a long and endless sleep because they used all their power to speed up the time of Tianji Continent by twenty years in one year.  All kinds of support that Mu Feng could rely on were suddenly gone!  It seems that if the opponent this time, that frightening existence in legend really wakes up, Mu Feng will really need to fight against him!  And does he really have the power to compete with it?  Mu Feng didn't know, maybe it could be done, but only after breaking through the shackles and cultivating the superpower to a new level!  Time is getting tighter and tighter, can Mu Feng really do it?  Even Mu Feng himself found it difficult to conclude that this is really not a good thing The cultivation of superpowers is the development of the brain. In fact, by the time he reaches the fifth level of powerhouse, the development of the brain has already reached a terrifying level.  More than 90%.  How difficult it is to go one step further and reach 100% The hard work Mu Feng is doing every day now is to break through the boundaries of the brain and reach this perfect 100%.  Of course, the effect is unsatisfactory.  Mu Feng is worried, and the demon lords are also very anxious.  Because Kalma, a guy who has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, can't be awakened so easily!  In order to awaken it, it is necessary to provide it with huge energy to help it further restore its body and soul.  After all, when the strongest man in the Skyrim continent risked his own life with a single blow, he was really against Ka???Mar caused horrific damage that was difficult to heal.  The fastest way is to kill batches of demons, and then inject the surging life energy of these demons into Karma's body.  But the energy in the originally powerful demon body is really a drop in the bucket for a super strong person like Karma. To awaken it, the number of demons required is really too much!  If you do this, it will only further weaken the power of the demon army, but you can't care about that much now.  These demon lords asked their men to commit suicide in special magic circles, and then extracted the life energy and directed it into Karma's body in the ice.  A new day has arrived. Mu Feng has been having trouble sleeping recently. He reluctantly opened his eyes and had to face the old problem again.  "War shouldn't be like this." Mu Feng thought to himself, and decided to take risks today and secretly investigate the situation of the demon army behind the scenes.  As a result, as soon as he came out, he found that the girls were already waiting for him.  "I've seen that you've always been distracted these days, so I know you're going to be in danger again. When will you understand that we are willing to go with you." Several girls with strength beyond the fifth level shook their heads and smiled bitterly.  "I just want to see what's going on on the other side. It's easier to go alone." Mu Feng said sheepishly.  "Really? I think it's more dangerous to be alone." The girls didn't want to hear Mu Feng's explanation at all.  "Okay, don't explain. Since we are going, let's go together." In the end, Mu Feng couldn't win over a few girls, so he had to take Crimson and Alexstrasza with him on the road.  The three of them are the fastest and are more suitable for investigation.  For example, although Qin Shuang's attribute is thunder and lightning, he does not have the speed of light like Crimson, so he has to stay to prevent the sneak attacks of the demon lords.  The three of them set out together and began the investigation.  "I wonder if I will meet the demon lord on the opposite side. I really want to have a fight." Alexstrasza still has a tomboyish personality and would feel uncomfortable without a fight.  ¡°It¡¯s best not to.¡± Crimson smiled bitterly at the side, Alexstrasza was really not afraid of big troubles.  If a fight breaks out on someone else's territory, the other party's support will definitely come very quickly. By then, you will be surrounded and you won't even be able to cry!  The last time I had to choose to sacrifice my life for victory and turn most of my body into a memory of light, it was not a pleasant experience.  She didn't hope there would be a next time.  The speed of the three of them was extremely fast, but the death glacier was really huge. When the three of them arrived at the shady area that could not be observed by satellites in the sky, it was already several days later.  They must also be more careful here. After all, the photoelectric signals representing the three people in the satellite observation will disappear, and the people far away in the coalition forces will completely lose their news.  Even if something happened, there would be no time to rescue because it was too far away.  "You all have to hold on to me, so let's use my invisibility ability to be as low-key as possible." Mu Feng's special ability is the ability to make himself and those who are in physical contact with him invisible.  In addition, the three of them are petite and exquisite compared to demons. After turning invisible, they flew in the sky and hid their fifth-level strong auras early. It was not that easy for the other party to discover them.  This was also the reason why Mu Feng dared to go and investigate. Otherwise, he would not have dared to come so rashly.  After all, those demon lords are not vegetarians!
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